After leaving the camp with a sullen look on his face, Xiao Agu only wanted to stroll around the camp for a while, but he saw Li Congke and another boy pointing at him.

Xiao Agu was furious, did he not want to let me go?Just as he was about to teach them a lesson, he realized that it was not worth causing trouble here, so he restrained his anger and hurried away.

After returning to the posthouse, Xiao Agu was only a little uneasy.

Jin people are not very enthusiastic about Khitan.Xiao Agu only analyzed and analyzed, thinking that it might be related to the decline in recent years.

It's not quite right to say it's declining.Obviously there are winners and losers, and even the gains are more than the losses.As the saying goes, what is lost in the west is made up for in the east. Although there are a lot of people and livestock robbed by the Xia people, they have made up for it by attacking the Bohai Kingdom, and even made some money.As for whether the Bohai people will be obedient, how can they be so particular about the grassland?After one or two generations, they will all be Khitan people, so what are you afraid of?

But Jin people just look down on them.The reason why they hold their noses and cooperate is because they have a common enemy.

This thing is messed up!Xiao Agu only thought darkly.The Jin people should be beaten several times by the Xia people to get rid of their pride, and then they will completely put down their dignity, stop picking the fat and the thin, and cooperate well.

Xiao Agu only stayed in Daizhou for about ten days.He carefully observed all kinds of situations on the street, and even took the time to look at the post road, but he was a little disappointed.

The Jin people seem not to be preparing for war yet.

The Central Plains people are too straightforward!They took thousands of horses, but they didn't take it seriously.

If it was in Khitan, the leaders of this meeting have already gone down to various grasslands and cities, and they have been notified from door to door, and each household will send out two men, bring their own weapons and dry food, and gather at the designated place.

Not only that, the women had to prepare forage, millet, and millet overnight, bundle them and send them to the military camp, and even children had to help.

Already getting ready vigorously!
Xiao Agu only planned to stay for a while to observe and observe, but the Jin people didn't want to keep them, and urged them to leave as soon as possible.

I have no choice but to leave.

On April [-]th, Xiao Agu and his entourage only had a dozen or so people. They sold the carriage in the future and bought some products from the Central Plains. Then, he took five or six horses and left Daizhou, passing through Weizhou, Xinzhou, and Yizhou. , Guizhou, and Tanzhou entered the territory of Khitan.They ran all the way without stopping, and finally rushed back to the lower reaches of Huangshui at the end of April.

"It's spring sowing..." Xiao Agu said happily, looking at the green wheat seedlings all over the ground.

Followers are also very excited.Before I left, I hadn't seen such a scene, but when I came back, I saw a large area of ​​newly cultivated fields, and my joy was beyond words.

No one is a fool. We all know how important a stable food source is.

For grassland herdsmen, the most terrible thing is the white disaster in winter. A large number of livestock freeze to death, and their livelihood in the coming year will be greatly affected.If there is food in storage at this time, its effect cannot be overstated no matter how high it is.

In addition, grain is also very important in war.With food, the cavalry don't have to grazing scattered because of forage. They can gather everyone together, feed the horses with food, and then concentrate their superior forces to win the battle.

Simply put, there are more tactical options.

"The Bohai people farm the land, and the Khitan warriors fight the war. This is a match made in heaven." Xiao Agu just smiled and said, "A Baoji has plundered the Bohai states in the past two years. At first, some people didn't think so, but now they are full of praise. These stupid people don't know anything. I don’t understand, it just makes people laugh.”


The followers laughed.

There are many Confucian scholars in Bohai who can write and keep accounts, which helped a lot.

There are many farm shepherds in Bohai who know how to farm and raise sheep.

There are many craftsmen in Bohai, who can make all kinds of living utensils, as well as iron armor and war equipment, which can be used after being captured, which is much faster than training blacksmiths by yourself.

Now no one says that it is wrong to attack Bohai.On the contrary, one by one ran to the Dieshi Department, begging A Baoji to take them to fight and reap benefits.Everyone is happy to see this, because it means that Abaoji's influence is growing day by day, and the strength of Dieci Department is getting stronger day by day, everyone's face is bright, and there are many practical benefits.

"Aguzhi!" A group of knights came in the distance, the leader
It was someone else, none other than Abaoji, who had become famous recently.

"Yi Li Jin!" Everyone got off their horses and came to worship.

A Baoji laughed and helped everyone up.He took Xiao Agu's hand, and said: "It's really not easy to go for a few months, let's go, go drink."

"Yi Li Jin, we haven't talked about the business yet." Xiao Agu only glanced behind A Baoji's body, and his sister Shuluping stood there quietly. He has made great achievements in battle, and he is willing to follow.

It's all my own!
"No hurry." A Baoji held Xiao Agu's hand and said, "Drink and eat meat first. By the way, there are also beauties from Bohai who looted to dance. They are all daughters of well-educated and well-educated families. Which one do you like soon?" Take it back."

Xiao Agu was overjoyed, and took a peek at his sister, but saw that she was smiling without any annoyance on her face, so he was relieved.

Naturally, there was some singing and dancing.

A Baoji also just came back from Bohai Kingdom, and looted thousands of Dingkou, [-] miscellaneous livestock, and more than a thousand carts of grain.Everyone's morale was very high, and Youmei was forced to contribute (dance) to (dancing), and when he drank, there were not many people, and after a while, he went wild, and even Abaoji drank too much.

"Aguzhi, get out of here." A sweet but slightly angry voice sounded from outside the tent.

Xiao Agu was still a little awake, and after hearing what his sister said, he immediately left the tent in a hurry.

"What does Jinyang say?" Shuluping asked while playing with a short blade.

Xiao Agu's eyes stayed on the short blade for a while, and his eyes became clearer, and he said immediately: "Li Keyong was beaten by the Xia people and couldn't get to the east of the river. , he still wanted to vent his anger."

"Is it just to vent your anger?" Shu Luping asked.

"Yes." Xiao Agu only said: "Li Keyong is irritable and irritable, and the city is not deep. Apart from being good at winning over military leaders, I don't think he has much ability, and he doesn't seem to have any great ambitions."

Good guy!As long as Xiao Agu said that in Daizhou, he might have been ripped apart, but his vision of seeing people is indeed very accurate.Only through the information collected on weekdays, and the impressions after meeting on the spot, we can analyze the six or seven points alike, with profound skills. It is no wonder that the later generations of Abao will entrust him with the important task of leading the confidants and monitoring the internal affairs.

"How do you know that Li Keyong has no ambition?" Shuluping wondered, "Li Keyong can shoot down wild geese in the sky, and can shoot horsewhips swinging in the wind on willow branches. How can such a peerless hero have no ambition?"


"Sister." Xiao Agu only said, "The Central Plains is not the same as the Grassland. Li Ke may be able to attract many followers in our Khitan with his appearance, but in the Central Plains, he cannot."

Shu Luping was thoughtful.

She has a bit of political talent, and probably knows what kind of person Li Keyong is.To put it bluntly, he is a strong general, and he can even be a field marshal, because he is also good at commanding a large army, but he is not suitable for being a khan.

From this point of view, the biggest reason why his foster brother Shao Shude beat him to the point of running away with his head in his arms may be in this aspect.

The reputation of the Supreme Khan has spread to the territory of Khitan. Judging from the devout appearance of those newly arrived party members, Shao Shude should be very talented in politics.

"So, Shao Shude is the only enemy?" Shu Luping asked.

"Yes." Xiao Agu only smiled and said, "If we can seize the opportunity this time, severely defeat the power of the Xia people on the grassland, and even take their tribes for our own use, the chances of gaining control of the Central Plains will be greatly increased. At that time, Khan Chen Dejin will be given to... A Baoji as the emperor, and my sister as the queen, and we will also be honored."

Shuluping didn't smile.She put away the dagger, frowning and thinking.

Xiao Agu only blinked his eyes hard, the movement was too fast, he didn't see clearly where his sister hid the knife.I heard that brother Hua's useless thing is always staring at my sister, this knife should be prepared for him.

"What news?" Shu Luping asked again.

"There is a rumor in Daizhou that Wei Bo has been captured by the Xia people. It is said that it is a very wealthy Hebei feudal town." Xiao Agu only said.

Shu Luping didn't know where Wei Bo was, nor did she know his internal situation, but she didn't worry about these things, and asked instead: "Shao Shude is about to capture the whole of Hebei?"

"It's still early." Xiao Agu only saw the map of the Central Plains in Daizhou, and said after hearing the words: "It's still early for Youzhou."

"He can threaten Khitan without attacking Youzhou." Shuluping sighed, and said, "Although the Anton mansion in the south is very peaceful now, it may not be so in the future."

Xiao Agu just nodded repeatedly, and said: "I don't know what they are doing, is it just to occupy the land?"

"Whatever we are doing, they are doing." Shu Luping saw it quite clearly.

The Khitan plundered a large number of Bohai people for farming, grazing, building cities, and smelting. Wouldn't the Xia people know it?No, they know these things better.

There are many Goguryeo adherents in the Andong Mansion, which are much more useful than those silly shepherds on the grassland.The Xia people obviously brought a lot of soldiers and horses, and there was also a fierce general named Wang Yanzhang, who won several battles, but they were not keen on expanding the land.What the hell is going on, no question.

This is a plan to hang on for a long time!
Xiao Agu was terrified.In fact, he had already had vague thoughts, but this time he drank a little too much, so he didn't think about it for a while.

"A Baoji must recruit more people." Xiao Agu only said, "in case the Xia people go north."

When Xia Jun went north, the first unlucky ones were the Dila tribe, because they expanded the most.Although the area bordering the Xia people is the grazing land of the vassal tribe, it would be very painful if it was broken.

Shu Luping didn't answer, just turned around and looked at the south.

The breeze came slowly, gently brushing her beautiful braids.If Abaoji goes to war, as the wife of Yili Jin, she will be in charge of the Diela tribe and assist her uncle Shilu, so she really needs to make preparations in advance.

In fact, she is not in favor of going west at this time.

In her opinion, it is a better choice to continue to attack Bohai State.Helplessly, the Xia people continued to expand and attack fiercely, and the Khitan Babu were so angry that they could hardly bear it anymore.

This battle must be fought, and it must be fought if not fought. There is no way.
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Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

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