Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1023 Implementation

Chapter 1023 Implementation
On March 22, the seventh year of Qianning, the weather was fine.

Early in the morning, Yiwei filled the surrounding area of ​​Hanyuan Hall.Because the Weiwei Temple has not yet recruited Qi Yiwei manpower, it temporarily dispatched many palace guards to serve as guards.

Civil and military officials below the fourth rank are listed in the courtyard in front of the hall, and those above the third rank are temporarily resting in the side hall.

Shao Shude was dressed in the prince's purple robe and sat behind the case. Prime Minister Xiao Yun stood in front of him, reporting something in a low voice like a subordinate.

After a while, Qiu Silian also rushed over, looking a little uneasy.

He is not too old or young, about 35 or [-] years old, and it is the first time he has become a servant of the fourth rank, and he is one of the principals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.But after the sage came to Luoyang, he brought a group of palace people, which weakened his control over Ziwei Palace.To be honest, he was a little panicked and kept pleading guilty.

Prime Minister Zhu Pu glanced at this side secretly, then turned his head away again.

The personal soldiers who never left King Xia's side also disappeared this time.It is true that there are Xia soldiers inside and outside the palace, but on some special occasions, Xia soldiers are not allowed to enter, such as pilgrimages, pilgrimage, etc. In addition, if the sage gives a banquet alone, it is impossible to hug each other, and even weapons are not allowed.

How did Yu Wenhu die?When he visited the queen mother, he was directly smashed on the back of the head with a jade wat, fell to the ground, and was killed by Yu Wenzhi who had hidden in the house in advance with a knife.

The story of Cao Cao sweating profusely when he saw Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty is even more well known.

Power ministers sometimes place orders.

Zhu Pu didn't think it was a good thing to kill King Xia, as that would only bring disaster to the court.And it has not reached this point yet, King Xia is still very face-saving, he tried his best to arrange all the things needed for the court meeting in one day, which can be called respectful.

But then again, there was a lot to say in this day.

For example, the matter of running out of clocks.Now that he is on the throne, he will visit the suburban temple in person, but he lacks instruments and music hanging in the palace.Prime Minister Zhang Jun was ordered to remake it. When Chang’an was in chaos, musicians and craftsmen were scattered. Those who knew how to make such instruments in Taichang Temple were almost out of date. With the help of worker Chen Jingyan, the production was finally completed, a total of 240 pieces.

Zhu Pu was still in the Imperial Academy at the time, and after hearing about it, he and his peers lamented that if Chang'an was looted again by rebels and the bells were lost, next time there might not even be a single talented person to be found, Taichang Temple would definitely lose its lineage.

But, how did Dongdu do it?Could it be that he recruited talents from Chang'an and prepared in advance?

This preparation in advance is the scariest thing.

Xiao Yun quickly returned to her seat, closed her eyes and meditated, and Qiu Silian also left in disgrace.After a while, Prime Minister Pei Shu passed by again.

Zhu Pu could not help but take another look.

He still knew Pei Shu.He is upright, likes to get to the bottom of things, and has a heart to help the world.But he is not the kind of loyal person, a very complicated person.

Zhu Pu felt that he could cooperate with Pei Shu, but he could not have a deep friendship.This person likes to discuss matters on a case-by-case basis and is principled. He will not completely deny you just because you belong to a different faction, nor will he open his eyes and talk nonsense just because you belong to his own faction.He is loyal, not necessarily the emperor, this is Zhu Pu's vague thought.

"It's rare for the Fourteenth Prince to praise me." There was hearty laughter from the side, and Zhu Pu looked around, only to see King Xia and Pei Shu talking happily.

"In my plan, there will be a first-class national road in the east and west, and one in the north and south." Shao Shude became interested, and said: "Taihang Xingkou in Huaizhou goes all the way south to Liang County, with a total length of more than 200 miles, and the whole line has been connected. This year, it will be repaired to Jiacheng County. If the action is fast, it may be built a section further. This road, I call it Jinxiang Road, connects Hedong and Xiangyang. The north end should be in Jining County, Rouzhou, and the south end is Xiangyang County, Xiangzhou."

"Your Highness, the first-class national road is naturally excellent, wide and flat, but it consumes too much energy. If you want to save people's energy, the construction process will take a long time..." Pei Shu looked at Shao Shude curiously, wanting to hear what he had to say.

There is a hidden meaning in his words: life is only a few decades, and you may not finish it before you die. Is it worth it?He believed that Shao Shude understood.

"I am patient. I only do a few things in my life." Shao Shude said sincerely: "Many people like to do easy things and dislike hard things. Some people like to do things that are beneficial to themselves and don't like to do short-term I don’t see results. I only do what’s right, whether it’s hard or not.”

"What is the right thing?" Pei Shu asked.

"Cutting down the vassals will bring peace to the world and make the people stable; promote commercial tickets to prosper business; improve agriculture and cultivate good seeds to feed people; improve transportation so that more people can afford commodities from far away." Shao Shude picked up a few pieces Big talk.

Zhu Pu couldn't help being attracted, and listened quietly.

To be honest, he was dubious.In the past, I didn't believe it at all. Wouldn't it be an emperor through the ages to be able to do this?Surpass all ancient emperors?Uh, King Xia is not the Son of Heaven, Zhu Pu reviewed his rebellious thoughts.

But he also heard about some reforms of King Xia, especially the three-field system in agriculture and the centralized accounting system in expositions in commerce, which caused the most turmoil.

Abandoning prejudices, King Xia's agricultural reform has greatly increased production.The same acre of land produces more than before.And that exposition also greatly alleviated the money shortage. After Guan'an was settled down, there were more business travelers than crucian carp in the river, even more than Tianbao years.

Zhu Pu was sentenced to three divisions, and subconsciously felt that if he was allowed to collect taxes, he would definitely be able to collect a lot of money.It's a pity that King Xia only collects taxes in Fangshi, and the income is too little.

If there is a chance, he will definitely play—er, to persuade King Xia to change the tax system.

Alas, King Xia, if you are the Duke of Zhou, I will do my best to assist you, but it is a pity that you are Wang Mang.

Lu Guangqi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, sneered secretly.It's nothing more than a martial artist, he speaks big and doesn't know how to write when I give you a pen, and he still governs the country, it's ridiculous.

"The Son of Heaven has been ascended to the throne, all civil and military officials, enter in order." When everyone was a little bored waiting, a little yellow door ran over and delivered the decree loudly.

Shao Shude glanced at this person.The tone is very weird, it should be Wang Yanfan and Qiu Silian's subordinates.

The origin of eunuchs in ancient times can be divided into three categories, namely the poor, criminals, and captives——Wei Zhongxian belonged to those who were too poor to become eunuchs, and Zheng He was a prisoner of war.

In Guochao, the situation may have changed by "billion points".Eunuchs have become a family business, passed down from generation to generation.Eunuchs have a set quota for adopting sons according to their grades.After the son marries a wife, the family spreads out, and it only needs one or two to become eunuchs.Over time, a huge family of eunuchs was created.

But Shao Shude doesn't trust those aristocratic families, Wang Yanfan and Qiu Silian are the only ones who dare to use them.By the way, recently Liu Jingxuan came to cry again, and Shao Shude decided to give him a chance.

After counting and counting, there are only three eunuch families.There are not enough personnel, so they can only be selected from the captives.

At this time, I have to mention Yang Yue.He captured many Tuyuhun and Uighur youths in Yunzhou, and sent them to Luoyang. Wang Yanfan and Qiu Silian selected some to serve as eunuchs.

This little yellow door should be it.

When Shao Shude passed by his side, he suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

"Pu Gu thank you." Xiao Huangmen replied.

Shao Shude nodded and walked into the Hanyuan Hall.

The hall is full of guards of honor.According to the system, the Great Court Meeting needs to distribute hand-held battles and worship battles, and stand on the hall; yellow-handed battles, chariots, etc. stand on the outer court of the hall; holding fans are displayed on the hatchbacks of the hall; Followed from the emperor's bedroom all the way to the main hall, and then listed in the designated position outside the court.

Different honor guards have different colors of flags and utensils in their hands, and there are also distinctions between each other.

For example, the Sanshou battle and the worship battle standing in the hall, most of whose members are noble children.

The guard of honor also undertakes the task of guarding the palace, that is, they are not pure guards of honor, they also have to stand guard and guard the palace city, and sometimes switch with other palace guards and exchange duties.

Luoyang under Shao Shude's rule did not have so many ceremonial guards, and there were only pure court guards under the Weiwei Temple.

Hundreds of officials enter the hall, shouting long live, and then divide into two groups, either sitting or standing.

The four prime ministers of the Zhengshitang and the chief officials of the six ministries of the three provinces all have seats, and Shao Shude, as the inspector Taifu, King Xia, Jiedushi of the three towns, and Tongzhong Shumenxia Pingzhangshi, naturally also has seats.

The sage sat on the dragon chair and looked at the hundreds of officials, feeling a little excited—according to the regulations, during the Grand Court Meeting, all officials above the ninth grade in Beijing must participate. There are more than 300 people in total, and there are only a hundred people in front of them. People have not followed.

"The new capital is being repaired, when it is in the period of prosperity. It is up to you to cleanse the flaws and clean up the dirt, salty and new." After scanning around, the sage said: "If there is something to do, do it."

The left and right historians' incense case stands under the dragon chair, silently watching the officials in the hall.

Zhongshu Shilang and Tongping Zhangshi Xiao Yun were the first to go out, and said: "Your Majesty came to Dongdu, and the matter was rushed, and all the officials were scattered. It is still necessary for ministers from all over the world to devote themselves to the royal family and swear good plans together."

"Master, if you have excellent talents, you can recommend them." The sage said.

Empress He sat aside and whispered a few words in the saint's ear.

"Kaifu Yitong Sansi, Jianxiao Taiwei, Shangzhu State, Jinzhou Governor, Zhaoxin Army Jiedushi, Chu Guogong Li Yanling, who are highly respected and good at farming, and the forbidden gardens in the two capitals, Zhu Mujian, and garden Zhucang fight It is well organized, and it is advisable to prepare a book of ceremonies and serve as Minister of Agriculture."

"Doctor Jin Ziguanglu, Xing Yushi Zhongcheng, and Shangzhu Kingdom Chen Yishen are all talented. Your Majesty is fortunate to have all the five chariots and chariots in the East Capital. It is appropriate to prepare a book of ceremonies and serve as a servant."

"Doctor Yinqing Guanglu, and the inspector You Sanqi's regular attendant Murong should prepare a book of ceremonies and serve as Wei Weiqing."

"Doctor Yinqing Guanglu, the inspector prince's guests, a purple gold fish bag, and Guo Yu from the Shangzhu Kingdom... It is advisable to prepare a book of ceremonies and serve as Taichangqing."


Xiao Yun called a lot of people's names in one breath, basically fulfilling the positions of Xiao Fu, Li Yanling, Guo Yu, Murong Fu, Li Hang, Zhao Guangyi, Pei Tong, Wei Zhuang, Zhao Keyu, Chen Yishen and others.

The saint's face darkened when he heard this, and all the officials were silent.Immediately, the two prime ministers Pei Shu and Pei Zhi came out to agree, Zhu Pu hesitated to speak, and finally did not object.

The saint was silent.Empress He glanced at him quietly, the saint took a deep breath and said, "Zuzao."

In the first round of the confrontation, the saint was completely defeated without any suspense.

He secretly hated Zhu Pu, why didn't he come out to object.Today's court meeting, many kings and ministers also came, why no one objected?
Shao Shude sat on the bed and watched quietly.

After all, the emperor and officials still have a sense of propriety, they are sensible people.

The sage wanted to hold a grand pilgrimage, but I didn't get in the way and agreed.As a matter of courtesy, if these appointments cannot be implemented today, even if he does something ugly, he will have to mobilize a few ministers to stand up.

Fortunately, things didn't come to this point, and everything went well.

This group of civil and military officials, haha, are all rotten woods, no wonder Zhu Quanzhong wants to kill them and throw them into the Yellow River, it is really useless.

(End of this chapter)

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