The fourth son of the emperor, Qi Wang Shao Guancheng envied his elder brother to go down to practice.

He is one year younger than the third brother, ten months to be more precise.I have learned everything that should be learned, and everyone’s husband is the same, even he has to work harder, because the mother always said that she was born in a bad family, and her natal family has no help, so she can only pin her hopes on such a son, so Shiro has been working hard, holding back Take a breath.

"Father, my son also wants to go out to practice." When he had time, Shiro Shao Guancheng pleaded.

"Where do you want to go?" Shao Shude asked.

The concubine Zhuge sat aside, looking at her son with some worry, maybe even some encouragement.

"I want to go to Haizhou." Shao Guancheng seemed to have thought about this question a long time ago, and replied clearly.

"Why did you go to Haizhou? What attracts you there?" Shao Shude wondered.

"My son is good at mathematics. I heard that Haizhou has just set up a customs office, and there are many people there. My son is willing to go to the customs to practice."

"Customs..." Shao Shude pondered for a moment.

The Great Xia court originally had only one customs office, which was Chishanpu in Dengzhou. Recently, it was discovered that many businessmen in the south liked to go ashore in Haizhou, so they set up a customs office on Yuzhou Island (Tianheng Island) to collect customs duties.

Shao Guancheng looked at Shao Shude with earnest eyes.

Concubine Zhuge Xian also looked at him nervously, but did not dare to make a sound.

"Forget it, since you want to go, just go, start from Lingshi, learn slowly." Shao Shude said.

The imperial court he established was the same as the previous Tang Dynasty, and the clan could also be an official.

In the early Tang Dynasty, there were Li Xian, Li Mian, Li Linfu and other prime ministers who were born in the clan.

There are also talents in generals.

Li Shimin's great-grandson and Wu Wang Li Ke's grandson Li Yi once served as the governor of Longyou and Shuofang, commanded the battle of Shibao City, and was transferred to the Northeast, defeating Khitan.His meritorious service was so outstanding that Xuanzong had to posthumously proclaim his father the King of Wu.

Li Zaiyi, a descendant of Li Chengqian, was extremely brave. He started as a small soldier, and after his fortune, he launched a military rebellion in Youzhou.Later, he was expelled by the rebel army, and after entering the court, he served as the Jiedu envoy of Shannan West Road and Hedong Township.

In terms of literature, Li He is a famous poet.

Shao Shude felt that he had so many women who were willing to give birth to him, and all of them had received the top education, so it was too wasteful to raise them as pigs.

Anyway, the title will be lowered. If the descendants are not good enough, and the descendants are reduced to the point where they cannot be lowered, life will be difficult.After such a distance, the current emperor may not necessarily recognize you as a relative. In that case, it is better to let them be officials, businessmen, soldiers or even farmers, it doesn't matter.

"You learn poems and articles from the top scholar, you learn all kinds of weapons from the best martial arts master in the world, you learn from Master Mani before school, you have a prime minister to teach you some knowledge of the world, and you are surrounded by your father, and your vision and knowledge are wider than others. It's so good. Conditions, if you still can't look like a person, don't come back to see me." Shao Shude added.

"Of order." Shao Guancheng replied excitedly.

The young man is always full of fantasies about the future, thinking that he can flex his muscles and fulfill his ambitions.

Shao Shude smiled, he didn't expect all his sons to be successful.With such top-level educational resources piled up, as long as you don't mess up and people are not stupid, at least it's okay to be a person of medium ability.They also have titles, and they don't have too much pressure on their achievements. It's always good to have a career.

If you are closed at home all day long, you may not be able to do anything other than cockfights and play with women, and you will be useless.

This is not how a father loves his son.

Even, in case when the world is in chaos.One or two descendants started from small soldiers, small officials, or local tyrants, and maybe they can create a career, follow the stories of Liu Xiu and Liu Bei, and save the Shao family.

Grass!In the final analysis, I still want to have more sons, and I have decided to raise them free-range, so I will win by the number of descendants.

There is nothing to stay in Qingzhou.

November 24, to Laizhou.I turned around casually, and found that heavy snow had collapsed houses, and the people were shivering with cold.

However, the government at the prefecture and county levels acted slowly, and was reprimanded by Shao Shude. Several officials were punished, including but not limited to fined salaries, poor evaluations, etc.——Thanks to the fact that they are still doing disaster relief, they have taken action. Otherwise, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to settle.

December (This chapter is not finished, click on the next page to continue)
In the third day of junior high school, I went to Penglai County, Lisuo, Dengzhou.

At this time, when the news was received, the armies from all walks of life stormed in the snow and finally conquered Chanzhou.More than [-] remaining Wei soldiers refused to surrender, and they all died-as for whether they really did not surrender, or they could not surrender, no one got to the bottom of it.

this is a good news.After Shao Shude heard about it, he summoned his close officials to have a banquet.

"The six prefectures of Weibo, first lost Xiangwei, then lost Beizhou, and today Chanzhou was also restored. The chronic disease that has been going on for more than a hundred years will be solved by His Majesty. It is gratifying." Chen Cheng laughed.

"What will happen to Luo Shaowei?" Shao Shude asked.

He is really curious about what state Wei Bo is in now.Recently, he has been thinking that if he is more lenient, maybe Wei Bo won't have to struggle for so long.Ending it early can save countless money and food, and the people in Henan don't have to live so hard. After all, the cost of an army of more than [-] is not a small amount.

But in the end, he always rejected it.Having already spent so much money, it is better to add more money, once and for all.

"Your Majesty, I think we can win over Wei Bo now." Xie Tong said: "In the past, Wei Bo had a strong army and high morale, so he had to deal with it ruthlessly. Now after many battles, Wei Bo suffered heavy losses. This time In the battle of Chanzhou, Shanhe and Liuxiong's two armies were severely injured, and they lay frozen for more than ten miles. Most of the thieves have lost confidence. At this time, if they try to win them over, they may have a miraculous effect."

"You can win over the remnants of the Shanhe and Liuxiong armies, but you can't win over the government soldiers. These people have not been seriously injured, and they are very arrogant." Wang Bian said: "Your Majesty, you may recruit Luo Shaowei, Wang Yuanwu and others to attack and kill Wei Bo Yamen redeem themselves."

Shao Shude took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to go to the Weibo battlefield in person.

Although since the Northern Dynasties, it has been common for the emperor to conscript himself, but it is not good to always be like this.Wei Bo's group of guys no longer have the ability to turn the tables. The only suspense is how long they can last. There is no need to fight for everything.

"It's not enough! Wei Bo's loss is not heavy enough." Shao Shude said, "But I can contact Luo Shaowei. If he doesn't want to die, he can use a knife to kill people. I don't mind being the knife."

"Li Qing, you can handle this matter." Shao Shude said, turning his gaze to Honglu Qing Li Hang.

"I obey the order." Li Hang has done countless missions and has a large number of talents under his command.If you contact Luo Shaowei, you will be able to understand it with emotion, move it with reason, and handle it seamlessly.

"Let's talk about this tour." Shao Shude no longer talked about Wei Bo's affairs, but instead asked, "I traveled more than a thousand miles to Dengzhou on the east tour. Have you gained anything along the way?"

"I congratulate Your Majesty." Chen Cheng was the first to say: "Since the tour, he has passed through more than ten states and more than a thousand miles away. His Majesty's reputation has been greatly shaken. The people all know that the Great Xia Dynasty's emperor is wise, his military is prosperous, and he loves the people. Especially The old towns of Xuanwu, Tianping, Taining, and Ziqing, there may have been a lot of noise before. After His Majesty toured the East, wherever he went, everyone worshiped him, and he dared not have any dissent. From this, it can be seen that Huangxia's foundation is solid, The world is safe."

Shao Shude was amused by Chen Cheng.After ascending the throne and proclaiming himself emperor, I feel that there are more and more flattery, and it is more disgusting than before.

"The east tour is indeed effective." Shao Shude said: "To deter local rebels, to show the prestige of Emperor Xia, if it can achieve some effect, it is not a loss."

Shao Shude tapped lightly on the table with his fingers.

"Now there is one last thing, if I don't take a look at it, I will be worried." He said.

The port of Penglai Town has been completely frozen, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow.

In the shipyard on the shore, workers are rushing to rebuild a ship.Shao Shude had someone move the throne over and watched the craftsmen's movements with great interest.

In the cold weather, beads of sweat were already forming on Ma Wanpeng's forehead.

The sage sent down Deyin, and if he rebuilt the ship named "Haixia C", he could win the title of county viscount.

Yes, this is already the third ship they have built.

The first ship was named "Sea Shark" by the sage. After the long voyage, many problems occurred, so it was redesigned and built.

The second ship was built in Chishanpu. It was very fast, but it was unlucky. On the way to Haizhou, it encountered relatively serious wind and waves, and the hull structure was damaged again.

After some research, everyone brainstormed and discussed repeatedly, thinking that the ribs of the ship were not dense enough, and the supporting force was not enough, so they decided (this chapter is not finished, click on the next page to continue)
Definitely add some more ribs.

But just now the sage raised the issue of ship materials again, which is indeed something to worry about.But most of the good ship materials are in the south, and it is impossible for you to go to other people's land to cut down large logs and transport them back. This is very difficult to solve.

"Try not to splice the keel. This boat is not big, just cut a whole log and make the keel." Shao Shude looked at it for a while, and couldn't help approaching the dock to discuss with Ma Wanpeng.

Ship materials are indeed a problem.

From the perspective of world shipbuilding history, the north does not have top-level ship materials.In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the British planted oak trees vigorously in order to develop the navy.But after colonizing the Americas and Asia, they quickly abandoned oak trees and switched to tropical woods, such as teak, which has a perfect balance of density, flexibility and processing properties.

If there is no teak, try to use mahogany as much as possible.

As for the keel, it is processed with a whole big wood.

However, as the ships got bigger and bigger, the virgin forests in America were destroyed more and more, and there were fewer and fewer such tall and straight trees, and the method of keel splicing had to be used——After the Portuguese colonized South America, a short period of time For two centuries, the Brazilian virgin forest that has grown for an unknown number of years has been destroyed like a dog. Countless high-quality Brazilian sumacs have disappeared, and the country name of Brazil comes from this tree.

"Your Majesty's words are very true." Ma Wanpeng replied: "However, Henan has been in war for a long time, and tall and straight trees are not easy to find. I also asked many times and saved hundreds of transparent and straight trees."

"I have issued a ban on logging in several states west of Zhili Road. The older the tree, the less it is allowed to be felled." Shao Shude said: "But you have said a lot, the Central Plains has been in war for a long time, and it is hard to find big trees. It was made during Xuanzong's time. For the Heyang Third Bridge, we have to go to Jiangxi to cut wood and build ships. But there is no such thing in the Central Plains, but there are many in the Khitan border. Oak wood is also a good ship material, and it can be used to make do with it.”

"Khitan..." Ma Wanpeng was speechless.

It will take years of the monkey to get there.

Seeing his expression, Shao Shude knew what he was thinking, so he smiled and said, "Doesn't Ma Qing believe it? Dengzhou has also transferred a lot of resources to Andong Mansion. You should know that the territory of Khitan is wild, and there may be some growing in the deep mountains and old forests." Huge wood that has been hundreds or even thousands of years old. The boats built today are not big. If you want to build a big boat in the future, if you want to have a strong keel and withstand strong winds and waves, you have to use a keel processed from a whole giant wood. There is always not enough splicing. solid."

"Chen Fei doesn't believe that Khitan has big trees, it's really far away..." Ma Wanpeng said.

"My son has established a firm foothold in the Andong Mansion." Shao Shude said: "Du Guangyi is an official, and Fu Cunshen, Liu Wei, and Wang Yanzhang are also good generals. After the accumulation is enough, they will open up land in the new year. It will be a matter of time before Khitan is conquered."

The army crossed north and entered the Anton Mansion, and indeed picked a very good time.

First of all, the Bohai State is still alive, and there is still the last military and political presence on the Liaodong Peninsula, which can provide a certain degree of support.

Secondly, Silla also felt the pressure of Khitan's rise.Like Bohai, they have entered the final stage of the decadent dynasty. They are a little afraid of the new Khitan and are willing to join forces with the Xia army.

Third, the Khitan faced the pressure of harassment from the Xia Army Grassland Group in the west, so they had to transfer a large number of troops to the west, which in a disguised form relieved the pressure on Liaodong.

Finally, the Hundred Warriors of the Central Plains have not yet been consumed in large quantities in the fifth generation replacement.Things like martial arts and combat effectiveness are like a parabola, and they must not be fought in peacetime.If a war breaks out and everyone has been tempered, then the combat effectiveness will gradually increase.But it is not an infinite climb. After reaching it, it will gradually decline due to political, economic and military consumption.

Shao Shude believes that the parabola of combat power of the Central Plains army at this time has improved to a certain extent compared with that before the Huangchao Rebellion, and it is still at the top overall, and has not begun to decline.So he took advantage of the time when Wude was overflowing, stepped up his strategy, and did everything that should be done.

Otherwise, when the world is peaceful and the combat effectiveness of the imperial army declines, things will be difficult to handle. During the separatist regime of the feudal towns, the infantry of the Chengde and Zhaoyi coalition forces could change formations when the cavalry group charged, allowing the cavalry to penetrate their own formations. The infantry crowds, and then tightens the encirclement to annihilate the cavalry, which is equivalent to playing a hollow phalanx and lining up to shoot the classic tactics of musketeers against cavalry in the era.This kind of tactical action, the Northern Song Dynasty could not do it, and the combat effectiveness dropped too much.

Shao Shude is afraid of him (this chapter is not finished, click on the color on the next page to continue)
The Forbidden Army was abolished in the same way.

"If King Zhao can step up the Northern Expedition and expel Khitan, I will go to Lushun to build another shipping bureau, specializing in shipbuilding." Ma Wanpeng said with a smile.

"There will be a chance, soon." Shao Shude said with a smile: "At that time, I will also go to Liaodong to take a look. From now on, the Bohai Sea will be the inland sea of ​​Daxia, and ships will come and go like walking on flat ground. Liaodong is a great river and mountain, and it can be resettled. People, how nice it is."

Ma Wanpeng heard something else in the sage's words.Is this going to immigrate to Anton Mansion?What unlucky ghosts are going there?

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