Chapter 1074
In the second year of Tianyou (901), Zhengdan, the Great Court Meeting.

During the two days of winter solstice and new year's day, all officials gather in the court to congratulate the emperor on the winter solstice and new year's day, which is called "chaohe".

If wine and food are prepared after the court celebration, it is called "chaohui". The court meeting on Zhengdan/New Year's Day/Yuan Day is also called "Yuanhui".

In the beginning, there will be local officials participating in the New Year's Day court meeting, usually the court envoys sent by the governors of various states.

In addition to congratulating the emperor on the new year, the envoys of the imperial court also had to report work, deliver official documents, and socialize around.

After the hardships, such activities became less and less, especially the Hebei feudal towns, which hardly sent people over, and the Henan feudal towns did not send many people, but the Jiangnan and central Shu feudal towns were still very diligent, and the imperial envoys continued.

This year, many court envoys also came and reported on their work, but the target of the report was Shao Shude, Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty.

"This year, Henan government collects 40 yuan in two taxes, and Ruzhou collects 20 yuan in taxes, which is not bad." Shao Shude looked at Gao Shao, the imperial envoy of Henan government, and Liu Xiang, the imperial envoy of Ruzhou, and said: "In recent decades, The annual income of Dongdu Town is only this amount, and it has recovered quite well."

Dongdu Town used to govern only two prefectures, namely Henan Prefecture and Ruzhou. In addition to deducting food from the two tax revenues, the conversion of various copper coins and real objects would be within the range of 60 million yuan.Now these two states can receive 60 mins, which is really good.

Of course, this is related to Shao Shude's persistent immigration.Now the population of Henan Prefecture and Ruzhou should have surpassed Dezong and Xianzong dynasties, and not far from the Wuzong Dynasty, which had the peak population in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. It was once believed that the population had reached more than 5000 million at the peak of Tianbao. Of course, this may be exaggerated, but there are still more than 4000 million people.

"It's all the merit of Xiangguo." Gao Shao said.

"It's really an unworldly achievement." Liu Xiang also sighed.

Shao Shude smiled and waved his hands again and again.I feel refreshed, but I still need to pretend to be humble.

He is wearing the prince's purple robe today, and all the officials are also wearing brand-new official robes with various accessories, and they make pleasant sounds when they walk.

There are many guards of honor outside the Hanyuan Hall.

In the past month or so, the number of palace guards under the Weiwei Temple has expanded again. Most of them are warriors conscripted by the slave tribes in the northern grassland. It's nothing more than marching and marching with various guards of honor. The training in peacetime is similar.

The sound of bells and palace hangings sounded in the hall, and the sound of bells and drums sounded outside the hall.

Everyone in the room looked serious and ended the conversation.

The prime ministers Xiao Yun, Pei Shu, Pei Zhi, and Zhu Pu looked at Shao Shude at the same time, and Shao Shude responded with calm eyes.

It's actually quite embarrassing now.

He is the Prime Minister, but there are also four colleagues in the Political Affairs Hall, and after that, the four ministers will report to him as the Prime Minister, which is a little awkward.

But the four prime ministers didn't seem embarrassed at all.Anyway, I have to report to the emperor in the future. The person in front of me is already the de facto emperor of Datang, so there is nothing wrong with adapting in advance.

"Teacher, teachers, it's time to enter the imperial court." After a while, Yang Kezheng, the envoy of the imperial court, came over and said with his lips parted.

She mentioned a few people, but her eyes were always on Shao Shude.It could be seen that she was slightly nervous, and she could even see a mixture of excitement, fear and despair.

Shao Shude straightened the Yuanyou crown on his head and got up first.

The saint and the queen got off the imperial chariot one after the other.

The sage wears a heavenly crown, which is shaped like a mountain, majestic and straight.It is decorated with twelve golden cicada patterns, implying to educate the people to be loyal to the emperor and patriotic - this is something that has been extremely missing for more than 100 years after the hardships.

There are strict regulations on clothing during the winter solstice and the Zhengdan court meeting.

On this day, the saint is not called a saint, but an emperor, wearing a golden cicada on his head and wearing a gown.

On this day, there are also requirements for the color of Dagon clothes, that is, the upper part is mysterious and the lower part is dark.

Xuan, representing the rising sun in a day, is a reddish black color.

纁, which represents the setting of the sun in a day, is a yellowish-reddish color.

There is also a curled dragon painted on the clothes, that is, "the peacock fan comes out to distribute incense, and the dragon clothes come with a letter."

"Why is the empress pale?" The saint rebuked in a low voice, a little dissatisfied.

The queen's face turned paler when she heard this, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she wanted to cry.

She is also dressed up today.

She wears the dark blue robes used by the Dachao Club. She wears a flower tree crown on her head and is decorated with twelve flower hairpins, that is, the twelve flower tree crowns, which are reserved for the queen.

Huidi is decorated on the dress, which is actually golden pheasant, pheasant, or pheasant, which symbolizes the beauty and virtue of women.

But the queen is going to do something that goes against Hui Di's symbolic meaning today, and the risk is extremely high, and if she does something wrong, she will face death.She is a timid person, and it is normal for her to panic when things happen.

"Your Majesty, how about..." the queen wiped away her tears, hesitating.

"What else?" The saint asked with a grim face.

"Don't forget it." The queen took the saint's hand and begged in a low voice: "The Taifu has conquered and destroyed countless feudal towns, but he has never done any harm to His Majesty. Why bother? I think he is generous, maybe he won't Pain the killer. Didn’t Duke Yang of the Later Han Dynasty live in peace and contentment and die?”

The saint was startled when he heard the words, and then became furious.

However, he still had reason, and seeing that the guard of honor was not far away from them, he lowered his voice and said, "Shut up! A woman's opinion is ridiculous. The matter has come to this point, there is no way out. I want you to prepare well, don't let me down .”

Empress He was silent.

"Your Majesty, it's time to enter the palace." Mrs. Zhao Guo Chongyan stepped forward and reminded.

The saint took a deep breath and stepped out.

Under the tinkling of rings, colored fans, emerald flags, and precious halberds followed each other, and the emperor and empress entered the Hanyuan Hall one after the other.

Smoke was already rising in the incense burner, and it was curling up.The honor guards holding the halberds were scattered around the hall and lined up.

As the saying goes, "Bao Ji Luo Xianzhang, golden furnace draws imperial smoke."

Shao Shude was very fond of the emperor, and the furnishings in the hall became more and more complete, even more complete than Chang'an.Many things have been slowly crafted and completed in the past year.

When Huang Chao burned down the Chang'an palace and Xizong returned, the palace was poor and empty, with nothing.When the monarchs and ministers participated in the court meeting, there were even dead branches and leaves on the ground, not to mention all kinds of ceremonial guards, they wanted to eat farts.

"The second sage is coming to court, and ascended to the throne." Yang Kezheng, the envoy of the ceremony, shouted.

The emperor and empress sat down together.The feather fan is separated and exposed in front of the ministers.

Xiaohuangmen moved the incense case again, and two historians stood beside the case.

"See my emperor, long live my emperor." All the officials shouted in unison.

"Sit down, gentlemen." The saint waved his hand.

His eyes still fell on Shao Shude not far away intentionally or unintentionally.The queen held his hand tightly, not knowing what to think.

"The envoys of all dynasties gathered to present auspicious tributes." Yang Kezheng looked at the saint, and seeing that there was no special indication, he entered the next link.

Shao Shude sat firmly on the bed, with a calm and natural expression.

The saint is not launching the murderous intent at this time.The guards of honor here are all his people, and the saint doesn't have this ability yet.

At the Zhengdan Great Court Meeting, the first thing to do is congratulate, and then go to the court meeting, and that is the time to really see each other.

He was not in a hurry, but looked at the civil and military officials in the hall with great interest.

Officials are becoming more and more organized. Most of the more than 300 officials above the ninth rank in Beijing have come. I am afraid there are more than 200 in the hall.

Many officials felt his gaze.

Most people didn't dare to look at each other, they all lowered their heads, or moved their eyes to look elsewhere.

Some people stared back angrily, as if they thought that on such a solemn occasion, even if Shao Shude was the prime minister, he should focus on the emperor instead of being so rude and domineering.

Some people squeezed out flattering smiles, as if they sensed that the new lord was coming, and wanted to curry favor in advance.

Life is full of vicissitudes, each has its own merits.

Gao Shao, the envoy of the Henan government, was the first to make a tribute.

Wen Ling, white porcelain, medicinal materials, winter dates... are basically local specialties.

For court congratulations, envoys from various states usually just offer some gifts and just go through the motions, and it has been like this for many years.

But Gao Shao made a new life today.

I saw him holding a wooden tray and playing loudly: "Your Majesty, the people of Mianchi County in my prefecture offer two Ruimai plants."

As soon as the words fell, there was a buzzing sound in the hall, and many people looked up and looked in amazement.

The so-called Ruimai is actually a wheat plant with many ears, also known as "Jiahe", which has been recorded in all dynasties.

The sage also saw it and smiled happily.Jiahe, good omen!

Unexpectedly, Gao Shao said again: "The people in Mianchi are mostly Hengshan party members. The Taifu migrated here to enrich his household registration and train him in Huafeng. His wild nature is gradually harvesting, men farm and women shepherd, everyone is happy, so a shrine is set up for Taifu. Unexpectedly This year, Ruimai grows in the farmland next to the temple. Then it spread far and wide, saying that the Taifu is a great talent who has not been born for 500 years. He regained the lost land in Helong, wiped out the disaster of a century-old town, and rebuilt the court. His Majesty has this talent. , Datang Zhongxing is expected."

As soon as these words came out, the hall suddenly fell silent.

The saint's expression changed suddenly, and he felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

He suppressed the tyrannical emotions in his heart, and said, "I see."

Shao Shude still sat there, as stable as Mount Tai.

Next, Liu Xiang, the envoy of the Ruzhou court, offered tributes, mainly silk, dried fruits, medicinal materials and the like.

At the end, he said again: "Your Majesty, the household registration in Ruzhou is more than [-], which has reached the peak number of Tianbao. The Taifu personally intervened, made great efforts to govern, built palaces, ponds, and post roads, persuaded the people to farm mulberry, reclaimed wasteland, etc. The barn is full of corn and wheat in the county, and the cattle and sheep are wild, which is also a sign of rejuvenation."

The buzz in the hall reappeared, and many people looked at Shao Shude intentionally or unintentionally.

What is he playing today?Demonstration?Build momentum?Tell the sage that the whole world is mine, so stop messing around?

Shao Shude still had no expression on his face, closed his eyes and fell asleep, as if it was too early to go to court, and he was a little sleepy.

Next are the envoys of Zhengzhou, Bianzhou, Songzhou, and Mengzhou...

More and more tributes filled the palace, and the face of the saint became more and more ugly.

Empress He moved her buttocks uneasily. She felt that the saint's mood was extremely bad, and he was on the verge of erupting at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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