The weather has just been sunny for a few days, and the autumn rain has continued again.

On the seventh day of October, under the protection of an army of tens of thousands, Shao Shude left Bianzhou and traveled eastward, passing through Dongming Town, Kaocheng County, and Yuanju County, and arrived at Lisuo Jiyin in Caozhou.

He didn't stay at this place too much, and only visited the Hanzu Altar in the northeast of Caozhou on the afternoon of October [-]th—it is rumored that this is the place where Han Gaozu ascended the throne.

After leaving Caozhou, we continued eastward and arrived in Juye County on October [-], where we stayed at the Dai Hotel by the banks of Dayeze.

This is already the place where the two states of Yun and Yan were handed over, and the governor of Huaihai Road governed Yanzhou. Therefore, several chief officials of the road were ordered to enter the hotel to face the saint.

Before they arrived, Shao Shude talked with his officials about the situation in Hebei.

Li Keyong sent troops again to attack Xingzhou and defeated the Jinglue army.Lu Huaizhong had to mobilize troops and horses to repel him.

Later, after waiting for Shao Shude's promise for a long time, Wang Rong of Zhenzhou sent troops south to attack Beizhou.

Reminiscent of Cangjing Lu Yanwei's going south to help Wei Bo solve the crisis in Bozhou, it is quite annoying for these Hebei feudal towns to watch and help each other.

However, the soldiers from all walks of life, mainly from the left wing of the Yi Congjun Army, still clung to Chanzhou, dug trenches and besieged them, and repelled the reinforcements coming from Bozhou again.

Wang Jiao, commander of the capital of Huaihai Road, also led more than [-] soldiers from various states to the north. They were first defeated by Lu Yanwei's Cangzhou soldiers, but soon regained a city, defeated the Cang soldiers in Gaotang, and pursued all the way to Dezhou.

"As expected of me, the Tielin Army." Shao Shude praised: "Wang Jiao fought well, leading a group of state soldiers and Lu Yanwei to fight back and forth. What's the name of the man who killed the enemy general?"

"Gao Youqing, general of Dengzhou Prefecture," introduced Wang Bian, deputy envoy of the Privy Council? "People from Longyou, I heard they are descendants of Gao Xianzhi."

"That's after a famous general." Shao Shude said.

The surname is Gao, and most of them have no genealogy. It is said that they are descendants of Gao Xianzhi, and they are just clinging to them.Shao Shude knew it well in his heart, but he was not ready to point it out. Isn't it a good thing that the descendants of the famous generals of the former Tang Dynasty serve today?

"The first task now is to defeat Chanzhou. Taking this city will greatly shake the confidence of the Wei people, and Luo Shaowei will not be able to hold on anymore." Shao Shude said: "How far has the fight gone now?".

"Return to Your Majesty." Wang Bian said: "There was no report from the Tibetan general, and the bandit army went out of the city several times to fight, and suffered heavy losses. In another ten days, the outer city will be destroyed. The bandit army consumes a lot of food, grass and military resources, and the inner city cannot last long. , it must be broken."

"Don't be reckless, fight and drag." Shao Shude said: "We've been fighting for a year, have you counted how many Weibo diehard warriors have been killed?"

"Since the war, tens of thousands of thieves have been killed." Wang Bian said.

"I'm asking about Weibo yamen soldiers, town soldiers, prefecture and county soldiers. Don't count the Tutuan villagers." Shao Shude raised his voice, a little dissatisfied.

"Chen..." Wang Bian was stunned, not knowing how to answer, and finally he could only say: "Wei Bo used to have 6 or [-] soldiers, and nearly half of them should have been killed by me."

"At the end of the day, it's still guesswork." Shao Shude sighed, "It's not enough. Tell Lu Huaizhong to continue killing."

Wang Bian felt a chill.

His heart is also very dark, and he is merciless in rectifying aristocratic families, local tyrants and evil gentry.The thousands of state soldiers under him would be beaten so hard that their parents didn't know each other if they fought against the Jin army and Wei army, but they were very good at killing Tu nationality tyrants and servants of aristocratic families.

But to say a thousand words and ten thousand, they have a reason and a purpose to do it.Shao Sheng seems to have no purpose, but to kill Wei Bowu, this obsession scares him too.

"It's not time to win over yet." Shao Shude seemed to be able to guess Wang Bian's thoughts, but he didn't want to explain further: "Wei Bo's soldiers are not dead, and the Shanhe and Liuxiong armies are not destroyed, so I will not withdraw my troops."

"Your Majesty is far-sighted, I can't wait." What else can Wang Bian say, he can only flatter.

After talking about Wei Bo, everyone chatted about some unimportant and even anecdotal news.

The Confucian family in Qufu begged for the title of Duke Wenxuan, which just happened this month.

"Your Majesty, the Kong family was a marquis in the Sui Dynasty. During the Zhenguan period of the former Tang Dynasty, Taizong Li Shimin canonized the Kong family as a marquis of praise. They can participate in court meetings. They are of the same rank as the three ranks, and one thousand households are granted food. (This chapter is not finished, click on the next page for color continue)
In the 27th year of Kaiyuan, he was granted the title of Duke Wenxuan and concurrently served as the county magistrate of Qufu.During the reign of Emperor Yizong of Tang Dynasty, Xu was hereditary as the county magistrate of Qufu.Now Daxia Xinli, in order to stabilize people's hearts, it's time to canonize the Kong family. "Chen Cheng persuaded earnestly.

He is a smart man, and it can be seen that the sage doesn't think very well of the Kong family.But he really couldn't figure out where this hostility came from. The Kong family didn't provoke Shao Sheng.

All ages surrendered to Yan Shenggong!Shao Shude sighed secretly in his heart, knowing that it was caused by the remaining memories of modern people.

Traveling through decades, many memories are blurred, but the dissatisfaction with the Kong family is still rooted in my heart.

When the Qing army entered the customs, they immediately handed over the surrender form.

The Qing army asked for a haircut, and immediately took the lead in responding.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the portraits of the kings of Britain and Germany were also brought into the mansion to be enshrined.

During the period of the Republic of China, it was advocated that China and Japan have the same language and the same species...

Shao Shude didn't know what to say.

Forget it, maybe the Kong family isn't that bad at this time.Recently, many officials advised him that canonization of the descendants of the Confucian family has a lot of benefits but no harm, so why should he be angry?
Just for the sake of stabilizing people's hearts, try to win the support of some readers.

"Canonize the descendants of the Kong family as Marquis Yansheng, and enshrine thousands of households. The Kong family should not always want to intervene in the post of Qufu county magistrate," Shao Shude said.

In the new dynasty of the Great Xia, there were only county marquises, and [-] households were entrusted with food.Shao Shude was granted the title of Marquis of Yan Sheng, and he was given the title of Thousand Households, which is considered low among the marquises, but he was too lazy to care about the thoughts of the Kong family.I believe that with their consistent performance, even if they are disappointed in their hearts, they will only sing praises and dare not stab.

On October [-]th, Zhang Yanqiu, the governor of Huaihai Road, Song Yao, the transfer envoy, Li Tong, the prison envoy, and Zhang Wenwei, the academic and political officer, arrived at the waiting hotel for an audience.

"Zhang Qing, how are the thirteen prefectures of Huaihai doing? Is there any resistance?" Shao Shude asked.Hou Zhangyanqiu of Baojing County is 56 years old this year. He has white beard and hair and his head is not as good as before. He listened to Shao Shude's question and thought for a while. It was wiped out completely. The Great Xia soldiers are mighty, and everyone who has seen them is still there, and they don’t dare to object."

"So, Ziqing Town is still a little unsafe?"

"That's not the case." Zhang Yanqiu replied: "Xu and Yan two towns fought with Zhu Quanzhong for many years. The strong soldiers killed them all, and then they attacked for me. The warriors who can fight and are strong are almost dead. Pinglu In terms of morale and combat effectiveness, the army is naturally inferior to Xu and Yan. In Liaodong, there are not many seeds of warriors in the area, even if someone wants to rebel, they can't pull enough troops."

"If that's the case, I don't have to worry about it." Shao Shude smiled, and then changed the subject, saying: "But this is not enough. The people of Huaihai Road don't accept my favor, and they still have to make their lives better. You are the governor. Even if we can’t just focus on the things in the military, it would be a pity not to develop maritime trade in the five states of Hai, Mi, Qing, Lai, and Deng. Even if there are not many Silla and Japanese businessmen coming over for a while, we can still Find a way to start business with the southern towns."

Having said that, Shao Shude turned to Chen Cheng and asked, "Is Qian Chuanguan, the son of Qian Liu, still in Luoyang?"

"Yes. Qian Chuanguan has not returned to Hangzhou. I heard that he has bought land and a house in Luoyang, and he seems to be staying there for a long time." Chen Cheng replied.

This is actually a relatively obvious signal.

Qian Liu was facing tremendous pressure from Yang Xingmi, and it was hard to say what attitude Wang Shenzhi in the south had. He was hugging his thighs. The 15-year-old Qian Chuanguan was in fact left in Luoyang as a hostage, which was tacitly understood by both parties.

That being the case, Shao Shude was no longer polite, so he ordered: "Let Qian Chuanguan enter the Guozi's supervision."

Qian Liu has been canonized as King of Yuhang County, and seeing the envoy's behavior, he seems quite satisfied.Coupled with the fact that Qian Chuanguan stayed in Luoyang, the Qian family in Hangzhou can be said to be quite obedient.

"Let's talk about maritime trade again." Shao Shude said again: "The trade with brothers Qian Liu and Wang Shenzhi can be stepped up. Guangzhou Liu Yin has not yet sent envoys to the court, but it is not impossible to do business. On the other hand, Da Why don't the food merchants go north? You can find someone to inquire about it."

"Follow the order." Zhang Yanqiu responded.

Shao Shude looked at Song Yao again, and said, "Song Qing is the transshipment envoy, you assist in handling this (this chapter is not finished, click on the next page to continue)
thing. "

Song Yao was the deputy envoy of Jiedu of the former Wusu Army, and assisted Li Bai, the envoy of Jiedu, in handling government affairs.After the Wusu army stopped the town, he was promoted to the Huaihai Road Transit Envoy, in charge of a wealth.

Li Tong is Li Bai's younger brother, former Wuguan defense envoy and Shangzhou governor, because he donated land early to vote, he got the post of prison envoy of Huaihai Road.

How should I put it, it is compensation.Li Xiang is also an old man, Shao Shude is a nostalgic person, not only gave Li Bai an official position, canonized him as Lin Lu county son, Li Tong also became a local official.

Zhang Wenwei was originally a supervisory censor, and he was able to become a scholar of politics purely because of "persuading him to advance", because he had personally brought Tang Huang's Zen title book to Shao's residence.

"Your Majesty, the matter of maritime trade is of course very good." Song Yao said: "However, almost all the ships from the states of Huaihai Road are gathered in the Bohai Sea, but they are trying their best to transfer supplies for the Anton Mansion. After more than a hundred years of chaos, the people are poor, The sailors are scattered, and they have no money to build their own ships and sail to other places. This matter has to be settled in the south."

What Song Yao meant was that he might have to give up the dominant right of trade, after all, he was waiting for other merchants to come to his door.

"Your Majesty." Xuezheng Zhang Wenwei said suddenly: "I heard that the Qian family has a lot of boatmen and boats, and Daxia has many horses. Why don't you barter with the Qian family, sell the boats with horses, and then recruit some boatmen to Dengzhou Being registered may be a big deal."

"That's a good idea." Shao Shude praised.

Talent is always the most valuable resource.Now that Henan is tentatively settled, all wastes are being prospered, and the thirst for talents is endless.Since Qian Gong is so obedient, then ask him if he wants someone or a boat, and see if he will give it to you.

Shao Shude believed that he was not stupid.

You have helped me to establish a stable route, and in times of crisis in the future, I can also get assistance from the sea.Even if the number is not large, the existence of more than a thousand soldiers can play a miraculous life-saving effect at critical moments.

It depends on whether Qian Liu has this pattern.

"Huaihai Road, in my mind, is more important than Henan Road." Shao Shude said: "The benefits of sea trade can also be frighteningly large. The convenience of sea transportation can also exceed your imagination. Forget it, some things, You don’t believe me when I tell you. What you say is unfounded, what you see is believing, and you will know it yourself in the future.”

"I won't stay at the hotel. There is nothing to see in Yunzhou." Shao Shude finally said, "I will go north tomorrow instead of Qufu. I will go east through Qizhou and go to Dengzhou!"

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