Chapter 1048 One Day

Almost at the same time that the Economic Strategy Army was heading north, nearly ten thousand sergeants, mainly in the right wing of the Xiaojie Army, also began to act.

They are divided into several parts.

More than [-] people along the way were transferred to Xitun, Linlu County, Xiangzhou. After receiving the supplies, with the support of Xiangzhou Master, they marched westward and entered the Taihang Mountains.

Their goal is Xingling.

This ridge is located in the Yuxiaguan area in the southeast of Pingshun County in later generations. There was a small road leading to Linlu County in the Guochao Dynasty.The roads have been in disrepair for a long time, narrow and cramped, and only a few businessmen traveling between Lin and Luzhou pass by.

This road can neither support the logistics supply of the army, nor can it deploy troops.The reason why the Xiaojie army attacked here was also to put pressure on the Jin army.According to the previous information, the Jin people's defense here is very weak, with only a few beacons for surveillance. The nearest large-scale garrison is still in Huguan County, Luzhou—Huguan County, not the ancient Huguan.

On the second route, more than [-] Xiaojie soldiers went north to the Taihang Mountain Road between Xiuwu and Gongcheng to attack Baixing.

The remaining [-] soldiers and horses are stationed in Gongcheng County, ready to help.

The right wing of the Tianxiong Army who had stayed in Gongcheng had been transferred eastward to Liyang, and the Weizhou state soldiers were also under their command.

The left wing of the Tianxiong Army set off from Huaizhou, mobilized three infantry commanders, plus [-] Huaizhou Tutuan villagers, and went north into Taihang Xing, fighting and advancing.

None of these three groups of soldiers and horses expected to achieve any results.

The terrain restrictions are there. Unless the enemy flees without a fight, it will be difficult for them to cross the pass even if they are guarding the pass.But their actions are still valuable, and they can continue to exert pressure on the Jin army and divide their forces.Even if it only restrains a few thousand people, it is good.

The right wing of the Xiaojie Army, the left wing of the Tianxiong Army, plus the Tielin Army in the direction of Cixi, and various soldiers and horses on the Daibei Grassland, a total of five armies feigned an attack, and the momentum was huge.People who don't know the situation on the battlefield at first glance thought that the Xia people were launching a war to destroy the east of the river.

After the start of the feint attack line, Shao Shude appointed Lu Huaizhong, the envoy of the Wuwei Army, as the front enemy's formation envoy.

Lu Huaizhong was also polite, and after receiving the order, he appointed Li Yixian, the deputy envoy of the Wuwei Army, as the envoy of Qing Dao to cut the sword, and set off from Zimo Town to build a pontoon bridge and forcefully cross the Fushui.

Today is the twelfth of July, and the pontoon bridge has been built. After drinking the Zhuangxing wine, more than a thousand soldiers of the Wuwei army threw their bowls and rushed up with a roar.

The pontoon bridge was only two or three steps wide, and it was still shaking a little. It was impossible to deploy troops, and it was actually very difficult to rush to the other side.

However, the Jinglu army's sudden advance into Cheng'an disrupted the Jin army's defensive deployment.A large number of troops near Fuyang were transferred eastward to attack the Jinglue army who had already crossed the river. The value of this water defense line has been greatly reduced.

Now, Li Keyong might even be thinking about killing Luo Shaowei.If you can't keep Cheng'an, tell me early, I'll keep it!

But everything has already happened, and the Fushui defense line will be invalidated within a day, which is already a fait accompli.

When the pontoon bridge was repaired to the opposite bank, only a small number of troops were sent from Fuyang to intercept it.

One side came from the pontoon bridge and could not deploy its troops, but the follow-up troops continued to flow, and the sergeants fought desperately.

One side intercepted on the shore, a large army set up a small army formation, but there were not enough troops, so there were only a few people, and one death was one less.

This is a life-and-death battle for the ferry.There is no room for retreat, those who are not strong enough to fight are not worthy of participating in this fight, and those who are weak will be scared to pee their pants by the piles of corpses at the ferry...

The people who charged in the first wave were completely lost under the dense arrows and tight military formation of the Jin army.

Those who charged in the second wave endured huge casualties and rushed into the Jin army's formation, desperately fighting, burning their own lives, and disrupting the enemy's defense.

The third wave of charge came one after another, armed with long spears and heavy swords. After the second wave of warriors were all dead, they charged bravely and directly broke up the crumbling formation of the enemy.

What a desperate fight!The brave wins when they meet on a narrow road, and the ferry has been firmly controlled.

Lu Huaizhong stood on the high platform on the south bank of Fushui, expressionless.

After 20 years of fighting, I have seen many killings.He has seen more tragic siege battles than this many times, and now that human lives are in his eyes, that's all.

On weekdays, he cares about the health and care of the soldiers, but at critical moments, he invests in elite soldiers without blinking an eye, drives them to fight the enemy, and sends them to death without any psychological guilt.

Perhaps, this is the so-called mature general.

If Cao Song, one of the five elders, is here, he has to sigh again, "One general will succeed and ten thousand bones will wither".

The generals and soldiers of the Wuwei Army who defeated the enemy did not foolishly pursue and fight fiercely.They are very clear about their mission, which is to guard the ferry and let more friendly troops and supplies cross the river. Next, they will besiege Fuyang.

The city does not fall, like a thorn in the back.You can't attack Handan and Xingzhou when you advance, and you can't save the army when you retreat. If you say anything, you have to pull out this thing first.

"Here's the order, Marquis Li Zhong of Duyu will lead two infantry commanders and two cavalry commanders to march towards Fukou."

"Here's an order for An Xiuxiu, the envoy of Duyou Yi, to command four cavalry to bypass Fuyang and go north to harass the Jin people."

"He sent the order, He Yu, the soldier and horse envoy of the left wing, led six infantry commanders and two cavalry commanders, and went down the river to join the Jinglue army."

"Send an order that General Tu cross the river in batches, there must be no mistakes."

The order was sent out like a stream of water.

It can be seen that Lu Huaizhong's determination is very firm.The main force is to cross the river, whoever blocks me will kill him!

In the west of Cheng'an County, the tentative attack has just ended.

Murong Teng, the direct commander of the guard's golden gun, looked solemn, and he was already thinking of retreating.

The department is mainly composed of sergeants from the town of Hebei—only the source of troops is Chengde Town, not Chengde Wufu—a total of [-] infantry and [-] cavalry.

Murong Teng brought four thousand, and the remaining fifteen hundred were used to monitor Fushui.

He thought that the Xia army was a small force raiding Cheng'an, and he thought that the battle still had to be fought, but as soon as he arrived, he found that the number of Xia soldiers crossing the turbid water must have exceeded [-], and there were almost [-] soldiers on the south bank of the pontoon bridge. This number, with a total strength of more than ten thousand troops and a camp, is definitely not something he can take down with this little army in his hand.

But it's all coming, it's impossible to leave without saying a word, if you can't explain it, there is a high probability that you will be punished by military law, so he ordered a wave of attack, the target is the left wing of the Economic and Strategic Army, which is guarded by Lu Ming camp.

The outcome of the battle was far from ideal.

The guards of the camp were determined and equipped with complete equipment. Even when they were unable to retreat after attacking the camp, they dared to select elite soldiers to go out of the camp to hunt them down. Murong Teng had no choice but to lead his men to fight back before suppressing them back.

He even suspected that the number of Xia soldiers guarding the camp was no less than three thousand, not much less than him.That being the case, there is no hope of winning.

"This battle can't be fought, I want to retreat, what do you guys think?" Murong Teng convened the generals to discuss and asked.

"Where does the commander want to retreat?" Everyone is most concerned about this question.

"There is probably already a fight in Fuyang." Murong Teng sighed, and said, "If you go back, you may fall into a trap, which is not the best policy."

Everyone nodded, that's the reason.

"I want to..." Murong Teng was about to speak, but he saw his relatives walking over quickly, and reported: "Commander, a messenger came from Fuyang, saying that Xia's soldiers crossed the river in a big way, and they have defeated my remaining troops. Go straight to the city of Cizhou."

"How many bandit soldiers are there?" Before Murong Teng could speak, the impatient general had already asked.

"It's boundless, it's hard to estimate. I'm afraid there are no fewer than [-] people, or even more. This is on the north bank, in the shade of the Fushui, and there are more thieves, probably no fewer than [-]." The general said.

Everyone was silent.With so many soldiers, it would be a drop in the bucket for them to go back. They were afraid that they would be wiped out after a single meeting.

There are more than 3000 state soldiers in Fuyang City, led by Li Junqing, the governor of Cizhou.There are still [-] Tutuan villagers in the counties of Cizhou conscripted, totaling more than [-] soldiers.

With this amount of soldiers, field battles are just killing people, which is useless.

In Fukou Town in the northwest of Zhaoyi County, there are six to 7000 people from the Shi Junli Department of the Yellow Armored Army in front of the hall, but they may not dare to stand up when the Xia Army is in full swing.

"I have made up my mind to withdraw my troops!" Murong Teng said, "I have a hunch that if we delay any longer, I am afraid that we will be attacked by two sides or even surrounded by four sides, and then we will miss the last good opportunity to retreat."

"Where are you going?"

"Is it okay to retreat? If King Jin is furious..."

"The enemy is outnumbered, and this battle was fought in a muddle. The Fushui defense line was breached in one day, and it is not my fault."

"The commander is right, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

The military academies were terrified and said one after another.

"Everyone, the guards with golden spears are aimed at thousands of warriors, you can't easily..." Murong Teng cleared his throat, and just halfway through his sentence, he heard a loud commotion outside, and then the sound of golden drums, and the sound of the south wind blowing. A clear shout of killing floated over.

"Military envoy..." The soldiers ran back staggeringly.

"Fuck you! I know what happened." Murong Teng stopped talking nonsense and ordered: "Get out!"

The crowd dispersed and rushed to their respective camps one after another.

Someone is already fighting outside the camp.

More than a thousand Xia soldiers had already rushed out of the camp gate, roaring and charging over.And behind them, one south and one north, it seems that two or three thousand people each made a detour, trying to outflank them.

Murong Teng cursed, got on his horse, commanded all the troops to fight and retreat.

Li Junqing was a bitch, he transferred the guard's golden gun to and fro, sometimes he would let him defend the water, and sometimes he would let him take back Cheng'an.

If the entire army defends Fushui, it won't be possible for someone to forcefully cross the river in one day, and they will have to sue him after returning.

Thousands of people in the Jinglue Army rushed down the mountain like tigers, with high morale, rushing and beating.

The hundreds of Jin soldiers who resisted at the front have completely collapsed.Murong Teng ordered the cavalry to charge back and kill a wave, but was entangled by the enemy cavalry again.

In the end, Murong Teng gave up completely, and retreated hastily to the north with the defeated soldiers.

The soldiers and horses in the left wing of the Jinglue Army made Lu Ming kill him, and he chased after him bravely.

The two sides chased and fled along the Zhuozhang River, heading straight for Mingzhou.

At this time, in the direction of Fuyang in the west, as more and more soldiers and horses crossed the river, the traffic routes from Fuyang to Zhaoyi, Fukou, Cheng'an, and Handan were all cut off, and they were already in a de facto state of siege.

In just one day, the Fushui defense line of the Jin army had collapsed.

There are more than [-] soldiers and horses in the three armies of Wuwei, Tujiang, and Jinglue, with full stamina. Taking advantage of the wavering posture of the enemy's entire line, they are ready to go deep into the enemy's rear and try to leave more of the enemy's vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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