Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1093 Year Name Ceremony

The choice of year name is actually a very complicated matter.

But from another point of view, it is also a very simple matter, it all depends on the monarch's personal preference, especially when this is still the founding lord.

Is the year name "Turtle" good?
Modern people sound like they want to laugh, but if you substitute the social atmosphere and values ​​at that time, this may be a very good year name. Yuanxu, Emperor Ming of the Northern Wei Dynasty, used this year name.

What about "ordinary"?I also want to laugh when I hear it.But this is the year name of Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of Liang in the Southern Dynasty.

After the enthronement ceremony is completed, the southern suburbs are required to offer sacrifices to the heavens, and then change the yuan to amnesty the world.

Therefore, the name of the era will now be determined.

"Gaozu changed Yuan's martial arts, what should I pay attention to?" Shao Shude humbly asked for advice in the Huacheng courtyard of Shangyang Palace.

He is a martial artist. Although he has been studying all these years, his cultural level is still qualitatively different from that of great Confucians.We have to be cautious about such things as the year name, so we summoned all the prime ministers and learned Hanlin scholars to discuss it together.

"Gaozu came to the throne and told the heavens, saying that the revolution of Tang and Wu followed the sky and responded to people. The Sui Dynasty was in chaos, and Emperor Yang had no way, so he followed the example of Tang and Wu's revolutionary feats and saved the people from fire and water. Also, when Gaozu came to the throne, the jurisdiction There are not many, only one in Guanzhong and one in Hedong, and there are many powerful enemies outside the pass, so it is called "Wu." Feng Yanqing said: "Gao Zu said again, "There was a Sui Celebration, a great cause, a great cause, a famine, a teacher and a traveler, and the people complained. ., That is, the Sui Dynasty did not cultivate virtue. It is related to the two, so the year is named "Wu De."

"'Kaiyuan, what do you say?" Shao Shude nodded and continued to ask.

"'Kaiyuan, from "Han Shu", "Han Xing has been going on for two hundred years, and in the history of Kaiyuan, the emperor descended from the heavens to the right, and the Han Dynasty was given the talisman of command again. "Feng Yanqing said: "This is in line with the situation of Wu Zhou returning to Tang Dynasty, and it also has Xuanzong's heart of striving for governance. "

"What about 'Xiantian' and 'Tianbao'?" These two are also Xuanzong's reign titles, Shao Shude asked.

"'Innate,' comes from the "Book of Changes", 'The innate is not against the sky, and the acquired is in accordance with the time of heaven'."Bai Juyi also said, "Follow everyone's heart and mind, innately follow the will of heaven, which means to fight for the first-line opportunity and pre-empt others." "Feng Yanqing said: "in the fourth year of Jinglong, Xuanzong preemptively killed the empress Wei.If you take a step too late, you may be punished by Empress Wei.Therefore, after Xuanzong ascended the throne, he changed Yuan' Xiantian. "

"In the 29th year of Kaiyuan, Xuanzong was old and wanted to live forever. So he used the old house to get a treasure talisman as an excuse to change it to Yuan'Tianbao, which is also a treasure talisman from heaven." Feng Yanqing said: "Actually Empress Wu changed Yuan'jiushi, It is also for the sake of longevity. From the "Tao Te Ching", "the way of longevity and long-term vision."

"It's quite complicated to get a year name." Shao Shude laughed.

"The year name entrusts the king's expectations, and the matter is of great importance, so we must not be careless." Song Le interjected: "What does your highness expect from the new dynasty?"

Shao Shude thought seriously.

"Save the people from the fire and water, and the world will be unified. At the same time, the lost land will be recovered, and the mountains and rivers will shine."

"When you climb high and look far away, you can see the lights of thousands of houses. When you visit the mountains and rivers, you can see pastoral songs. The people live and work in peace and contentment, without any look of hunger."

"Regardless of the Han, they are all my children, and the world is one."

"New learning is prosperous, carried forward, and benefited the people."

When the four expectations were mentioned, all the Confucians immediately frowned and thought hard.

"Unify the world, 'big unification, maybe not bad.'" Chen Cheng said.

"Emperor Wen of the Western Wei Dynasty has already used it." Song Le said: "But 'Da Tong, this year name does meet His Highness's first expectation."

Shao Shude heard from the side, "Datong" is much better than "Turtle", and the meaning is also very good.But—although such things as repeated year names are common, it's better to choose one that has never been used.

"Your Highness wants to spread the new learning and carry forward the orthodoxy. It's a pity, 'Hongdao has been used by Gaozong." Zhao Guangfeng sighed.

The year number is not taken randomly.Shao Shude put forward four expectations, so everyone should think about these four aspects and not go beyond the scope of the topic.

Shao Shude was also thinking silently.

Zhu Wen's year name is "Kaiping", which is actually good, and it means peace in the world, but he doesn't want to use it anymore.

Alas, let's wait for the prime ministers to think about it. I have limited knowledge, so I won't get involved.

"Your Highness wipes out all the ugliness, the world is unified, and the emperor builds his pole, why not call it "Jianji." "

"Xin Chao Xin Xue Xin
The weather is peaceful and peaceful.Or it can be called 'Jingtai'. "

"His Royal Highness's merit is unparalleled in the world. The one who promises it is the fourth. If you can do it, the Great Xia will be united for thousands of years. It will be as bright as the sun and the moon. It is not as good as Jianyuan's light."

"The world has not yet settled down, and it is still necessary to repair soldiers and Zhaowu, which can follow the story of the country's "Wu De" and change Yuan'Zhaowu. "

"To create peace for the world, and to have a prosperous atmosphere, you can use 'kaitai' and 'taihe'."

Shao Shude was stunned when he heard it, you are all time travelers, right?

These year names full of déjà vu are too crazy.

"These reign names..." Shao Shude felt dissatisfied after hearing this, so he asked, "How many reign names does the country have?"

This question did not bother the prime ministers, and Pei Zhi immediately replied, "72 (75 in history)."

"More than 280 years, more than 70 years..." Shao Shude said: "The previous dynasty was 38 years, five years. How many are there in the Han Dynasty?"

"Over three hundred years, 78 reign titles." Pei Shu replied.

"That's enough!" Shao Shude: "On average, a year name only takes a few years. After I ascend the throne, I will be Jianyuan'Jianji'. This year is the first year of Jianji. After the world is unified, we will change the Yuan. "

"Obey." Everyone had no choice but to respond.

"What are the reasons why the emperor changed his Yuan?" Shao Shude asked suddenly.

I will do this!

Chen Cheng immediately responded: "One is to change the Yuan when he ascends the throne. The king is ordered by heaven to start with the people, so it is necessary to change the Yuan; Shou, Guochao had year titles such as "Yifeng", "Dazu", and "Jingyun"; the three offered sacrifices to change the Yuan Dynasty, such as Fengtian Zen Land, Xiangshen Mingtang, etc.; Drought happened, so the yuan was changed to adjust the dew; in the end, the yuan was changed because of major events, such as the relocation of the emperor or a big victory. "

Shao Shude's heart moved when he heard this.

Feng Tianchan's land change, this... really wants to give him a vote!

But without solid credit, you are ashamed to go to Fengchan to change Yuan.Unless after unifying the north and the south, many foreign forces, such as the Khitan, Nanzhao, and Gaochang Uyghurs, will be wiped out.

"Okay, that's the end of the matter." Shao Shude decided with one word: "There will be a batch of official uniforms issued in a few days, you can wait and see how they look. I'm bothered."

"As ordered."

"Your Highness, this is a five-chrome car." The imperial servant Chen Yishen pointed to the cars lined up there, and said.

Shao Shude looked casually.

The Son of Heaven has five grid chariots.Jade rods are used for sacrifices and sacrifices; gold rods are used for shooting and suburban conquest; elephant rods are used for walking on the road; leather rods are used for hunting and military affairs; and wooden rods are used for field hunting.

On the day of his enthronement, he would ride on a jade chariot.

This is actually the second batch of five-legged cars manufactured.

I made a batch before and gave it to the Tang Dynasty sages.Because Shao Shude promised that the five Yiying rituals of Le'an County could still be treated by the emperor, he simply sent those cars out and ordered someone to make a new one.

"Which date is chosen?" Shao Shude asked.

"The first day of next month is an auspicious day. The ministers first worship, then the southern suburbs to pray to God, then comfort the ancestral temple, and finally announce to the world so that all officials and people know that the new emperor has ascended the throne." Chen Yishen replied.

"Has the ancestral temple been rebuilt?" Shao Shude asked.

"The Li Tang Ancestral Temple has been moved out." Chen Yishen replied.

"Have the descendants of the former Sui royal family been found?"

"Yang Renju, the supervisory censor, is the clan of the Sui Dynasty. Yu Wendiao, the prime minister of Jiangxian County, is the clan of the Later Zhou Dynasty."

"Canonize Yang Renju as Duke of Feng and Yu Wendiao as Duke of Jie," Shao Shude said.

"Follow the order." Chen Yishen accepted the order immediately.

This canonization is due to the ceremony of "two kings and three Ke".

The core of this etiquette system is that after the establishment of the new dynasty, the descendants of the previous dynasty's clan can be conferred knighthoods to show their generosity.

Enfeoff two dynasties, that is, two kings, and seal three, that is, two kings and three Ke.

After the establishment of the Kingdom Dynasty, Yang You, Emperor Gong of the Sui Dynasty, was granted the title of Duke of X (x), and the descendants of Hou Zhou were given the title of Duke of Jie, who became the second queen.

Historically, after the establishment of Houliang, the descendants of Hou Zhou Yuwen were granted the title of Jie Guogong, Yang Renju, the royal family of the Sui Dynasty, was granted the title of Duke of Feng, and the Tang Dynasty
The clan Li Wei is the Duke of Lai.

Shao Shude established a new dynasty, named Chan Lord Li Ye the King of Le'an County, and made the clans of the Sui and Zhou Dynasties Dukes of the State.

"Yang Renju and Yu Wendiao didn't make an inch of merit, and they suddenly became the Duke of the state, alas!" Shao Shude was still very depressed.

In the new dynasty, the prince is the highest, followed by the king of the county, the duke of the state, the duke of the county, the duke of the county, and the marquis of the county.As far as Zhezong is concerned, Zhezong is the county king, and Li Tangbin is about to become Lu Guogong, which is the highest of the two titles.

Yang Renju and Yu Wendiao's contributions were low, but they were awarded the title of Duke by virtue of their identities as the clan of the previous dynasty. Although it is the practice of the past dynasties, it will definitely make many people feel uncomfortable, and it may not be a good thing for them.

Fortunately, the world has not yet settled down.The generals can still make new achievements, and the title can continue to rise.

Just like Gao Renhou, if he assists the prince to take down Shuzhong, how can a county prince be able to fight it?The Duke of the state is a guarantee, and the king of the county is not impossible.

If Li Tangbin was released again and attacked two Hebei feudal towns, Duke Lu's title would not be able to stop him.

"Your Highness, the ritual of two kings and three honors is an ancient system, and it has been observed in all dynasties. It is better not to..." Chen Yishen advised.

"I know, I know." Shao Shude waved his hand, and said again: "The Li Tang Ancestral Temple is located in Dizhou, and all the expenses are allocated by the household department."

"Zhou Rituals": The Son of Heaven has seven temples, the feudal lords have five temples, the officials have three temples, the scholars have one temple, and the common people have no temples.

Li Ye was named the Queen of Le'an County, so he had to move the ancestral temple and find another place to worship, and he could no longer keep the standard of seven temples, only five or three temples.

Shao Shude allowed Li Tang's clan to set up five temples for sacrifices, and there were officials to provide expenses, which is also the practice in the past dynasties.

Generally speaking, as long as it is not a deep hatred and insists on putting the previous dynasty to death, the new dynasty will show generosity and win people's hearts.

Even, some dynasties felt ashamed and were too generous.For example, in the Northern Song Dynasty, Xu Zhou's Taimiao continued to sacrifice according to the emperor's standard. As for whether people dared to do so, it was another matter.

After the Li family moved to the temple, the Luoyang Taimiao became the family temple of the Shao family, which is another mark of the establishment of the new dynasty step by step.

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