Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1132 Big Chess Game

The June nights were unbearably hot.The Qisheng Hall of Hebi Palace, which is located on the hillside, is very cool with a breezy breeze.

Tomorrow the king will not go to court early, so Shao Shude left Shangyang Palace and went to Shendu Garden to escape the summer heat.

He now understands Tang Xuanzong's mood very well.

In the Han Dynasty, the dynasty was once every five days, and the king did not go to court every day.

When it came to Emperor Taizong of the former Tang Dynasty, he suddenly turned inward and changed to going to court every day.Later, I couldn't hold it anymore, so I changed it to once every three days.

Gao Zongchu succeeded to the throne, forged ahead, and restored the system of daily court participation.But it didn't last long, and it was quickly changed to once every five days.In the Xianqing period, it may be considered that it is too much to go to court every five days, so it is stipulated to go to court every other day, that is, the court attendants have a day off every day.

Everyone knew about the court meeting during Xuanzong's time, and there were no rules at all.When he wanted to discuss matters, he called the ministers into the palace. When he didn't want to discuss matters, the ministers could not see him for many days, and they didn't know what to play in the palace.

The early dynasty system after the Anshi Rebellion was not fixed.

Some people go to court every day, some don't go to court at all, they only hold Yanying questions every few days, and some go to court every few days.The king of Le'an County is hardworking. He attends the court every day and only takes one day off every ten days.

After Shao Shude ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he attended the court every day at the beginning.But now I feel that it is too unfriendly to get up in the middle of the night every day, and the ministers are also annoyed, so it is stipulated that except for the Shuowang Dachaohui, once every three days.At other times, he would only convene important officials for small-scale discussions, usually in Hongzhiyuan or Lichundian, west of Guanfengdian.

I just finished going to court today, and I don’t have to go to court tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I have a ten-day rest the day after tomorrow. I don’t have to get up early for three days in a row. It’s so cool.So, after going down to court, he first dealt with government affairs in Guanfeng Hall, then rode on his horse and galloped all the way west to escape the summer heat in Dongdu Garden.

However, some important news still followed like a shadow.

"Your Majesty, Canzhou has raised [-] dendrobiums of millet and wheat and [-] dendrobiums of rye, which have been sent to Joozhou in batches... Palace official Xie read out the memorials and military newspapers one by one.

"Zhang Quanyi is really good, his family has contributed a lot to me..." Shao Shude on the throne praised.

"Lao Mrs. Zhang" Mrs. Chu gave him a blank look, took a silk scarf, and gently wiped it for Zhang Hui.

Zhang Hui is pregnant, and just now was hugged and pampered by the officials, what a pervert.

Mrs. Chu is also a little scared now.She and Zhang Quanyi have been married for many years, but they only have one daughter. They have only been with the official family for seven or eight years, but they gave birth to four children in one go.She is only in her 30s now, and she is a little scared when she thinks about it.

There are many women in the official family Xingyu, but very few of them can sleep in the same bed with him every night. Except for the Queen Zheshi, Zhang Hui and Chu Shi have the most times.

"Mrs. Xiao Zhang" Xie blushed and continued to read "The Commander of the Johor State Camp, Liang Hanyong..."

Another "Ms. Xiao Zhang" Mrs. Su was serving tea and water.

Except for Princess Xinmi, who has been renamed Shao Wanlu, Zhang Quanyi's family members are all here.

"Why is Liang Hanyong's vision so narrow?" Shao Shude sighed, and said, "Just stare at my one-acre three-point land. I don't agree with this strategy."

Shao Shude asked someone to bring a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and then he picked up the jade seal and sent it to the outside world.The emperor is not in office all the time.When resting at night, if there is an emergency military situation, an order is issued in the palace city, and it is usually a court lady who goes out to deliver the order.However, this decree does not have legal force. It is generally called "Zhongzhi", and it needs to go through the process under the Zhongshumen. …

Even if you don’t go through this process, by “declaring a state of emergency” and convening Yanying to ask questions, bypassing Zhongshu’s door, you still have to gather all important officials.

Right now, the will that he conveyed must be the right one.But the prestige of the founding emperor is here, and the prime minister and privy envoys will definitely not dare to stop it, and will only expedite the process.

He has just written a few copies of Deyin, to the effect that he is making a fuss about Liaodong.

The first is to expropriate civilian ships on the spot.In the middle and late June, the southeast wind blows strongly, and the number of trading ships from the south increases greatly.Especially the Hangzhou Qian's fleet, which brought a lot of supplies, this time

The second is to recruit more than [-] Huaihai Daozhou troops to assemble in Qingzhou and Dengzhou, led by Huaihai Daodu Commander Wang Jiao, and wait to board the ship.

The third is that Henan and Huaihai collect grain and grass materials, and transport them to Qingzhou and Dengzhou through the Yellow River, Jishui, and Yishui.

Article [-] is for Anton Mansion.

This direction is more complicated, and it is definitely not enough to rely solely on the "underdeveloped" Anton Mansion.They now have four counties—well, actually five. Shao Shude has just received the news that the Anton Mansion please set up Shiwang County.

This county was a stone city in the Goguryeo era, but the Andong government moved it to Shirenwang by the sea. It was a small port with relatively convenient transportation.The Andong Mansion had just sent troops to pacify this place, and had [-] households and more than [-] mouths. It was the fifth county established by the mansion, and it was roughly located near the city of Zhuanghe in later generations.

Anton Mansion, with a population of more than 4, is unable to support the expedition of the army, and various conditions do not allow it.Therefore, since April, they have been actively contacting the Bohai State, intending to send troops with them to attack Khitan.Obviously, once the troops are dispatched, they will definitely use the food and grass of the Bohai people. This is the only way.

Another thing that Anton Mansion needs to do is to send some boatmen and sailors to the estuary in western Liaoning, spend a few days building temporary small decks, and carefully investigate the local hydrological conditions.

Generally speaking, there will not be a large number of underwater obstacles such as reefs near the mouth of the river, but just to be on the safe side, it is best to check it carefully.The maneuverability of ships these days is too poor. When a big wave comes, they may deviate and cannot enter the port accurately. If they hit a rock and sink, isn't this a joke?
For ships in the age of sail, entering and leaving the port has always been a very troublesome thing, which requires much higher operational precision than sailing on the sea, because their power source is the unpredictable wind, which requires the ship to enter and leave the port. At this time, the sails can be adjusted at the fastest speed to capture the wind direction. It is best to adjust the sails on one mast separately, such as half folded, half hung, etc., which is difficult for traditional sailboats at this time.

"Forget it tonight, and send it to the imperial city early tomorrow morning, and step up supervision." Shao Shude instructed Xie.

"Follow the order." Mrs. Xie replied.

Shao Shude thought about it and wrote a few more copies.

The three armies of Tielin, Tianxiong, and Tiande launched offensives from Hezhong, Heyang, and Xing Mingci to put pressure on the Jin people.Regardless of whether it is successful or not, at least the posture must be sufficient, which may attract part of the attention of the Jin people and relieve the pressure on the camp in Johor. …

Withdrew and replenished Wuwei, Jinglue, and Yicong armies as a reserve team—the Longxiang Army guarding Weibo, part of the Tu generals guarding Dizhou, and one part went south to Sizhou.

All the banned troops were basically sent out.Now that there are three battlefields in the middle of Shu, Hedong, and grasslands across the country, I originally wanted to implement the reform of the tax sharing system from Guanbei Road to reduce the burden on the people, but now it seems that I have to postpone it again.

The summer of the second year of Jianji seemed to be very "hot", from all aspects.

On June [-]th of the second year of Jianji, Lushun County, sunny.

One ship after another slowly passed the narrow inlet of the bay and entered the calm anchorage.

As if the wolf had seen the sheep, more than a dozen small decks poured out from the pier.They rowed hard to the side of the ship, shouting loudly.

"Do you want the new fruit? Five cents a basket."

"Steam cake! Steam cake!"

"Captain Zhang, do you want to buy goose? There are also goose eggs."

On the deck of the ship, dark-skinned, rough merchants were shouting loudly.

The sailors on the deck had no expression on their faces, and casually reprimanded them, telling them to retreat to a distance, and then carefully lowered the boat.

The skiff landed on the water with a big splash.

The sailor checked again the hanging net on the side of the disembarkation ship.The net is woven of hemp rope, with both ends fixed, and can be climbed up and down—this is a new equipment produced under the guidance of the sage himself, and it is convenient for sailors to get on and off the ship when there is no trestle bridge.

Some sailors climbed down the hanging net, landed on the boat, and then paddled vigorously towards the shore.

When the ship enters the port, a bunch of documents need to be delivered, and there are many things.

In front of them, several ships had berthed on both sides of the wooden trestle.

The trestle was almost level with the deck of the ship. After the pedals were lowered, a group of pale-faced people began to go ashore.

They seemed to have suffered a great deal.

From Dengzhou to the wharf of Duli Town, Lushun County, under the southeast wind, it takes three days to arrive.But even the three-day voyage still made the landlubber very uncomfortable, and he was so seasick that he couldn't eat anything.

The sailors of the Ping Navy are strict, and they are not allowed to vomit in the cabin, but to vomit on the deck.But some people fell into the sea while vomiting, which was very miserable—of course, the boats would not stop to rescue the people who fell into the water. If you fall, you will fall.

It was only a three-day voyage, and the common people were completely dizzy.

If it is a voyage of 30 days or [-] days, one can imagine how painful it is.The body and mind have been devastated beyond measure, and the diseases that can be resisted normally will not be able to resist, so the disease spreads in the cabin, and there is only one end for those who get sick: they are thrown into the sea.

"When I crossed the ocean, I stopped at Salmon Island halfway. I couldn't bear it. These people went directly to Duli Town, so you can imagine..." Shao Siwu stood on a high mountain, overlooking the entire port, and said with emotion Said.

I don't know why, but now he especially likes to climb high mountains and overlook the sparkling harbor.

Duli Town is a magical port.The sea in the harbor is wide and the water is deep, which can accommodate a large number of ships. There are lands extending from both sides of the harbor, forming a natural breakwater, which blocks the wind and waves from the outside, leaving only a small opening for ships to enter and exit. …

Such an excellent port, according to my father, is extremely rare in the entire Northland.Shao Siwu didn't believe it before, but now he is amazed.Not all ports have the two natural breakwaters to block the wind and waves.

"Your Highness, these Beizhou civilians came at an inappropriate time." Du Guangyi, governor of Anton Prefecture, said with a sad face.

If in normal times, the common people of Weibo came here, what would happen?With an army of [-] pressing down, they couldn't stir up any storms.But what is the situation now?The army is likely to go out, and there will be few troops left behind by then, so Du Guangyi is very worried.

Some people in the court understand that it is too rigid and doesn't know how to adapt it.This moment and that moment, what are you doing with all your energy on this stuff?
Shao Siwu said: "Didn't they just come to have more than 1000 Hengshan Dangxiang households? The envoys want to catch them. If something happens, they will conscript young men to suppress the Wei people. I guess it's okay."

Du Guangyi felt relieved, but he did not completely relieve his worries.

It is true that more than [-] Hengshan Dangxiang households came in two batches before, and they were basically family members of soldiers belonging to the German army. They really would not join forces with the Wei people, but Du Guangyi doubted their combat effectiveness.

But the matter has come to this point, there is no other way, it is serious to train those party youths.

"Your Highness, this time going north, Fudutou can lead the army, why do you..." Du Guangyi no longer entangled in immigration, but asked another question.

"Father has been fighting for 20 years since the end of the century, so there will be a big summer." Shao Siwu shook his head and said, "I have to be King Zhao. I am rich and noble. But every time I meditate at midnight, I always feel ashamed. I have not done anything. Standing here, but enjoying luxury houses, delicacies, and beauties, is it okay?"

Du Guangyi was tongue-tied and sighed after a long time, but he didn't know what he was sighing for.
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