Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1037 I want to say that giving up is not easy

Chapter 1037 I want to say that giving up is not easy

On May [-]th of the first year of Tianyou, with the order to withdraw the troops arrived at the front line of Qingkou, various ministries took turns to cover and left one by one.

Almost at the same time as them, the Huai army also withdrew to the south of the Huai River with the assistance of the navy.

Since May, the rain has gradually increased. Although there is no heavy rain or heavy rain, it is very annoying.

The roads are muddy, the water is turbulent, the transfer of food, grass and military supplies is slow, and various reserves in the army are declining day by day.The firewood was also wet, and when it burned, it was full of smoke, and it didn't even ignite at all. The soldiers were chewing dry food, couldn't eat a few hot meals, their morale was low, and their patience was almost reaching the limit.

This was a tacit retreat on both sides, but it was limited to clear talk.As for other aspects, Yang Xingmi hasn't made up his mind yet.

However, he didn't think about it, but the others had already thought about it.

On the sixteenth day of the fifth month, the brothers Zhu Jin and Zhu Xuan left without saying goodbye, leading horse mules and carrying more than ten days of grain and grass.First he fled on horseback, then got off his horse and walked, entered the border of Sizhou, and fled all the way south.

Tuoba Renfu had already crossed the Huai River and entered the border of Chuzhou.

Jia Gongduo kept complaining, sometimes saying that there was not enough food and grass, and sometimes that there were many diseases.

The defender of Lianshui did not surrender, but he was also flustered. If Li Shenfu, the governor of Chuzhou, had not crossed the river himself, he might have abandoned the city and fled.

In the entire Surabaya battlefield, there is only one strange thing, and that is Zhou Ben.

After fleeing back to Qingkou, he was afraid that Yang Xingmi would blame him, so he took the initiative to go northward and sweep along the river under the background of panic and large-scale withdrawal of troops, saying that he would attack Suqian.

Yang Xingmi had already left Linhuai and set foot on the pier, feeling indescribable.

He didn't even see Shao Shude's face, so he lost several games in a row in a daze.The various garrisons are like dummies made of grass and trees, dull, sluggish, slow-moving, and at a loss.

This is not their true level, and they shouldn't play so poorly.Even Haizhou soldiers, Qizhou soldiers, and Sizhou soldiers shouldn't be so bad.

But the fact is that it cannot be changed.Generals Qin Shiqiu and Chen Hanbin died in the battle, Zhou Zunzhi died in civil strife, Feng Jingzhang escaped with his own life, Zhang Jian returned in defeat, and the [-] army fell apart. If it hadn't been for the heavy rain, the situation would have been in jeopardy.

He is tired and tired.

Back then when he fought with Sun Ru, the thieves were powerful, fierce and cruel, but everything was clear.It is clear at a glance where the enemy is stationed, how many troops there are, and whether they can fight.But this time, the enemy he faced seemed to be non-existent. He couldn't catch the trace of the enemy. When he showed up, it was already too late.

This battle was won!

"Actually, Your Majesty's previous strategy is not wrong." Gao Xu observed Yang Xingmi's mood, and comforted him.

Yang Xingmi looked at the smoky drizzle outside the pavilion and remained silent for a long time.

"To deal with an erratic opponent like Xia Bandit, we can only take the initiative to attack. If you attack him, you must save him and force him to a decisive battle. The king gathers the main force and marches along the Bian River. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the strategy." Gao Xu said.

Everyone knows that cavalry is highly mobile.So how to make it stop and stop fighting?It is the best way to attack and save.

A ship, if the wind direction is convenient, it is not a problem to go more than ten miles an hour, and it can sail at night. In terms of maneuverability, it actually surpasses cavalry.The consumption is still small, the supplies are fully carried, and the physical strength of the soldiers is maintained very well. It is a better infantry vehicle than mules and horses.

The main force goes northward along the Bian River. If Suzhou can be captured, the cavalry activities of the Xia Army will be limited, and they will even look for the Huai Army to fight in reverse. is a very important thing.

Liu Yu set off from Xu Si to attack Nanyan. The Xianbei cavalry continued to harass him along the way. They didn't care about it, so they went straight to Guanggu, the capital of Nanyan, with their infantry.With the passage of time, the initiative on the battlefield returned to Liu Yu's hands, and the Xianbei cavalry had to give up harassment and come back to a decisive battle with the infantry. Naturally, there was no suspense in the result.In a frontal battle, even if the cavalry has an advantage in numbers, they are not opponents at all.

"Attacking the enemy will save us." Yang Xingmi sighed.

The premise of saving the enemy is that your infantry has a strong will to fight, is not afraid of horses, is skilled in skills, and the coach will boost morale.But Yang Xingmi led an army of tens of thousands, but hesitated outside Hong County.

It's not that he didn't dare to fight, but that it's a pity to lose such troops that can fight against Xia's army in the field.The internal situation is so complicated, once he is severely injured in Hong County, he will not have the capital to subdue the princes from all walks of life.

"Forget it, it's all over." Yang Xingmi said with an ugly expression: "Master Gao, what do you think should be done with the next incident in Xuzhou?"

"Retreat." Gao Xu had no extra words.

Yang Xingmi felt a pain in his heart, and subconsciously couldn't bear it.The existence of Xuzhou is not just as simple as a state, it represents too many meanings.Give it up, it's easier said than done!

"Of the seven counties in Xuzhou, Feng, Pei, Qi, and Su have been lost, and Xiapi and Xiao counties will inevitably fall, leaving only an isolated city." Gao Xu said: "Xuzhou has suffered from wars for a long time. This battle is like chicken ribs, tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away."

"Chicken ribs..." Yang Xingmi smiled wryly.

"Your Majesty, you should retreat as soon as possible. If it is too late, something may happen." Gao Xu persuaded.

"How to retreat?" Yang Xingmi asked.

"Those who are willing to leave will be picked up by boat. Your Majesty has also given some favors in Xuzhou, and the warriors in Pengcheng will definitely not stay in trouble, and don't care about their affection." Gao Xu said: "If you don't want to leave, let him go. It's good to get together It’s easy to disperse, so it’s the best policy.”

Yang Xingmi fell silent.

He understood what Gao Xu meant, and he was worried that there would be military chaos in Xuzhou and he would directly surrender to the enemy.To be fair, this possibility is extremely high, and it can even be said to be inevitable.

Xuzhou warriors did not want to vote for Shao Shude because they did not want to lose their own interests.To some extent, Zhang Tingfan, the governor of the probation army, was also coerced by them.

The conditions given by Huainan are relatively loose, basically allowing Xu Zhen to be in a state of autonomy.At most, they go to Xuzhou to recruit soldiers every now and then. Xuzhou warriors are certainly dissatisfied, but since they have taken refuge in Huainan, they have to pay something, and it is impossible not to suffer at all.In addition, Huainan issued some cloth, tea, salt, grain and the like as rewards from time to time, and basically recognized it.

Now the situation has changed drastically.

Xia Jun went south in a big way, with a menacing aura-this aggression is not just a description, but a real rush and attack, as if he wants to take down all the cities in Xuzhou, who dares not follow, beheaded on the spot, the attitude is very resolute.

Moreover, their progress was also very fast. In the battle of Feng County, Zhu Zhen's troops attacked the city quickly regardless of casualties.

The battle of Peixian was also swift and violent. First, the enemy was defeated in a field battle, and then the reinforcement ships were set ablaze.

The cavalry army on the southern front made repeated attacks, winning four battles and four victories, which made the main force of the Huai army terrified and their morale was frustrated.

After these news are sent back, the minds of Xuzhou warriors will change again.Victory is hopeless, and the result is the same whether you defend or not. Under such a severe situation, many people will do psychological construction for themselves, trying to convince themselves that the good times are over, and now they must ensure that they can survive.

The number of such people depends on Huainan's attitude.If you are willing to save, you can delay it for a while. If you give up clearly, you will basically not be able to defend it for a few days.

"Then..." Yang Xingmi opened his mouth, not wanting to say the last part of the sentence for a long time.

Gao Xu kept silent and waited quietly.

The southeast wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the rain drifted into the pavilion with the help of the wind.Yang Xingmi's robe was half wet, but he didn't notice it.

There are a large number of ships moored on the river in the distance.

The auxiliary soldiers chanted and tried their best to push the carriage stuck in the mud.

The people helped the old and the young, and were struggling in the mud, preparing to board the ship and go south.

It was cold and rainy, and they retreated hastily.

"Forget it, Sizhou has almost retreated, how can Xuzhou survive?" Yang Xingmi said with a wry smile: "I have some obsessions, so don't worry about it."

Gao Xu was a little surprised when he heard this.King Wu has figured it out?

At the same time, there was some indescribable discomfort.Yes, he has been calmly persuading King Wu to abandon the Central Plains, use the Huaihe River as a line of defense, take advantage of the navy, and vigorously manage it.But in the bottom of my heart, I really don't have such an extravagant hope, hoping that King Wu can turn the tide and defeat Shao Shude in Huaibei?
A luxury is a luxury after all.

When he heard with his own ears that King Wu announced his abandonment of Huaibei Prefecture and County, Gao Xu was both gratified and disappointed.After the uncomfortable energy surged up, I almost shed tears.

King Wu is old.That's it for Huainan.Now that the initiative is no longer in their hands, they can only hope that the enemy has made a mistake.

"Zhou Ben has already gone north to Suqian, very good." Yang Xingmi said expressionlessly: "Let him take advantage of the favorable opportunity of Surabaya's skyrocketing, wide river and deep water, and go straight to Xuzhou. How to do it, let Duyu Housi draw up a plan." Bar."

"Yes." Gao Xu replied.

"Liudonghe City, Linhuai County, and Lianshui County in Huaibei. Take advantage of the rainy season to stock up food, grass and equipment, and strengthen the city." After making the decision, Yang Xingmi no longer hurts the spring and autumn, and quickly cleared up his mood. Dao: "Donghe City is still guarded by Qin Shiduo. Zhang Xun, the general of Xuyi Town, served as the governor of Sizhou, guarding Linhuai, and led four thousand troops. Zhang Jian traveled southward with the army, served as the governor of Shengzhou, and built the city wall. My son was appointed as the governor of Shengzhou. Drive, I will go to the post today. Zhang Hao is the envoy of Lianshui Town and leads [-] troops. There are more than [-] soldiers in the three cities. Those whose families are still in Huaibei will all move south, and rewards will be given to reassure them."

"Li Shenfu was appointed as an envoy to attack along the Huaihe River, and the soldiers and horses of the three states of Chu, Si, and Hao were under his control."

"Tao Ya served as the training envoy of the Luchuchi and Shedu regiment, and all the soldiers and horses of the four states were under his control."

"All ministries were damaged in battle, and soldiers from prefectures and counties were dispatched to supplement them. The shortage of soldiers in prefectures and counties will be recruited separately. The new army of Xu people in Guangling, step up their drills, and they will be of great use in the future."

"This time, the soldiers who went to battle will be given one piece of silk, one piece of money, two grains of hu, and three buckets of salt. Soldiers who died in battle will also be given pensions."

"One part of the navy marched to Qingkou to put pressure on Xia's army. If there is an opportunity, they will march along the river, cut off their traffic, burn their reserves, destroy their bridges, and plunder their provisions, livestock, and people."

"The rest of the ministries, return to Guangling."

Gao Xu listened silently.King Wu's series of orders are quite satisfactory, and all aspects have been considered.

Continue to maintain a military presence in Huaibei, put pressure on the Xia army, and prevent them from advancing northward with all their strength.In addition, these strong cities can also be used as the starting base for the army to go north. The cavalry is the main force.At worst, it can destroy the production of the Xia people and reduce their sources of taxation, which can be regarded as an explanation for Li Ke.

Li Shenfu and Tao Ya are older, they are more loyal among the elders in Yuancong, and their military level is not bad. It is very suitable for them to coordinate the west and north wars.

If there is no accident, from now on, it will be north defense and south attack.Prioritize the mobilization of elite soldiers and generals, defeat Qian Liu in Hangzhou, and seize the land of Zhejiang and Zhejiang.

Of course, it is also possible to attack Jiangxi first, after all, it is better to fight, it all depends on how the King of Wu chooses.

(End of this chapter)

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