"Great victory! Lu Shuai defeated the Wei people on the river!" In Guancheng County, Zhengzhou, Lu Bu's fast knight flashed past.

It's like a stone dropped into a calm lake, instantly causing large ripples.

Zhengzhou is the garrison of the Wuwei Army.

Once upon a time, Qin Zongquan ravaged this place twice, and then experienced a fierce battle between Xia and Liang, resulting in a large loss of population.But with the arrival of large numbers of military families and Kansai immigrants, Zhengzhou came back to life with jaw-dropping speed.

Corn and wheat grow here, livestock are transported from afar, business travelers travel between Luo and Bian, houses are built one by one, and canals are cleaned up one by one. Given the background of Zhengzhou, development is inevitable.

In the latest household registration check, Zhengzhou has recorded more than 76500 households with more than 39 households, opened up more than 4000 hectares of fertile land, and harvested 3 million hu of millet and wheat annually.

Zhengzhou's development could not have been so fast.

This is a living example of a passive take-off due to a change in the political center.As the eastern barrier of Luoyang, it was first included in Jiru Town, the eastern capital, and then included in Zhili Road. The imperial court wanted people to give people, and asked for money to give money. The rapid development made other counties in Henan far behind.

How can it be possible that under such circumstances, the people of Zhengzhou do not want Daxia?What's more, the structure of residents here has been deeply changed long ago. There are less than 40 people, about two-thirds of whom are immigrants. This is the current situation of the seven counties in Zhengzhou.

Lubu Feijie's knights quickly left the city and continued westward towards Xingyang County.

The people on the street who heard the news, even if they didn’t cheer for joy, showed relief on their faces—not to mention anything else, after winning the battle, their fathers, brothers, and husbands can return early and receive rewards. unhappy?
"Lu Shuai can be said to be the number one brave general in our Great Xia." Someone said.

"Then don't go down to Xingmingci three prefectures, and then Kebei prefecture. If Wei Bo is defeated, Li Tangbin will be a fart!" Someone echoed.

If you say good things about Li Tangbin in Zhengzhou and think that Lu Huaizhong is not good, you may be beaten...

Shao Shude also arrived in Guancheng County at this time.

On the evening of the 25th, he stayed at Guanchengyi in the west of the city, and arrived in Putian Town in the east of the city during the day on the 26th.

The news of Lu Huaizhong's victory at Weibo naturally spread long ago.

The military newspaper said that the enemy was defeated on the river, which is indeed true.

Yi Congjun led more than 3000 soldiers from Bian, Hua, Cao, Song and other states to the north, built pontoon bridges to cross the river, fought with the enemy, smashed them, beheaded more than [-] people, and captured [-] people. The Weibo Yellow River defense line suffered heavy losses. Linhuang and Guancheng counties fell, and Qingfeng County surrendered.The army encircled Lisuo Dunqiu County in Chanzhou, and the Neihuang enemy army retreated without a fight, and fled back to Weizhou in a hurry.

The [-] army has gnawed on the tortoise shell for so long, finally found the opportunity for the enemy to make a mistake, and opened up the situation in one fell swoop, which is congratulations.

This also confirms what Lu Huaizhong said before.

He thinks that although Wei Bo sticks to the front line, he will lose if he defends for a long time, and there will always be people who are impatient and want to fight, and now it has come true.

Shao Shude is now looking forward to Luo Shaowei's reaction.

One battle after another has shown that they have neither the strength to defeat the enemy in field battles nor the capital to spend for a long time.Now Wang Rong's envoy also went to Luoyang to ask for canonization, Shao Shude deliberately delayed, delaying Chengde's troops going south to rescue Wei Bo, what would Luo Shaowei do?
Will the warriors of the Weibo states become more sober?

"There is Yongfu Lake in the west of Zhengzhou, Putianze in the east, and water conservancy projects such as Caojiapi..." Shao Shude walked on the endless rural plain, and said: "I have fought south and north for so many years, and Zhengzhou is suitable for Those who cultivate the land are rarely seen."

From Guancheng to Zhongmou, Putianze is about forty miles long from east to west, and more than twenty miles from north to south. This is a rather huge lake.

There are sand dunes in the center of the lake, and there are 24 pu (wharves) up and down. The business is prosperous and the boats shuttle constantly.

Good place!
"There is also Lijiabei in the east of the county, which is eighteen miles away. It was named after Li Chong given by Emperor Wei Xiaowen. Tianbao was renamed Guangrenchi for six years." Zhang Xuanyan, the servant of the household department, introduced: "The seven counties of Zhengzhou, counties and counties There are all ponds, especially the three counties of Guancheng, Xingze, and Zhongmou. The people cultivated along the ponds, and it is almost a land of fish and rice."

Shao Shude hummed.

In later generations, this
Some of these lakes have disappeared, some have been greatly reduced in size, and the agricultural conditions have deteriorated a lot.

At this time, Henan is rich because they have water resources that are not inferior to those of Jiangnan in later generations. The terrain is flatter than Jiangnan, and there are fewer diseases.

In "Zhou Li", Putianze is Yuzhou Tau, a famous large lake in the world. At this time, there are still hundreds of square kilometers of water, and the water depth is sufficient. There are 24 commercial docks. How can it be the small one in Zhengzhou City in later generations? The Lake Park is comparable.

"Let Tuoba Sijing come to see me." Shao Shude sat down by Putianze and said.

Li Yixian had already prepared the fire with ease, and then started frying the meat on a large iron pan.

The ministers also happily sat around, watching the sizzling mutton.

The big iron pan is a "great invention" made by Wei's blacksmith shop in Huaizhou a few years ago.For the first time in history, a whole piece of iron can be made so large.If it is bigger, it can be forged with water power, but it is obviously not possible now.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." Tuoba Si, who was already a successful businessman, fell to the ground in worship.

"Get up." Shao Shude waved his hand and said, "Are you still trading cattle and sheep?"

"Yes." Tuoba Sijing replied: "Half of the cattle and sheep in the seven counties of Zhengzhou come from Tuoba's cattle and sheep line."

Tuoba Sijing didn't have to hide anything.Shao Sheng has already figured out these things, and concealing them will only lead to bad things.

"The other half is from Zhuge's cattle and sheep business." Shao Shude laughed and said, "You two have done a great business."

Tuoba Sijing and Zhuge Zhongbao, the two generals of the defeated army, were all focused on business and ignored political affairs.Moreover, the two of them have special identities, and no one troubles them, so their lives are quite chic.

Over the years, the two of them sold hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep to the Central Plains, which greatly supported the development of agriculture in the Central Plains.Especially in the states of Zhili and Dao, a large amount of livestock is required to implement the three-crop crop rotation system. Tuoba and Zhuge are great supplements from the official sources, and they have made great contributions.

"I heard that you are also breeding fine wool sheep?" Shao Shude asked again.

"Yes." Mentioning this matter, Tuoba Sijing looked excited, and said: "Your Majesty, the Wuyan sheep bred by me have more hair, longer hair, and softer hair than Dongzhang sheep..."

Seeing that the smile on the face of Liang Zhixia, the former governor of Shengzhou and the new Secretary of Agriculture froze, Tuoba Sijing decisively changed his words: "It's a fluke, it's just a fluke."

In fact, there is indeed a considerable element of chance in breeding new species.

The investment of talents and resources is of course essential, but sometimes luck is also very important.Tuoba Sijing brought Dashi Hu sheep from the Western Regions, and then bred them with the local Hexi sheep in Lingxia, and perhaps mixed with some Shayuan sheep and Hedong sheep blood, which made him fiddle with a slender, soft sheep. Wool sheep, and the gene can be passed on stably, it is really evil.

After Shao Shude heard about it last year, after careful research, he decided to use this "Huluoyang" (Tuoba Sijing's pasture is near Huluoyanchi) as the male parent to continue breeding and further improve and purify the genes.

At present, there are more than [-] Huluo sheep, most of which are sent to various pastures under the jurisdiction of Sinong Temple to breed.After the population reaches a certain level, it will be distributed to prefectures and counties, rented out to the common people, and the whole people will work hard to continue.

Shao Shude believes in the principle that more people are more powerful.Isn't the Hu Luoyang created by Tuoba Sijing the result of the sea of ​​people tactics—Tuoba Sijing was canonized as a man of Changze County for this reason, and three hundred households were granted.

"Liang Qing, you don't need to worry when you take office as a new official. Some things need luck, take your time and I'll wait." Shao Shude said with a smile.

Liang Zhixia breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the first half of the sentence, but when he heard the words "I'm waiting", his scalp became numb.

"The matter of sheep is of great significance to the whole Northland." Shao Shude said: "Don't think that Youzhou can still grow mulberry and raise silkworms. If it doesn't happen one day, won't the people be poor? For the grassland, it is even more important. That’s it. Giving the herdsmen a little livelihood is better than being poor and clinking to death. Most of the troops of the imperial army have changed into sweaters to keep out the cold, and they will always be in control from now on.”

In fact, it's more than just banning the army.One of Shao Shude's new official uniforms was made of wool—of course, the officials were treated well, and the wool used was carefully selected soft wool, which was more comfortable to wear.

Shao Shude himself took the lead in wearing sweaters, and people in the concubine palace were learning how to weave wool

Clothes.Through his own practice, he must bring up this trend until northerners can no longer live without it and become a part of traditional culture.

Many traditional festivals and cultures in later generations were actually promoted by ancient kings. Shao Shude believes that he can do it himself, as long as he perseveres.

On September 27th, Shao Shude went to the countryside again, and convened a discussion with the township chiefs, township assistants, and Lizheng who had retired from the forbidden army. After learning that Guancheng County had overcharged manual lessons as salaries, he was furious and directly dismissed several officials. Far distribution to Johor State——The so-called money for manual training is the use of capital as a substitute for labor. At first, it only existed among the Beijing official group, and later it gradually expanded to the whole country as part of the official income.

"Your Majesty, in fact, if you charge too much money for the manual lessons, you will be charged too much. It's nothing." The veterans said: "These officials are still a little afraid of us, not too much. And they are also very reliable in their usual work. gone."

"Two different things." Shao Shude said: "They are afraid of you now, but in 30 or [-] years, they may not be afraid of you anymore, and they will oppress you even harder."

The crowd nodded yes.

"How is home?" Shao Shude asked again.

"Sinong Temple sent people to send new wheat seeds. They tried planting last year, and the harvest seems to be a little bit more." The veteran said.

"It's about half a percent more." Someone added.

"Why do I feel the same?"

"Your mother-in-law is too lazy to cramp, and the grass in the field is not well hoeed. You feel like a fart."

"The harvest per mu has indeed increased a bit. But it may be because last year was a good year, it's hard to say."

These people were chattering all over the place, and they spoke very straight, without beating around the bush. Shao Shude was very willing to listen.

Breeding, of course, is not limited to animals. Plants are also involved. For example, the rye that is popularized in the bitter cold places in the north, such as new wheat varieties. Sinong Temple is even cultivating pastures that are more suitable for the climate and environment in Henan. In short, the project is still very good. Many.

"Do it well." Shao Shude encouraged: "The seeds and livestock you send out can be cultivated by yourself. If there are fruits, what is the title?"

Everyone was happy when they heard this, and they all said: "Your Majesty should be a saint. Mr. Zhao in the village said to everyone that since ancient times, no king has ever been so obsessed with farming. It's really frustrating to have a new crop. Everyone agrees."

"Oh?" Shao Shude asked with interest: "Everyone thinks so?"

"Of course. Mr. Zhao is very knowledgeable, and people from all over the world admire him. People from Zhongmou, Xingyang, and Yuanwu counties even came to study. Back then, the Ya'er army chased the nest thieves to Zhengzhou and looted everywhere. Although Mr. Zhao was so scared Trembling, still angrily reprimanding Jin soldiers, Jin general Li Siyuan retreated in shame. His reputation is very important, so everyone believes it."

"Reward Master Zhao with a hundred coins." Shao Shude said on the spot: "Wait, don't give him the money directly."

Shao Shude thought for a while, and said: "For the exiled officials, their wives and daughters did not enter the court, their property was confiscated and sold, and the money obtained was given to Mr. Zhao to build a college. I will give you a plaque."

After finishing speaking, he asked someone to bring a pen and paper, and after holding his breath and concentrating on it, he wrote down the twelve characters of "The courage of the benevolent, the Confucianism of the gentleman".

His handwriting is indeed a bit hot, and there are too many talented women around him, so there is nothing he can do.

"Zhengzhou, I know." Shao Shude put down his brush and said.

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second:.

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