Chapter 251 Truth or Dare
"Handsome, handsome, after I finish the college entrance examination, I must learn to get a driver's license, Zhou Chen, then you must lend me your car to drive."

After getting off the car at the destination, Fang Yifan was still immersed in the excitement of riding a sports car. Although Zhou Chen didn't drive fast, the roar and feeling made him unforgettable.

Before Zhou Chen answered, Qiao Yingzi snorted coldly: "Who would dare to lend you a car now? Don't hurt Zhou Chen."

Fang Yifan suddenly shouted in dissatisfaction: "Yingzi, why don't I just borrow a car from your Zhou Chen? Look, I'm making you anxious."

Qiao Yingzi said angrily, "Fang Hou, you really can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth."

Zhou Chen stopped the two of them: "The matter of driving, wait until you get your driver's license, go to Ji Yangyang first."

"Grand Kempinski Hotel, is this one?"

Looking at the luxurious and magnificent Hotel Daxia in front of them, Fang Yifan and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

The few of them saw the layout of Ji Yang Yangfa's hotel room through prestige photos before, and it could be seen that it was very luxurious, but they didn't expect that the gate was so luxurious.

Lin Lei'er retreated a bit: "Cousin, it must be very expensive to live here?"

Fang Yifan hesitated: "It should be, but Ji Yangyang is rich, so it's not surprising that he can afford such a hotel."

In his opinion, Ji Yangyang can even afford to drive a multi-million dollar sports car, so staying in such a luxury hotel is definitely not a big problem.

Huang Zhitao asked, "Are we going in directly like this?"

After all, they were all students, and they hadn't had much exposure to this kind of situation, so they couldn't help but turn their eyes to Zhou Chen.

Among the five of them, Zhou Chen is undoubtedly the richest one. He can afford to live in a villa and drive a sports car. Facing such a luxury hotel, he must be more confident than them.

"if not?"

Zhou Chen didn't expect these guys to be cowardly, so he walked into the hotel lobby first, and Fang Yifan and the others hurriedly followed.

After Zhou Chen entered the lobby, he went directly to the front desk and asked them about the location of the elevator to Ji Yangyang's room.

The front desk cautiously asked Zhou Chen their identities, and after knowing their identities, they called Ji Yangyang to confirm, and finally took them to the dedicated elevator.

In a five-star hotel like this, in order to protect the privacy of some customers, high-end suites are located on a certain floor, and some elevators do not stop on that floor, and special elevators or elevator cards are required to get there. layer.

It just so happened that Ji Yangyang lived in that kind of high-end suite, so the front desk asked so many questions.

"Wow, Ji Yangyang, you can really do it. You can live in such a big room alone. There is also a living room, dining room, wine cabinet, and a bedroom that is so big, even bigger than my house."

After entering the suite where Ji Yangyang lived, Fang Yifan cried out in amazement and visited everywhere, even the bathroom.

"Fang Hou, why did you make it look like Grandma Fang entered the Grand View Garden? You really have no plan, you." Huang Zhitao said to Fang Yifan.

Fang Yifan shouted: "Tao Zi, I'm telling the truth, look at this room, it's three or four times bigger than the room where Lei'er and I live."

What he said is indeed the truth, now their family rents a two-bedroom house, the area is really not big, and the room he and Leier live in is even smaller, far worse than the suite that Ji Yangyang lives in .

This suite is at least two hundred square meters, with complete facilities, and it is also very clean and tidy.

"Ji Yangyang, how much do you pay for a night here?"

Ji Yangyang replied: "more than 2000."


Fang Yifan took a breath, he was shocked by the price, this is so much money for one night, no normal person can afford it.


"It's not the best, and I can't afford to live in the best."

Fang Yifan asked curiously: "But you don't live at home, why did you come to live in a hotel?"

Ji Yangyang said impatiently: "I had a quarrel with my dad, and I didn't want to live at home, so I came here, okay, don't ask so many questions, I came here to play, what do you want to eat, what to play, Tell me."

After speaking, he took everyone to the sofa in the living room and sat down. Knowing that everyone was coming, he had already bought a lot of snacks and put them all on the coffee table.

"Three squirrels, so many."

Fang Yifan saw the TV and game consoles by the wall, and exclaimed, "Oh, the hotel is even equipped with computer entertainment consoles."

Ji Yangyang said: "This is not from the hotel, I bought it."

Fang Yifan flipped through the game discs there, screaming again and again, these are the types he likes, but he doesn't have a chance to play them at home.

Ji Yangyang: "I called you here just to let you play, and I will definitely let you have fun. I bought everything to eat, drink, and play. You just eat and drink."

Zhou Chen couldn't help sighing, Ji Yangyang seemed mature, but he was still a teenager after all, and his mind was not much better than his peers.

A suite of more than 2000 per night, if it is really rich, it will be fine, but in fact Ji's family is not rich, especially Ji Shengli's current position.

If Ji Yangyang spends money so extravagantly, if someone with a heart finds out and reports it, it will definitely bring trouble to Ji Shengli.

But Ji Yangyang obviously didn't have this kind of awareness, because he had been with his uncle for a long time, and he had already developed a habit of being extravagant, and he didn't think that spending his uncle's money would cause any trouble for his father.

Thinking of Ji Yangyang borrowing money from him yesterday, and looking at the current situation, it is obvious that the money Ji Yangyang borrowed from him was spent here.

"Ji Yangyang, you stayed here for one night, aren't your parents worried?" Huang Zhitao asked worriedly.

Ji Yangyang snorted coldly: "Just to make him worry."

Fang Yifan gave a thumbs up: "Ji Yangyang, you are powerful and have a backbone, Yingzi, look at Ji Yangyang, if you have the courage, you won't be so miserably squeezed by your mother."

Qiao Yingzi picked up a bag of nuts on the table and smashed them: "Fang Hou, you really need to clean up, shut your stinky mouth."


Everyone laughed.

Ji Yangyang took Fang Yifan and Lin Lei'er to play computer games, Zhou Chen sat and watched, and Huang Zhitao and Qiao Yingzi sat and chatted.

Zhou Chen watched them play games with great interest, because when he was in school, he played mostly online games and RPG battle games, and rarely played stand-alone story games.

When he was in school, he was also good at playing games. Starting from World of Warcraft, he played all kinds of online games.

There are also online battles, such as dota, slapping, slapping, etc. The level is also very high, at least among the students, it belongs to the thigh level.

So after watching Ji Yangyang and the others play a few games, he immediately understood the rules and methods, and then joined their game.

In the process of playing around, time passed quickly, and it was evening in the blink of an eye. Because tomorrow is a rest, everyone is not ready to go back early.

So Ji Yangyang retained a few people and ordered pizza takeaway. Fang Yifan even found a bunch of bottled cocktails and drinks from the wine cabinet in the hotel room.

"Look what I found."

Fang Yifan put the drinks and wine on the table as if offering treasures, and said loudly, "We didn't enjoy drinking at the barbecue restaurant last time. Today, let's have a good drink. How about it?"

Zhou Chen smiled and said, "I didn't fight today when I was drunk."

"Yes, yes, there is no fight anymore, haha..."

The few people laughed again, remembering the situation that day, although it was very dangerous, the fight undoubtedly made the relationship between the few people better.

Fang Yifan said again: "However, just drinking is boring, how about we play some games?"

"What game do you want to play?" Ji Yangyang asked.

Fang Yifan said: "How about rock-paper-scissors, the loser drinks and talks about something from his childhood?"

A few people thought about it and didn't express their opinions, but Zhou Chen said: "It's not that good. If we say that this kind of game is played between male and female friends, it's still romantic, but there are so many of us, playing this game Means nothing."

"Then tell me, what game is interesting to play."

Zhou Chen said: "Then keep it simple, how about truth or dare?"

Fang Yifan's eyes lit up, and he said, "That's fine. I've only seen this game on TV, and I haven't really played it in private."

"What about you?" Zhou Chen looked at the others.

Ji Yangyang said, "I have no objection."

Qiao Yingzi: "Me too."

"I'm fine." "I'm, uh, fine."

Now that everyone agreed, Zhou Chen cleaned up the items on the coffee table, picked up an empty bottle that he just drank and put it in the middle.

"The rules are very simple. We spread out, and then turn the empty bottle. Whoever points the bottle at it will be considered the loser. Then choose the truth or the big risk. Others will take turns to ask questions or take the big risk. If you don't want to answer or can't do it , punish yourself with a sip of wine; if someone chooses neither truth nor risk, punish yourself with a bottle of wine."

"Let me explain in advance, some particularly private things, or things that are difficult to talk about, let's all be conscious and don't ask, how about it?"

"Okay, let's do it this way, who will turn the bottle?" Fang Yifan shouted most enthusiastically.

Zhou Chen: "For the sake of fairness, one person will transfer once, and everyone will supervise together. If anyone deliberately cheats, he will also kill a whole bottle of wine."

"That's it, who goes first?"

Fang Yifan stood up voluntarily, "I'll come first, everyone spread out first."

Several people immediately dispersed and sat in six directions. Then Fang Yifan grabbed the wine bottle and turned it vigorously on the coffee table.

The wine bottle immediately spun on the coffee table, making a crisp crashing sound.

After a few seconds, the spinning wine bottle slowly stopped, and then Fang Yifan's eyes widened and he yelled in horror.

"Don't stop, don't stop, don't, shit..."

Fang Yifan jumped up in shock as soon as he sat down, and saw that the mouth of the bottle was right where he was.

"Is there any mistake, am I cheating myself?"

Fang Yifan collapsed on the chair with a look of despair on his face, Qiao Yingzi and the others gloated and laughed.

"Fang Hou, this is called self-inflicted crime, you can't live." Qiao Yingzi laughed the loudest, and his mouth was full of sarcasm.

Zhou Chen suppressed a smile and asked, "Tell me, Fang Hou, do you choose to tell the truth or take a big risk."

In an instant, five pairs of eyes stared at Fang Yifan, which made Fang Yifan feel awkward, because he saw deep malice in these pairs of eyes.

"Really, really, no, no, let's take a big risk."

Seeing that Fang Yifan had made a choice, Zhou Chen saw that several other people were looking at him, and Qiao Yingzi asked, "Zhou Chen, Fang Hou chose to take a big risk, what should we do?"

Zhou Chen: "The big adventure is to let him do things. If you want him to do something, you can ask him to do it, and then let him do it. Everyone has a chance, so decide for yourself."

"Hey, Zhou Chen, do you want to be so sinister and shameless?" Fang Yifan called out to Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen sneered and said, "I'm still insidious? If I want to cheat on you, I can make you cry. Do you want to try?"

"Don't, don't, brother, brother Zhou, don't." Fang Yifan waved his hands in shock.

Ji Yangyang gloated and said, "Fang Yifan, you can also choose to drink a bottle of wine, then you don't need to tell the truth, and you don't need to take big risks."

Fang Yifan waited fiercely for Ji Yangyang: "Just laugh now, how cruel you are to me now, I will pay you back later."

"Hey, hey, Fang Hou, you're a threat. If you do this again, you'll be considered a violation." Zhou Chen warned Fang Yifan.

Fang Yifan immediately died down, so Zhou Chen said to Ji Yangyang: "Then start with Ji Yangyang, and the other party Yifan will take turns to take the big risk punishment."

Ji Yangyang thought for a while, and then said: "Fang Yifan, I won't make things difficult for you, just do fifteen push-ups."

When Fang Yifan heard this, he smiled immediately: "This is good." Then he immediately lay down on the ground and started doing push-ups.

Fang Yifan was a boy in his teens, full of energy. Fifteen push-ups were nothing to him, and he finished it very quickly.

Then it was Lin Lei'er's turn. Lin Lei'er was a little embarrassed to cheat on her cousin, so she said, "Cousin, then you can sing a song."

Naturally, this request was not difficult for Fang Yifan. He came up with a song "It's not a crime for a man to cry, cry, it's not a crime", and his funny appearance made several people laugh out loud.

"Yingzi, it's your turn. With our friendship, don't lie to me." Fang Yifan said to Qiao Yingzi.

How could Qiao Yingzi be the one being threatened? She laughed and said, "I want you to hold your ears with both hands, complete five leapfrogs, and shout 'I was wrong'."

Fang Yifan's face darkened: "You are cruel." But he could only do as he did.

Soon it was Huang Zhitao again, and she didn't make things too difficult for Fang Yifan, so she let Fang Yifan dance casually, and finally came to Zhou Chen's place.

Seeing Zhou Chen's malicious gaze, Fang Yifan's heart skipped a beat: "Zhou Chen, I treat you as my own brother, you have to be merciful."

Zhou Chen said: "My request is very simple, you kiss the wall affectionately for 1 minute."

"So cruel?" Qiao Yingzi's eyes widened.

This request sounds simple, but when they think of Fang Yifan kissing the wall affectionately, they all feel chills.

Fang Yifan's face turned darker, and he said without hesitation: "I won't do it, I choose to have a sip of wine."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the wine bottle and took a sip. Although the alcohol content was not high, he would get drunk if he drank too much, but compared to Zhou Chen's request, Fang Yifan did not hesitate.

"Keep playing, keep playing, I must take revenge."

Fang Yifan stood up, glanced around viciously, and then shouted at Ji Yangyang: "Ji Yangyang, turn the bottle quickly."

Ji Yangyang grabbed the bottle and turned it vigorously. The eyes of several people followed the rotation of the bottle. As a girl, Huang Zhitao folded her arms and prayed that the mouth of the bottle would not be aimed at her.

But sometimes the more you don't want to, the more you will come. When the bottle stopped, the mouth of the bottle was aimed at Huang Zhitao without any deviation.

"Ah, why me?"

Huang Zhitao buried her head directly in the pillow.

Fang Yifan booed, "Tao Zi, don't be sad, hurry up, tell the truth, or take a big risk?"

Facing the staring eyes of the five people, Huang Zhitao could only answer aggrievedly: "I choose to tell the truth."

Zhou Chen sat on Huang Zhitao's right, so he spoke first. He didn't make things difficult for Huang Zhitao, but just asked a simple question.

"Well, let me just ask a simple question, which girl in the third grade do you think is more beautiful than you?"

Originally, when everyone heard the first half of Zhou Chen's sentence, they thought Zhou Chen would really ask a simple question, but at the end of the day, is this a simple question?

Huang Zhitao opened his mouth even more, not knowing how to answer.

A few people headed by Fang Yifan who were not afraid of big troubles all booed loudly.

"Tao Zi, speak quickly, Tao Zi, speak quickly."

Huang Zhitao's face turned red, and he held back for a long time before finally saying: "There are too many, I can't count them, I choose to have a sip of wine."

"Huh?" Fang Yifan and the others, who were booing, were immediately disappointed when they saw Huang Zhitao drinking.

But soon Fang Yifan jumped again, because it was his turn to ask questions.

"Tao Zi, my question is really simple, just tell me, how can you like me?"


Regardless of everyone's booing, Huang Zhitao didn't hesitate this time, and replied directly: "It's impossible."

Fang Yifan, who was rejected, didn't show any sadness, because he had guessed it a long time ago, and he took this opportunity to ask, just for peace of mind, and he wouldn't be really sad.

Ji Yangyang: "What do you want to do in the future?"

Huang Zhitao: "I want to be a doctor."

Lin Leier: "Which university do you most want to go to?"

Huang Zhitao: "Shuimu University."

Ji Yangyang and Lin Leier's questions were relatively simple, but Qiao Yingzi, as a best friend, was not as reluctant as Ji Yangyang and Lin Leier, she asked a tricky question.

"Taozi, out of the four boys here, which one do you think is the most handsome?"

Huang Zhitao patted Qiao Yingzi, "I hate it, can you change the question?"

Qiao Yingzi laughed and said: "It can't be changed, this is the rule of the game. If you don't want to answer, you can take another sip of wine, but with your drinking capacity, if you continue to play like this, you will get drunk soon, so I think You'd better answer my question."

(End of this chapter)

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