Shenzhou Medicine Master

第583章 以1己之力连续暴击,第1!第1!还是第1!

In the solemn and solemn medical hall, a ray of golden autumn sun slanted on the young man in green shirt sitting by the window.

This young man has a straight back, dignified demeanor, and elegant demeanor, bathed in the sunlight by the window, like a god-man.

At this time, the young man was hanging his wrist to draw a brush, and each willow-style regular script was presented on the test paper, which was too beautiful to behold.

"...Humans adhere to the five constants, and are born because of the atmosphere. Although the atmosphere can produce all things, it can also harm all things..."

"...anger makes the qi go up, joy makes the qi slow down, fear makes the qi go down, cold makes the qi go down, thinking makes the qi stagnate..."

"The first illness is in the meridian, and the long-term illness is in the network..."

After writing a piece of "On Medicine", there are thousands of words, the arguments are rigorous, every word is pearls, tolerance is great, and it is deeply in line with the way of medicine.

These are all the most reasonable sayings of Chinese medicine, which have been followed for thousands of years.It is also in line with the orthodoxy of medicine in Baolian Kingdom.

It was already noon when I finished writing "On Medicine" in two hours.

Looking at the exquisite regular script, Jiang Yao was very satisfied.

This kind of medical theory can only be written by people who have stayed in China and have a certain understanding of Chinese medicine.

No wonder Li Xixia and the others failed the exam.The disease of the monks, the medicine of the fairy world, and the diagnosis and treatment methods of the fairy doctors are very different from those of the mortal world, and they are almost two different things.

It is of course counterproductive to use the cultivation method of medicine and medicine in the fairy world to deal with the medical theory of the mortal world.

For Li Xixia and others, just this mortal medical theory is a big difficulty.

carry out an assignment!

As soon as the papers were handed in, Jiang Yao immediately attracted the attention of the five examiners.

"What a beautiful word!"

"It's more than just words. This medical theory is both lofty and majestic, but also subtle and reasonable. It's wonderful!"

"It's a good saying that a great doctor cures a disease without desire or demand! A good sentence is 'Bold desires are big but heart desires are small, wisdom desires fullness and action desires square'!"

"I haven't seen such an exquisite medical theory for many years, what a pity! What a pity!"

"Brother Xizai said it's a pity again, what is it a pity?"

"Oh, it's a pity that this ginger medicine is too young. Although it knows the way of medical theory, it is a pity that it must be lacking in practical diagnosis and treatment, so it is difficult to pass the exam."

Several medical officials applauded Jiang Yao's "On Medicine" while admiring Jiang Yao's "On Medicine", while repeatedly lamenting the pity, joy and pity.

Looking at the "Medical Theory" of other candidates, it suddenly seemed like chewing wax, bland and tasteless.Although there are no mistakes, it is quite satisfactory, with few bright spots and lack of novelty.

It can't be compared to Jiang Yao's "On Medicine", which is elegant, gorgeous, penetrating, and has irrefutable new ideas.Comparing the two, it is like pearls and jade to rubble.

"Brother Xizai, you are the examiner, how do you grade this medical treatise?"

"Well, let's rate it as the best."

"Okay, that's the best! I have no objection."

"I, Baolian Country, probably haven't published a top-notch medical theory for hundreds of years."

Seeing the expressions and actions of the five medical officers, all candidates knew that they had discovered the excellent "On Medicine", but who was it?

After the first round, Jiang Yao felt hungry, so he took out the wedding cake that Qingxue brought him and ate it.

This wedding cake is a unique snack for wedding banquets held by Baolian State, you can tell it at a glance.

As soon as Jiang Yao took out the wedding cake, it immediately attracted the attention of some candidates, and some even laughed.

"Did you see the wedding cake that man ate? It was the wedding cake from Gu's family's wedding banquet yesterday, but he brought it back. How thick-skinned."

"Haha. His name is Jiang Yao, and he is a friend of the son-in-law of the Gu family..."

"It's with those embroidered pillows, no wonder."

Jiang Yao heard it clearly, but didn't even look at it.After eating two wedding cakes, he was ready for the written test in the afternoon.

There is only one day for the written test and two tests.Medical theory in the morning and pathology and pharmacology in the afternoon.

The ginger medicine has been fully prepared, and it is even more fearless to use the spirit body to 'cheat' for two days.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the second exam began.

As soon as the exam questions were handed out, the five medical officers couldn't help but look at the boy leaning against the window together.

They all read the medical theory of ginger medicine. Although they thought that the chance of ginger medicine passing the medical examination was very small, they still had a glimmer of hope.

If this young man is admitted to be a doctor at a young age, it will be a major event that will cause a sensation in the entire Baolian Kingdom.

It's too young.

What they didn't know was that Jiang Yao's real age was already sixty.If calculated according to the earth, it is already seven or eighty years old.

Not really teenagers at all.

Jiang Yao picked up the test paper, showed a smile that she was in control, and answered the question directly with a pen.

"...Danggui enters the two meridians of the heart and spleen...Salvia miltiorrhiza is slightly cold and cools the blood... Gastrodia elata calms the wind and relieves convulsions..."

"...borneol rejuvenates the mind...astragalus nourishes qi and nourishes the lungs...eucommia stops bleeding and relieves miscarriage..."

These are all in line with Chinese traditional Chinese medicine, as well as the unique medicines of Baolian Kingdom:

"Bone bones bring fire back to the original, relieve pain and dispel cold... Xuexuan nourishes yin and activates blood... Qicao soothes the nerves and suppresses evil..."

After answering the pharmacology questions, answer the pathology questions.Ginger Medicine wrote smoothly:
"People with lung heat have evil winds entering their lungs... people with muscle fistulas have weakness in their limbs... people with grimacing sores..."

The second written test, which lasted for three hours (six hours), did not end until the fourth quarter of the unitary hour.

A total of 360 questions were answered, which shows that the amount of questions is large and the time is tight.But Jiang Yao answered all of them.

1 minute to answer a question.This 1 minute includes dialectical thinking and writing.

It can be said that if you want to finish answering each question, you need to read the question once before you can write the answer with a little thought.

Not only must you be familiar with pathology and pharmacology, but you must also write fast enough.

The five medical officers have been paying attention to Jiang Yao, and found that he answered the questions very quickly, which can be said to be the fastest among all the candidates, and they couldn't help but feel disappointed.

Answering the question so quickly, it should be fooled by writing blindly.

If it is impossible to answer 280 questions correctly, then it can only be eliminated.For each exam, [-]% to [-]% of the written test will be eliminated.

But when the paper was closed and saw Jiang Yao's answer paper, the five medical officers suddenly showed expressions of surprise and joy.

The five people browsed through the test papers separately, and the more they read, the more frightened they became.

"This... this... all right?!"

"All right!"

"how is this possible?!"

"Hiss—this son..."

The five of them looked at each other after reading Jiang Yao's test paper.That look is clear: Did you leak the question?
These 360 ​​exam questions are selected from tens of thousands of questions. To answer all of them correctly, one must be familiar with pharmacology and diseases, and reach the level of profound knowledge.

Those who can answer 360 questions correctly within three hours are already at the level of top-ranking doctors.

Although a top-ranking doctor is not as good as a national player, he is already a great doctor.Below the top-rank doctors, there are middle-rank and low-rank doctors.

"It can't be leaking questions." Gu Xizai, the chief examiner, said in a deep voice, "The medical examination is of great importance, who would dare to make a mistake?"

He looked over the table and looked at the ginger medicine in the examination room, his eyes were delighted, "This ginger medicine is likely to be a rare medical genius who has been hard to find for thousands of years."

"His two written tests today were perfect, he was impeccable."

Another examiner said: "But the written test only accounts for [-]% after all, and [-]% still depends on the practical diagnosis and treatment. It would be a pity if he did not pass the test tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Gu Xizai smiled and said: "It's okay, he is young after all. If he fails this time, I will accept him as a disciple and teach him personally."

Another white-haired medical officer nodded and smiled, "Brother Xizai is one of the nine great doctors in my Baolian Kingdom. If he can become your disciple, even if he fails the exam this time, he has a bright future."

A few people's words determined the future of "Ginger Medicine".

At this time, it was already sunset.

Candidates who finished the test were taken to the building in the West Hospital of the Great Medical Hall, each in a grid room, where only one bed could be accommodated.

The two hundred candidates who took the exam this time all lived here.

According to the rules, you can't visit or talk, otherwise you will be disqualified from the exam.

After nightfall, the strange lights came on again.Candidates worry about gains and losses, and they can't sleep all night.

Jiang Yao also stayed up all night, but she was not worried about the next exam, but was thinking about exploring this wonderful situation.

I am more worried about the status quo of the Ming Dynasty.


Early the next morning, the results of yesterday's written test were announced.

150 candidates were directly eliminated and missed the real test.There are only 50 people left to enter the next round of examinations.

When the candidates saw the announced results, they immediately exploded.

Written test No.1, ginger medicine!

Medical theory, superb!
Both pharmacology and pathology are full marks!

"how can that be?"

"No.1... ginger medicine? 20 years old?"

"It turned out to be him! Did you make a mistake?"

"Excellent exam paper?"

Many gray-haired candidates suddenly became messy in the wind.

When they saw Jiang Yao's exam paper, they all looked like they had seen a ghost, and then they beat their chests and stamped their feet.

"Good medical theory! Good medical theory!"

"Why can't I figure it out!?"

"I answered all of them, and they answered so well!"

With a sound of 'swipe', all eyes were full of shock and shot at the handsome young man in green shirt standing at the back, calm and composed.

Is he really only 20 years old?This is the kind of rare medical genius?
The eyes of everyone included surprise, admiration, doubt, envy...the list goes on.

Especially the candidates who laughed at Jiang Yao yesterday, all of them had fever on their faces.

Candidates who were eliminated from the written test were even more disappointed and bitter.

After studying medicine for many years, she has been eliminated. Jiang Yao is so young, but she won the first place in two written tests.

People are more dead than people.

It wasn't until this time that they discovered that Jiang Yao was not only young, but also had an indescribable dignity, as if destined not to belong to this world.

Looking at her written test results, Jiang Yao also breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, sure enough, no surprises.

now it's right.

He didn't take a second look, and left in a calm and unrestrained manner, without taking a smile away, leaving everyone with a figure like a loose crane bone.

Even the fifty candidates who passed the written test were a little autistic.

After working for a long time, ginger medicine, who was the youngest and least favored at the time, actually got the first place in the test!

They seemed to be accompanying the exam!

Finally someone made a discordant sound.

"Oh, it's just a written test. The most important part of the medical test is the practical test. Jiang Yao will answer the questions again, but he can practice diagnosis and treatment. Can he do it?"

"God knows if his written test scores are worthless, if he's out of shit luck..."

"That's right! He is so young, even if he is talented, how much real ability can he have? Of course a doctor must be profound, but in the end he must treat diseases. It is not just talking about diseases on paper."

"That's right. I don't believe that he can still be so calm when he comes into contact with patients and encounters intractable diseases!"

When it comes to the upcoming practical exam, their self-confidence, which was hurt by the ginger medicine, has been regained for the time being.

It's a mule or a horse, pull it out and yo.

The true skill of a doctor is diagnosis and treatment.No matter how good the medical theory is, so what?


At a quarter o'clock, the diagnostic exam began, and this was the third round.

Fifty exams entering the second round entered the arena one by one, and came to the Hall of Broken Illness in the Great Medical Hall.

The Hall of Broken Diseases is the largest consultation office in the Great Medical Hall, and also the most authoritative consultation office in Baolian Kingdom.The diseases jointly diagnosed by the great doctors here are almost conclusive.

Using the Hall of Duanji as the examination room for medical examinations also shows the importance attached to medical examinations.

Today's examiners, in addition to Gu Xizai and other five senior medical officers, there are more than a dozen mid-level and low-level physicians to assist in the examination.

Then twenty patients were brought in.

These twenty patients are not only new patients, but also not simple diseases, different patients have different diseases.

Twenty people suffer from at least twenty kinds of diseases.

Each candidate must diagnose four patients and prescribe four treatment plans.Each patient is diagnosed ten times.

Only when the diagnosis is correct three times and the diagnosis and treatment plan is correct three times can they be promoted.Otherwise eliminated.

Moreover, the two major steps of diagnosis and treatment plan must be completed within a quarter of an hour.

When Gu Xizai and other examiners saw Jiang Yao, they all showed concern, which made other examinees feel sour.

The other candidates couldn't help but cast incomprehensible glances at Jiang Yao.

Now that all the patients have arrived, can you, the boy who ranked first in the written test, be able to show off the limelight again?

Jealousy is human nature, and it is inevitable for sages and sages, not to mention these competitors who worry about gains and losses.

Gu Xizai stood up and said, "Starting from the third round, talking is prohibited. Those who cheat in any way will be disqualified and their results will be invalidated."

As a result, candidates began to come to patients in groups for diagnosis under the leadership of middle and low-grade doctors.

Jiang Yao held a pen and paper and was led to a woman with a face like gold paper.

He is the second in this group.There was another examinee in front of him, who had already begun to feel the pulse of the woman.

This is a man in his 40s. He asked the female patient a few questions and looked at her tongue coating.

After reading it several times, I was sure that there was no problem. Finally, I wrote down my diagnosis result on the diagnosis test paper.

No one knows the outcome of his diagnosis, nor his treatment options.

Then it was ginger medicine's turn.

As soon as Jiang Yao got close to the female patient, Yao Lingbody sensed her illness, and there was more than one illness.

Postpartum anemia, diabetes, and poisoning.

Cockroach poison is a kind of poison in Baolian Kingdom, which has the effect of abortion.But if taken excessively, it will be poisoned.

In the next hour, Jiang Yao took turns diagnosing the four patients, and all prescribed prescriptions and treatment plans.

He also asked about it, but it was just a show.Because Yao Ling would perceive all the symptoms of the patient, as if cheating.

Of the four patients, one of them was an old man who suffered from five diseases, one of which was an extremely rare disease.

Ginger medicine has written all five kinds of diseases, and has not hidden clumsiness.In fact, he didn't want to write too much, making the performance too monstrous and causing unnecessary trouble.

But he took the lesser of two evils and wrote down all five diseases and a complete set of treatment plans.

Because this patient is too sick and dangerous.If the best treatment plan is not taken immediately, the patient will soon become critically ill and die.

Compared with human life, he no longer considered the so-called troubles.

Only for patients!
At this moment, Jiang Yao had even forgotten that he was an examinee, but regarded himself as a good doctor who saved the dying and healed the wounded.

In his eyes, only the patient's safety is in his eyes at this time.

Therefore, his medical records are undisguised, and he will come up with whatever treatment plan is best for the patient.

Afterwards, Jiang Yao handed in her diagnostic test paper.

The time soon arrived in the afternoon, and the examiner judged the papers in public on the spot.

The five medical officers couldn't wait to open Jiang Yao's test paper, and when they saw Jiang Yao's four medical cases, their eyes froze.

"It took me half an hour to diagnose the five diseases of old man Wang. I thought it would be good if the examinee could diagnose two diseases, but Jiang Yao actually diagnosed five diseases within a quarter of an hour!"

Gu Xizai jumped up against the case, "It's not bad at all, it's like a god's help!"

"This son is really a talent that is rare in a thousand years!"

The other medical officers couldn't help but be amazed after reading Jiang Yao's test paper.

Not to mention the fast and accurate diagnosis, the treatment plan is also perfect, and the selected drugs are the cheapest and least toxic.

It can be seen that ginger medicine is not only comparable to a great doctor, but also a good doctor with a kind heart, a compassionate doctor!

"On these four medical cases, they have already surpassed top-ranking doctors and reached the national level!" Gu Xizai sighed, "What an amazing young man!" Who is eligible for medicine?"

Gu Xizai immediately took Jiang Yao's medical examination papers and went to the Hall of the Medicine Lord where the great medicine master was.

Not long after, Gu Xizai returned to the Hall of Broken Illness with brisk steps, and said loudly, "Where is the ginger medicine?"

Jiang Yao stood up, "Yes."

Gu Xizai nodded with relief, and said loudly: "Just now, Jiang Yao's written test and medical case papers have been handed over to His Royal Highness the Lord Yao for his own review."

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall was suddenly silent.

Everyone shot Jiang Yao horrified eyes.

what happened?The exam is not over yet, why is Jiang Yao's test paper handed in front of His Royal Highness the Lord Yao?

Your Highness Yaozhu, have you ever looked at the examinee's test paper?
Everyone was wondering, but they heard Gu Xizai continue to say: "This hall announces the decision of His Royal Highness, Jiang Yao will be exempted from tomorrow's exam, and will be directly promoted to pass!"

What?Just pass the test and advance to the next level, and tomorrow's medical skills such as massage and acupuncture will not be tested?

Gu Xizai said: "The old man knows what you are thinking. You can look at the medical case made by Jiangyao. The treatment methods in it have already involved acupuncture and moxibustion in many places."

"It can be seen that ginger medicine is no stranger to acupuncture and moxibustion, and has a lot of knowledge!"

"So, he doesn't need to take tomorrow's essential skills practical exam!"

"Ginger medicine won the first place in three of the four exams, so His Royal Highness the medicine master must make ginger medicine No.1, and immediately confer the title of top-grade physician!"

What?Not only is it directly designated as the first, but also a top-ranking doctor?

In the previous medical examinations, out of a hundred candidates, only two or three passed the final examination, and almost all of them were awarded low-ranking doctors.

If it can be directly awarded to a Chinese doctor, it will be a great existence, and it has not appeared for many years.

But before the ginger medicine test was over, it was directly awarded to a top-rank doctor!

I thought it would be difficult for Jiang Yao to get ahead in today's exam, but who knows that's not the case at all.

Everyone is numb.

Looking at Jiang Yao's gaze, he was already powerless to be jealous.

That's right, this is a young man who makes people powerless to envy.

Many people are bleeding from their hearts.Especially many elderly candidates are about to cry.

Gu Xizai smiled and said: "I can understand your feelings, you can see Jiang Yao's medical records. Come here, post up Jiang Yao's medical records and test papers!"

"Announce the answer from the Great Medical Hall!"

As soon as Jiang Yao's medical examination papers were released, everyone's hearts turned cold when they saw it.


Five kinds of diseases can be diagnosed, and the treatment plan given is like a godsend, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Where is this top-ranking doctor?It is the master of Chinese medicine, it is nothing more than that.

Many candidates are addicted to watching it, unable to extricate themselves, and even greatly inspired and excited.

The correct answer of the Great Medical Hall is almost the same as Jiang Yao's answer, and Jiang Yao's answer seems to be more clever.

This is scary.

Immediately, a turbulent sea arose in everyone's hearts, and their gazes at Jiang Yao changed again.

"Since ancient times, masters have been teachers! Although Mr. Jiang is young, he is our teacher!" A candidate who is over fifty years old said excitedly, bowing to Jiang Yao!

PS: Well, the first chapter of the medical exam is over, and the plot will start tomorrow!Ho ho!Brother Yao, come on!Crab, good night!

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