Chapter 1000

The white wolf garrison ignited soaring fireworks, which can be seen from far and near.

The Khitan became distraught, and launched a frenzied attack.

The Feilong soldiers stood on the high slope with ease, pouring down arrows.They are going to leave, there is no need to save, give these feather arrows to the Khitan people as gifts.

Some bold Khitan cavalry charged up the high slope, but they were quickly hooked off their horses, with swords and axes thrown down, blood splattering.

"Raise the spear!" Seeing that the Khitan cavalry were still unable to charge forward, Xue Li, the Marquis of Yu, the capital of the Flying Dragon Army, became anxious and ordered directly.

"Huh!" The first row of spears leveled the spears, and someone on the left and right wings abandoned the long spears and stepped forward with their bows.

With the sound of rustling footsteps and occasional clashes of nails and weapons, two thousand infantrymen slowly walked down the high slope and launched an active charge against the cavalry.

"Woo--" the sound of the horn sounded, and the archers happily rolled up their strong bows, and called names one by one at places far beyond the range of the bows.

No one panicked, that's fine.With a smile on the corner of Xue Li's mouth, holding a long axe, he moved forward steadily.

As long as you don't panic, no one can defeat them.But [-]% of the infantry in the world panicked the moment they saw the cavalry.

The arrows shot by the infantry archers were tricky and vicious, and the arrows bit the flesh, and the Khitan cavalry screamed one after another.Not necessarily dead, but injuries to people or horses are inevitable.

"Steady!" Xue Li only gave a simple order.

But many junior officers or veterans are very subjective. They remind each other and take care of each other. The teams and battalions maintain a good distance between each other. The entire formation is like a precision-operated machine, stabbing at the enemy like a hedgehog.

Their pace was unhurried, with only slight disorganization on the way down.

The Khitan cavalry galloped left and right, charging but not daring to charge, running but not wanting to run, so they could only turn their horses around and retreat to create a distance.

Riding a bow and shooting arrows is soft and close. When facing the strong bow and crossbow of the infantry, it is almost useless to fight back.

Yeluzhen stared angrily.Why don't they panic?Just now the cavalry charged desperately, the momentum was so loud, why didn't they break up?Even if you don't collapse, it's fine if you waver, why don't you waver?Is the heart made of iron?

"Shusha!" The infantry had already descended to the flat ground in the valley.

"Nie Lakun, lead someone to charge again." Yeluzhen turned his head and ordered.

Nie Lakun showed embarrassment, and said: "Brother, I have rushed through just now, and I can't get in."

"Rush again!" Zhen Duo said angrily, "If you dare to disobey the order, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Nie Lakun was startled, knowing that his elder brother was serious, sighed secretly, ordered five hundred horsemen, and let more than a hundred people in armor stand in front, aiming at the junction of Xia Renbu's archer and long-lance hand, and roared , rushed over first.

Five hundred cavalry may not seem like many, but the power they charge is astonishing.

At first, more than a hundred riders were dressed in iron armor, holding long-handled bones, and their faces were ferocious.If you are timid, this will be scary.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" The dense arrows shot out, without aiming at anyone, they shot exactly at the horse.

Along the way, war horses continued to fall and die, which affected the charge speed of the rear cavalry.They had to separate to the two sides, and the dense charge formation suddenly became sparse.

After the archer shot the last arrow, he got into the long lance jungle, and another group of infantry came up from behind, their sharp lance blades facing the direction of the Khitan cavalry rushing.

"Steady!" The veterans kept shouting while looking ahead.

On the chaotic battlefield, people are highly nervous, sometimes they can't hear the golden drum, and sometimes they can't see the flag.At this time, if you have Pao Ze who is experienced in battle to remind you, and use their experience to tell you what to do, and use their actions and words to soothe your overly nervous emotions, it will be hard to change.

"Don't pee your pants!" Several veterans of the dispersal team laughed, and even took the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative to roll out their names with infantry at close range, seemingly completely unaware of what would happen if they were approached by cavalry.

More and more horses died on the way, and the Khitan cavalry became more and more scattered.Nirakun closed his eyes, led dozens of armored cavalry, and slammed into them first.

His luck was good and bad.

The war horses refused to rush towards the sharp spears, and stood up in front of the infantry formation.Nie Lakun urged the horse desperately, but unexpectedly, the world spun and was directly knocked down by a long axe.

He realized that something was wrong, and was about to get up when a shield hit his face, and then a horizontal knife was wiped lightly.

"It doesn't seem to hurt..." The last thought came to Yelu Neilakun's mind.

Blood gushed out and soaked the ground.

"It's a joke!" Xue Li sneered.

In the past, the 500 Turkic infantry who rushed to Su Dingfang used [-] cavalry to fight in several waves.You are good, [-] people want to come to test, stupid!

"Boom..." The drum sounded, and the two thousand infantry launched an astonishing active charge.

The front of the battlefield is full of dead people and horse corpses. The Khitan cavalry must not be able to charge up, so the infantry of the Flying Dragon Army will take the initiative to meet them. Are you going to fight?
The Khitan people didn't fight, and they took the initiative to retreat, making a mess for a while.

"Woo—" the horn sounded again.

"Kill the thief!" On the hills on both sides, Fan Qingqi, a small expert with Shunfeng, rushed out, taking advantage of the opportunity when the Khitan people were in a mess, they galloped and shot.

The rain of arrows exacerbated the confusion of the Khitan people.

The problem of low organization was revealed, everyone was scrambling to run, and no one was willing to stay and resist.

The Dangxiang Qingqi monster screamed and rushed to the enemy's back, and their horse speed could not be raised, but it didn't matter, they stabbed with spears, hacked with knives, and smashed with maces.

The Khitan fell off their horses one by one, crying and screaming.

That's horrible!Xue Li couldn't bear to watch.Once people's morale collapses, there is no lower limit, and they are no different from animals, they are all pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

A mob cannot be a soldier, and this battle once again confirmed this iron law.

The fighting was over by noon.

The soldiers of Feilong calmly cleaned the battlefield and collected the ownerless horses.The Fans fought over the armor left by the Khitans, and nearly fought.

mob!Xue Li shook his head, they were no different from Khitan people.Because of the lack of combat experience, it may not be as good.

time to go!As the escort in charge of breaking the rear, Xue Li knew very well that after teaching the Khitans who came after them a painful lesson, they could retreat calmly, and no one would dare to chase them again.

The army envoy Liang Hanyong left three or four days earlier than them, carrying a large number of spoils of war, beaming with joy.

This trip has been rewarding!There are more than [-] people and more than [-] miscellaneous animals. The Khitan people were complacent about infiltrating into the area behind the mountain before. The tribes that were originally attached to Youzhou surrendered to Khitan later, but who cares, they are all King Xia's people now.

Come back next year!

The right uppercut was retracted, and most of the left uppercuts were also retracted, but there was a little accident.

On the second day of September, Zhe Siyu, the cavalry envoy, ordered 5000 men and more than [-] horses to go straight down Huangshui.

On the seventh day of September, near the former site of Qishou Khan City.

Along the way, there were actually some obstacles.

Chutebu, Pinbu and Liubuxi and other miscellaneous tribes tried their best to stop them.

Even now, there are still people who are foolish enough to confront them.After teaching them how to be human, the Khitan people became more honest, scattered in all directions, competed in archery at the middle distance, and frantically blocked.

However, the cavalry warriors are not weak in archery. Most of them are from Helong chieftains. They once set up the Beiwei capital, and after reorganization, they became four commanders. , Shooting the Khitan people couldn't find the north.

But at this point, the Khitan people were also jealous, and would rather pay a higher casualty ratio than drive away the Xia soldiers who slapped them in the face.Even if a few people replace you with each other and consume each other by riding and shooting, they will consume you to death!
And it was this decisive move that made Zhe Siyu order to stop the advance and station his horses on the west bank of Tuhuzhenshui.

On the other side of the river, [-] to [-] Khitan cavalry were finally assembled, almost ten times their size.

Zhe Siyu is not stupid, he will not feel that all his subordinates are invincible tough guys who cannot die.Normally, without seriously disrupting production, the Khitan can gather only 10,000+, and the maximum is no more than 20.If there is an extreme conscription, all young and old will join, and there may be hundreds of thousands of cavalry gathered.

At this time, he slapped the left and right slaps so hard that the Khitan people were dizzy. They were really in a hurry. The whole people mobilized, but life was over. Tens of thousands of people came over, which could indeed consume the 10 he went north. soldiers and horses.

Of course, the Khitans would not do this if they were not in a desperate situation.

The mobilization of the whole people means that a large number of livestock are slaughtered to supply the front-line consumption; it means that there is not enough manpower to prepare hay for the winter and harvest food; it means that the vassal tribes panic and doubt the ability of the "Khitan Heavenly Soldiers".

Overdrawing the development potential of the Khitan Eight Departments for a long period of time in the future, there are many disadvantages, and I can't finish talking about them.

Zhe Siyu beckoned, and the soldiers brought a Khitan prisoner over.

"I'll let you go back and tell Shilu that I've plundered hundreds of thousands of cattle, sheep and people, and I'll give them away without any effort." Zhe Siyu said, "It's not easy for old Shilu to gather so many soldiers and horses, which will delay the family's farming work." It's not beautiful anymore, let's all go back to our respective homes."

The captive glared at him.

"You don't want to pass on the message?" Zhe Siyu waved his hand, and the soldiers stepped forward, raised the knife in his hand, and slashed at the riverside under the astonished eyes of the captives.

There was a commotion on the other side.

After killing the man, the soldiers brought another prisoner.

Zhe Siyu repeated the words, with the dead ghost in front as an example, this man nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, then rode a horse, found a shoal, and waded across the river.

There was a puff of smoke in the distance.

A Baoji brought five thousand Khan's pro-army, and finally arrived in a hurry.

Yelu Shilu took a look at him and ordered that the prisoner who had just crossed the river be beheaded.

The prisoner was terrified and opened his mouth to speak, Shi Lu directly drew his bow, and shot an arrow, which hit the prisoner's open mouth.

"Boom!" The body crashed to the ground.

A Baoji looked solemn, rode his horse and leaned over, and said, "Uncle, why..."

"The Xia people are strong and good at fighting, and we are helpless. Abaoji, you are Ta Mabi Shali, how dare you lead your army straight to the enemy's line and repel them?" Yelu Shilu asked.

A Baoji looked at his uncle's eyes full of deep meaning, nodded heavily, and said, "Why don't you dare?"

After all, he asked his subordinates to change their horses, and with a wave of the banner, they searched for shallows and tried to cross the river.

Shi Lu also cooperated quite well, and immediately ordered Yili Jin to rectify the troops and horses, cross the river in a large scale, and cooperate with A Baoji's five thousand elites.

All of a sudden, [-] riders acted one after another, looking for a ferry point.

Seeing this, Xia Jun on the other side immediately roared and rode away without delay.

Abaoji and Shilu secretly breathed a sigh of relief as if they had a good understanding.

"Kill!" Abaoji chased after him bravely like a god.

The Khitans also became more courageous, relying on more than ten times the superiority of their troops, they crossed the river one after another, chasing Xia Bing, and it was very lively for a while.

But anyone who has insight into the situation knows that the Xia people came here with the intention of taking a surprise attack, and attacking you one by one before you have assembled or mobilized. The risk of annihilation of the army continues to toss with you, and it is inevitable to leave.

The farce-like pursuit lasted for a whole day, Xia Jun took advantage of the cover of night and disappeared between the vast pine forest and grassland.

A Baoji chased all the way to the Huangshui Stone Bridge, regained the flat pine forest, and then ordered to stop.

It is hard to say how many people were lost in each ministries, but most of them were vassal tribes.Among the Khitan Headquarters, only the Chu Te Department, which has pastures in the flat pine forest, suffered heavy losses, and the Pin Department also suffered some losses, but not as much as the Chu Te Department.

This battle probably caused the Xia people to loot [-] to [-] people and hundreds of thousands of cattle, sheep, horses and camels.

And he first attacked the garrison behind the mountain in Youzhou Town, then plundered Tieli Mansion in Bohai State, and attacked Fuyu Mansion, and the income was almost the same.In fact, it was still a loss, because a lot of livestock were lost and many soldiers were killed in battle.

Next, it's time to add up.Some losses, eating once is enough, eating the second time is stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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