The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 253 Performance, Tucao Conference

Chapter 253 Performance, Tucao Conference

Zhou Chen was really angry. Although Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang were both in their teens, they were both in their third year of high school and sensible. They should know what can and cannot be done.

Pulling a person who can't swim into the water, in case something happens, they can't take responsibility at all.

"Play first, I'll sit over there and rest for a while."

Zhou Chen was not in the mood to continue sitting by the pool, but went to the rest area next to him and sat down.

"It's all your fault, you insisted on coming up with this crazy idea." Ji Yangyang complained to Fang Yifan.

Fang Yifan said depressedly: "You didn't stop me, you can't blame me entirely."

Qiao Yingzi: "Okay, you two don't complain to each other, Zhou Chen said he can't swim, and you two dragged him into the water."

She was also taken aback by the situation just now, but fortunately Zhou Chen is fine.

"You guys will apologize later, Zhou Chen is not a stingy person, it's just that this kind of joke can't be played again in the future."

Both Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang scratched their heads, and they both knew that what they just did was a bit too much and they should apologize, so they both walked towards Zhou Chen, ready to apologize again.

Qiao Yingzi looked at Huang Zhitao who was in a daze, and asked, "Tao Zi, what's wrong with you, are you scared too?"

Huang Zhitao was awakened instantly, and replied nervously: "I'm fine, I just choked on a few sips of water just now, I'm fine."

She was stunned not because of choking on the water, but because of what happened underwater just now.

Just now she went to save Zhou Chen, but instead she was hugged by Zhou Chen, and it was still a kind of forceful hug, Zhou Chen's body was stuck to her, even Zhou Chen's head was still leaning against her chest, touching her. The force of the touch made her feel a little pain.

It can be said that when she was underwater, Zhou Chen took advantage of her. This was the first time she hugged a boy at close range after she grew up.

Even under the water, her whole body was numb and numb as if being hit by an electric current. Looking back now, she is even more shy and embarrassing.

Fortunately, she found that Zhou Chen didn't seem to react much, as if he had no impression of what happened underwater just now.

However, after this incident, a ripple appeared in her heart unconsciously, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

After Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang repeatedly apologized, Zhou Chen also calmed down his anger. Of course he knew that these two people didn't want to hurt him, but at most they wanted to tease him.

If it was a general tease, he wouldn't care too much about it, but he already had a kind of resistance to swimming, and coupled with the situation just now, he would naturally arouse a lot of anger.

Because of the accident just now, everyone lost the intention of swimming and all walked to the rest area, and Fang Yifan sneaked over with a few bottles of wine and paper cups.

"Come on, let's see what good things I have brought."

Several people were attracted by Fang Yifan, who took out four bottles of wine from the wrapped bath towel.

"Fang Hou, where did you get the wine?" Qiao Yingzi asked in surprise.

Fang Yifan quickly raised his finger: "Shh, shh, keep your voice down, didn't you see the sign at the door saying that swimming after drinking is strictly prohibited?"

Ji Yangyang sneered: "We were drinking and swimming just now, you just found out now, what's the use?"

"That's right." Fang Yifan smirked twice.

"It doesn't matter, come on, let's get high tonight."

Ji Yangyang agreed very much: "Yes, get up, it's really not possible, I will open a few more rooms, so I don't have to worry about nowhere to sleep."

Qiao Yingzi: "You are really a group of wild horses."

Lin Lei'er drank a lot of wine in the afternoon, swam for a while, and now the spirit of alcohol was slowly bursting out, and she put her glass in front of Fang Yifan.

"Cousin, cousin, give me a drink."

Seeing Lin Lei'er like this, Zhou Chen also laughed a little. Although Fang Yifan and the others drank, it was still normal, but Lin Lei'er was really drunk.

Qiao Yingzi and the others also laughed when they saw Lin Leier's appearance.

"Lin Lei'er is definitely drunk."

"Yeah, I've never seen him in this state."

"What a good student, he was brought down by us."

Under Lin Lei'er's entanglement, Fang Yifan could only pour him a glass first, but Lin Lei'er drank it in a blink of an eye.

"Lei'er, slow down, how can you drink like this?"

Zhou Chen also said: "Fang Hou, give Lei'er a little less, he won't even be able to stand upright."

Lin Lei'er is the protagonist of the famous scene. If she falls down, she won't be able to see such an interesting scene.

Zhou Chen wasn't sure if this time it would be like in the TV series. Fang Yifan and his three parents arrived in time. If they didn't show up in time, the scene would definitely feel like something was missing.

Fang Yifan picked up the paper cup and pointed it at Zhou Chen: "Zhou Chen, this first cup is my apology for the behavior just now. The joke just went too far, I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, he killed him in one gulp, and Ji Yangyang next to him also apologized to Zhou Chen and drank a glass of wine.

Zhou Chen said: "I don't blame you anymore. The main reason is that I personally hate swimming, so the reaction is so big. It's just a joke. Don't play it in the future."

"no problem."

Fang Yifan was more free and easy, seeing that Zhou Chen really didn't blame him, he immediately showed a happy smile, and then poured another glass of wine.

"Cousin, cousin, give me another drink, I'm gone."

Fang Yifan was thinking about what to say next, but Lin Lei'er interrupted him directly, handed the paper cup in front of him, and clamored for wine.

Fang Yifan had no choice but to pour some more for him: "Lei'er, take it easy, you drank too much."

Lin Lei'er shouted: "Not much, I didn't drink too much, I wasn't drunk."

"It's over, I'm really drunk." Qiao Yingzi blinked, looking at Lin Lei'er who was holding a paper cup and smirking beside him.

"It's the first time I saw Lin Lei'er like this, I can't believe it." Huang Zhitao was also surprised by Lin Lei'er.

After Fang Yifan poured Lin Lei'er the wine, he picked up his own paper cup.

"For the next cup, I still want to respect Zhou Chen."

"Respect me again?"

Zhou Chen was also at a loss now, he didn't care about it anymore, why did Fang Yifan still respect him?

Fang Yifan said solemnly: "Zhou Chen, this cup is for Yingzi. I can be regarded as childhood sweethearts with Yingzi. I hope to see her happy, so I hope you can give her happiness."

"Fang Monkey!"

When everyone saw Fang Yifan's serious expression at first, they thought he was going to say something, but when he actually said these words, they were all a little dumbfounded.

Qiao Yingzi was the one who reacted the fastest. She picked up a toy ball next to her, pointed it at Fang Yifan, and threw it at Fang Yifan.

"Hahaha, I'm not joking, Yingzi, I really think that if you follow Zhou Chen, you will definitely be happy in the future."

"Fang Hou, if you dare to say one more word, I will really kill you."

Qiao Yingzi jumped up, and was about to kill Fang Yifan, Huang Zhitao and Lin Lei'er quickly grabbed her.

Fang Yifan took a few steps back, and said with a smile, "Yingzi, why are you so excited, did I say something wrong?"

Zhou Chen said: "Fang Hou, accept it when you see it, accept it when you see it."

Fang Yifan chuckled twice, and said, "Zhou Chen, pretend, you continue to pretend, you're too good at pretending to be angry even though you're clearly looking happy."

Zhou Chen was smiling, and didn't care about Fang Yifan's teasing. Qiao Yingzi also sat down under Huang Zhitao's comfort, but she still stared at Fang Yifan with a 'fierce' gaze, and inadvertently glanced at him from the corner of her eye. Zhou Chen.

After talking about Qiao Yingzi and Zhou Chen, Fang Yifan turned his attention to Ji Yangyang again.

"Ji Yangyang, how many days are you going to stay here? Aren't you afraid that your parents will worry about you?"

Ji Yangyang sneered and said, "My dad? I don't bother to talk to him. In his eyes, everything seems to be more important than me."

"Tsk tsk, listen, what a grievance."

"I don't have any complaints, I'm just very upset with his attitude."

"Okay, you just pretend, you obviously have a lot of resentment, but you pretend you don't have it; Ji Yangyang, do you know that you can pretend better than Zhou Chen, I hate your pretending, we are all classmates , is a friend, if you have a grievance, just speak out, and we won't say anything about you."

Ji Yangyang: "Why am I pretending? In fact, I hate people who pretend the most, because my dad is the best at pretending. Look at his appearance, isn't he just an official, with a belly full every day. "

Speaking of his father, Ji Yangyang's face was full of displeasure, and while talking, he even started to move, picked up the leather ball on the sofa, stuffed it into his stomach, and tied it with a bath towel.

Seeing Ji Yangyang's Sepiqiu with a full belly, everyone laughed.

"Ji Yangyang, are you going to laugh us to death?"

Ji Yangyang continued his actions. He made a gesture of answering the phone, and said to Zhou Chen and the others: "Look carefully, my dad is like this, the phone is coming, answer it."

With a straight stomach, the 'mobile phone' was placed next to the ear, "Hello."

Fang Yifan cooperated beside him, arched his body, covered his waist, and also held the 'mobile phone'.

"The district chief?"

Ji Yangyang pushed Fang Yifan away, and then continued his performance.

"Well, I see. In the future, such things must be taken as a warning; this call just hung up, and then another call came."

Speaking of which, Ji Yangyang's body immediately bent down, "Secretary Chen, it's Secretary Chen."

Fang Yifan was parroting his tongue again, bending down to talk with Ji Yangyang.

Ji Yangyang corrected Fang Yifan: "You are mistaken, he is my father's boss, why are you bending over?"

"It's the superior, cousin, it's the superior, you should be called Xiao Ji, Xiao Ji."

"Okay, Ji Yangyang, you will pretend to be your father, and I will pretend to be your father's superior, come on, let's start."

"Xiao Ji."

"Hey, Secretary Chen, it's so late, you haven't slept yet?"

"Well, have you completed the task I assigned to you?"

Ji Yangyang hurriedly answered in affirmative: "Don't worry, I have completed all the tasks you assigned to you, and the arrangements are properly made. I guarantee that there will be no problems. You should rest quickly."

After finishing speaking, Ji Yangyang stood up straight, and said to Zhou Chen and the others: "You see, my dad looks like this. It's fine at work, and it's the same at home. I feel disgusted when I see it."

Zhou Chen has been watching Ji Yangyang and Fang Yifan's performance with a smile all the time, not to mention, Ji Yangyang really knows his father, and the performance is true.

It seems to be acting, but in fact Ji Yangyang revealed his dissatisfaction with his father. He felt that his father was too good at making money.

This is a normal situation in the adult world, but in the eyes of a young man like Ji Yangyang, he dislikes and disgusts him very much.

He felt that if his father was free, it would be better to care about the family and him more, instead of thinking about how to make money and how to get promoted all day long.

But he never thought that without his father's painstaking work and hard work, how could he live such a comfortable life.

Zhou Chen glanced at the entrance of the swimming pool, but didn't see Fang Yifan and his parents, which surprised him a little. Could it be that the parents of these three families really didn't find it here?
He didn't believe that the parents of these three families would not look for their children. Among other things, Qiao Yingzi's parents would definitely not stop looking for Qiao Yingzi. If they didn't come here, it meant they hadn't found them yet.

"Since we've come to this point today, let's just have a complaint meeting and just complain about our parents. Okay, I, Fang Yifan, announce that today's complaint meeting has officially started. Applause."

The applause immediately rang out. Even Zhou Chen was looking forward to such an interesting event.

Just when Zhou Chen thought that Fang Yifan was going to let Ji Yangyang start first, Fang Yifan suddenly pointed at him.

"Zhou Chen, I think the glorious mission at the beginning should be entrusted to you. Everyone applauds and welcomes you."

Several people applauded, but Qiao Yingzi frowned and said, "Fang Hou, don't be foolish, Zhou Chen's situation is different."

Fang Yifan waved at Qiao Yingzi and said, "Yingzi, you still don't fully understand Zhou Chen's situation. Zhou Chen has a father. Uh, Zhou Chen, can I tell you?"

Fang Yifan was also drunk, that's why he said it casually, but at the end, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, and it meant to violate Zhou Chen's privacy, so he asked Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen had a calm expression, and said indifferently: "There is nothing I can't say, let me say it myself, although that man is my blood-related father, I have stopped dealing with him a long time ago. To be honest, I have already given up on him." No impression."

"However, since everyone is playing together, I can also start."

"That man's name is Zhou Guodong. He's just a scumbag. He abandoned his wife and son in search of a mistress, but he deserves it. Now that he's seriously ill, he still wants me to donate bone marrow to him. Let's make his dream come true. People should let him go to hell to kowtow to my mother to make amends."

It's a complaint, but Zhou Chen actually vented his original dissatisfaction more.

Zhou Chen's complaints made everyone present look at each other in blank dismay. Although they all complained about their parents, it seemed nothing compared to Zhou Chen.

"What expressions do you all have? Are you sympathizing with me?"

Seeing that everyone was looking at him with different expressions, Zhou Chen smiled instead. He didn't feel sad at all, he was just a bottomless scumbag, it wouldn't make him sad at all, at most it would make him sick.

"If you want to sympathize with me, I don't think it is necessary, because I live more comfortably than you now, have more money than you, and live in a bigger place than you. It is no exaggeration to say that I am described as tall, rich and handsome."

"I have money and a company, I am tall and handsome, I drive a luxury car, live in a luxury house, and I can do whatever I want, you guys, who is more comfortable than me?"

"Depend on."

Fang Yifan immediately raised his middle finger. Fortunately, he really sympathized with Zhou Chen just now, but after hearing Zhou Chen's next words, there was no sympathy in his heart, only jealousy and envy.

Although Ji Yangyang and the others were not as exaggerated as Fang Yifan showed, they still looked at each other in blank dismay.

On the contrary, Qiao Yingzi and Huang Zhitao, who are girls, both looked at Zhou Chen with some concern.

Huang Zhitao simply feels sorry for Zhou Chen's family situation, while Qiao Yingzi feels the same way because her family is also a divorced family.

But compared to Zhou Chen's father, her father, Qiao Weidong, was much better. The two were not fathers on the same level at all.

Zhou Chen didn't want them to talk too much about himself, so he took the initiative to change the subject.

"Didn't you talk about the Tucao Conference? I've already finished complaining, and now it's up to you."

Fang Yifan reacted, and said loudly: "Zhou Chen gave us a start, and it's up to us to play it next. Ji Yangyang, I think you have a lot of grievances, so let's start with you."

(End of this chapter)

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