The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 265 Qiao Yingzi Diagnosed with Depression

Chapter 265 Qiao Yingzi Diagnosed with Depression
Qiao Yingzi followed Zhou Chen's suggestion, and went to see a psychiatrist with Zhou Chen on the weekend.

Zhou Chen found a well-known psychiatrist in Yanjing for Qiao Yingzi, and he registered with his uncle Song Yuan's relationship. The fee is naturally very expensive, calculated by the hour.

It was not like the rhythm of queuing for several hours and seeing a doctor for 3 minutes. The psychiatrist asked questions about Qiao Yingzi's examination for more than two hours.

If he didn't know the doctor's name, Zhou Chen would really have reason to doubt whether the doctor was deliberately delaying time to cheat money.

The final result was that Qiao Yingzi did suffer from depression, but only mildly.

"This can only be said to be your temporary state. The disease of depression is different from ordinary diseases. It will not burst out, but once it occurs, if it is not controlled in time, it will become more and more serious. Once stimulated, It is very likely that the condition will worsen sharply in a short period of time."

The psychiatrist is a more than 40-year-old female doctor. She patiently explained to Zhou Chen and Qiao Yingzi the danger Qiao Yingzi was facing now.

"Attention, attention, and more attention, what you have to do now is to calm your mind, don't bear any pressure, and don't be stimulated anymore..."

It took more than two hours to check and confirm the diagnosis, and it took a long time to explain. Qiao Yingzi was shocked and a little distracted, but Zhou Chen listened very carefully.

After leaving the psychiatrist's clinic, Qiao Yingzi looked very depressed. In fact, she had already realized that something was wrong with her before, but she never expected that she would suffer from depression.

This blow was really serious for her.

"Yingzi, don't be so downcast. Didn't the doctor tell you that you are only mildly depressed. As long as you control it properly, you will be able to recover in a short time."

Seeing Qiao Yingzi's sad appearance, Zhou Chen felt very distressed. He had seen Qiao Yingzi's liveliness, so seeing her so decadent now made him really sad.

Qiao Yingzi: "Depression is a mental illness, Zhou Chen, I have a mental illness, what should I do?"

Suffering from mental illness is really a big blow to a young girl.

"It's okay, Yingzi, I will accompany you."

Zhou Chen gently hugged Qiao Yingzi to show comfort.

"The doctor said that your condition can't be delayed, and you can't be stimulated anymore, so you must let your parents know about this matter, otherwise they will definitely stimulate you again and again without knowing it."

"Huh? Tell my mother?"

When Qiao Yingzi heard that he was going to have a showdown with his parents, he was shocked in his heart.

"Don't be afraid, I'll tell them."

Qiao Yingzi quickly waved his hand: "No, no, my mother's attitude towards you, if you talk about it, she can just blow you away."

Zhou Chen said: "What I want to say is about you. If she really loves you, she will never do anything to me. Instead, she will listen to me patiently. If she takes a step back, even if they don't want to listen Mine, but seeing the report I gave them, they will also pay attention to you and take you to check, so as not to delay your recovery."

"Can it work? Or let me say it myself."

Qiao Yingzi was still uneasy, mainly because she was too afraid of her mother.

"It's okay, but you can't explain what you said by yourself. I remembered what the doctor said just now. It's better for me to say it."

Zhou Chen was not afraid of Song Qian in the first place, and since it was Qiao Yingzi's matter, he did not believe that a mother who had a strong desire to control her daughter would ignore her daughter's illness.

"OK then."

"Yingzi, you call your parents now, tell them to go home immediately, and briefly say that you are sick."

"Well, I'll call now."

Qiao Weidong and Song Qian received a call from Qiao Yingzi and were shocked when they learned that Qiao Yingzi was ill, and they could rush home as quickly as possible.

But when they rushed home and saw that there was another person besides Qiao Yingzi, Song Qian exploded on the spot.

"Who let you in? Yingzi, did you let him in? How many times have I told you not to stay with him, and you brought him home?"

Looking at Song Qian who was so angry, Qiao Yingzi remained silent.

Qiao Weidong hurriedly grabbed Song Qian and advised, "Don't worry, listen to Yingzi first, Yingzi, what's going on?"

"Let me tell you."

Zhou Chen stood up, and as soon as he said a word, Song Qian yelled: "You leave immediately, you are not welcome in our family."

Zhou Chen's expression remained unchanged. He had long been accustomed to Song Qian's attitude.

"It's okay to let me go, but I just want to ask, how important is Yingzi to you? You know that Yingzi is sick, but the first thing you do when you get home is not to care about Yingzi's condition, but to think about how to drive me away. Let's go, is this what you care about Yingzi?"

Qiao Weidong and Song Qian's expressions changed after being questioned by Zhou Chen. In the end, Qiao Weidong reacted quickly and rushed to Qiao Yingzi's side.

"Yingzi, just now you called and said you were sick, what happened and what happened to you?"

Qiao Yingzi didn't speak, but just had a mournful face, which made Qiao Weidong feel bad immediately.

"Yingzi, you."

In the middle of speaking, he looked at Zhou Chen and asked, "Tell me, what happened to Yingzi?"

Zhou Chen didn't talk nonsense, he directly took out the diagnosis report and handed it to Qiao Wendong.

"I took her to see a psychiatrist today. This is the doctor's diagnosis report. I think you two need to take a good look at it."


Qiao Weidong was startled, and quickly took the report and opened it, while the angry Song Qian also froze, walked over quickly, and read the report with Qiao Weidong.



Song Qian snatched the report, threw it on the table forcefully, pointed at Zhou Chen, and yelled loudly: "Impossible, where did you get this fake report? Don't try to lie to me, how could my daughter There will be depression, absolutely impossible."

Qiao Weidong also yelled: "Yes, it is absolutely impossible, Yingzi, tell me, what is going on, are you all united and trying to lie to us?"

Qiao Yingzi remained silent, not saying a word.

Her attitude and reaction made Qiao Weidong and Song Qian's hearts go cold. Based on their understanding of their daughter, this state obviously had a big problem.

Zhou Chen said: "You two, Yingzi and I are best friends. I will not use this kind of thing to hurt her. The psychiatrist I am looking for is also very famous in the industry. If you don't believe me, you can ask about it." The doctor's situation, or you can find a doctor yourself and then diagnose Yingzi."

"Impossible, impossible."

Song Qian's body suddenly went limp, but thanks to Qiao Weidong's sharp eyesight and quick hands, he grabbed her and prevented her from falling to the ground.

Song Qian stabilized her body and stretched out her hand to touch her daughter, but when she stretched her hand halfway, she no longer dared to move forward, tears streaming down her face.

"Yingzi, Yingzi, my daughter, how could this happen, how could this happen?"

Although she didn't know what was going on, based on her understanding of her daughter and her expression, she could already guess that this matter might not be fake.

Yingzi, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke: "Mom, I'm fine, I'm fine."

But the more she said that, the more Song Qian cried, and even Qiao Weidong couldn't help but shed tears.

Looking at the family of three, Zhou Chen didn't speak anymore, but left here silently, letting the family of three discuss it carefully.

It wasn't until evening that he received a message from Qiao Yingzi that her parents were going to take her to the big hospital for another checkup.

And she also said that ever since she knew she might be suffering from depression, her mother, Song Qian, became very careful, and she didn't even dare to speak loudly, for fear of scaring her.

Regarding this, Zhou Chen couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

In the eyes of others, Song Qian treated Qiao Yingzi too much, but in the end, she also loved her daughter, but her way of loving was too extreme.

Now that Qiao Yingzi has a problem, Song Qian is probably more anxious than anyone else.

After the examination the next day, Qiao Yingzi sent another message, saying that the results of this examination were similar to those of yesterday. She was indeed suffering from mild depression. The doctor also advised her to recover in time and not to be stimulated again. Her parents talked for a long time.


Song Qian sat beside Qiao Yingzi's bed, chatting with Qiao Yingzi, her tone soft and slow.

Ever since she learned that her daughter was really suffering from depression, she had a bit of a breakdown, but thinking of her daughter, she quickly adjusted her mentality.

"Yingzi, can you really go to school tomorrow? If not, I will call your teacher Li and ask you for a few days off."

Song Qian, who has always attached great importance to her daughter's academic performance, now has to let go of her obsession. Compared with her daughter's safety, what is her academic performance worth?

Qiao Yingzi shook his head and said, "No, I can go to class."

Song Qian asked worriedly: "But if you can't sleep at night and go to class the next day, you will be in a bad mood."

Qiao Yingzi smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, I have a way to make myself fall asleep."

Song Qian asked in surprise: "Didn't you say that you have been insomnia for a long time?"

"It's been insomnia for a long time, but recently I found a way to make myself fall asleep, and this is it."

Qiao Yingzi picked up the phone, plugged in the earphones, pointed to the earphones, and said to her mother Song Qian.

"Listening to music?"

"Well, but it's not the songs of those stars, but Zhou Chen's."

"Zhou Chen's song?"

Song Qian raised her eyebrows instinctively. Although Zhou Chen discovered her daughter's symptoms first and prevented her from getting worse, she still didn't have a good impression of Zhou Chen.

"That kid can sing?"

Qiao Yingzi: "Well, not only can he sing, but he can also sing very well, better than many singers, and the songs he sings are all original songs that I have never heard before."

"Original? True or false?"

Song Qian expressed serious doubts. Zhou Chen is only a teenager in his teens. How could he create an original song? Even if it is an original song, it will definitely not sound good.

Seeing that her mother didn't believe it, Qiao Yingzi immediately became anxious, picked up an earphone and handed it to her: "Don't believe it, Mom, you'll know it after listening to it, it's really good."

Of course Song Qian would not refuse. The doctor had already told her to communicate with her daughter more and explain her more. Now that her daughter can still talk to her naturally, she is too happy. How could she refuse.

"Then I really want to listen to it, to see how nice it sounds, and to be praised so much by you."

Qiao Yingzi saw her mother put the earphones to her ears, so she started playing music, and chose a song she thought was the best.

Song Qian was careless at first, but as the music and singing sounded, her expression slowly changed.

Surprised at first, then shocked, and finally stunned.

"Yingzi, are you sure this is Zhou Chen's song, or is it original?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, you can search the Internet to make sure you won't find the same song."

Song Qian, who received an affirmative answer, no longer knew what to say.

Even though she had great hostility towards Zhou Chen, after listening to this song, she had to admit that it was really well sung.

The words are good, the music is good, the voice is good...

Different from those hip-hop raps that are popular on the Internet now, this is a ballad, even at her age, it sounds very moving.

But how could such a good song be composed by a teenager in his teens?

In Song Qian's shock, the new song continued to play...

After listening to the songs with her daughter for more than half an hour, Song Qian was relieved to see her daughter finally fall asleep. It seemed that her daughter was right, these songs could really make her fall asleep peacefully.

While feeling relieved, she was also very uncomfortable.

As a mother, she couldn't put her daughter to sleep, but an outsider could put her daughter to sleep by singing, which made her very unbalanced.

Tiptoing out of the room, Song Qian saw Qiao Weidong sitting on the sofa and hadn't left, so she walked over.

"Is Yingzi asleep?"

Qiao Weidong asked nervously when he saw Song Qian coming out.

Song Qian nodded and said, "Sleeping."

"Did she really sleep? Didn't she say that she always suffers from insomnia?"

"She fell asleep listening to the song."

Song Qian hesitated for a moment, but still told Qiao Weidong the truth.

After listening to Song Qian's narration, Qiao Weidong was also depressed. He grinned and shouted: "What kind of magic does that kid have? How could Yingzi be so fascinated?"

"Keep your voice down."

Song Qian glared at him angrily, and said in a low voice: "Now is not the time to talk about this, how to get Yingzi out of depression is the key, if that Zhou Chen can really help Yingzi, even if we don't If you are willing, you can only try.”

Qiao Weidong was still angry, and snorted, "I'm just very upset. Why, our daughter who has been raising for 18 years is about to be raped by a pig. I, I..."

The daughter is the father's little lover, and he feels bad when he thinks that his daughter will be with other men in the future.

Having said that, neither of them continued to talk about this topic.

"Song Qian, you heard what the doctor said today. Family reasons are also one of the reasons for Yingzi's illness. So if we want to cure her, I think we have to make changes."

Song Qian was silent for a while, and then asked, "Then what should we do?"

"I think we can no longer be as hostile as before. We must give Yingzi a good family atmosphere. We should..."

The two divorced people, in order to treat their daughter's illness, began to discuss a plan, and planned to start living together.

In the next few days, Song Qian and Qiao Weidong did not pick up Yingzi, but let Yingzi go to school alone, which also made Qiao Yingzi very happy.

After being picked up by her parents to and from school for such a long time, she was a little psychologically shadowed. Now that she finally doesn't have to be picked up, her mood is naturally much brighter.

Regarding Qiao Yingzi's condition, the less people know about it, the better, so Zhou Chen has already discussed with her, don't tell others, even Huang Zhitao and Fang Yifan, don't tell them.

In fact, mild depression, as long as the patient does not show extreme behavior, it is really difficult for normal people to see it.

Day by day passed, and it was not long before the winter vacation, and the school's learning atmosphere immediately became rigorous again.

That night, Qiao Yingzi tossed and turned, even listening to Zhou Chen's songs, she couldn't fall asleep.

After getting up and checking the time, it was almost one o'clock, so Qiao Yingzi got up from the bed, went out quietly, came to the door of Zhou Chen's house, and called Zhou Chen's phone number.

(End of this chapter)

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