Chapter 285 The way to make money

"Submit articles to make money, are you short of money?"

Zhao Yingnan asked in surprise.

Zhou Chen: "That said, who is not short of money? The military camp also has a small store that sells things. I want to buy books, food and drink, and I need money. The consumption in big cities is much higher than that in our small cities. There are not many ways to make money that I can think of, if I can write some poetry and novels, if I can publish it, I can also make some money."

Zhao Yingnan is relieved. In fact, in this era, except for a few families, most families are not rich.

Even in their family, her father is still the chief of staff in the military camp, but in fact the family conditions are very average, not short of money, but not rich.

She is not a child now, she is more mature than many of her peers, and she understands Zhou Chen's desire to make money.

"Okay, I'll go and ask for you later. If you send a letter, it should be fine."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, we are classmates, so we should help each other."

In the next few days, in addition to the military training, Zhao Yingnan and Hopu led people to train at night. As for Zhou Chen, he practiced singing. Because of the need, he also borrowed a few people from the class to play supporting roles for him.

For this matter, several people in the dormitory had a lot of trouble, insisting on competing for the spot, and finally held a arena and had a duel before deciding on the final candidate.

The reason why they are so enthusiastic is more because of.

When reciting poems, they need to memorize them all, and there is no room for loss. But singing with Zhou Chen is different. There are very few places where they are needed, and they don't need too much practice at all, and they can complete the task easily.

Song practice is really a piece of cake for Zhou Chen. Anyway, he doesn't need to release an album single, he just sings live. After three days of practice, he is already familiar with it.

There are still a few days before the National Day. During this time, Zhou Chen did not read medical books, but devoted himself to 'creation'.

Zhao Yingnan was really dissatisfied with his efficiency, and it didn't take long for her to bring good news to Zhou Chen.

Although the military camp does not allow students to leave privately, it is still possible to send letters, but sending letters also requires money.

But Zhao Yingnan patted his chest and assured that this is a trivial matter, as long as the letter is handed over to her, she can help send it out.

After Zhou Chen heard this, he was not polite, "Squad leader, thank you so much. If I can make money, I will definitely treat you to a big meal."

Zhao Yingnan smiled and said, "Then I will wait for your big meal."

To be honest, she knew that Zhou Chen had literary talents, but she didn't think that Zhou Chen could make money by submitting articles, and of course she wouldn't say anything if it was just a blow.

"The gala will be in three days. The recitation side is ready. How is your side?"

Zhou Chen said: "It's almost ready, as long as you cooperate with me well, there will be no problems."

"That's good."

Zhao Yingnan smiled. This time, Renhe Medical College has applied for two programs. If they are both successful, they will definitely be able to overwhelm the programs of other universities.

"I believe in your strength, and you will be able to make a big splash by then."

Seeing Zhao Yingnan raised his fist to cheer him up, Zhou Chen chuckled. This Zhao Yingnan looks very capable and straightforward, but in fact he does not lack the softness of a woman.

"Thank you."

I don't know if Zhou Chen's self-introduction before the military training played a role. Anyway, during the military training for a period of time, Dai Bingzhong and Sun Jianjun did not deliberately trouble him, nor did they put on shoes for him.

Of course, maybe it was also because he was the best trained one in the whole class, better than Zhao Yingnan, so they didn't find an excuse.

Although Zhao Yingnan has been in the army for many years, Zhou Chen's physical fitness and learning ability are particularly strong. After a few days of military training, he has already mastered the essence. No matter what kind of training, he can complete it as quickly as possible.

On the contrary, Qiushui, who often thought of wandering off during military training, was repeatedly taught by Dai Bingzhong, which can be described as miserable.

But Qiushui also has a problem. He obviously doesn't want to be taught a lesson, but every time he still grinds it out, always asking the instructor to find a reason.

"I'm exhausted. This damn instructor made me run three more laps today. If this continues, I feel like I won't be able to survive the military training."

Qiu Shui fell on the bed like a puddle of mud. He was fined again today and ran three extra laps.

Hopu: "You deserve it. Who told you to always fight against the instructors? This is a military camp. If you fight against the instructors, there will be no good end."

Qiu Shui, who was already angry, became even more angry when he heard this, and sat up suddenly, pointing at Magnolia and cursing.

"Squad leader, are you addicted to being an instructor's dog leg? I scolded a few times in the dormitory, so is it possible that you still want to report me? Believe it or not, I'm messing with you."

After Qiu Shui shouted loudly, several people in the dormitory stood up, staring at Magnolia 'viciously'.

"No, I'm the squad leader, you can't mess around, Qiushui, I think you need to rest now, take a good rest."


Seeing that Hopu was timid, Qiushui nodded in satisfaction. In this dormitory, although Hopu is the squad leader, his appeal is really not very good, and it is not as effective as Qiushui's words.

Seeing Zhou Chen sitting there silently and hardworking, Xin Yi walked over curiously.

"Zhou Chen, in the past few days, you have been writing and drawing there when you have time. Are you writing poetry or what?"

"writing a novel."

Zhou Chen put down his pen and got used to typing on the computer. Now that he has resumed the old-fashioned handwriting, it is also a torment for him.

After a few days, I only wrote less than [-] words. Apart from the slow handwriting, I didn't have much time, because the lights in the barracks were turned off on time.

"writing a novel?"

Xin Yi was shocked: "You can still write novels?"

When the other people heard it, they also gathered around, staring at Zhou Chen and the notebook on the table in disbelief.

It's nothing more than writing poems and songs, and even writing novels, which shocked everyone. Is there anything Zhou Chen can't do?

"What novel did you write, show me."

Qiu Shui, who has always regarded himself as a literati, was the most excited one. He didn't care about being tired, so he squeezed away the crowd with all his strength, rushed to Zhou Chen and shouted.

Zhou Chen said: "It's different from the current mainstream novels. It's only written less than [-] words, and it hasn't officially entered the plot yet. I can't see anything yet."

In terms of making money, what he thinks of is publishing novels, or writing songs, poetry, and the like.

He doesn't know much about writing poetry. The most important thing is that he doesn't remember many modern poems. It is even more difficult to write a good word.

Poems are different from novels. If a few words are wrong, the meaning of a poem may change.

Just relying on the modern poems he memorized, let alone whether he can make money, it is difficult to say whether he can adapt to this era, and it is not easy to publish.

Writing songs is a good choice, but the problem is that in China now, not more than ten years later, the possibility of a newcomer wanting to make money by selling songs is very slim.

If it is sent to those big star singers in Xiangjiang, there is still a chance, but it is not an easy task to write a letter to Xiangjiang.

So after much deliberation, Zhou Chen still felt that writing a novel was more suitable. As long as it could be published and serialized, he should be able to earn start-up capital.

Anyway, he is currently in military training, and there is nothing else to do in the military camp, so he can't write much in a day, but after a long time, his speed has improved, which is still very impressive.

(End of this chapter)

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