The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 243 Uncle shot, threatened and warned

Chapter 243 Uncle shot, threatened and warned

"It is said that Zhou Guodong is sick, and that woman wants me to donate bone marrow to him to save him."

Hearing Zhou Chen call Zhou Guodong's name directly, Song Yuan was not surprised, but the reason Zhou Chen said shocked him very much.

"Zhou Guodong is sick and asked you to donate bone marrow. Is his brain broken?"

"Who knows, he didn't dare to come to me himself, but let that woman come to me, which shows that he still has something in his heart, and knows that I can't pay him any attention."

Speaking of Zhou Guodong, Zhou Chen was very disdainful. Having such a person as a father is really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

Song Yuan said in a deep voice: "Xiao Chen, leave this matter to me. I will go to Zhou Guodong. If he dares to go to you again, or let that woman go to you, I will let him go around without food."

For Zhou Guodong, the ex-brother-in-law, Song Yuan's hatred for him is definitely the strongest.

He was raised by his sister alone, and he has a very deep affection for his sister.

Zhou Guodong cheated on his sister when he was seriously ill and betrayed the family. If his sister hadn't stopped him at that time, he would have fought desperately with Zhou Guodong.

After many years, according to his sister's last wish, he and Zhou Guodong did not interfere with each other.

But today Zhou Guodong actually wanted to ask Zhou Chen to donate his bone marrow, which completely touched his bottom line and brought back the hatred from the past.

Zhou Chen asked, "Uncle, are you sure?"

He had investigated this cheap father and knew that Zhou Guodong's current identity was the chairman and boss of a group company with assets of at least one billion yuan.

You must know that when the divorce was made, Zhou Guodong only brought a small amount of property with him. In just a few years, he was able to build a billion-dollar company, which shows that this person is very capable. Although his uncle is a barrister, his assets are not large. Less, but really not as good as Zhou Guodong.

Song Yuan said coldly: "If it's someone else, I'm really not absolutely sure, but he is Zhou Guodong, hmph."

In the end, he was still concerned about the relationship with his nephew, so he didn't say anything more ruthless.

"That's good."

Although the relationship between father and son is closer, it also depends on the situation. Compared with his uncle Song Yuan, Zhou Chen really does not regard Zhou Guodong as a relative, and even stranger than a stranger.

"Since you're here, don't be in a hurry to leave. Let's have a meal together after I've dealt with the affairs here."

"it is good."

As it was related to his nephew, Song Yuan started to act that afternoon, and first started to investigate Zhou Guodong's illness.

On the way to school on Monday, Zhou Chen met Qiao Yingzi and heard Qiao Yingzi talk about what happened after drinking that day.

Qiao Weidong woke up the next day and learned that he had done such absurd things last night. He felt ashamed, and asked Qiao Yingzi not to say anything, and asked Qiao Yingzi to tell Zhou Chen not to talk nonsense. .

According to Qiao Yingzi, Qiao Weidong seemed very dissatisfied with being poured out that day, and even wanted to find him to avenge his shame.

Regarding this, Zhou Chen really couldn't stop laughing to himself. Drinking capacity is such a thing. At Qiao Weidong's age, there is no possibility of even [-]% to catch up with him again.

Unless he lets it go on purpose.

In the ward of the hospital, Zhou Guodong looked at the test sheet in his hand with a gloomy expression.

It has been a while since he was found out that he has leukemia. Although he is rich and can rely on drugs and medical means to temporarily guarantee that he will not get worse, the only hope for a complete cure of leukemia is bone marrow transplantation.

It's just that he checked the bone marrow of many people, but none of them matched successfully, which forced him to focus on the children who were related to him by blood.

He has two sons, the eldest son has not seen each other since the divorce, and the younger son is always by his side, but he is too young, so the first person he thought of as the person who can transplant bone marrow to himself is the elder son. Son Zhou Chen.

So he asked his current wife, Wang Xue, to find Zhou Chen and ask Zhou Chen to come to the hospital to make a match, but he didn't expect that instead of finding Zhou Chen, Wang Xue got slapped twice instead.

This made Zhou Guodong very angry. He was not angry that Wang Xue was beaten by Zhou Chen, but angry at what Zhou Chen said, that the eldest son didn't want to save him.

Zhou Guodong has good facial features and is quite handsome, but his lips are slightly thin and his eyes are like eagles, so he doesn't seem to be a very easy person to get along with.

In fact, Zhou Guodong is indeed a man with a decisive personality and a ruthless heart. It may be a bit exaggerated to say that his six relatives do not recognize him, but he is definitely a very ruthless man.

His own life was at stake, even if it was his own son, he couldn't tolerate Zhou Chen not saving him, the more Zhou Chen objected, the more he wanted Zhou Chen to submit.

"Wang Xue."

Zhou Guodong suddenly yelled outside, and Wang Xue, who was sitting outside, walked in immediately.


Wang Xue completely lost the high-spirited posture in front of Zhou Chen, and stood cautiously in front of Zhou Guodong's hospital bed.

As a woman, Wang Xue is indeed more capable. She was able to become a regular wife from a young age, which made many women envious.

But her family knows about her family affairs, she is very beautiful in front of outsiders, but she is very humble in front of her husband Zhou Guodong, and never dares to disobey her husband.

"Help me tidy up, I want to meet that traitor in person." Zhou Guodong told Wang Xue.

"Honey, didn't you say that he doesn't answer your calls?" Wang Xue asked suspiciously.

Zhou Guodong said coldly: "If I don't go, do I expect you to do it for me? After all, I am his father. If he still thinks about the relationship between father and son, I will let him donate his bone marrow."

Wang Xue didn't dare to say anything, but she was relieved by the result. As long as her son didn't need to donate bone marrow, she didn't care what would happen between Zhou Guodong and Zhou Chen.

"Dong dong."

There was a knock on the door of the ward, and a bodyguard walked in.

"Boss, someone wants to see you outside, he said his name is Song Yuan."

As soon as Zhou Guodong heard Song Yuan's name, his expression changed immediately. Wang Xue in front of the hospital bed also showed nervousness. She naturally knew that Song Yuan was Zhou Chen's uncle.

Zhou Guodong's face changed a few times, but he still said, "Let him in."

Soon, Song Yuan walked in. After seeing Zhou Guodong and Wang Xue, his expression became extremely cold.

"Ayuan, it's been a long time since I saw you. You are really getting more and more mature. I also want to thank you for taking care of Xiaochen these years."

Zhou Guodong smiled and greeted Song Yuan with a familiar face.

Song Yuan snorted coldly: "Zhou Guodong, there's no need to come here. Fortunately, I haven't seen you in these years, otherwise it will only make me more sick."

Regardless of Zhou Guodong's ugly face, he continued: "You should be very clear why I came to you today. I don't care about what happened back then, but Xiaochen was sentenced to my sister a long time ago. I have been his guardian all these years. You I have never asked about it, but now that I am sick, I think of Xiaochen, you really have a thick skin."

Seeing that Song Yuan didn't give him a good face, Zhou Guodong didn't hide it anymore.

"Song Yuan, although you are Xiaochen's uncle, I am his father. My blood is shed on his body. What if I ask him to donate some bone marrow? It's only natural for a son to save his father."

"Zhou Guodong, I'm here to warn you, don't look for Xiaochen again, and don't let other people look for it, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Zhou Guodong was not afraid at all, and said in a cold voice: "It's not up to you to ask about my affairs. Now Xiaochen has reached the age of eighteen, and you are no longer his guardian. He has the right to make his own decisions, and you have no right to Ask."

Song Yuan: "Then I will tell you very clearly that I brought Xiaochen's answer today. He will not donate bone marrow to you. If you go to Xiaochen again, I promise to embarrass you very much."

"Are you threatening me?" Zhou Guodong's eyes turned cold.

Song Yuan adjusted his cuffs and said calmly: "You can think so, I am a lawyer and have many friends, prosecutors, police officers, detectives, etc. If I want to mess with you, you will definitely not be able to bear it." .”

"is it?"

Zhou Guodong was still not afraid: "Do you think you are the only one who has friends?"

Song Yuan grinned at the corner of his mouth, and said: "I guessed that you would say that, Zhou Guodong, do you think I am still the same me back then, if it wasn't for my sister, do you think I would let you go? Let me tell you again, Don't go looking for Xiaochen again."

"What if I say no?"

Zhou Guodong was not intimidated by Song Yuan.

Sitting in the ward, Wang Xue felt very uncomfortable. The conversation between these two big men made her very uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to interject.

"Five years ago, the case of Mingyuan Company, I don't know how much money you spent, who you bribed, and finally settled?"

"It was also five years ago, Garden Apartment..."

As soon as Song Yuan said a few words, Zhou Guodong's expression changed drastically.

"To shut up."

(End of this chapter)

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