Chapter 1019 Xijing
Fortunately for the emperor, there was no army chaos inside and no pursuers outside, but it was still chaos.

On February [-]th, after two days of delay, the Baqiao Camp sent people to urge them. Feeling the pressure, Ma Sixun beheaded several palace officials and eunuchs who were deliberately delaying, and the team finally set off.

The battle of the emperor Dongxing is still very complicated.

The unprofessional Shence Army and palace guards have all been dismissed and replaced by professional Xia soldiers—two thousand cavalry from the Silver Spear Army led the way, and five thousand infantry from the Golden Sword Army marched in front and rear.

The sage left through the Tonghua Gate.There was no farewell, and he was in a hurry. He and Empress He shared a chariot, followed by more than a thousand carriages, large and small, full of people and goods.

This is still the first batch.Because I heard that Luoyang Ziwei Palace has only repaired part of the palace, and all kinds of supplies have not been fully prepared, so the Golden Sword Army collected a large number of useful items from the three major palaces and sent them to Luoyang. This time it was only the first batch.

He didn't take a tough attitude towards the officials of the Chang'an South Yamen and North Division, and he liked to go there or not.

However, the grand master Feng Yanqing, the prime ministers Xiao Yun, Zhu Pu, Pei Zhi, and Pei Shu all let their servants drive the carriage and followed.Their actions moved many officials. In the afternoon of the same day, Minister of Rites Pei Yuchang left Beijing with another group of officials, and hurriedly caught up with the team.

The two privy secretaries of Beisi led a large number of eunuchs and planned to follow, but they were stopped.Han Quanhui and Liu Jishu looked ugly, is King Xia killing the donkey?Don't want them after using them?
"Han Gongjian, don't think too much." Du Yanqiu, Marquis of the Golden Sword Army, smiled and said, "The three major officials in Xijing still need someone to look after them."

"This..." Han Quanhui was speechless.The emperor has gone to Luoyang, what else is there in Chang'an?What future do they have if they stay here?What power is there?

"May I ask General Du, who manages the servants of the two major officials in Luoyang?" Liu Jishu stepped forward and asked with a flattering smile.

"Wang Yanfan and Qiu Silian are the two chief supervisors." Du Yanqiu said directly without hiding anything from him.

Han Quanhui and Liu Jishu looked at each other, as if they could hear the wailing in each other's heart.

Wang Yanfan, the former envoy of the Sixteenth Prince's House, was only considered a middle-level member of the Beisi, but now he is actually one of the chief eunuchs.

Qiu Silian, who used to be a minor official in the Chang'an Yeting Bureau, now unexpectedly became one of the two leaders of the eunuch system in the Eastern Capital.

Han Quanhui still remembered that King Xia sent someone to Chang'an to inquire about Qiu Silian's whereabouts, and he was the one who helped King Xia find it. Unexpectedly!He was already thinking about how to curry favor with Qiu Silian, since he still owed him a favor.

"The two of you can stay in Chang'an with peace of mind. Your Highness has also assigned you a task." Du Yanqiu said again.

Han Quanhui and Liu Jishu cheered up and listened attentively.

"All the scriptures and books collected by the secretary province are copied, proofread and sent to Luoyang. This can be done by the bachelors, school clerks and students of Hongwen library, or you can copy them yourself. It’s nothing to worry about, these should be trivial matters.”

"Zhongshu Province's edicts on affairs, counseling forms, booklets, condolence books, etc., were copied into volumes and sent to Luoyang. King Xia was in charge of politics and wanted to check the gains and losses, so it was useful."

"Sacrificing to the gods, ordering relatives and sages, edicts and publicity, etc., copy the articles presented, compile them into a book, and send them to Luoyang. King Xia loves beautiful articles, and reading them in leisure time is indispensable."

"The documents of all ministries are uniformly transcribed and sent to Luoyang."


Du Yanqiu had obviously been instructed and came prepared to transcribe all kinds of documents, books and archives, and important official letters.

To be honest, this is a huge project that requires a lot of manpower and takes a long time.But it seems to be necessary. Chang'an has experienced the Huangchao Rebellion, and many documents have been lost, and there are not many left.At this time, it is not a bad thing to copy a copy and file it.

"Don't worry, General Du. Leave this to me." Han Quanhui smiled immediately.

His mood improved a lot.As long as Xia Wang and his old man still use me, then I am valuable, and there is no need to worry too much in the days to come.

"It's not you waiting, it's you." Du Yanqiu said.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Liu Jishu again, and said: "All kinds of equipment, all kinds of craftsmanship, craftsmen and musicians, collect them together, and send them to Luoyang."

To put it bluntly, these craftsmen and craftsmen are all serving the palace, making daily necessities for the palace, all kinds of exquisite gadgets, and the craftsmanship is beyond words.

"You don't need all of them, just pick some top-notch ones, and they will go to Luoyang to take apprentices. Chang'an is the western capital, so it can't be too shabby, and the three major buildings still need craftsmen to maintain and repair them." Du Yanqiu added.

"Of course." Liu Jishu responded immediately.

After explaining these things, Du Yanqiu let Han Quanhui and Liu Jishu leave.

After a while, Shao Chengjie, the son of King Xia, entered Chang'an from the Baqiao Camp.

"Taiji, Xingqing, and Daming palaces have been refurbished a lot in recent years. But it is not enough. People from Chang'an City and Jingzhao Mansion will be recruited to continue to renovate the three palaces." Shao Chengjie said: "After Chang'an is the Western Capital, Father likes to go on tour around the country, if you don’t keep it all together, you will come to Chang’an one day, it’s not good looking if it’s too dilapidated.”

Well, Du Yanqiu has just finished assigning work to the two eunuchs, and now he himself will be assigned to work by the prince.

"Your Majesty, it may not take much money to build Miyagi, but food is still needed." Du Yanqiu reminded.

"I will travel to the northwestern states of Beijing and order them to send grain and grass to Chang'an." Shao Chengjie said.

Before leaving, the sage issued a decree to appoint Shao Chengjie as Jingzhaoyin and Xidu to stay behind, and lead the government affairs of more than ten prefectures including Jingzhaofu, Tong, Hua, Qian, Yao, and Bin. In addition to the town, the old Jingzhao Mansion and other places in Tonghua.

The decree came from the sage of the Li family, but everyone knew that it was the sage of the Shao family who made the decision.As the eldest son of the sage of the Shao family, he prepared in advance for his father's future westward tour. It is really touching that the father is kind and the son is filial.

Du Yanqiu also got the news. At this time, his attitude towards the son became more respectful, and he replied loudly: "The general will obey."

"I asked you to find someone to repair Miyagi, but I didn't let you personally supervise it." Shao Chengjie laughed and scolded: "Go, go to the Forbidden Garden to have a look."

Since Ma Zhi had been stationed in the Forbidden Garden, Du Yanqiu knew that the prince would probably organize soldiers to teach martial arts and hunt again.

He is really a standard warrior, Du Yanqiu happily followed.

After leaving Chang'an, the saint's chariot traveled eastward along the Weishui River.

When they arrived at Changlepo, the prime ministers rushed up, and the monarchs and ministers cried with each other.

The people he wept bitterly were mainly Zhu Pu and the three of them, and Xiao Yun was not embarrassed as he stood by the road.

It will take about one month to go to Luoyang for 850 miles.He didn't worry about the health of saints and concubines. The pilgrims of the country liked to go hunting in the forbidden garden, and they often took their concubines on trips. Both men and women could ride horses, and they were not the kind of princes and princes who were delicate and fleshy.

Some people actually gathered outside Changle Slope, shouting something from a distance, and listening carefully, it turned out that it was Long Live.

The saint broke his defenses again, wept bitterly, and said: "Don't call me long live, I will no longer be your master!"

Xiao Yun frowned secretly, but said nothing.

The chariot continued to drive eastward.

It was still a bit chilly in February, but the saint didn't care. He opened the car curtain along the way and watched the gray fields on both sides of the Wei River to his heart's content.Sometimes looking at it, I shed tears unconsciously.

Empress He seemed calmer than the saint, wiping her with a silk handkerchief, comforting her softly.

On the 22nd, arrived at Zhaoying County and stayed at Changting Station.

The county magistrate sent people to send wine, meat and local products to comfort him. The people watched from outside, shouting long live, and the saint wept bitterly.

Xiao Yun couldn't stand it anymore.

That night, he found an opportunity to stop Queen He.

"The master seems to have something to say?" Empress He took a deep breath and asked calmly.

Xiao Yun hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said: "After all, I am Tang Chen, so it is inconvenient to say some things directly."

Empress He understood as soon as she heard it, she wanted her to send a message to the saint.

Most of the words are unpleasant, and you can even say that they are treasonous. If you speak directly in front of the saint, the situation may develop in an unpredictable direction.

"The empress grew up in Zizhou, so she should know the story of Liu Chan?" Xiao Yun said.

Empress He remained silent, and the expression on her face did not change at all.

Seeing that she had no violent mood swings, Xiao Yun was relieved, and said again: "After the fall of the Shu Han, Liu Chan moved to Luoyang, and was granted the title of Duke Anle. In the seventh year of the Taishi period of the Zhong Dynasty, he died well at the age of 65."

"During the Datong period of the Western Wei Dynasty, the deposed emperor Yuanqin was poisoned by Yu Wentai."

"Why Liu Chan survived and why Yuan Qin died, the queen should think about it carefully."

Empress He sighed faintly.

Liu Chan is able to live because "here is happy, and he doesn't think about Shu".

Yuan Qin was killed because he was dissatisfied with being a puppet and plotted to kill Yu Wentai, so he was deposed and killed.

However, even if Yuan Qin is at ease as a puppet, he will probably die in the end.

Since the Jin Dynasty, such things have happened frequently, with blood and tears all over them, all telling the cruel end of the deposed emperor with chills.

The saint didn't believe that Shao Shude would let him go, neither did Empress He.When Xiao Yun said that, he was probably lying.Since the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there has been no example of treating the deposed emperor of the previous dynasty kindly.Some couldn't wait to kill them the next day, and some even put on a show and waited a year or two, but in the end they died unexpectedly.

"King Xia Kuanren, I don't want to kill everything." Seeing He Hou, Xiao Yun didn't believe it, shook his sleeves, and left directly.

Before leaving, he also left a sentence: "If you continue to go to the place like this, crying and crying, no matter how good-tempered King Xia is, it's hard to guarantee that no one will make his own decisions, which will be detrimental to His Majesty."

He Hou stood still for a while, then turned back to the post house.

After dawn, we continued our journey, walked for three days, arrived in Weinan County on the night of the 25th, and stayed at Dongyang Post.

Xiao Yun was very satisfied, the sage did not put on such a sentimental and weeping look in the past three days.

More and more courtiers gathered, some even abandoned their family members and hurried over with only a small donkey.

The saint's mood seems to have improved a lot.It may be because officials and scholars kept coming to accompany him, which made him feel a lot better, and he also noticed the majesty of the emperor, and the previous unhappiness seemed to have been swept away.

Wonderful!Xiao Yun shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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