The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 210 Master of the dance forest, warn Qiao Yingzi

Chapter 210 Master of the dance forest, warn Qiao Yingzi
Qiao Yingzi was holding two handbags in his hands, and looked at Huang Zhitao, who was also carrying a handbag.

"Tao Zi, why do we accompany him to buy clothes? Is this treating us like coolies?"

Huang Zhitao also had a wry smile on his face: "It is said that we girls spend a lot of money buying clothes. Now it seems that boys are the same. In less than half an hour, we bought six sets. Yingzi, is it more than ten thousand?"

"It's already exceeded, okay, how much pocket money does this guy have, can he stand up to such spending?"

Qiao Yingzi was full of envy. Ever since she met Zhou Chen in Shuxiang Yayuan, she had seen Zhou Chen spend money several times, and every time he was extravagant, not to mention the toys at his house.

According to her estimation, the toys in Zhou Chen's rental house are worth at least hundreds of thousands.

Huang Zhitao asked in a low voice: "Yingzi, didn't you say that Zhou Chen's parents are gone? Where did he get so much money?"

Qiao Yingzi replied uncertainly: "It should be given by his uncle. His uncle should be quite rich."

She didn't know much about Zhou Chen's specific situation, she only knew that Zhou Chen lived with his uncle, so she naturally thought that Zhou Chen's money was given by his uncle.

"He is so rich, how can we pay him back in the future?"

"He didn't do well in grades, so I borrowed the notes from me. I think we can tutor him in his studies in the future."

"No problem, I'm good at this."

Zhou Chen and Fang Yifan came out of the fitting room. They both changed into new clothes and looked at themselves in the mirror.

"Look at Fang Hou, Zhou Chen is more active than Zhou Chen in buying clothes." Huang Zhitao pointed at Fang Yifan and said.

Qiao Yingzi: "This idiot, but he is only in Zhou Chen's favor, try it, he knows it well, he won't buy it."

A few minutes later, Zhou Chen bought a new set of clothes, and he wanted to bring another set for Fang Yifan, but Fang Yifan was unwilling, so he didn't force him in the end.

After shopping for more than half an hour, Zhou Chen bought a total of seven sets of clothes, with a total cost of 6000 more than [-].

"Zhou Chen, you are really awesome. The clothes you buy in one day are comparable to the new clothes I bought in a few years."

Fang Yifan was full of envy. He had always been very satisfied with his family, but after meeting Zhou Chen, he knew what it meant to sit in a well and watch the sky.

"Fang Hou, can you stop talking?"

Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao also lamented unceasingly. Both of them have good family conditions, but they have never spent as much as Zhou Chen.

"There is a game room here, let's go and play."

Fang Yifan led everyone into a video game city, which was a large game room.

"I'm going to exchange coins, you wait here."

Zhou Chen held a handbag in his hand, and looked around with Qiao Yingzi and the others. There were some game machines here, including those for catching dolls, shooting basketball, dancing, playing games, and gambling coins.

Fang Yifan quickly exchanged a small basket of game coins, and Qiao Yingzi enthusiastically suggested, "Let's catch the dolls first."

A group of four ran to the claw machine and started catching dolls, but unfortunately, Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao didn't catch a single doll in a row of more than a dozen.

"You can't, look at me."

Fang Yifan volunteered to throw coins and started to catch. He caught three in a row but missed one. Finally, on the fourth time, he caught a plush puppy.

"Sure, Fang Monkey."

"That's right, I can't beat you in studying, but you can't beat me in playing this."

"Look how proud you are."

Zhou Chen was full of clothes in his hands, so he didn't participate, he just smiled and watched them play.

After enjoying the claw machine, I started other games, racing cars, playing hamsters, shooting basketball, shooting...

In the blink of an eye, I played more than 100 coins, which were exchanged for a lot of coupons. Several people were sweating from playing, and Zhou Chen naturally came to an end.

"Let's go play the dancing machine."

Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao were both very tired from playing, but Fang Yifan was full of energy, so he dragged a few of them to the dancing machine.

"Fang Hou, you can play by yourself, I can't play anymore, and I don't know how to do this either."

Qiao Yingzi waved her hands again and again. Since she was a child, under the supervision of her mother, she devoted herself to studying. The rest of her time was spent playing Lego. She hadn't had much contact with singing and dancing. Naturally, she couldn't play with the dancing machine.

Huang Zhitao also said: "I can't do it either, I'm exhausted, Fang Hou, you can play by yourself."

"Playing alone is boring, Zhou Chen, how about you?" Fang Yifan asked Zhou Chen.

"You play first, I'll take a look and talk."

Dancing is no stranger to Zhou Chen. He has been making music for 20 years in the world, not just writing lyrics and composing music. He has also participated in other aspects of Yi Fei. Although he is not proficient in dancing, he can do it. He hasn't played the dancing machine much, so he doesn't know much about it.

Fang Yifan put in the coin and started dancing.

Zhou Chen looked at it carefully, and found that the dance machine is actually quite simple, as long as you press the right keys, you can dance continuously, but you need to control the rhythm of the music, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes.

Fang Yifan's level is still good, the game ended after more than ten minutes of dancing, he was so tired that he was out of breath.

"Sure, Fang Yifan, you danced well."

Qiao Yingzi praised sincerely. Although Huang Zhitao was dissatisfied with Fang Yifan pestering her, he also agreed with Qiao Yingzi's words at this time, thinking that Fang Yifan danced well.

Fang Yifan, who was recognized by the goddess, said to Zhou Chen with a proud face: "How about it, let me ask you if you are good or not?"

Zhou Chen said calmly: "So-so, amateur level."

Fang Yifan was immediately unconvinced: "Am I still called mediocre? From your tone, you seem to be better than me. Come on, try a dance?"

When it comes to studying, he dare not say that he is better than Zhou Chen, but when it comes to dancing, he doesn't believe that Zhou Chen is better than him.

Zhou Chen didn't shirk, he put the handbag in Qiao Yingzi's hands, took a few game coins and threw them into the dancing machine.

Seeing Zhou Chen's serious choice, Fang Yifan whispered to Qiao Yingzi and the others: "I don't believe he can dance better than me, how about you?"

Huang Zhitao didn't speak, but Qiao Yingzi broke the stage and said, "That's not necessarily true."

"Do you dare to bet? If he dances better than me, you buy me a drink, and if he dances better than me, I buy you a drink?"

Fang Yifan didn't believe in evil, and directly started a bet with Qiao Yingzi, and finally added: "One week's amount."

Qiao Yingzi showed hesitation, looked at the confident Fang Yifan, then at Zhou Chen who was about to start, and gritted his teeth.



Fang Yifan yelled, his face beaming with joy, he felt that he had won.

Huang Zhitao watched from the side and didn't stop it, it was just a week's worth of drinks.

"here we go."

The music started, and Zhou Chen began to dance according to the beating on the screen and the rhythm of the music.

At the beginning, Zhou Chen was still a little jerky, but after a few minutes, his rhythm became better and better, and he rarely made mistakes. Even if the speed became faster and the difficulty became greater, he jumped better and better.

"Fuck, is this guy still human?"

Fang Yifan has been staring at Zhou Chentiao since he was dancing. It was fine at first, but slowly, his expression changed.

Because Zhou Chen's speed is getting faster and faster, and his dancing posture is becoming more and more dazzling. If his dancing is free swinging, then Zhou Chen's dancing posture is obviously rhythmic and regular. It can be seen that Zhou Chen dances better than him, and he dances accurately.

Huang Zhitao whispered: "Zhou Chen can still dance, and dance so well?"

Qiao Yingzi was also amazed: "It's unbelievable, are the rich people already so versatile?"

Zhou Chen was jumping and jumping, and he was also jumping high. It had been a long time since he was so high. Although his body was covered in sweat, he still focused on the big screen and jumped fast.

As the difficulty of the dancing machine increases, the gap becomes more and more obvious.

Zhou Chen's dance was indeed very good. Although there were occasional mistakes, the flaws were not hidden. Many players in the video game city were attracted to come here, especially those girls who passed by, all staring at Zhou Chen with bright eyes.

Fang Yifan gritted his teeth, and said sourly, "Damn it, he pretended to do it again."

It was his moment to pretend to be beeping, but now Zhou Chen was fulfilled, and he gritted his teeth in anger.

"Wow! So handsome!"

A lot of young ladies cheered in amazement, and were completely fascinated by Zhou Chen's dancing posture.

Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao, who were standing in front, had been pushed aside by the crowd.

"Isn't it just a dance, why are you so crazy, like chasing stars?"

Qiao Yingzi, who was squeezed away, complained full of resentment.

Huang Zhitao: "Why didn't I realize that Zhou Chen is so good before? He plays the piano well and dances so well. I really don't know what other skills he has yet to show. It's too deep."

Qiao Yingzi laughed and said, "Why, is your heart moved?"

"There's nothing you can do if you're tempted, everyone already has someone to marry, right, Yingzi?"

"You are his master, hate it."

Amid bursts of cheers, Zhou Chen danced for about half an hour. Finally, he was really exhausted, so he gave up continuing. Surrounded by a group of girls who wanted to add WeChat, Zhou Chen quickly escaped from the video game city.

"worn out."

Walking out of the shopping mall, Zhou Chen was still panting, his clothes were completely soaked, if not for his good physique, he would probably be paralyzed now.

Fang Yifan couldn't help asking: "Zhou Chen, have you ever learned to dance?"

Zhou Chen shook his head, and said, "I haven't learned it systematically, but those who have seen it professionally skipped it and learned a little bit, it's okay."

"It's not just okay, it's amazing, you can tell that those young ladies looked so crazy just now." Fang Yifan said enviously.

Zhou Chen smiled slightly, took out his phone and checked the time.

"It's half past nine, let's go back."

Both Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao nodded in agreement.

Fang Yifan said, "Tomorrow is a holiday, why don't we come out to play again?"

"Stop playing, I have to study tomorrow, and I have to take a placement test at the beginning of school." Huang Zhitao immediately refused.

"A placement test?" Fang Yifan was confused.

Qiao Yingzi said: "That's right, Zhou Chen told us that there is a placement test at the beginning of school, don't you know?"

Fang Yifan quickly looked at Zhou Chen and asked, "Is this the case?"

Zhou Chen said: "Of course, but you don't have to worry, anyway, it's the last one, and the assignment to the bad class is already stable."

Fang Yifan immediately scolded in dissatisfaction: "How are you better than me?"

Zhou Chen: "At least I'm no worse than you."

"It's boring to talk about study, why don't you come out to play tomorrow?"

"I really can't come out."

"Okay, then let's go back, I will take a taxi by myself, Zhou Chen, you are responsible for sending Yingzi and my goddess back safely."

"You still need to tell me?"

"Go, go."

Zhou Chen, Qiao Yingzi, and Huang Zhitao headed for Shuxiang Yayuan in a car, while Fang Yifan drove home alone.

The taxi soon arrived at Shuxiang Yayuan, and the three of them walked into the community together.

"Zhou Chen, it cost so much money to treat us to dinner today, thank you."

When they got downstairs, Huang Zhitao thanked Zhou Chen, Zhou Chen smiled and waved, then Huang Zhitao separated from them and went back to his home.

Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi walked to the stairs. Qiao Yingzi was about to press the elevator, but Zhou Chen held her back.

"What's wrong?" Qiao Yingzi looked at Zhou Chen in confusion.

Zhou Chen said: "Didn't you quarrel with your mother today? I think you should be careful when you go back."

He had so much fun that Qiao Yingzi forgot about it, and when Zhou Chen mentioned it, his face immediately changed.

"Yes, I don't know what my mother will say about me when I go back."

Looking at Qiao Yingzi with a worried face, Zhou Chen said: "From what you described, your mother should be a typical representative of the kind who beats a stick and gives a sweet date."

"Yes, yes, your description is too accurate. My mother is this kind of person." Qiao Yingzi nodded in agreement after hearing this.

Zhou Chen continued to analyze for her: "Since your mother is this kind of person, then I think that if your mother made you cry today, she will definitely think about how to make up for you afterwards."

"It makes sense, you continue to say."

"A person like your mother will not use ordinary methods to please you. It happens that we don't have class tomorrow. I think your mother will probably want to let you relax and take you to the movies. The best movie recently The movie is the Mission: Impossible we watched today."

Qiao Yingzi's eyes lit up: "You mean, my mother might take me to watch Mission: Impossible 6 tomorrow?"

"There is a great possibility. If this is the case, I think you have to be prepared before you go. Don't let your mouth slip. Otherwise, with your mother's personality, it will definitely explode. At that time, you will just It will be worse."

Qiao Yingzi thought about it seriously, and felt that what Zhou Chen said was very reasonable. Her mother is the kind of person who attaches great importance to scheduling. If she knew that she had seen it once, she would definitely be even more angry if she watched it again without telling her.

"No, Zhou Chen, I think what you said is too mysterious. You only met my mother once. I told you the rest. Will things really be as you said?"

Zhou Chen said: "It's better to believe it than to believe it. I'm helping you analyze it. If it's not, it's best. If it is, you have to prepare in advance."

"In fact, every parent is difficult to deal with, but as long as you master the rules, at least you can make yourself feel better. Your mother is so powerful, it's better not to provoke her or not to provoke her."

Qiao Yingzi: "You think I want to provoke her, I don't dare to provoke her at all, every time she provokes me, you remind me to remember."

"Just remember, if you really go to see a movie, don't talk too much, just pretend you haven't seen it."

Zhou Chen reminded again that he knew how the plot would develop like this. If he wanted to help Qiao Yingzi get rid of depression, he had to start now and help her deal with Song Qian.

"Okay, I remember."

Seeing Zhou Chen's serious appearance, Qiao Yingzi felt sweet. She knew that Zhou Chen was thinking of her. This feeling was really good.

"Come on, let's go up."

(End of this chapter)

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