Chapter 1116

On February 22, the second year of Jianji, Shao Shude had just visited the Yongshou and Jiaofang Halls of Shangyang Palace.

The two halls are undergoing final renovations and landscape restoration.Their completion marks that after spending nearly five years, the entire Shangyang Palace City has finally been completely completed.

Build the palace as soon as possible!This is Shao Shude's thought all along.

When I was young, I wondered why a dynasty could still build a huge palace when it was first established and the population was dying.And when the dynasty was in full swing, tinkering would frequently empty out the country's savings, which was almost against common sense.

There is no other reason, the cost issue.

A hundred years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the rich and powerful's industries have penetrated into every corner of society.Do you pay for the materials they provide?Do you use the vehicles and ships controlled by them to transport supplies, will you give them money?On the mountains of the private courtyard, there are many giant trees, but they cannot be cut down. They can only go to the far south to cut them down, and then transport them back at a high price.

Ordinary people can no longer confiscate at will.

The number of days of corvee service is fixed every year, and money is required for overdue service. This expense is very scary.

It is unimaginable or even difficult to drive captives to excavate mountains and dig rocks, and a large number of people will die because of this, because you don't have so many captives at all.

Therefore, it is necessary to build the palace as soon as possible, otherwise the cost will skyrocket, and there will be no labor and resource bonuses.

"Are these Wei people still honest?" Out of Jiaofang Hall, Shao Shude went to the city wall construction site where earth was being rammed and bricks pulled, and asked.

"Your Majesty, there are more than [-] Wei Bo prisoners here in Shangyang City, and they are not too honest. But if you put in more effort to control them, you are still willing to work." Feng Wei replied.

"Who are they?"

"Mainly state and county soldiers and Tutuan villagers."

"How many people are there in Ziwei City?"

"No less than eight thousand."

Shao Shude nodded.

There are still a large number of captives in various brick and tile kilns and lumber mills. In the past, they were mainly Huai people. Later, there were more captive soldiers from Shannan West Road and grassland Hu captives.

In fact, calculating the number of captives reported by various military newspapers and the number of slave laborers from Weibo in various places, we know that this number is far more than 10,000.The number of soldiers mobilized by Luo Shaowei is actually quite amazing, there are [-]+.

"Give them something to look forward to." Shao Shude said: "It will be five years, and they will be released when they are done, and they will be registered in Zhili Road."

"Of order." Feng Wei replied.

In fact, the earliest Huai captives were basically released in the wave of amnesty last year, and they fell into Jianghan.There are not many people, about three to five thousand.The long-term coolie career not only killed many people, but also the body of the survivors was not as good as before, and there were more or less problems.

What is even more frightening is the psychological state. After years of torture in quarries, brick kilns, coal mines, and battlefields, the once high-spirited warrior has become a submissive, timid, and honest person. It is really lamentable.

"How many prisoners did Lu Huaizhong report?" Shao Shude asked after looking at it for a while, then called Hu Zhen, the deputy envoy of the Privy Council.

What he asked was obviously the number of captives who conquered Chan and Queen Wei this time.

"The total is no less than sixteen thousand." Hu Zhen replied.

The Privy Council is in charge of the army, and this information is at his fingertips for Hu Zhen.

These 6000 people have actually begun to be transported backwards.There were also some small accidents on the road, and it is hard to say how many people will be there in the end.

"Send them all to Ziwei City and Dongdu Garden to build palaces and city walls." Shao Shude said, "From this year onwards, they will be pardoned after five years, and they will be pardoned after three years if they perform well. Will there be any prisoners in the future?"

"There should be." Hu Zhen replied: "There are more than 3 people in Guantao, and more than [-] people in Bozhou. In addition, some scattered isolated army towns also have guards. There are more than [-] Wei troops in total. Waiting to persuade them to surrender one by one."

Shao Shude was a little surprised when he heard this.

Wei Bo's ability to explode troops is very strong, and the team he temporarily pulled out is also decent.

"Hu Qing, do you think Wei soldiers are available?" Shao Shude asked suddenly.

He does have Wei soldiers under his command, namely Xiaojie Army Zuoxiang and Gongchen Army.The former still has more than 6000, almost all of which come from the two prefectures of Xiangwei, and the latter has more than [-], from a variety of sources, most of whom are losers in the Weibo political struggle.

These two troops are currently quite obedient, especially the left wing of the Xiaojie Army.They are not well received in Weibo, and their family members have moved to the three prefectures of Tang, Deng, and Sui.

In history, the courts of the five dynasties loved and hated Wei Bo.Desperately fighting or even massacring, but still loving Weibo soldiers and wanting them to serve as soldiers, this kind of entangled mentality almost ran through the three dynasties of Houliang, Later Tang, and Later Jin.

"Your Majesty, I thought that a small number of recruits could be recruited into the Yunzhou Academy for training, and after a few years, they would be dispersed and recruited into various armies, so that they could be used. It is absolutely impossible to form an army alone." Hu Zhen said: "There are so many good men in the states of Henan. , brave to fight, and obey military orders, isn't it much better than the Wei people?"

He has blackmailed Xiaojie Army and Gongchen Army, speaking from the standpoint of Henan people.

"Forget it, we can discuss this matter later." Shao Shude sighed, "There are so many people in Weizhou, and I plan to move out 20 households in batches. What do you think should be the resettlement method? The first batch of [-] households will be sent to An'an. East, the second batch of [-] households will be sent to Xiangyang, and the third batch of [-] households will be sent to Qingtang, you can discuss the follow-up arrangements."

"Your Majesty!" Hu Zhen and the others were shocked.

20 households, so not a million people?How could it be possible to have this national power for resettlement?
"This is not a one-year achievement." Shao Shude said: "I will do this for the rest of my life. I will persevere and make up my mind. 20 households is the goal. When it is reached, it will be stopped. There are too many people in Hebei, and they have not survived the war. , this is a treasure trove, it would be a pity not to use it.”

Hu Zhen and the others were shocked for a moment.It seems that the saint has made up his mind.But one thing is actually right. There are too many people in Hebei, and the wars are less than those in Henan and Guanzhong. It is a place where human resources are relatively well preserved.Before Li Keyong attacked Hebei, he might have restored Tianbao's household registration in its heyday. If he made good use of it, it would definitely be a treasure—but the problem is that the people in Hebei are not very obedient.

"The territory of Great Xia currently only includes Helong, Guanzhong, Guanbei, Hanzhong, Banan, Henan, and some counties in Hebei and Jianghuai. It will definitely be expanded in the future." Shao Shude said: "The ancient dynasty, when the country was founded, The government is always harmonious, the people are clear, and the army is used to fighting. This is the best time to expand. However, after going through the process of unification in troubled times, the household registration is often not one in ten, so I can only recuperate. I have encountered a golden opportunity. The Imperial Army The fighting power is so tyrannical, and the surroundings are disdainful, but there are still a large number of people in the Central Plains, if we don't take the opportunity to do something, how will we be arranged in the history books in the future?"

Shao Shude estimated that there will still be a population of more than 3000 million in the whole world, which is an unimaginable number for many founding dynasties.

The special situation of feudal separatism allows you to retain a large number of people in troubled times. This is the opportunity. If you don't seize it, it will be a pity.

Of course, there are risks involved.Hebei, with the highest population density, is not very obedient.As for their size, you can say that they are diluting them, rather than saying that they are diluting you.If one is not good, it may cause many troubles.Repression should be fine, but it does take a lot of energy and money.

"I really don't know that your Majesty has such great ambitions. I am ashamed." Hu Zhen respected him and said, "Andong, the land of the Qingtang Dynasty, has been plagued by Hu Feng for hundreds of years. Even in the heyday of the former Tang Dynasty, there were far more local Tibetans. As for the Han people, His Majesty moved the Tibetans into the Central Plains, and then moved to the Han people to the frontier. After decades of this, the situation may be quite different. But—”

"Are you still playing tricks?" Shao Shude said with a smile, "Tell me."

"Your Majesty, I think it's better for the people of Weibo not to move to the frontier." Hu Zhen said: "They are wild and unruly, and they are prone to chaos. It is better to move to the east of Shannan. Jingnan Zhao Kuangning has a very wide jurisdiction, but Qin Zongquan After the death of Li Kan, they attacked and killed each other, and the population is sparse, so more resettlement can be made."

Shao Shude thought silently with his hands behind his back.

Today, within the territory of Xia Kingdom, there are basically only a few places that can accommodate a large number of immigrants.

One is Anton Mansion.The land is vast and sparsely populated, and the black land is fertile. It is no problem to eat all of Weibo's population.

The second is the original Shannan Dongdao.Originally, the level of development was low, and it was harmed by Qin Zongquan. After Jiangling was besieged, there were only a few dozen families left in the city.

The third is the Qingtang area.This is also a place that has always been neglected. The level of development is very low, but there are many plains and there is no shortage of water. If the development is focused, millions of people can be accommodated.

The rest are scattered small places with little potential.

As for the scattered resettlement of Wei Bo people in Henan and Kansai, it is not feasible.Maybe you can eat a small portion, but you can't eat too much after all.What's more, there will be four towns of Youzhou, Yiding, Chengde, and Cangjing in the future, all of which are densely populated areas.

In other words, it is difficult for you to spread out.Their huge size is destined to form a fairly large settlement, unless you don't plan to immigrate.

"Tomorrow, we will have a discussion in the political affairs hall first, and then I will call Yanying to ask questions." Shao Shude said: "How much food, livestock, agricultural tools, and seeds the imperial court needs to allocate, how many officials to manage, and how many soldiers and horses to garrison will all be determined." There needs to be a charter."

He still didn't say a word: Taking advantage of the fact that he can still exploit the people at will, and "suffer" the people at will, he hastened to implement the century-old plan.After the world is peaceful, things will not be so simple, the cost of immigration will also increase sharply, and even the wasteland will become owner-owned, and there will be no land for immigration.

"Follow the order." Everyone responded.

"On the other hand, in Tong, Hua, Jingzhao Mansions and other places, recruit people with little land and no land to Andong Mansion." Shao Shude said: "Tell them, when you go to Andong Mansion, you will be granted 150 mu of land per town. Fubing. Life must be no worse than in Kansai, or even better."

When Hu Zhen and Feng Wei heard this, they knew it clearly.

The Hengshan Dangxiang and the Kuhahas from Kansai served as government soldiers and controlled the military force. This was to hedge against the hidden dangers brought about by the people of Weibo immigrating to Anton.

His Majesty really took precautions against them.

(End of this chapter)

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