Chapter 1003 Guozuo
On the first day of October in the sixth year of Qianning, in Luoyang, the autumn air is crisp and clear.

Du Hong led the horse and walked slowly along the East First Street of Dingdingmen Avenue.

Outside Mingjiaofang, there is a constant flow of cars and horses.They pull all kinds of household items, such as desks, beds, rope chairs, tables, gold and silverware, blankets and the like.

After a little inquiring, we can see that they were all purchased from Ruzhou.

Ruzhou has wood drying kilns and deep mountains and old forests. Recently, many carpenters have gathered. Each of them has several apprentices, and they are busy working day and night, and they are too busy.

When Du Hong came from Ezhou and passed through Liang County and Linru, he saw too many such scenes.They often live at the foot of the mountain, build a shed, buy wood from the wood drying kilns built by the government one after another, and make furniture and tools.It is indeed very tiring and hard work, but it makes a lot of money.

I heard that King Xia was very satisfied with this phenomenon, and gave a new word to define it: forest industry.

The walls of Mingjiaofang were also built, and the entrance and exit were guarded by Tutuan peasants recruited from Henan County. According to the order of King Xia, Luoyang City was divided into two, with Henan County governing the east of the city and Luoyang County governing the west of the city.

Mingjiaofang is now the residence of high officials and dignitaries.Among them, Song Le, the governor of Heyang, should be the most official.According to rumors, he will be one of the prime ministers of the new dynasty in the future.

The Song House is located in the northwest of Mingjiaofang. It was built on the former site of Song Jing’s house in Empress Wu and Xuanzong Dynasty. The pavilions, pavilions, bamboo waves, rockery and flowing water, and winding paths lead to secluded places. Song Le's identity.

King Xia, it was really good to treat his old man Yuan Cong.

Mingjiaofang also accommodated two officials who were slightly lower than Song Le, namely Zhao Jue and Wang Ban.

Zhao Jue is the Jiedu envoy of the Zhongwu Army and the governor of Xuzhou. He lives in Cui Qiao's house, former Yinqing Guanglu doctor and Minister of Rites.

Cui Qiao's name is Minghui, his great-grandfather Junshi, his father Cui Rong, is the second son of Cui Rong.Qiao's elder brother, Yuxi, was a doctor in the Ministry of Rites. He was transferred from his father and brother to the scholar of Zhongshu. People at that time called him the "three brothers".Qiaoli, the Ministry of Water, the Ministry of Yu, the Ministry of Kaogong, and the Ministry of Officials, were among the four gentlemen, promoted to the Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and Tianbao passed away in nine years.

Cui Qiao's house is the mansion of a county prince. Although it is only half-built, the foundation still exists. After it was rebuilt, it was given to Zhao Jue.

What does this mean?Du Hong was thoughtful, Zhao Jue would most likely be able to win the title of Duke of Xinchao County.If you push others and yourself, can you get a county duke?I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Ezhou has few people, few soldiers, and little money. It was attacked by Yang Xingmi again and again, and it was dilapidated.

However, the envoy who came to deliver the order revealed in private that Zhe Zongben did not behave properly, and King Xia also blamed him. In order to express his apology, he will be given the title of Marquis of the County as a consolation in the future, that is, the Marquis of Gongcheng County. 1500 households were given food seals.

Several county marquises have been reported so far: Hou Zhaolu of Fushi County, Hou Zhangyun of Yangxin County, Hou Guo Shaobin of Wei County, and his own Gongcheng County Marquis.

It can be seen that the class of county marquis is used to place descendants who have troops or territory in their hands.Du Hong didn't think it was inappropriate for him to be a county marquis. His name was the Jiedushi of Wuchang Army, but he was actually the governor of Ezhou.

fair enough.If you take the benefits you shouldn't, you will inevitably be jealous of the old people in Kansai, life will be very sad, and if you don't do it, it will bring disaster to the family.

As one of the main roads, Dingdingmen Street has also been refurbished, with many locust trees and willows planted on both sides.

After walking past a big locust tree transplanted from nowhere, we arrived at Yirenfang.

Outside the square gate is also coming in and out.Some people were transporting materials for building houses and roads, others were transporting all kinds of clothing and musical instruments, and many servants who were obviously musicians came and went.

Du Hong's eyelids twitched.

The king of Xia recruited sound people from all over the world, and went to Luoyang Taichang Temple to serve.Although the name is used in the name of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, anyone with a discerning eye knows what is going on.

Du Hong hastened two steps, continued northward, and soon arrived at Chunhuafang.

Chunhuafang is also a place where officials gather.

Hu Zhen, Ge Congzhou, and Wang Tan lived in several larger houses, all of which were rewarded by King Xia.Another set, which was smaller, was given to a general of the Guangsheng Army named Chen Zhang. It was said that he was very brave.

Those who can get the reward of the house are the lucky ones.It is not easy to get a piece of land in Luoyang now. I heard that some people have gone to the homes of the common people who lived in Luoyang during Zhang Quanyi's time to discuss business. It can be seen that they have sharpened their heads and squeezed in.

Among the ruins cleared up by Chunhuafang, new houses are already being built.But the speed is very slow, probably because a large number of people were transferred to repair Miyagi.Maybe, after some time, King Xia will directly reward the land, and let the rewarded heroes find someone to build a house by themselves.

After Mingjiao, Yiren, and Chunhua, the fourth square, Anyefang, has arrived.

The square wall has not yet been built, and the whole square is almost a construction site.Du Hong turned in and walked all the way.

"This stick man, whose house is this?" The first thing he saw when he entered the workshop was a mansion with an extremely large area, which was almost completed. Even if you think about it with your toes, you know it's not easy, Du Hongla An old man who was standing by the roadside and watching asked.

The old man glanced at him.

Du Hong immediately reacted and introduced himself: "A Jiangxia Du Hong also lives in Anyefang. It's the first time I came to Luoyang today, and my family settled in the post house in the west of the city. I didn't have anything to do, so I came to have a look."

"So it's an official." The old man bowed and said, "This house..."

After finishing speaking, the old man fell into memory, as if he was remembering something.

"Zhang Weng..." Du Hong said softly.

"During the Guo Dynasty, this was originally Huo Wang Yuangui's house." The old man sighed, and said: "After Anshi, it was reduced to ruins, and now it has been rebuilt, and the scale is even bigger than before."

Du Hong was a little anxious, why the old man couldn't get to the point for a long time.

"I heard that this house was given to Shao Siwu, the eldest son of King Xia." The old man said: "There are rumors that the eldest son of King Xia will get married next year. There has already been a large team from Dunhuang, living in the Forbidden Garden, and sent a large number of rare treasures There are rare treasures, horses, cattle and sheep, as well as hundreds of male and female servants, all kinds of people, it is not uncommon."

"So that's how it is." Du Hong was stunned.

The eldest son of Prince Xia, the prince of the new dynasty, married the daughter of the commander-in-chief. No wonder he was so grand. I heard that he merged several houses around him, and the scale was even larger than before.

It's just—wouldn't it be too high-profile?This house, according to the old man, has surpassed the scale of Huo Wang Li Yuangui's mansion,

"Zhang Weng, who owns this mansion?" Du Hong asked, pointing to a big mansion diagonally opposite.

The old man looked at it and said, "Did you hang up a plaque without looking at it? That's the residence of Chen Changshi in the Xia Palace."

Speaking of this, he fell into memory again, and said after a while: "Before this, it was the residence of Li Shizhong in the Zhongzong Dynasty."

Li Shizhong is Li Huaiyuan, the prime minister of Empress Wu and Zhongzong, who was born in the Li family of Zhaojun, and was named Duke of Zhaojun.

Du Hong took another look, and felt that he was similar to Song Le's house in Mingjiaofang, which showed that the status of the two people was also the same. Although it seemed that Chen Cheng's power was greater, after all, he actually controlled the land of the Xuanwu Army's seven states. That was the richest and most populous land under King Xia's rule.

"Official Du's house faces east. It's an old house newly built. It used to be the private residence of the Xuanzong Dynasty Zhengyi doctor Shoudian Zhongjian, the governor of Guangling County, and the household servant Wang Yi." The old man continued.

"Thank you for your advice." Du Hong finished his salute, and then asked, "I don't know what to call Zhang Weng?"

"I used to be an official before, so I don't want to talk about the past. My brother is the king Situ of the late emperor." The old man replied.

Du Hong didn't know who "Wang Situ" was, but after much deliberation, Wang Duo was the only one.However, such a character actually moved to Luoyang?Could it be that the era of Zhang Quanyi has come?
"Zhang Weng, it seems that a new dynasty is about to be established. The dignitaries and dignitaries are coming one after another. It's just like the so-called emperor and courtiers..." Du Hong said.

The old man stretched out his hand to stop Du Hong's words, and sighed: "I'm old, and I'm used to the vicissitudes of the world. Wealth and power are nothing more than that. The weather changes, and it makes people sad to say it. But there is nothing in this world. There is no end to the banquet, there is no dynasty that will never be destroyed, and the new dynasty is established. As long as the people are kind, it is not bad. I have been an official in the Tang Dynasty all my life. When I am old, how can I be an official in the new dynasty? I have a lot of children and grandchildren, and I am afraid of death. Even the death festival of the Tang Dynasty can't be done. Just think about what to do, and just live through the last few years in peace."

"Zhang Weng is a real person." Du Hong said with a smile.

He didn't know how many people had the mentality of the old man, there should be many.The feudal town has been separated for more than 100 years, and loyalty is like this.

"I heard that many court officials have been demoted to Lingnan and Qianzhong recently, but are there any old acquaintances among them?" Du Hong asked again.

Specifically, Minister of the Ministry of War and Tongping Zhangshi Lu Yi were demoted to Chaozhou Haiyang Order; Jiaozhou Sihu; Cui Yuan, the servant of the household department, was demoted to Qianzhou Biejia; Zhongshusheren Su Jian was demoted to Gaozhou Dian Bailing...

This time, the big demotion was due to rumors in Chang'an that the capital was moved to Luoyang. Later, Xiao Yun, the servant of the door and Tongping Zhangshi, really proposed to move the capital to Luoyang, and said that many palaces in Ziwei City had been built for saints, concubines, princes, The princess lives.

Needless to say, this aroused a huge wave of opposition in the court.

Usually, I can tolerate some things, but this time I really touched the bottom line.Going to Luoyang, being placed under the eyes of traitors, being manipulated in the hands of the hands, can something good happen?
At the same time, they also realized that some things had reached a critical moment.

Shao Shude used to cherish feathers very much, and didn't interfere too much in government affairs, leaving them some space.But this time it seemed that they were planning to tear their face apart. As Qingliu, who was still somewhat loyal and self-proclaimed upright, they stood up without hesitation, opposed the relocation of the capital, and denounced the "treacherous ministers."

Obviously, this won't work.

This big demotion is just the beginning, and it will be cleaned repeatedly until all the courtiers loyal to the saint leave the center.

Moreover, moving the capital is a certainty, and it is impossible to change it.

"Old acquaintance?" The old man smiled and said, "There are indeed a few of them. They said goodbye to the saint last month."

Du Hong was silent.

"I can't do what they do, but I yearn for it." The old man sighed and said, "Da Tang, there are not many Guo Zuo left."

(End of this chapter)

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