Chapter 11 Aid Jin
On the fifth day of the eighth lunar month, when the Tiande army was raging between Dongcheng and Juncheng, the imperial edict came again.

As the supervisor, Qiu Weidao led the command together with the general Hao Zhenwei.The content of the edict is actually very simple, that is, the Tiande army is required to advance eastward to the territory of the Datong army, fight with Qi Bizhang and Helianduo's troops, and discuss Li Guochang and his son together.

Xu is receiving benefits, and the angel is not afraid to say a few more words.

He emphatically revealed the current situation in Hedong. Shatuo soldiers and horses have settled the opposition forces in the original Datong military area and began to gradually invade southward.Just last month, they invaded the two states of Xin and Dai, and burned down Tanglin and Nao counties. They were extremely arrogant.

The first siege against the Datong rebels organized by the imperial court failed because of the sudden death of Lu Jianfang, the minister of the imperial court.

Now that several months have passed, a second offensive was soon organized.In the past, Cao Xiang, the general of Zuo Jinwu and the military governor of Zhaoyi Army, served as the military governor of Hedong.

At that time, Jinyang was panic-stricken.The original Jiedushi Dou Han was Princess Yan'an's consort, with a serious lack of prestige, so he couldn't hold back those arrogant soldiers.

Moreover, he himself was a little flustered, and he actually made a lot of people dig trenches outside Jinyang City, which attracted the contempt of the army.

This is not to mention, the troops dispatched to various places to defend often mutiny and invite rewards, and Dou Han can't do anything about it.In the worst case, Deng Qian, Marquis of Yu, who he dispatched to urge the army to dispatch, was killed. The rebel army brought Deng Qian's body into the city. Dou Han and the supervisor were panicked, and finally squeezed out some money to send it out. .

Mutiny invites rewards, hunts and kills generals, there is no punishment, and there are rewards!All the armies inside and outside Jinyang City "understood" all at once, so they all demanded money, otherwise they would cause trouble.

Dou Han was helpless, so he could only borrow [-] yuan from the merchant to reward the troops, which was able to stabilize the situation, but apparently no one took him seriously.

Dou Han's behavior was at a loss, and the court couldn't stand it any longer.If you are in a normal year, you can just waste it. It is not bad to be the commander of one of the three famous towns in the world (the other two are Jiannan and Huainan), gilding and making money.

But what time is it now?Certainly can't let you fool around.So the court quickly changed horses, and let Cao Xiang, the military governor of Zhaoyi, change his post as the governor of Hedong, and command all the ministries to fight against Li Guochang and his son.

Cao Xiang arrived in Jinyang in July, and he brought thousands of Zhaoyi soldiers with him.

As soon as they arrived, they arrested the sergeant 13 people who killed Deng Qian, and beheaded them on the execution ground.When the Yiwu army made a fuss about their pay, Cao Xiang cut the mess with a sharp knife, killing one of the ten generals who had the most trouble, and quickly stabilized the rest of the army.

And after seeing that Cao was so fierce, the town soldiers of Hedong, Yicheng, Yiwu, Zhaoyi, Zhongwu, and Heyang gathered here were also awe-inspiring, and no one dared to make trouble again.

Of course, those who are familiar with the military know that Cao Xiang's means of killing people and establishing a prestige can only be stable for a while.The sources of troops and horses under Daibeixingying are complex, and there are many arrogant generals. I don't know how many are not convinced by Cao Xiang.Right now, it's just forbearance for a while, and they will jump out and make trouble for the second time when they get a chance.

Of course, Cao Xiang understood this very well. His idea was to lead the army north as soon as possible to fight against Li Guochang and his son.Relying on his many soldiers, Cao Xiang felt that he had a good chance of winning.As long as they win, they will have prestige, and the arrogant soldiers can only put away those salty thoughts and be men with their tails between their tails.

The plan is really good and feasible.

In addition, in order to improve the winning rate, Cao Dashuai also made a presentation to the court, ordering Hao Zhenwei, the head of the Tiande army, Qi Bizhang, the governor of Yinshan, and Helianduo, the governor of Yinshan, to return to his control, send troops as soon as possible, and enter the cloud and Shuo to contain Li. Countering the strength, lay the foundation for the main battle in the south.

That's what happened.After listening to the angel's narration, Hao Zhenwei's face darkened immediately, and the military envoy Qiu Weidao was also a little silent.

I thought it was an outing-like military operation, but it turned out to be this kind of virtue.

It would definitely be impossible to continue to delay. At this time, the imperial court still has some prestige. At least these towns in Guannei Road are relatively obedient. No matter how reluctant Hao Zhenwei is, after receiving the edict in front of everyone, he has no choice but to bite the bullet and head east. .But he was in a bad mood. After returning to the barracks, someone ran into him, and he was hanged and beaten to death on the spot.

On the seventh day of the eighth lunar month, after collecting some carts and camels, the armies left Dongcheng in turn and set off towards the southeast.

In this direction, there is Tongqu Avenue going straight to Yun and Shuozhou. If you march at full speed, you can reach it in more than ten days, and then contain Li Ni's army and create opportunities for Cao Cao of Jinyang.

To be honest, it's not a good life.The Zhenwu Army and the Datong Army are sharp, and they have been victorious in consecutive battles recently, and their morale is high.

The most important thing is that this place is far away from the core battlefield, and it is basically impossible to get any credit. On the contrary, people will die.It is estimated that the two states of Yun and Shuo have already been scraped three feet by Li Guochang and his son, and there is no more oil and water to fish. What do you mean by going?
"Grandma's, it's so hard to raise even a boat. This Dongcheng soldier is so ruthless, he doesn't leave us anything." On the banks of the Golden River, Lu Huaizhong looked at a small river in front of him, and muttered to vent. dissatisfied.

Shao Shude sometimes thinks that Lao Lu talks too much. He makes a lot of noise all day long, making his head hurt.

The Zhenwu Army is not a fool. If they evacuate ahead of time, how many supplies and equipment will they be left for you?They will be able to collect some hidden small fishing boats. It is already God's blessing. Let's cross the river slowly, anyway, no one dares to come to trouble.

The Jinhe River is today's Dahei River. It is a tributary of the Yellow River. It flows through Hohhot and flows into the Yellow River near Tuoketuo County.

The East Shoujing City is north of the Yellow River and west of the Jinhe River. If you want to go east from here, you must first cross the Jinhe River.Originally, there was a ferry, but the boat of the Liucheng Water Transport Envoy Yamen had already returned, and the people who returned to the Shuo Fangjun were restrained, and being able to help transport supplies to Dongcheng was already a good deal, and I couldn’t ask for too much.

"Cross it slowly, there are few boats, so I'll do it in batches." Shao Shude pulled his helmet off his armor and held a horizontal knife in his hand. He looked at Qiu Weidao, the military envoy who boarded a small boat under the escort of the generals, and suddenly turned his head to face him. Ren Yuji instructed: "Later, you will cross the river first, and strengthen your guard after crossing the river. On the battlefield, you must not be careless."

"Why didn't the leader of the team cross the river first? Qiu Shijun has obviously valued you these days. It's good to cross the river early and show your face in front of Qiu Shijun. Look at Guan Kairun, how hard he is flattering!" Ren Yuji got a little closer and said thiefly.

"I'm waiting for Sun Shijun's soldier after all..." Shao Shude sighed and did not continue.

Thousands of Tiande troops have been crossing the river all day.Having few ships is the virtue.If it wasn't for the temporary cutting of trees to make some rafts, it is estimated that the tossing will take longer.

When Shao Shude was free, he took out his writing brush and wrote it down.

If you don't know how to lead troops by senior generals, then you must take the initiative to learn, extract useful conclusions from the things you encounter in daily military life, and always try to figure out, why do you do this?What's the benefit of doing this?What if you don't do this?

Not only himself, he also took the people around him to see the details. Lu Huaizhong, Ren Yuji, Qian Shousu, Li Yixian, Li Yanling, and his personal soldier Saburo, although the education level is not necessarily high, but the experience is rich enough. I have also seen a lot of routines from generals.Everyone discussed together, combined with the various things they encountered, and generally gained something.

Sometimes, a few words and a few words solved a problem that had been bothering him for a long time, and Shao Shude even greeted everyone, saying that the "staff group" was very useful.Everyone didn't take it seriously, and laughed and responded.

The three stooges are better than Zhuge Liang, and the wisdom of the crowd is always stronger than that of a single person.Li Yanling is an old-fashioned and prudent, good at common tasks, and can be a "logistics staff officer"; Ren Yuji is thoughtful and has a bad stomach, so he can be an "intelligence staff officer"; Qian Shousu is very strict in managing troops, and the tasks he has been assigned are meticulously completed, and he is a qualified " training staff".

It is a pity that there are still too few talents. There are no qualified candidates for the liaison staff, marching staff, and combat staff. Shao Shude can only take the responsibility.

It is so troublesome to manage a small team of 50 people!Hao Du will lead a team of 5000 people, so far no major mistakes have been made, this level must be much better than his own.

You must not underestimate the heroes of the world, and the transmigrators are nothing special, at least they were thrown out a dozen streets by others.Live until old, learn old, remember remember.

After crossing the Jinhe River (also known as Mangganshui), all you can see is a flat wasteland, with occasional villages dotted in between, I don’t know if they are Han people or Dangxiang people or some other tribe, but there are not many, generally speaking. It is sparsely populated and desolate.

However, the agricultural conditions here are very good. In ancient times, it was called "good and fertile, suitable for farming and animal husbandry", "animal husbandry is widespread, and the dragon is the most fertile". Qin and Han Dynasties set up Yunzhong and Dingxiang counties, which are important places in northern Xinjiang.

"South of Mangganshui, there is Baiqushui, which is roughly parallel to Mangganshui to the west. The two river basins are a basin, called Baidaochuan in ancient times, because its land is also in the south of Baidao. Once Zhenwu Military City was established, Baidaochuan was restored to Han Dynasty. It is also a paradise for children. If the immigrants are settled and managed properly, it can be an important place to go out of the fortress. Unfortunately, the state affairs have come to this point. Have a chat with it.Mr. Song's knowledge of the Four Books and Five Classics may not be very good, but he has read enough miscellaneous books, has a wealth of knowledge, and has been to many places. Chatting with him, Shao Shude always feels that he can learn a lot of new things, such as the geography he just talked about.

"From here to the north, there is Yinshan Mountain Pass, called Baidaokou, or Baidao Ridge, both of which extend to the left and right of the ancient Great Wall. To the west of Baidao Ridge, east of Zihe River, and north of Yinshan Mountain, only this road leads to the square track. And along the way The cave comes out of the spring, which is conducive to drinking horses, so it is a must-have place for military strategists. In the Northern Qi Dynasty, Baidao Township was set up, and several northern expeditions were made from Baidao. (Li Jing), Ying Gong (Li Ji), and Qingyuan County Gong (Wang Zhongsi) still followed this road." Song Le said while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

This kind of long-distance march is indeed a kind of torture for these scholars. Even if there is a car, it is uncomfortable, and sometimes even walking as low as possible.

"Mr. Shao's words are eye-opening. In the future, I should ask for more advice, I hope you don't be bothered." After saying that, he solemnly bent down and gave a bow.

Song Le also had a good impression of this amiable warrior leader.

Unlike other people, he likes to brag about his bravery, defiantly, and humiliates these powerless scholars at every turn.On the contrary, he has a strong thirst for knowledge, is humble, treats others equally, and makes people feel good when they contact him.

If there is no comparison, there will be no harm. Shao Military Academy is simply a clear stream in Wufu. I really don't know how he disciplines the arrogant soldiers under his command.It doesn't seem to be relying on bravery and bribery, nor is it heavy bribes. We can observe more in the future.

In this troubled world, such "moderate" warriors are too rare!

(End of this chapter)

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