Chapter 1009 Xintan
A large cruise ship slowly sailed into Xintan.

Xintan is a lake located in the southeast of Ziwei City.Luoshui divided into three streams in the area of ​​Tianjin Bridge, and rejoined at the south of Zuoyemen of the imperial city, then flowed northeast, and branched off at Huixunfang, namely Caoqu.The Cao Canal has gates. Once the gates are opened, the river flows into Xintan, and then goes eastward, leading directly to the outside of the city.

Xintan is very important to Luoyang.This is not only an artificial lake, but also a huge pier.

During the Dazu period, most merchants traveling to and from Beishi docked here to load and unload supplies. Therefore, business travel flourished. It was the largest inland port in the country. It is said that tens of thousands of ships entered and exited a day at its peak.

"Your Highness, the Cao Canal flows northeast to the south of Lidefang, and the west overflows into a pool. In Chang'an, Sinon Qing Zong Jinqing rented a voyage to Tongzhou and planted willows on all sides. It is a grand sight." On the cruise ship, Li Yanling said softly: " In the north of Xintan, there is the Xiecheng Canal, which leads directly to Hanjiacang City. During the Xuanzong Dynasty, the rented land to the east of Luoyang all existed here."

The scale of Hanjiacang City is very large, and it stored more than 583 million hu at the time, which accounted for almost half of the country's official warehouse grain reserves at that time, which shows its importance.

And these grains from Henan, Hebei, Huainan, Jiangnan and other places were transported in from outside the city through the Cao Canal, parked at Xintan, and then went north through the Xiecheng Canal to be stored in Hanjiacang City.

If the private grain storage is added, the grain in the entire Luoyang is enough to feed millions of people for a year.

Shao Shude laughed and said, "Lao Li has read a lot recently."

Li Yanling also smiled: "I can't go to battle, so I can only take care of these common affairs for Your Highness. The progress of the repairs in Hanjiacang City is slow. If Your Highness wants to make a big use of it, please allocate more people. If it can be filled with millions Dendrobium grains and grains are more convenient to use soldiers.”

Shao Shude sighed a little.

Any capital is a big consumer.

After all the repairs of Hanjiacang City are completed, 600 million hu grains can be stored, which obviously cannot be achieved by relying on Henan Prefecture alone.

Grains from Ziqing, Yun, and Yan were transported to Luokou through Jishui or the Yellow River, and then transported to Luoyang City through the Luoshui and Caoqu system.

Grain from Bian, Hua, Xu and other places was transported to Biankou through the Bian River, and then into Luoyang.

Grain from Hebei was transported to Luoyang through the Yongji Canal.

Luoyang in the Guo Dynasty was mainly raised by Henan and Hebei, and its appetite was amazing.

In fact, from the perspective of shipping, Bianzhou seems more suitable as a distribution center.After the hardships, Luoyang was destroyed by the flames of war. The imperial court simply abandoned Luoyang and invested heavily in Bianzhou to build it into a shipping center and logistics center, making it the largest metropolis in Kanto.

The prosperity of Bianzhou has lasted for more than a hundred years.If Shao Shude abandons Luoyang, expands Bianzhou, and uses it as his capital, it seems more cost-effective from an economic point of view.

But some accounts are not calculated that way.After fighting Zhu Quanzhong for so many years, I know how difficult it is to fight around Luoyang.If there hadn't been the strange move of sending troops out of Xiangyang and Nanyang to open up a second battlefield, Zhu Quanzhong would not have been defeated so easily.

Luoyang is in danger of mountains and rivers.

He never believed in the saying that the country is in virtue but not in danger.Zhu Quanzhong used Tutuan peasants to guard the dangerous terrain and continued to consume his Kansai elite soldiers. Is this exchange profitable?The lesson of being beheaded in a daze in the Northern Song Dynasty should be admonished.

Of course, some people will say that they were all beaten to the vicinity of Luoyang, no matter how difficult the terrain is, it is useless, because the soldiers are no longer good, and most of them dispersed in a hurry.But if you can have one more advantage, why not?
Furthermore, he started from Kansai, and the location of Luoyang is more suitable than Bianzhou to influence the Northwest.

"Hanjiacang City is not in a hurry. It can store 80 million hu grains now, which is about the same. Luoyang's household registration is still small, so don't worry." Shao Shude said: "However, many prisoners were sent from various places yesterday. I will allocate some of them. Give it to you by hand. When the water is dry in winter, the canal will be further dredged."

The Cao Canal runs parallel to the Luoshui River, all the way out of the city to the east, and then flows into the Luoshui River in Yanshi County.

The Cao Canal is an artificial waterway, part of its water source comes from the cut-off water, and part of it comes from the rainwater discharged from the Xiecheng Canal.If the water level is too low, the sluice on the Xintan side will be opened, and Luoshui will replenish it to ensure smooth shipping.

"As ordered." Li Yanling replied.

In fact, this matter is not entirely under Li Yanling's control, and Shao Shude's words were not addressed to him.Secretary Supervisor Lu Siye has already drafted the document, and the matter will eventually be implemented by the Metropolitan Water Supervisor and the Ministry of Industry.

"If there is a flood, is there a countermeasure?" Shao Shude asked suddenly.

In the autumn of the 14th year of Kaiyuan, the water surged into the canal, and hundreds of chartered boats drifted into the states, and many people drowned.

On the other side of Shangyang Palace, when Luoshui flooded several times, it also flooded many places, so Xuanzong had to build additional dams.

"Your Highness, the Qianjin Pond in the west of the city, the Qiu Pond in Shangyang Palace, and the Jiuzhou Pond in Ziwei City have either been dredged, or half of the silt has been dredged, and the storage capacity has been greatly increased, so it's all right," Li Yanling said.

In the west of the city, Luoshui and Gushui mainly flow into the city. There are three lakes and reservoirs, which can indeed adjust the flood peak.

Xintan is mainly used to regulate the water and the water discharged from the Xiecheng Canal under continuous heavy rain.

The final flow direction of these waters is to pass through the city, and flow into Luoshui in the northeast direction.

"I've seen the Qianjin Pond. It's really big. It's not bad. Jiuzhou Pond and Qiu Pond are a bit small. After dredging, the storage capacity is still not enough. I will ask Zhao Keyu, the capital water supervisor, to come to see me tomorrow. I am worried that there will be less rain in the future. , and the water in the canal is shallow, which affects shipping." Shao Shude said.

Qianjin Pond, Qiu Pond, Jiuzhou Pond, and Xintan, there are four reservoirs in total, and the last three are in the city. Compared with Qianjin Pond, the storage capacity is still much smaller.

In fact, there is also Xiawangchi (Weiwangchi), but it is just a scenic spot, not a reservoir, and it is a bit small.

Since the capital is in Luoyang, Shao Shude has to worry about shipping.

The cold weather is coming, and after the precipitation decreases, once the water transportation stops, it can only be transported by land, and the cost will increase sharply.According to the data reported by Sinong Temple, a horse-drawn carriage can only carry 0.8 hu grains (about [-] tons) on a post road with poor road conditions, and more than [-] hu grains can be transported on a post road with better road conditions.If it is a newly built first-class national road, it can transport more than [-] hu.

But if you go by the canal, a ship can transport [-] hu of grain, which is dozens or even a hundred times that of a horse-drawn cart, and the cost is much lower.

Luoyang cannot bear the hyperinflation caused by the suspension of water transportation.

Alas, everyone has the urge to move the capital to the seaside. Anyway, the barbarians of this era can't attack from the sea.

"Your Highness, will the rain really decrease? The Imperial College sent people to monitor the Gushui, Tangshui, Luoshui, and Yishui rivers. The rain has never been less, and the river has not been less." Li Yanling hesitated for a moment and asked.

"Prepare for a rainy day, do you understand?" Shao Shude glared at him, and said, "Pichi is the lifeblood of Luoyang, so it can't be careless. Forget it, I'll let Zhao Keyu go to Luhun County tomorrow, and build a reservoir in the upper reaches of Yishui River , in case of emergencies. The water canal is guaranteed, and there is also a transport canal."

Yunqu goes out of the city from the southeast corner of Luoyang and flows into Luoshui.This is also an important shipping channel, and the transportation of goods in Geinnan City depends entirely on this artificial river.Yishui flows into Luoshui in the east of Luoyang City. Once the water level drops, the transportation canal will be affected, and this has to be considered.

Therefore, it seems necessary to build a reservoir upstream of Yishui River.

While the two were talking, the cruise ship had sailed into Xintan.

"Here we come!" Boatman Song Erlang threw the hemp rope ashore, and Wang San caught it and tied it to the stone pillar.

The ship has berthed.The laborers on the shore swarmed up and unloaded bags of grain.

Song Er and Wang San are also old acquaintances. Many years ago, they were recruited as boatmen to transport grain and grass for Liang Jun in Rushui.

Song Er's son was still in Xie Yanzhang's army at that time, but fortunately he came back alive and is now a member of the Ruzhou State Army.

Song Er and Wang San have already arrived in Luoyang.

As skilled boatmen, they were recruited by the Henan government early on to ensure the supply of materials in Luoyang, and they worked for two years.

"Luoyang's popularity is getting stronger and stronger." Song Er looked up at the square city that was under construction around Xintan, and said with emotion.

"You've only been away for a few days, and I'm so moved. Isn't Luoyang still the same Luoyang?" Wang San sneered.

"You don't understand." Song Er shook his head and said, "This time I went to Yique, and found that it was very busy there, and almost all the people were conscripted and went south."

"Where to go south?" Wang San asked.

"Do you know the first-class national road built by Your Majesty?" Song Er asked after getting off the boat.


"Luoyang, Yique section is connected, Yique, Linru section is connected, just this month, Linru, Liang County section is also connected. Ruzhou Han Shijun mobilized people to go south, Henan Prefecture Yique and other counties also went , cooperate with Tangzhou and Dengzhou to build a first-class national road from Jiacheng to Fangcheng, a total of more than [-] miles." Song Er said: "Once this road is connected, we may return to Ruzhou in the future."

Wang San opened his mouth wide and hesitated to speak.

He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.It seems good to go back to my hometown, after all, my family is still there.But living in Luoyang may not be bad, it is really hard to choose.

"The king of Xia either built roads or dug rivers. Even if the people from all over the country did not go to battle, they would die on the banks of the river. I thought that the people in Henan and Ruzhou were tired, but now it seems that the people in Tang and Deng are not much better." Wang San muttered something.

"Hey, where is this? Zhe Linggong drove [-] Huai soldiers to dig Bishui. That's a cruel thing. People die from exhaustion every day." Song Er sneered, as if he didn't feel sorry for the Huai soldiers at all.

Bishui is the Tang River, which connects Fangcheng County at the southern end of the Wanye Corridor in the north and Xiangyang in the south.

Materials from Nanyang and Xiangyang were gathered by water to Fangcheng County, Tangzhou, and then transported by dry road to Jiacheng County, Ruzhou, and then transferred to water.After arriving at Linru County, go overland to Yique County, and finally transport it to Luoyang via Yishui.

The whole journey is more than 800 miles, [-]% of which are waterways and [-]% are dry roads, transporting materials from Nanyang and Jianghan to Luoyang.

So you can understand why Shao Shude is so obsessed with the first-class national road that runs through the north and the south.

The 95-li first-class national road from Taihang Xingkou to Mengzhou has long been open to traffic, and the more than [-]-li road from Heyang Nancheng to Luoyang has also been opened this year.

In the south, the section from Luoyang to Linru was completed this year after more than two years of construction.

Now the focus is to get through the [-]-mile distance of the Wanye Corridor. Once it is connected, the hinterland of Luoyang will be greatly extended to the south.

Shao Shude once tried to build a ship lock to see if there was a possibility of "crossing the canal", but he gave up in the end because it was unrealistic.

Later, I tried to introduce Yi into the Ru project, that is, connect Yishui and Rushui, but gave up.

But Shao Shude is not giving up yet, and this time he sent Zhao Keyu to Luhun County to select a site for the reservoir. After the matter is completed, he will also take a look at the surrounding geography to see if there is a way to connect Yishui and Rushui.

It is part of his long-term plan to thoroughly connect the various water systems.Manpower is not a problem, what is lacking is technology, such as a ship lift.

(End of this chapter)

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