"The bandits are so big!"

Liang Huaijin did not expect that the first thing he did after taking office was to lead troops to patrol the city and arrange defenses.

The first ones to come were the cavalry of the Xia army. There were not many cavalry, only a few thousand cavalry, and they were active in the south and west of the city.

According to normal operations, this meeting should send cavalry out of the city to dampen the enemy's morale, but Liang Huaijin was too lazy to order.

"All camps, but stick to it, don't attack." Liang Huaijin hurriedly gave the order and went down to the top of the city.

He has only a few personal followers around him.

Because the process of assuming the position was too—hasty, plus other unspeakable reasons, he couldn't recruit his own soldiers.

Marshal Liang's order is effective.

After the sergeants received the order, the middle and lower-level officers began to inspect the sections of the city wall they were in charge of.Their professionalism is impeccable, every item has been carefully checked, and even some officers are spontaneously boosting morale, but they don't know how effective it is.

"You..." Liang Huaijin asked, looking at a large group of people sitting on the ground below the city.

"Back to Commander." A monk in cassock and carrying a long ax stood up, and replied: "Pindao is a monk from Longxing Temple. He is now a state soldier. He was ordered to rest under the city and help at any time."

Liang Huaijin sighed.

Thirteen years ago, Jiedu envoy Le Yanzhen was forced by soldiers to go to Longxing Temple to become a monk.At that time, he was still looking at it as a joke, but he didn't expect that 13 years later, he was already a joke in the eyes of others.

"How can a monk join the conquest?" Liang Huaijin said, "Let's go."

The monks were very excited when they heard this, they stood up one after another and said, "Thank you, Commander."

"It's just a bunch of monks." A yamen soldier laughed and said, "In recent years, there have been women asking for children, and the monks responded to their requests, and they collected money and felt comfortable."

Everyone laughed loudly: "It's still a loan. Luo Shaowei asked Longxing Temple for a loan of [-] yuan."

The monks blushed and did not dare to say more.

"That's it. If you go into battle, you will harm others and yourself. Let's go." Liang Huaijin insisted.

The monks looked at the officers and warriors surrounded by Liang Huaijin, their faces were full of longing, but they dared not move their feet.

"Did you hear that? Get out!" shouted the yamen soldiers.

The monks dispersed one after another as if they had received an amnesty.

The yamen soldiers laughed and didn't care.The forced recruitment of monks into the army was originally a dislike for them, and it was just deliberately making things difficult.Since Liang Shuai wants to let them go, let them go.The number of troops in the city has grown to more than [-], and there is no shortage of these dozens of people.

Liang Huaijin continued to walk along the street.

He has been fighting the Xia people on and off for several years.The people in Weizhou were very supportive at the beginning, but as they lost their teachers and land, they complained a lot.And as the Xia people forcibly moved the people of Weibo to other places, and the means of wanton killing spread, the people became supportive again, and the support was stronger than before, because they knew that Wei Bowufu was really doing it for all the people. interests.

But there are limits to any support.

They didn't see Xia Bing's cruelty with their own eyes, but Wei Bowufu's actions of collecting food and money really violated their interests.At this time, if you let your mouth bloom like a lotus flower, nothing will work.

People are really emotional, and reason is anti-human.

Duyu Housi will arrive soon.

The corpses and bloodstains were cleaned up, and the low-level civil servants also started to work.People came in and out, constantly asking for food, military supplies, and equipment.

Liang Huaijin sat behind the table in a daze, not knowing what to do for a while.

Yamen soldiers gathered inside and outside the courtyard, shouting loudly, laughing and cursing.

This bunch of fools don't seem to take sitting in the city of sorrow seriously at all.

Liang Huaijin twisted her body uneasily.He felt that he couldn't play badly with these warriors, he had to actively save himself, and the matter hadn't reached the point of no return.

From the tenth day of February, Xia Bing arrived outside Weizhou City more and more every day.

By February 2th, [-] Wuwei troops were stationed in the northern part of the city, and more than [-] soldiers from Daozhou in Henan Province and Tutuan villagers were stationed in the south of the city.

Almost all the main force came.

Behind them, Wei Bo's remaining strongholds either surrendered, were conquered, or even collapsed on their own.Weizhou

The war has reached its final stage.

Lu Huaizhong took his own soldiers to investigate outside the city of Weizhou.

The enemy's deployment is actually quite organized.

There is a military stronghold outside the city, with a small number of soldiers stationed, and it is within the range of the strong crossbow at the top of the city.Their existence can effectively support the defense of the military stronghold.The existence of these army strongholds is obviously to prevent the attacker from fully attacking the city, and at the same time cooperate with the defenders in the city to kill, destroy the attacking party's siege equipment, kill and injure its personnel, shake its morale, and exhaust the enemy.

"Set up camp today. Tomorrow, we will start making siege equipment. As for these villages—" Lu Huaizhong pointed at them with a whip, and said, "I'm looking for an opportunity to pull them out."

He is an old siege expert, specializing in this kind of hard and dirty work that others can't avoid.The city defense facilities of the Wei people looked decent, but there was a fatal weakness: how about the people who defended the city?
Without a strong will to resist, without the determination to die, and without proper cooperation and rescue, these villages outside the city are just ostentatious, giving away their heads in vain.

He doubted whether Wei Bowufu, who had just experienced a turmoil, still had the ability to stick to the end.

Those with the same desires above and below win, but what if they have different desires above and below?

"Toutou, Guantao Shi Renyu approached General Li. If he can let the soldiers under his tent go home, he is willing to lead his troops to surrender." Shao Shenjian came over and reported.

"Luo Shaowei persuaded?" Lu Huaizhong asked.

"Exactly." Shao Shenjian said: "Luo Shaowei rode down to the city alone, and Shi Renyu also came out of the city to meet. The two talked for a long time, and Luo Shaowei told Weizhou about the matter and persuaded him to surrender. Shi Renyu also intended to surrender, but The Tao army has different opinions, and they demand that they be pardoned for their innocence and not be relocated to other counties before they are willing to surrender."

"I can't guarantee this condition." Lu Huaizhong sighed.

If it was him, he would agree now, but His Majesty can't agree, so why not.

"Let Li Yixian try to attack Guantao and apply some pressure. Some people don't cry when they don't see the coffin. If you beat them hard, maybe there won't be so much trouble." Lu Huaizhong ordered.

"Obey." Shao Shenjian called for the clerk, and after finishing writing, he repeated it again, and then let the messenger take it with him.

"Has Wang Ju surrendered?" Lu Huaizhong asked again.

Wang Ju has received Luo Shaowei's letter, but he is still hesitating.Of course, this kind of hesitation may not last long. After defeating the Cangzhou soldiers, General Tu divided his troops and marched westward.

Such tremendous pressure, and Luo Shaowei's persuasion, surrender is a matter of smooth sailing.

Lu Zhu, the town envoy of Wei County, had surrendered, and followed him to Weizhou with [-] soldiers and horses, joining the siege team.

"Not yet." Shao Shenjian replied.

Lu Huaizhong nodded and said nothing more.

That's all Luo Shaowei's role is.To put it bluntly, the effect of his persuasion to surrender may not be as good as Yin Xingfang, Wang Yuanwu, Shi Renyu and other military generals who were born in Weibo.

A slippery junior with limited abilities, floating in troubled times.I don't know how to win, and I don't know how to lose. To be able to survive and enjoy wealth is already smoke from the Luo family's ancestral grave.

After Lu Huaizhong finished his inspection tour, he returned to the camp.

Early the next morning, thousands of Wuwei soldiers came out of the battalion and began to attack the stockade outside the city.

Liang Huaijin boarded the North City again, watching the battle outside the city closely.

The battle was fierce, and the Xia army filled the shallow trenches, and then launched a fierce offensive, wave after wave, without giving anyone a chance to breathe.

This is not the first time Liang Huaijin has seen this style of play regardless of casualties, and Xia general Lu Huaizhong is the best way to do it.

But every time you watch the game, there will be new shocks.

The defenders with a weaker will to fight, even with a camp screen, are likely to be unable to resist and abandon the camp and flee.

What the Xia people are playing is desperate tricks.Both sides glared angrily, neither taking their own lives seriously, you stab me with a gun, I stab me with a knife, let's see who can't hold on first.

The comparison is the ability to withstand casualties!

Liang Huaijin sighed.Xia Bandit's Wuwei army has become famous, and now they don't really need to maintain a high-intensity offensive from beginning to end. Often after a while, the defenders will be afraid.because they know

The Wuwei army will not give up, even if they are defeated a few times, they will rush up after regrouping.

A flag calling for help was raised in the camp.

Liang Huaijin straightened his face, and said: "Pass my order, Pingnandu, and the Six Heroes will gather out of the city. The town armies will select [-] elite soldiers and follow them out of the city."

Everyone looked hesitant.

Someone started whispering and buzzing.There were also voices of uproar in unison, obviously surprised.

Liang Huaijin's heart tightened, but her face was calm, she looked at the crowd without fear, and said: "It is Erdeng Paoze who is fighting outside the city. In the past, he was called brother and brother, and he talked and laughed at Yanyan. Now he will die?"

As soon as the yamen soldiers were told by him, the humming stopped with a little shame on their faces.Everyone looked at Liang Huaijin, waiting for him to continue.

"The stockade and the city are like horns of each other. Once the stockade is broken, the thieves can calmly fill up the city and attack the city. They can also dig a lot of trenches and surround us to death." Liang Huaijin continued: "You wait and worship I am a Jiedu envoy, so my first commander-in-chief order, do I have to disobey it?"

"Don't dare, dare not." The yamen soldiers responded one after another.

On the battlefield, military orders are like mountains.If he still coerces, opposes, and even kills Shangguan at this time, then Wei Bo will not be able to win any war.Even if Gein wins the battle, there must be battalions with heavy casualties. They have suffered the most casualties and only create opportunities for friendly troops.

When fighting in the field, take Yanyue Formation as an example, everyone does not want to form an formation in the center, but wants to go to the relatively easy two wings.At this time, don't you need to obey orders?
Liang Huaijin ordered to go to war, but the soldiers could not find any reason to object.

"The thieves came from afar for the exhausted army. We waited for work at leisure, and the camp defenders helped each other. It can be said that we attack each other. With these two advantages, don't doubt it." Liang Huaijin ordered: "Drums! Gather! Soldiers! Go out of the city and line up the geese!"

"I would like to obey the order of the commander in chief." All the generals and the military academy responded one after another.

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