Chapter 195 Old Versailles

"Yingzi, what are you calling, your ears are deafened by you."

Huang Zhitao was sitting with Qiao Yingzi, when Qiao Yingzi yelled suddenly, the huge decibels made her ears buzz, and she was so angry that she just hit Qiao Yingzi once.

But at this moment, Qiao Yingzi couldn't hear other sounds at all, and she didn't even feel any pain. She quickly stood up from the sofa and rushed to the bay window behind the sofa.

"Wow, isn't this Lego from the Star Wars series? There are two more, isn't this 8499? And this, wow, this out-of-print Lego is more than 20,000, wow, it's really amazing, Eye-opening..."

Huang Zhitao was very surprised by Qiao Yingzi's yelling. She knew that Lego was her best friend's favorite, but she was still shocked when Qiao Yingzi said that these two Lego were worth so much money.

"Yingzi, is this thing so expensive?"

Qiao Yingzi was completely attracted, flipped through the package with both hands, and replied without looking back: "Of course, this is equivalent to an out-of-print, I didn't expect to see it here, although my favorite is still This one is 8499, but this one is more than 20,000, which is even more exquisite.”

Zhou Chen came over and took the drink in his hand: "Coke and soda are both iced, which one do you drink?"

"Coke." "Soda, thanks."

Qiao Yingzi took the Coke politely, while Huang Zhitao took the soda water and thanked him.

"Zhou Chen, did you buy these?"

Zhou Chen looked at the two big boxes of unopened Lego, and said casually, "Well, I bought them before, but I didn't have time to move them, so I left them here."

In his memory, "I" like these splicing Lego toys, because he is relatively withdrawn and has no friends, and he plays with himself. Large-scale Lego like this kind of labor-intensive can be used to kill time.

Another reason is that when the original body's mother passed away, she once said that she would become a star in the sky to protect the original body, and the young original body believed it, so she always longed to take a spaceship to space, So I have always been interested in sci-fi Lego.

Although Yuanshen later found out that all of this was fake, his interest had already been cultivated, so he naturally got used to it.

"Wow, Zhou Chen, it seems that I was right at noon, you are really too stupid, Lego worth tens of thousands of dollars, buy it if you say it, buy it if you buy it, you can do whatever you want It's a waste of money, a waste of life, a waste of..."

"Okay, Yingzi, don't waste it." Huang Zhitao couldn't take it anymore, and quickly pushed Qiao Yingzi.

Qiao Yingzi never took his eyes off the two LEGOs, and his longing eyes showed on the surface.

Zhou Chen, who came from time travel, was not very interested in this kind of Lego. He said, "Qiao Yingzi, if you like it, I'll give it to you. I'm not going to play anyway."

"Give it to me?"

When Qiao Yingzi heard this, he was immediately stunned, with an expression of disbelief.

Even Huang Zhitao was shocked. She just heard from Qiao Yingzi that these two Legos are worth tens of thousands, and they are going to be given to Qiao Yingzi all at once?
In an instant, Huang Zhitao's eyes changed, and she kept looking at Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi. She felt that there must be a secret she didn't know.

"No, no, I can't take it, it's too expensive."

If you like it, you like it, but Qiao Yingzi is still very principled and polite, not to mention such an expensive thing, even if Zhou Chen sends a cheap one, she will not accept it.

What's more, these two Legos are so big, even if she really accepts them, there is nowhere to hide them. If her mother sees them, they will definitely confiscate them.

Zhou Chen also realized that there was something wrong with what he said, so he immediately changed his words: "Well, I am just busy studying. If you have time, help me put them together. Otherwise, it would be a waste to leave them alone."

Qiao Yingzi pointed at herself: "I fight? Don't you fight?"

Zhou Chen pointed to the notebook she just gave her, and said, "Didn't I just say that, I'm going to study hard next, and I don't have time to play these things, so you can just work hard here, and if I encounter problems in my studies, you can also ask me for help." Ask me, you academic bully."

"Is that bad?"

Qiao Yingzi was a little hesitant, mainly because she was embarrassed. After all, if she was asked to fight for such an expensive thing, she would have all the fun.

Zhou Chen said: "What's wrong with this, if you are worried about my plans for you, you can ask Huang Zhitao to accompany you."

"What a mess."

Qiao Yingzi blushed immediately. She originally had scruples in this regard, but after being pointed out by Zhou Chen, she didn't mind so much.

Huang Zhitao showed an unclear smile beside him: "Yingzi, Zhou Chen has invited you so sincerely, so you should follow him."

"Tao Zi, believe it or not, I'll beat you to death." Qiao Yingzi, who was being teased, became more ashamed.

After arguing for a while, Huang Zhitao sat with Qiao Yingzi and asked Zhou Chen who was reading in Qiao Yingzi's notebook.

"Zhou Chen, I remember that you used to be like Fang Yifan, you were not very interested in studying, why did you suddenly change your sex after you reached the third year of high school and want to study?"

Qiao Yingzi also asked curiously: "Yes, Zhou Chen, if I hadn't met you today, I wouldn't have known you were so interesting."

What does this have to do with being interesting... Zhou Chen felt weird about Qiao Yingzi's brain circuit.

"I didn't study before because I thought it was boring. Anyway, I don't have to worry about work in the future. Even if I can't get into a good university, it's okay to go to a junior college. At worst, I will be a charter company in the future. The rent of several million a year is enough to live gone."

As soon as these words came out, Huang Zhitao and Qiao Yingzi looked at each other, and Huang Zhitao couldn't help but said, "Yingzi, I finally understand why you called him a big local tyrant. He is showing off without integrity."

They are also almost adults, and they have an idea of ​​how much money is, that's why Huang Zhitao said that Zhou Chen was showing off.

"Yes, it's just to show off. If I were so rich, I wouldn't learn it anymore." Qiao Yingzi agreed.

Zhou Chen was smiling, maybe it was because he was with girls like Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao, he felt as if he had really become younger, and he no longer needed to think so much when speaking, he just said what came to mind.

"Just kidding, just kidding, mainly because I heard that after the start of school, there will be a placement test, and there will be a fast and slow class. I don't want to be assigned to a poor class. Now I can only hold my feet and study hard. When the time comes, I will get more points in the exam." a bit."

"A placement test?"

Both Huang Zhitao and Qiao Yingzi turned pale with shock, and hurriedly asked, "Zhou Chen, who did you hear that there will be a placement test at the beginning of school?"

Huang Zhitao was also puzzled and said, "My uncle will take the senior year right away. Why didn't I hear him say that there will be a placement test after school starts. Where did you get the news?"

Zhou Chen said: "I don't need any news. Didn't you pay attention to the senior threes in the past? In the third year of senior high school, the school will definitely separate the good students from the poor students in order to improve the enrollment rate. Classes are bound to happen, nothing to be surprised about."

"Both of you are top students. This is not something you need to worry about at all. What you need to worry about is poor students like me."

Huang Zhitao nodded, and said to Qiao Yingzi: "What he said is also reasonable. We really don't need to worry too much. He is the one who should be worried."

"Yes, it makes sense."

"Hey, hey, two beautiful school masters, do you have to be so embarrassing in front of me?"

Zhou Chen pretended to be very dissatisfied, but he still walked over and hugged the 8499 Lego, and then prepared to open it forcibly.

"Hey, hey, slow down, don't break it." Qiao Yingzi was nervous.

Zhou Chen handed it over helplessly, and said, "Then you come."

Qiao Yingzi looked at the big box and reconfirmed, "Are you really going to open it?"

"Go on, don't worry, isn't it just a Lego, as for the nervous one?"

Seeing Qiao Yingzi's appearance of wanting to open it but not daring to open it, Zhou Chen was also speechless. Where did the previous boldness go?
Huang Zhitao is not the kind of shy girl who concentrates on studying. She also said to Qiao Yingzi, "Let's go, Yingzi, Zhou Chen is a big local tycoon, and he doesn't care about Lego with such a small amount of money. In the worst case, you can sacrifice some color."

"Tao Zi, I'm going to tear your mouth apart." Qiao Yingzi rushed towards Huang Zhitao in a 'furious' manner.

(End of this chapter)

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