The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 287 The fight caused by a bag of biscuits

Chapter 287 The Battle Caused by a Bag of Biscuits
Facing the eyes of a group of wolves and tigers, Zhou Chen was still calm, and slowly put a bag of biscuits in his palm.

"There is only one bag of biscuits. If I distribute them to you, I will have nothing to eat. Do you think I am so noble?"

"Of course, Zhou Chen, you are still a very good person, I know you must be very noble, I believe my eyes."

Good guy, Hopu, the monitor, really doesn't even want face, he just praises Zhou Chen vigorously, and stares at the biscuit in Zhou Chen's hand with green eyes.

"go away."

Xin Yi and Qiu Shui unceremoniously pushed Hopu aside.

Xin Yi raised her finger: "One week's worth of socks is exchanged for a bag of biscuits."

Before the words fell, Xiao Hong called directly: "Two weeks, I will help you wash your socks for two weeks, and give me the biscuits."

"Xiaohong, do you want to be so cruel? You are a girl. This is a matter of our boys' dormitory. Don't interfere." Xin Yi shouted angrily.

Gu Ming stood by Xiaohong's side, and said to Zhou Chen: "Zhou Chen, you give the biscuits to Xiaohong, and I will help you wash your socks for two weeks."

"Nimma, Xiaobai, you are still human, you are betraying the organization." Xin Yi cursed angrily.

Gu Ming mercilessly exposed Xin Yi's little thoughts: "Xin Yi, don't think I don't know, you want biscuits, isn't it just for your demon knife, you are for the demon knife, I am for Xiaohong, what's wrong?"

Xin Yi shouted again: "One month, one month's socks."

"Two months, Zhou Chen, I'll pack your socks for the next two months."


Looking at Xin Yi and Gu Ming who were fighting with red faces, Zhou Chen, the person involved, was also in a daze. He didn't say anything, and the two of them were fighting among themselves?
The reactions of Xin Yi and Gu Ming illustrated a problem. Women are indeed a scourge, and even brothers can't bear it.

"Why don't you each wash half of my socks for a month?"

Both Xin Yi and Gu Ming were stunned by Zhou Chen's proposal. They looked at each other fiercely, and then reached a consensus.

"it is good."

After taking the biscuits from Zhou Chen, he quickly divided them into two. Gu Ming handed his own to Xiao Hong, and Xiao Hong immediately gobbled it up.

And Xin Yi took the remaining half bag of biscuits, and handed it to Yaodao shyly: "Yaodao, be hungry, eat some biscuits."

In an instant, countless eyes around Yaodao were fixed on the half bag of biscuits.

Yang Yue looked at the half bag of biscuits that Xin Yi handed over. She, who was always calm, also blushed slightly at this moment.

"I'm not hungry, I don't need your biscuits, you can eat them yourself."

Xin Yi was in a hurry: "I asked for this specially for you. You haven't eaten for such a long time, it's not good for your stomach. Eat some."

"I will not eat."

Yang Yue still refused, which made Gu Xiaoman, who was sitting next to her, anxious.

"Xin Yi, she won't eat the demon knife, give it to me, I will eat it, I will starve to death."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to grab it, but Xin Yi reacted quickly and retracted immediately.

"No, this is for the demon sword, not for you."

"Xin Yi, how can you do this, you give me the biscuit, and I will help you pursue the demon knife, how about it?"

"Gu Xiaoman, shut up."

Yang Yue cursed angrily, then took the biscuit from Xin Yi, "Thank you for the biscuit, I will return it to you."

"No, no need to pay back."

Seeing that Yang Yue accepted the biscuit, Xin Yi smiled brightly like a chrysanthemum.

But in the next second, the smile on his face froze instantly.

I saw Zhou Chen calmly took out a bag of biscuits from his body, which was exactly the same as the previous bag of biscuits.

"Zhou Chen, you, you..."

Xin Yi was trembling with anger, pointing at Zhou Chen: "Is there any brotherhood left?"

Zhou Chen said lightly: "I didn't force you, it was you who insisted on washing my socks, you can't blame me."

Xin Yi swallowed: "Okay, I don't blame you, I don't blame you, but why are you wearing biscuits?"

Zhou Chen didn't answer, because he already knew what would happen today, so he prepared the biscuits early.

Who would have thought that Xin Yi and Gu Ming would pre-order his socks for two months before he could open his mouth.

"Zhou Chen, I packed a month's worth of socks."

The squad leader Hopu jumped out again at this time.

Du Zhong, Huang Qi and the others were not far behind, and shouted at Zhou Chen one after another, wanting to wash his socks and clothes for him.

But the real killer was still behind. A girl sitting in front of Zhou Chen turned her head.

"100 yuan, give me the biscuits."

In an instant, there was silence, and everyone looked at Liu Tingting in astonishment, because the person who spoke was Liu Tingting.

After nearly a month of getting along, there are more than [-] students in a class, and they are already familiar with each other. Liu Tingting is considered a good-looking girl.

But no one expected that she would be so wealthy that she could buy dozens of bags of biscuits for 100 yuan.

Zhou Chen looked at Liu Tingting's eyes full of expectation, and suddenly remembered that Liu Tingting in the TV series seemed to be a super rich second generation.

"You don't need the money, I'll give you the biscuits, and you girls will share a share."

100 yuan is not a small amount of money in this day and age, but Zhou Chen has not degenerated to the point of cheating the money of the female students in his class.

He handed the biscuit in his hand to Liu Tingting, and then he took out another bag of biscuit and handed it to Huang Qi.

"You also took it to share with the male classmates."

Huang Qi and the others happily began to share the biscuits, but Xin Yi and Gu Ming's expressions were as if they had eaten Xiang Xiang, it was ugly to death.

"Zhou Chen." "Zhou Chen."


The two who were just about to have a fight with Zhou Chen, saw Zhou Chen's raised eyebrows and cold eyes, they were shocked, thinking of the horror of Zhou Chen ruling the dormitory.

"It's okay, it's okay, I just wanted to praise you, you're such a nice person, and I even brought cookies for everyone."

Zhao Yingnan came back at this time, and seeing everyone eating biscuits, his face was full of astonishment.

"Yaodao, what's the situation with you, where did you get the biscuits?"

When she was called away just now, everyone was still hungry. Why did they all eat biscuits when they came back a few minutes later?

Gu Xiaoman, with a big mouth, said while eating: "It's Zhou Chen's biscuits, let us share them. There are so many boys in our class, but Zhou Chen is the smartest and most manly. He didn't eat it himself. We ate it all."

You Yue also nodded again and again: "Yes, why didn't I find out before that this biscuit is so delicious."

After Zhao Yingnan understood the reason, he looked at Zhou Chen, who smiled at her.

"Hurry up and eat, it will be troublesome if the instructor sees it."

Everyone else was still hungry, but Renhe Medical College was eating biscuits. If they were found out, it would be embarrassing.

Qiu Shui, who sneaked to the backstage, also came back at this time.

Just now he followed Instructor Sun and Zhao Yingnan to the backstage, and saw Instructor Sun secretly stuffing a box of canned beef for Zhao Yingnan, because Zhao Yingnan didn't want to start a small stove in private, so he put the canned beef in the backstage, which also gave Qiushui took advantage of the opportunity.

It's just that when he came back with the can of beef in his arms, he saw that everyone was already eating biscuits, which made him confused, where did everyone get the biscuits.

From Xin Yi and Gu Ming, Qiu Shui learned the specific situation, and then gave Zhou Chen a thumbs up.

"Zhou Chen, you are still awesome, with foresight, but I am no worse than you."

(End of this chapter)

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