Chapter 1017 Lineup
After the New Year, the various departments of the Xia Army system underwent a major mobilization.

The Wuwei Army returned to Zhengzhou to rest and was replaced by the Tielin Army.

The Jinglu army was transferred to Xiangwei, and the general Tu returned to the rear to rest.At the same time, General Tu's family also began to migrate.

Among the seven imperial guards, Sergeant Tielin's family was placed in Ruzhou, the volunteer army was half in Henan Prefecture and half in Ruzhou, the Tiande Army was all in Henan Prefecture, and the Wuwei Army was all in Zhengzhou.

General Tu is the fifth unit to relocate family members as a whole.Their resident will be placed in Shanxi and Guo prefectures, so they will also undertake a special task: send the people of Shanguo to help Xiangyang.

The reason why the army is required to undertake this task is mainly because of the fear of stirring up civil unrest.

Due to terrain factors, Shaanxi and Guo prefectures absorbed a large number of Henan people during the Qin Zongquan Rebellion, resulting in a surge in population.So far, there are more than 21 households and more than [-] mouths, which is really too many.

After discussing the issue of Xiangyang, Shao Shude decided to immigrate to Xiangyang, sending [-] households with little or no land in Shanguo to Xiang, Ying, and Fu prefectures, giving them land and exempting them from tax for three years.

It is true that the common people are very resistant to migration.Even though Shanguo has rugged terrain, continuous mountains, and not much arable land, most of them are still unwilling to leave.This can only be done by means of coercion, and the task will be completed by the sudden generals with complicated sources of sergeants.

After removing [-] households, the [-] generals will bring another [-] to [-] households.However, the soldiers of the imperial army, they all lived on wages, and it didn't matter whether they had more land or not.They can buy what they want, and if they can’t buy it, they can live on the rewards given out every month, and they can be very rich.

In the three states of Xiangzhen, the seven counties of Xiangzhou have more than 23 households and a population of [-]; the three counties of Yingzhou have more than [-] households and a population of [-]; the three counties of Fuzhou have five households. More than a thousand, with a mouth of more than [-].

There are less than 30 people in total, and because of the perennial wars, the people have been scattered, the economy has been severely damaged, and they are in urgent need of recuperation.If Shao Shude hadn't brought out Gucheng and Dengcheng, two wealthy counties with well-to-do household registrations, by mixing sand, Xiangyang would have been destroyed by the war.

After distributing [-] Shanguo households, they will rest and recuperate first, and in the next few years, they will slowly send people over.

In the previous war with Khitan, more than 12 people were captured, and each part of the army was divided into one point, and some people were added to Quzhu and Xianyou Palace. Shao Shude himself was divided into [-] to [-] people, and they were basically placed in Tang Deng. .

Tang Deng followed Xiangying to restore six prefectures and thirty counties, which is the focus of the next development and construction.

The Tiande Army was transferred back from the Eastern Front. After all, the local situation has become increasingly stable, and the local state army system has also been completed.

The Tiande Army will go to Heyang to replace the long-garrisoned Tianxiong Army and return to Luoyang to rest.

The family members of the Tianxiong Army are not in Menghuai, and will be moved from Shanzhou, Jinjiang and other places one after another, and resettled in Henan Prefecture.

Meng Huai will be the place where the soldiers of the Economic Strategy Army settle down.The two prefectures will receive more than 21 households of the families of the officers and men of the Economic Strategy Army. As a result, there will be more than 31 households and 60 people in the five counties of Mengzhou, and more than [-] households in the five counties of Huaizhou. households, more than [-] people, it is considered a relatively densely populated area.At least during the Tianbao period, there were only about [-] people in Hanoi, although there were more than one million people in the Han Dynasty.

The Chishui army has already returned to Luoyang, and there will be no soldiers here soon, so we can't let go of even one army.

On the fifth day of February, Shao Shude gave a farewell party to Fu Cunshen, Du Guangyi, Liu Wei and others in Lichun Palace.

"This time going north, my son will ask you to take care of me." Shao Shude gestured with his eyes, and the eldest son Shao Siwu personally poured a bowl of wine for Fu Cunshen.

Fu Cunshen got up quickly, and said: "Your Highness has been so kind to you, and I haven't been able to repay you so far. Dare you do your best!"

Shao Shude got up and respected Fu Cunshen with a bowl, and said: "I know your ability. There is no opportunity these years, and it has been buried. When you go to Anton, don't rush to collide with Khitan. That's what Bohai people want us to do." For Anton’s camp, he still has to rely on himself to fortify the city and fortify the fortress, so we must stabilize our position first.”

"Of order." Fu Cunshen drank it all in one gulp and replied loudly.

"Du Dalang, I have ordered the imperial court to set up the Andong Mansion, and you will be the governor. After Fuhai goes north, do you know what you need to do?" Shao Shude walked in front of Du Guangyi and asked.

Shao Siwu poured another bowl of wine for Du Guangyi. Du Guangyi got up calmly and replied confidently: "We will organize households to get the people together, persuade them to farm and animal husbandry, and save money and food."

After the Great Tang conquered Goguryeo, it set up Jimi Prefecture in the local area, and forcibly moved Goguryeo people to settle in the Central Plains, resulting in the degradation of civilization.More than two hundred years later, the hometown of Goguryeo is in endless chaos, with little order and no power. It is time to try to reform the land and return it to the bloc.

The saint has decreed to set up Andong Mansion, attached to Ziqing Town, and several counties under its jurisdiction.

Taking Duli Town as a reason to set up Lushun County—this name is obviously inseparable from Shao Shude.In fact, the imperial court planned to set up Duli County at the beginning. Shao Shude felt that there was no problem. Duli is probably a homonym for Dalian. Later generations here is also a district under the jurisdiction of Dalian City. But after much deliberation, it was changed to Lushun County, which is an omen. it is good.

Pinghai County was established based on Beisha City.

Beisha City is located on Dahei Mountain in today's Jinzhou District, "hanging on all sides, only the west gate can go up".

In the tenth year of Sui Daye's reign, General You Xiaowei came to Hu'er to attack Koryo from Donglai with a boat: "When Hu'er arrives at Bishe City, Koryo raises its troops to fight against the war, Hu'er defeats it, and it will be interesting to Pyongyang."

In the 19th year of Zhenguan, Zhang Liang sailed across the sea from Donglai.Cheng Mingzhen led the troops to arrive at night, and Wang Dadu, the deputy general manager, ascended first. After the end of May, he pulled them out and won [-] men and women.

Dahei Mountain strangles the narrow throat at the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula. It must pass through this place when going north from Dalian, so Koguryo built a city to prevent it.

Dongping County was set up in the area of ​​Pulandian in later generations, and ordered to build a city and defend it, and to repair Pugang.

Jili County was established in the former Jili Prefecture, which is located in the ancient city of Longtan Mountain, Deli Temple Town, Wafangdian.

Andong Mansion temporarily ruled Jili County.

"If you think so, Anton will have nothing to worry about." Shao Shude said with a smile, "Come, drink this cup to the brim."

The two drank.

The professional waiter Shao Siwu filled his father with wine again.

Shao Shude walked up to Liu Po ​​and said, "General Liu was in Ziqing back then, but he caused me a lot of trouble."

"I'm ashamed." Liu Po ​​said in panic, "Your Majesty Tianwei, I really can't stop him."

"I don't like to hear these words." Shao Shude said: "March and fight, don't mess with those supernatural things. What are the advantages and disadvantages, it is clear. What is Tianwei? I just have more soldiers to bully you and fewer soldiers. .Soldiers of the Longwu Army, is there anyone who doesn’t want to float northward?”

Liu Po ​​wanted to say no, but King Xia obviously didn't like to listen to lies, empty words, and stereotypes, so he could only honestly say: "Yes."

"The Longwu army has more than ten thousand soldiers, and it is impossible to go north overnight." Shao Shude said: "The first batch of two thousand soldiers will cross the sea in March. You should choose a reliable battalion to be the vanguard. Those who do not want to go north should persuade them well. If you don't listen, you will be punished as a deserter."

"Of order." Liu Wei replied.

It is said that Xia Wang Kuanren, indeed, treats people like a spring breeze, speaks nicely, pays attention to your emotions and face, likes to reason, likes to share benefits, but he obviously also has a harsh side.

"Punishment with deserters" means that no one knows how many lives have been lost.

With a kind face and a dark heart, it's not just talking.

"Li Renfu." Shao Shude walked up to another person.

"The last general is here!" Li Renfu, the envoy of the Zhen Guo Army, responded loudly.

"This is a banquet, why are you so nervous?" Shao Shude pressed his shoulders and made him sit back, then poured a bowl of wine for Li Renfu himself, and said: "You are the marquis of the camp and the supervisor of the army, don't forget responsibility."

Li Renfu used to be Shao Shude's personal commander, and he was an old man with a confidant.

Before, there were only 5000 soldiers left in the Zhen Guo Army. Recently, [-] soldiers were used to replenish the war losses of the various armies. The remaining [-] soldiers are not worth keeping the number. Therefore, the Zhen Guo Army has been abolished.The thousand sergeants under Li Renfu will follow him northward to Liaodong, and serve as the state army of Anton Prefecture, which will still be under his command for the time being.

That is to say, Li Renfu held three positions in the Andong camp, namely, the Marquis of Yu, the military supervisor, and the commander of the Andong Prefecture Army.

The name Supervising Army Envoy was also the first official appearance in Xia Jun's system.Although there were supervising troops in each battalion before, they all appeared in the name of praising paintings. This time, they will not perform any performances, and they will be called supervising troops directly. After all, Liaodong and the Central Plains are separated by sea. Necessary, and only by trusted people.

"Keep it in mind." Li Renfu picked up the wine bowl and drank it down.

Shao Shude nodded, walked up to another person, picked up the wine jar, and poured wine for him himself.

"Your Highness." Wang Yanzhang murmured.

"In the past, General Wang repeatedly defeated our army in Huazhou, so I hated that I got to know him too late, so I couldn't take him under my command." Shao Shude said: "After hearing that General Wang came to vote from Li Gongquan, I couldn't help but be overjoyed."

"Your Highness..." Wang Yanzhang recalled the past, filled with emotion.

"General Wang, the Central Plains has been settled." Shao Shude looked into his eyes and said, "I employ people regardless of their background, but only their talents. How can the general's youth be wasted? The name of Wang Tieqiang should resound throughout the Bohai Sea, Khitan, and Xin In Luo Zhijing, Fang lives up to the general’s talent and learning. Mai Gong’s residence in Xiuwenfang has been completely renovated, and the furniture, servants and maidservants are all ready, waiting for the general’s triumphant return.”

"Mai Gong's house" is Mai Tiezhang's house, which is located in Xiuwenfang, the fifth square of Dingdingmen East First Street.

Shao Shude compares Wang Yanzhang to a wheat iron stick, which has a deep meaning.

Wang Yanzhang also understood, and said with admiration: "I will die for Your Highness."

Indeed, as Shao Shude said, the Central Plains has been settled, and Zhu Quanzhong is dead.Although Wang Yanzhang is loyal, but if he doesn't want to waste his time, then learning from Mai Tiezhang is also a way out.

Shao Shude returned to his seat, calling for everyone to raise their glasses and drink together.

The main officials of the Andong camp are all here: Shao Siwu, commander of the capital, Fu Cunshen, deputy commander of the capital, Li Renfu, Marquis of Duyu and military supervisor, Wang Yanzhang, envoy of Youyi, Du Guangyi, envoy of the army, The envoys of the two armies were Fu Cunshen and Liu Wei.

The lineup is huge, and the configuration is reasonable. More than [-] soldiers and horses marched northward in batches, fighting steadily and step by step.

This is a test for many people. Whether they can stand out or not depends on their ability to seize the opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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