Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1106 Hengshan and the Ping Navy

Before the table case.Shao Shude opened the letter written by his eldest son Shao Siwu again.

There are many letters and the time span is very long. Shao Shude replayed it again, as if he saw his son overcoming obstacles and struggling hard in Anton.

Concubine De didn't have Zangshi to wait on her, she lit the lamp and turned the wax, and served tea and water.

The sound of falling snowflakes can be heard faintly outside the window, and the inside of the window is as warm as spring, quiet and peaceful.

"It's almost 20 years with me, right?" Shao Shude caressed the wrinkles on the corners of Meizang's eyes, and sighed softly.

"Officials." Wuzang Miao'e grabbed Shao Shude's hand, and for some reason, her eyes were almost red.

Shao Shude understood.

Other people's children are so old that they can already go to the local area to experience, win honor for their mothers, and bring help to the mother clan, but they didn't give birth to a son, so why not.

"Brother Ling played very well and made a lot of contributions." Shao Shude said, "I added five hundred households to him. If there are no collectors who vote for me early, they will definitely not be treated badly."

Wuzang Qingxiang died before the founding of the country, and was posthumously named Duke of Beihai County.

The military envoy of Yi Congjun did not hold the title, he was the second generation Duke of Beihai County, and he granted [-] households.

Shao Shude is recently deciding on "Yuan Cong", which is what Zhu Quanzhong has done in history.

Lao Zhu redefined "Yuan Cong", and it was no longer limited to the group of people who followed him at the beginning. Some capable civil and military officials who came to Bianzhou and later voted were also considered Yuan Cong.

Yuancong and non-Yuancong are definitely different in terms of titles and rewards.Lao Zhu did this, in fact, to expand his ruling base.

Shao Shude thought it was very good, and decided to grasp the medium scale and expand the scope of Yuan Cong.

For now, one of the obvious advantages of Yuancong is that the title of the title will not be degraded for three generations.

Taking the Muzang family as an example, Qingxiang was posthumously named Duke of Beihai County, which was the first generation.Wuzang Jieming Xijue is the second generation, and as far as his son's generation, the third generation is the Duke of Beihai County.

In fact, according to the practice since the Northern Dynasties, if Xungui made great contributions, Shao Shude would reseal him, and the calculation started from the beginning.

It doesn't matter if you don't make great achievements.Small credits are gradually accumulated, and hundreds of households are added at a time. If you save too much, it is not impossible for the county prince to become the state prince.Of course, if you commit a crime or suffer a big defeat, you will be punished, and your title may be downgraded.

Thinking carefully about the title system since the Northern Dynasties, it is actually quite interesting, basically it has a promotion and promotion system.It is not as good as the grandpas of the Eight Banners said that the ancestors have eaten up the hardships of several generations, and the children and grandchildren lie down and enjoy the blessings, but they force you to roll.

"When you have time, write a letter to Brother Ling." Shao Shude said: "In Hengshan, the place is very poor. There are 20 people, and a few buckets of millet are harvested per mu. What's the point of living? You can still graze in the fertile land. Everyone move out one after another, and go to Anton to watch the local troublemakers."

"The Wuzang family has the current status, all thanks to the officials." Wuzang Miao'e was pulled into his arms by Shao Shu, and said in a low voice: "During the Xuanzong Dynasty, the generals slaughtered the party at every turn, life is not as easy as it is now The official said so, of course there is a reason for the official, I will send someone to report tomorrow."

She knew that the cutting of the feudal clan by the government was on the top of the Hengshan Party.

There are three major departments of the Hengshan Dangxiang, and the scattered Gyeongju Dangxiang is difficult to resist. Over the years, it has gradually been directly controlled by the government.Although the two ministries of Wuzang and Yeli are not named Jiedushi, they are de facto vassals under the tribal system.

The Zhongwu Army is gone, the Huaining Army is gone, the Zhongyi Army has moved to the town, Duhong in Ezhou was attacked and seized power, the Shannan West Road has just been wiped out, the Guiyi Army Jiedu Envoy has entered the court, and Hezhong was suppressed and annexed early...

After flattening so many vassals and towns, it is considered polite to only take action against the Hengshan party at the end.

After all, Wuzang and Yeli are obedient, and some officials can't hide their shame and say it directly, so they pass the word by roundabout means, and Wuzang Miao'e understands it.
"I didn't try to deceive the Zang family." Shao Shude said: "The ten thousand people who went to Shannan West Road this time will go to Andong to divide the land as soon as the war is over. There are property rewards. If you don’t believe me, you can send people to Lushun. There are a large number of Hengshan party soldiers in the German army, and they will not deceive their own people.”

Once people come out, there is no reason to go back.

If the Wuzang family refuses to agree, they will be recruited later.
Can you come out?The people came out, Shao Shude didn't intend to let them go back, do you dare to force them to go back?If you don't dare, it's just a chronic bloodletting ending. It's better to be happy than this.The Zhuang of Hengshan Dangxiang left to fight in the mountains of Liaodong as a government soldier.Those old and weak who stayed in their hometown naturally had no capital to resist, so they could only obediently make up Qimin.

Of course, Shao Shude reckoned it was more than that.

Hengshan Dangxiang reaped a lot of benefits from following him, and Qing Tianzi's reputation was well established, without any discount.The credibility of what Wu Zu said is extremely high, and there will be many people who are willing to go.

Considering that many rebellious Wei Bo people will be relocated to Andong in the future, and there is no Hengshan Dangxiang Gang to watch over, Shao Shude is worried that Wei Bo and Wu people will take the initiative to join forces and create a local Andong Mansion with a military electoral system for you.

"The concubine listens to the officials." Seeing Shao Shude unbutton her clothes, Wuzang Miao'e puffed out her chest to make it more comfortable for the officials to grasp.

"Come here to serve me more during this time, and try to make a baby..." At the end, Shao Shude's articulateness was already unclear.

Shao Shude stayed in Dengzhou for a long time.

On the ninth day of December, he arrived at Chishanpu again and inspected the Ping Navy.

Ping Haijun's envoy is Zhu Liang, his deputy is Zhao Zonghui, and Wang Shilu is the Marquis of Duyu.

Zhu Liang, uncle of Xiao County, was an old man from Yuan Cong in the Xicheng era. He had succeeded Li Yanling and served as a military envoy.Loyal and good, but really not good at sea affairs.

But like Lao Li, he can build relationships, win over people, and employ people.

Zhao Zong, a Haizhou native of Silla origin, knows hydrology, distinguishes the weather, and is good at naval warfare. He manages this army with more than half of the personnel of Silla origin in an orderly manner.In addition, the personnel of the Bianzhou Navy, after getting used to the wind and waves at sea, acted as middle and lower-level officers, and this unit was not afraid of being pulled away by others.

What's more, the Silla people are not willing to run away.

What is the picture?Go back and seek refuge in Silla?Are you mentally ill?
Zhang Baogao is so skilled in martial arts, and he served as a general in the Wuning Army of the Tang Dynasty for many years.

In Silla, if they were born like them, don't even think about becoming an official, it's impossible.That dynasty was too decadent, almost still living in the aristocratic clan system of the Wei and Jin Dynasties in the Central Plains, and it was extremely difficult for ordinary people to get ahead.

"Ping Haijun has such a scene today, I am very relieved." Shao Shude boarded a Tang-style building ship himself, and said with a smile.

Well, the fishing nets on the boat have been put up ahead of time.On weekdays, it's fine to "garrison the fields" for fishing. Today, when the sage watches the navy, if the boat is full of fishing nets and clothes drying, it is really unsightly.

"Did you come from Salmon Island before winter?" Shao Shude turned to Zhu Liang.

"Your Majesty, in mid-October, the minister and Zaiping's navy set sail from Shamen Island and Turtle Island, and anchored at Chishanpu." Zhu Liang replied: "Because of the transportation of military supplies and fishing throughout the year, the combat skills of the sons It was deserted, so the winter training started a while ago. After the winter training is over, the boat will be repaired, and I will go to Penglai Town in the spring.”

The series of small islands between Anton Mansion and Dengzhou can be regarded as the daily home port and training base of the Ping Navy.

Dozens of large and small ships are based on this, transferring materials and personnel back and forth. They are very busy, and it is indeed difficult to find time for training.

After the arrival of winter, the Jishui River was frozen, and the food, grass and equipment from the west could not be transported by water. There was also fine and thin ice in the coastal waters of Lushun and Penglai.

"One piece, one piece, not bad." Shao Shude commented casually, then looked at Zhao Zonghui, and said, "Is General Zhao still in contact with Silla?"

"Your Majesty, I am from Xia, so I dare not contact Silla." Zhao Zonghui immediately replied.

"It doesn't matter." Shao Shude waved his hand and said with a smile: "I am in Luoyang, and I received Cui Xuan from Xinluo, and the Yan Gong family has already become king this year. Do you know this Gong family?"

Of course Zhao Zonghui knew, in fact, he had relatives and old friends in Silla, and he knew more or less about the news there, but he dared not say it, so as not to arouse the sage's suspicion.

"Let's be honest, my heart is not that small." Shao Shude said.

"I obey the order." Zhao Zonghui let go of his thoughts a little bit, and said: "The Gong family is also the royal family of the Silla king. In fact, it has been a few years since the army started.
Many states and counties feel that the time has come this year, so they call it "King of Goguryeo."Another Zhen family also seized some counties and counties, and was called the "King of Baekje."Now Silla is in chaos, attacking each other, it is already a scene of chaos. "

A small Silla, but the Three Kingdoms are fighting for hegemony, this incident made...

Although at present, Silla seems to have the largest territory and is orthodox, but it is also the most decadent, with the most negative assets, and there is basically no chance of turning around.

Post-Goryeo and post-Baekje are emerging regimes, which are on the rise and have more vitality. In the end, it is mostly the two of them who will fight to decide the ownership of the entire Silla.

It is worth mentioning that, according to Cui Xuan, the "King of Goguryeo" and "King of Baekje" currently recognize the king of Silla as the main one.From this point of view, these two are actually playing the routine of separatist regimes, and the righteous name of the King of Silla still has some effect.

Shao Shude and Cui Xuanxin have been in contact many times, and he has a little understanding of Silla. He knows that in the eyes of the Central Plains court, the King of Silla is just a prince, and he has no right to canonize Gong and Zhen as kings. Come to be the emperor, and also played a small and medium tribute system.

For example, many indigenous tribes in the north paid tribute to the Silla Dynasty, and the Silla King also conferred various titles on them in a grand manner.In the south, Tamna Island (Jeju Island) was also canonized, and it was a vassal state of Silla.

But this Tamra actually sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty to pay tribute.

"Tamna is on the sea of ​​Wuzhou, Silla. Jusan Island is connected to the sea in Zhouhui. It can take five days to go north to Baekje. The king's surname is Ruli, and his name is Duluo. There is no city god, and he is divided into five tribes. His houses It is a round wall, covered with grass. It has a household registration of [-], has a bow, knife, and sheath, and has no records. It only works with ghosts and gods.

In fact, it is very normal. Small countries, small tribes, things like grass on the wall, paying tribute to multiple suzerains at the same time, asking for canonization, is an ordinary thing.

In history, the Yuan Dynasty directly attacked and destroyed it, stationed troops, and returned it to the Central Plains for rule.Originally, it had nothing to do with North Korea, but the bad thing was that the Yuan Dynasty destroyed North Korea, and then assigned Tamna Island to North Korea's eastern province for management.

This was not a big problem at the time. After all, it was a province of the Yuan Dynasty. Isn't it the same which province controls Tamna Island?

This is the same as Tsarist Russia destroying the Crimean Khanate, a vassal state of Ottoman Turkey.During the Soviet period, Crimea was separated from Russia and the nearest one was under the control of Ukraine. Isn’t it the same?

The sea is changing, the world is impermanent, it is really different.

"If the king of Silla sends an envoy to Luoyang to be a minister, should I be canonized or not?" Shao Shude asked again.

Zhao Zonghui was silent for a while, and said decisively: "I think your majesty should be canonized as the king of Silla. Silla has no way, and the people hate it. The king of Silla can't control the situation, so he can only rely on the state, which may yield many benefits."

"Zhao Qing is knowledgeable." Shao Shude said with a smile: "In the past, the king of Silla was the governor of Jilin Prefecture in Tang Dynasty. If the king of Silla sends envoys to the pilgrimage today, I should be canonized or send an army to help. You want to Be prepared. However, the current direction is mainly Anton."

"I obey the order." Zhao Zonghui replied.

His mood at this time is a bit complicated.

There are so many warriors in the Central Plains feudal town, who are fierce and good at fighting. If they are released, it will cause great disaster.

If it was an army like Li Hanzhi and Sun Ru, he didn't even dare to think what would happen...

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