The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 213 Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang were arrested

Chapter 213 Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang Are Arrested

Li Meng clapped her hands and said loudly, "Stop talking, prepare for the exam."

After saying that, she handed out the test papers, and then she left and was replaced by another female teacher to invigilate the test.

The first test is Chinese, two and a half hours.

When Zhou Chen got the test paper, he immediately looked at the poems that needed to be recited and so on.

This was the first time he came into contact with Yanjing's Chinese test paper, and found that it was a little different from his previous test, with a lot of multiple-choice questions, which made him very happy.

Read first, then write, Zhou Chen began to choose what he knew how to write.

An hour and a half later, Zhou Chen had already completed the Chinese test paper, and the rest of the papers he could not know, or were not sure about.

After thinking about it seriously for a while, except for a very few who really couldn't blow it out, he wrote everything else.

Just like the excellent tradition back then, whether it is correct or not, the test papers are all filled. Maybe the marking teacher will give him one or two points even if he is wrong for the sake of being so serious.

There were still 10 minutes before the exam, Zhou Chen put down his pen and began to wander.

After the Chinese test, it was only after ten o'clock. The school did not intend to let the students go, and asked the students to study by themselves in the classroom to prepare for the math test in the afternoon.

The teachers all went to mark the papers. The class was quiet at the beginning, but slowly, it became noisy.

Some people are self-conscious and study carefully, but some people are doomed not to be stable even in the face of the exam.

Fang Yifan moved to the side of Lin Lei'er with the stool, but instead of talking to Lin Lei'er, he looked back at Zhou Chen.

"Zhou Chen, after school, go out for a stroll and see how your sports car is doing?"

Zhou Chen put down his math book and asked, "Are you still thinking about my car?"

Fang Yifan: "I can't help it. I've grown up so big and I haven't ridden a sports car yet. When I meet a big rich like you, I have to be proud."

"No time, I want to read a book."

"Look at Mao, with your grades, what can you see in a few hours?"

"You think I'm you, I can remember a lot of formulas in a few hours, don't bother me."

"Don't, Zhou Chen, can you save me some face, just go and see it, at most, I will treat you at noon, and treat you to a good meal?"

"How good?"

Fang Yifan smiled awkwardly, and he suddenly realized that the good things he said were really not taken seriously by others.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, if you want to see it, go there, and I will give you the car keys, but I can warn you, you can take a look, don't start it, you don't have a driver's license, you know?"

Fang Yifan rolled his eyes: "You think I'm stupid, besides, I don't know how to drive either."

After taking the car key from Zhou Chen, Fang Yifan was overjoyed to play with it, only to think that this small car key is so handsome no matter how you look at it.

"I'm going to the toilet."

Fang Yifan took the car keys and ran away.

Zhou Chen didn't care either. Although Fang Yifan escaped, he definitely didn't dare to make fun of his own life. He continued to read his math books.

In terms of mathematics, he is much more confident than Chinese, because his decades of work are not in vain. As an architectural designer, the calculation formulas he masters are much more profound than high school mathematics. The knowledge points, mathematics can't help him.

After Fang Yifan took Zhou Chen's car keys, he sneaked out of the classroom, but he didn't go out alone. He told Zhou Chen so much, how could it be possible to just take a look, sports car, sports car, if you don't run, Just look at what it means.

It's just that he doesn't have a driver's license himself, and he doesn't dare to drive, but this can't help him.

He took out his phone, clicked on a person's prestige, and sent a message.

Ji Yangyang was lying on his seat and playing with his mobile phone. Suddenly, the phone vibrated. When he opened Weixin, he saw that it was a message from Fang Yifan.

Ji Yangyang frowned slightly. His relationship with Fang Yifan was not very good. They even fought when school started. Why would Fang Yifan send him a message at this time?

Surprised, but he still read the message.

Ji Yangyang, who didn't want to pay attention to it at first, glanced at Zhou Chen after seeing the message, pondered for a few seconds, and finally stood up and walked out of the classroom.

When Ji Yangyang walked to the door of the toilet, Fang Yifan who was waiting immediately greeted him.

"How is it? Ji Yangyang, are you going or not?"

Ji Yangyang asked: "Has Zhou Chen agreed?"

Fang Yifan took out the car keys and said, "I've given you all the car keys, don't worry, that is, I don't know how to drive, or I wouldn't look for you, so just say whether to go or not?"

Ji Yangyang thought about it, and was a little moved: "Then go out and play for a while."

If there was anything he was unwilling to refuse, it must have something to do with the car. Fang Yifan invited him out to try Zhou Chen's 911, and he was very interested.

After driving his uncle's Ferrari for the last time, his uncle never drove it for him again. He could only drive that kind of car every day on the track, but that kind of racing track is not as exciting as a real sports car.

"Then what are you waiting for, go, let's go out now."

Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang left the school secretly, but Zhou Chen didn't know about all this and was still studying in class.

For lunch at noon, Zhou Chen was with Qiao Yingzi and the others. Because Fang Yifan was away, Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi were responsible for taking Lin Leier to have lunch together.

"Lin Leier, where did Fang Hou go?"

It was Lin Lei'er's first meal at Chunfeng Middle School. Fortunately, with the help of Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi, he didn't make a fool of himself, but he still seemed very dull when faced with Qiao Yingzi's question.

"I don't know where my cousin went."

Zhou Chen said: "Fang Hou insisted on going to see my car, I gave him the car keys, he should go to see the car now."

When Qiao Yingzi heard this, he was startled: "Did you give Fang Hou the car keys? You are crazy, Fang Hou is a loser, aren't you hurting him?"

"It's not that serious. He doesn't have a driver's license, and the car is mine, so he dare not drive." Zhou Chen was not worried.

"I still don't think it's very reliable. I can't believe Fang Hou's words. I need to call him."

Qiao Yingzi was still not at ease, took out his mobile phone and started calling, but no one answered after ringing several times.

"This Fanghou, I don't know what the hell is going on."

The phone didn't get through, so Qiao Yingzi didn't struggle anymore. After they finished their meal, they went back to the classroom to continue their self-study.

"This problem should be solved in this way, in this way, in this way..."

In the classroom, Qiao Yingzi sat at the same table with Zhou Chen, and she kept writing and drawing with the pen in her hand, explaining to Zhou Chen how to solve this math problem.

Although Zhou Chen hadn't touched advanced mathematics for a long time, with Qiao Yingzi's continuous explanation, he quickly mastered the solution to this problem.

The math test in the afternoon starts at [-] o'clock. Before [-] o'clock, everyone is studying by themselves, and there is no teacher to ask questions.

After finishing the topic, Qiao Yingzi glanced at Fang Yifan's position: "It's a bit wrong, it's already one o'clock, why hasn't Fang Hou come back?"

Zhou Chen also frowned. He thought that Fang Yifan was just going to see a car on the opposite side, and it would not take long, but it has been more than two hours, why Fang Yifan hasn't come back yet.

"Call and see."

Qiao Yingzi called again, but still no one answered.

"This guy, won't something happen again?"

Just as she was worried, Li Meng ran into the classroom in a hurry and shouted at Zhou Chen: "Zhou Chen, come out for me."

Li Meng's tone was very eager, and the whole class looked at her in surprise, Zhou Chen could only stand up and walk out.

"Mr. Li, what's the matter?"

Li Meng asked eagerly: "Did you give the car to Ji Yangyang and Fang Yifan?"

"Ji Yangyang?"

Zhou Chen was shocked: "It is true that Fang Yifan has the keys to my car, but I didn't let him drive it, and he doesn't have a driver's license. Also, what's the situation with Ji Yangyang?"

Li Meng said angrily: "You still ask me? Ji Yangyang and Fang Yifan were driving your car and speeding on the elevated road, and were caught by the traffic police on the spot. Because they were students at school and had a bad influence, the traffic police took them along with the car Deduct it, let the school go and bring them back for education."


Zhou Chen's eyes enlarged in vain, and he screamed in disbelief, what the hell is going on?
Li Meng said angrily: "Looking at the good things you have done one by one, it is really not worrying at all. What are you still doing, you are the owner of the car, and you will go to redeem people with us later."

"This Nima."

Zhou Chen was really about to vomit blood, he had suffered an indiscriminate disaster, and the other party scolded inwardly in his heart, "It's fine for you to go and see the car by yourself, but you even took Ji Yangyang with you."

And Ji Yangyang, who usually looks mature, why did he follow Fang Yifan to do such a thing?

"Then what shall I do in the exam?"

"What's the test? We'll wait until we redeem the person."

(End of this chapter)

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