Chapter 75

"Xiao Zhou, you look very young, how old are you this year?"

At the first meeting, Xue Sumei's first impression of Zhou Chen was still very good. As an actress, she could see that Zhou Chen's smile did not seem to be fake.

Zhou Chen replied: "Auntie, it's 29 years later."


Xue Sumei's face changed, "Xiao Zhou, you have read the profile of my daughter Taozi, you should know that she will be 32 years later, you..."

Originally, she had a good sense of Zhou Chen, but when she heard about Zhou Chen's age, she was a little worried, because her daughter was three years older than Zhou Chen.

In Huaxia's concept of marriage, most couples are male and female. It's not that there are no females and males, but the ratio is relatively low. Her daughter is three years older than Zhou Chen, which naturally makes her worried.

Zhou Chen: "Auntie, I don't care, isn't the old saying, female junior, hold gold bricks."

"Yes, yes, yes, female junior, holding golden bricks, Xiao Zhou, what you said is very correct. Although our peach is a little older than you, she looks young."

As soon as she heard that Zhou Chen didn't care about the age difference, Xue Sumei let go of her dangling heart, and at the same time, she became more and more pleasing to the eyes of Zhou Chen.

"Xiao Zhou, what do you do?"

"Sorry, Auntie, I haven't had time to introduce myself yet."

Zhou Chen showed his apology, and Xue Sumei smiled and waved her hand to indicate that it was okay.

"Auntie, my name is Zhou Chen. I used to work at the Civil Affairs Bureau and a clerk at the marriage registration office, but not long ago, I just quit my job to start a business by myself."

Xue Sumei felt a sudden shock and asked inexplicably, "The clerk of the Civil Affairs Bureau should be a civil servant. Why should you resign with such a stable job?"

For their parents, of course, they hope that their daughter can find a reliable man with a stable job, so when they heard that Zhou Chen resigned to start a business, he suddenly flinched.

After all, her daughter is already more than 30, and is no longer more than 20 years old. She can't stand the trouble anymore. She doesn't ask her daughter to find a rich man, she just hopes that her daughter can find a stable and reliable man.

Zhou Chen explained with a smile: "To be honest, Auntie, although the civil affairs bureau's job benefits are very good, it is really hard for my heart to receive couples who have conflicts and want to divorce every day. After a long time, it will affect the marriage. Full of fear, there is a senior in our unit, who is 35 years old this year, not married, nor in love, because of fear of marriage."

In order to dispel Xue Sumei's concerns, Zhou Chen directly sold it, but he couldn't help thinking silently.

"What else?" Xue Sumei looked surprised.

"Yeah, Auntie, I'm just afraid of working for a long time. Like that senior, I'm afraid of getting married or not. Of course, the reason why I quit my job was not because I knew a little about finance and made some money by investing. , there are about tens of millions, I don’t think it’s worthwhile to keep this money in the bank to earn interest, so I think about doing some business by myself.”

"Auntie, don't mind. I don't mean to show off. It's just that I feel that elders like you should be frank and honest. Just say whatever you want. Only in this way can you get to know me better."

Although it is a bit vulgar to speak with savings, Zhou Chen feels that it is easier to dispel Xue Sumei's concerns. Maybe Xue Sumei does not ask her daughter to find a rich man, but if there is such a person, she will definitely not object. Who doesn't want their daughter to live? ok.

"It's okay, Auntie didn't think much about it. You're right. It's a blind date. It's the most important thing to know the bottom line. Auntie likes honest people like you the most. Go on."

Xue Sumei smiled all over her face. Although she didn't know whether Zhou Chen was telling the truth or not, she still did a good job on the surface, and such words would be untenable if they were lies.

Zhou Chen breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "Auntie, then I will continue to talk about my situation. I originally bought an old-fashioned two-bedroom and one-bedroom near the suburbs. It's fine if I live alone, but it is used as a wedding room. It won't work, so I sold it and I am going to buy a new house, but I haven't started yet, because I want to find a partner first and listen to the woman's advice when buying a house."

The more Xue Sumei listened, the more she felt that something was wrong. She quit her job and sold her house. Why did she feel like a liar the more she heard it?
But she is an old actor after all, she continued to ask calmly: "Your house is sold, where do you live now?"

Zhou Chen replied, "I rented a suite in the city center and lived there temporarily."

Hearing that it was renting a house, Xue Sumei felt that it was unreliable, that is, she had no fixed assets. Although this young man said something nice, who knows whether it is true or not. Although she hopes that her daughter will get married soon, she does not want to give her daughter to a liar.

Although she had doubts in her heart, she was still a little reluctant to see the young man's sincere appearance.

Looking at Xue Sumei's expression, Zhou Chen knew that his words made Xue Sumei uneasy, but he was not in a hurry, but continued to explain in an orderly manner.

"Auntie, I know you must think I'm unreliable now, like a liar."

"No, no, Xiao Zhou, Auntie really doesn't have this idea."

Xue Sumei hurriedly waved her hand to veto, although she had some ideas, how could she say it directly.

"Auntie, I can understand what you think about it, but you don't know my family situation. To tell you the truth, my parents are gone, and now I'm alone. That's why I said that I should listen to the woman's opinion when buying a house. reason."


Xue Sumei was even more panicked when she heard Zhou Chen say that her parents were gone.

Zhou Chen said calmly: "Auntie, although my parents are gone, I have no support, but think about it from another angle, if your daughter is with me, there will be no conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and I won't need to be burdened in the future. Old man, do you think so?"

Xue Sumei, who was worried because she knew Zhou Chen had no parents, felt reasonable after hearing Zhou Chen's analysis.

If this is the case, the daughter's family will definitely be closer to her. Even if she has a child in the future, it will definitely be brought by her, and she will not have to worry about her daughter being married and unable to go home often.

Just like her niece Su Qing and her husband, they often eat and live in her house because they have no relatives, which adds a lot of popularity to their family.

Seeing that Xue Sumei was moving, Zhou Chen took advantage of the situation to continue: "It is because I have no relatives that I want to find a good mother-in-law like Auntie you."

Zhou Chen really didn't say it a few times before, but he knew that Xue Sumei was a very good-looking person, so he had a sweet mouth and said all kinds of good things. As long as he could coax Xue Sumei well, it would be much easier to pursue carambola. .

"Haha, isn't it, Xiao Zhou, what you said, how can Auntie be as good as what you said."

Xue Sumei was praised by Zhou Chen for being elated and humble.

"Of course, if there is a mother-in-law like you, I can wake up laughing in my dreams."

The flattery was banging, and the smile on Xue Sumei's face became more and more serious.

"Xiao Zhou, don't think that just by saying something nice, Auntie will be confused by what you say. Auntie is not stupid."

Zhou Chen laughed directly: "Auntie, I'm telling the truth. If I'm with your daughter, I'll buy a house wherever you ask me to buy a house. Even if it's across from you, it's absolutely fine."

Hearing Zhou Chen's words, Xue Sumei's eyes flickered a few times. It was a coincidence that the family opposite their house seemed to be selling houses recently. If...

Xue Sumei quickly shook her head, this is not optimistic, why did you think of it here.

"Xiao Zhou, it's too early to say this. In fact, I don't have high requirements for my son-in-law. As long as the person is okay, a stable job is enough. Xiao Zhou, you are very good, but..."

"Don't bother, Auntie."

Seeing that Xue Sumei wanted to refuse, Zhou Chen quickly said, "Auntie, you have misunderstood me, what kind of job is stable in this society now?"

Xue Sumei: "I think your work in the Civil Affairs Bureau is quite stable. State cadres, eating public food, are more stable than anything else."

When Zhou Chen heard the words, he was quite depressed, and it was not good for him to be a teacher. It seemed that Xue Sumei didn't believe that he had so much savings at all, and felt that he was lying, but how to prove this?

"Auntie, it's really stable to eat public meals, but to be honest, as a small civil servant, I really can't make much money. I want to get married, and I must give the woman better living conditions, so I quit my job and prepare to work Business."

Xue Sumei thought about it for a while, and felt that what Zhou Chen said was reasonable. The civil servants are stable, but the salary is really not high. If the conditions are good, of course she wants it, but Zhou Chen has no job and no room. With one mouth, she really couldn't believe it.

"You said you were going to do business, so what business are you going to do?"

Zhou Chen: "I'm going to open a large bridal shop, and at the same time rent and sell wedding dresses, wedding photography, etc. The funds are ready, and I have also found a good person to go through the document formalities, but so far, I have not found a suitable one. store."

"You are looking for a store. I have lived here for decades and am very familiar with Yanjing. How big of a store do you need, I might be able to help you find it."

Xue Sumei reacted very quickly, Zhengchou didn't have the chance to test the truth of Zhou Chen, and the opportunity came. If Zhou Chen really has the ability to rent a big store and is willing to let her help, it means that Zhou Chen's words should be credible.

On the other hand, if Zhou Chen refuses her help, it is very likely that he has a guilty conscience, so there is nothing to say.

"Really? It would be great if Auntie could really help. I've been worrying about this recently. Auntie, as long as you can help me find a suitable store, I will be very grateful."

This is true. Recently, he is indeed looking for a store. Since it is going to open, he will definitely not make a small noise, but is going to make a slightly bigger storefront.

But he looked at a few, either the size is not suitable, the location is not good, or the price is too expensive, so the location has not been determined yet.

His understanding of Yanjing was limited to a few memories in his mind, and he was definitely not as good as a person from Yanjing. If Xue Sumei was willing to help him, it would save him a lot of time and energy.

Including the money from selling the house, he now has a total of 500 more than [-] million, which seems like a lot, but in this city, if you really want to spend it, you can't afford it, so you must plan carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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