On the first day of July in the second year of Jianji, Wang Yanwen, deputy envoy of the Longwu Army, led another [-] soldiers to Jian'an and stationed them at the foot of the mountain.

He went north shortly after Liu E's departure, and brought a large number of supplies and horses.

Before leaving, Du Guangyi, governor of the Anton government, suggested that since they were all worried about the Wei people, it would be better to enlist them to serve as masters and royal hands, and transport food and grass with them.

Shao Siwu and Fu Cun agreed after deliberation.

Everyone can hear Du Guangyi's subtext. Instead of worrying about them staying behind and doing bad things, it is better to choose the strong and strong to take away and keep them under strict supervision.If they really want to run away, then——if they run away, they will run away. If they can't keep it, they won't be able to keep it...

After arriving in Jian'an, Wang Yanwen went up the mountain to discuss with Liu E the next steps.

To be honest, it was a little awkward for the two of them to be alone.After all, it hasn't been long since the bad incident in Zizhou. Even though the two of them had talked about it face to face, they both generously stated that the past is over, and now they are all colleagues in the new dynasty, so they should go hand in hand.But is there really no grudge at all?not necessarily.

"For a sergeant, there are six pancakes and three liters of noodles, which means nine dou in one month. For our [-] sergeants, we need [-] hu in one month, and more than [-] hu in half a year." Wang Yanwen said.

It's not that he's good at math, but actually he's reading from paper, and his staff have already done the calculations.

A carriage can carry 25 to 4 hu rice noodles, and more than 1000 hu requires more than [-] vehicles.The car is actually not a problem, just let the craftsman make it. The problem lies in the horse.Anton Mansion is poor and white, and there is a shortage of draft horses. They are used everywhere, and it is impossible to bring them all for you to go to war. Therefore, it is not feasible to carry grain and grass for half a year. We can only go north to the sphere of influence of the Bohai people, and find them to find a way. .

In addition, horses eat three times as much as humans, and they also eat.Generally speaking, try to mow grass to feed, but if you can't find grass, you have to feed with grain.

A sidecar with one draw horse, and a baggage cart with two draw horses, this consumption is not small.

Therefore, it is necessary to find the Bohai people to raise food, otherwise they can only stop and wait for the follow-up supply convoy to arrive, or simply go back home.

"Jian'an Mountain City needs to be guarded by people, as a warehouse city and grain platform." Liu E said: "Leave some Wei masters to repair the city wall. Although Khitan has made a large-scale expedition to the west, Jian'an Mountain City is too important to afford to lose. "

Wang Yanwen nodded, and said: "The military envoy is very discerning, and the general admires it."

Liu E glanced at him.

"Did Fu Dutou leave when you set off?" Liu E asked again.

"The capital is already preparing troops and equipment." Wang Yanwen replied, "We should be leaving in a few days.

The troops on Fu Cunshen's route were stronger, about ten thousand, and the main force of Khitan would be confronted in the future.

They generally walked along the east coast, passed through Shiwang County, passed through Luotuowan, and reached the confluence of the Wugu River (Love River) and the Yalu River to receive the supplies brought by the Bohai people, and then went west.

This is a very important transportation line. On the other side of the Yalu River estuary, you can go eastward along the sea to Silla, westward to Liaoyang, and northeastern to the capital of Bohai.Considering that Liaodong is mountainous, the Yalu River is the best transportation route, and it is natural to receive supplies here.


The two armies dispatched a full 8000 people, which can be described as the best.After Liu E heard about it, he felt a little emotional. The sage ordered to float to Anton in the first place, was it his current idea?Prophet?It sounds unbelievable, but the most powerful art of war of the saint is not the level of the first-line command, but his strategic layout. Now it seems that he should take one step at a time and look at three steps. He planned all of this early.

Khitan, after all, is a great enemy.They have the ambition to go south to the Central Plains, and in terms of strength, they are also the foundation of a big feudal town.Then, let them be buried with the towns in Hebei.

"All the troops will take a two-day rest and set off early in the morning the day after tomorrow, heading north to Anshi City." Liu E made up his mind and said.

"I would like to obey the orders of the military envoys and generals." Wang Yanwen responded loudly.

Liu E glanced at him again and nodded.

The hoofbeats of "咕咱" became more and more urgent, and they kept wandering on the verdant grassland.

Dense forests, grasslands, and water marshes are the home of the Khitan people, who have three lifestyles of fishing, hunting, planting, and nomadism.

Moreover, the current season when the pasture grows half the height of a person is also the most suitable time to display their combat effectiveness.

Wherever the horse goes, there is feed. It only needs to carry dry food, cheese, and dried meat for people, which can fully support the men on the grassland for long-term battles outside.

But they had nothing to do with the Xia army in sight.

Mrs. Xia, who went out to mow grass and gather firewood, ran away early.Most of the people ran back to the convoy in time, only a few "big clever" got into the dense grass and bushes, trying to escape.But they were quickly caught by the Khitans, tied up firmly, thrown across the horses, and sent to the rear for interrogation—their fate would not be very good. Generally speaking, they would be used as slaves by the Khitans to cultivate the fields. The days are much worse than those in Anton Mansion.The convoy looked quite contemptuous of the Khitans who surrounded them.Maybe it's because their number is too small, there are only a few thousand riders, so they can't pose a threat at all.

The team didn't even bother to change formation and kept going without changing direction at all.

The Khitan people finally couldn't take it anymore and became angry.This piece of land was a pasture that they had fought with the people of Bohai for several years. Daliao was rich in water and grass, and no one could take it away after the people of Tang retreated.

So, under the leadership of the leader, the Khitan roared loudly and launched a fierce attack on the convoy.

The convoy is roughly rectangular in shape.

The vans are on both sides, mixed with some baggage vehicles.Among the vehicles were soldiers following on foot.There are a lot of people, the equipment is excellent, and the morale does not seem to be low.

No matter how the formation of vehicles changes, the core principle is to use vehicles to load supplies, block the charge of cavalry, create a movable wall for infantry, and give them time to recover their energy and strength.

This is old wisdom since the Han Dynasty.

The advantage of cavalry is that they are highly mobile, they can fight when they want, and they can leave if they don't want to.They can even divide the man into several parts, take turns to rest, and finally exhaust the physical strength and will of the infantry to achieve victory.

Can this tactic be broken? Of course it can.And it can also be broken on the open and endless plains and grasslands, provided that your infantry must have a big heart and can't mess around.


As long as you have an iron will and sufficient logistical support, even if you fight until the end of time, the cavalry can't do anything to them, and the casualties are often more than ten to one, and they may not be able to eat the infantry——Li Ling was beaten by the Huns dozens of times Surrounded, almost made it back successfully, Ma Long was surrounded by dozens of Hu Qi, lost contact with the rear, and continued to kill all the way, as long as you can stabilize, skillful, and cooperate tacitly, no one can do anything to you , kill it!

"The thieves are coming, stop!" The sound of the gong resounded one after another, echoing over the entire grassland, and the vans stopped one after another.

The infantry had put on each other's armor two by two, and began to string their bows.

They are the reserve team, and once Pao Ze on the van or baggage car is killed or injured in battle, they will go up immediately.

The atmosphere was not very tense, and the sergeants could even joke about it. There was no awareness of the coming of the war at all, and it was just a small scene.

There was no order from the officer on the side of the van. The archers and crossbowmen had already found their targets.

But the convoy was too long, and arrows shot everywhere.No matter where you hide, the sound of "huhu" piercing the air will always echo in your ears.

There is hardly any safe place!
Some brave Khitan knights desperately urged their horses regardless of their lives, and when they got within the range of their bows, they shot an arrow with their hands.

It's a pity that there are thick baffles on the outer side of the partial van. Unless you are good at archery, you can still pass through the shooting hole when you are galloping and shoot, and accurately hit the face of the archer behind the hole, otherwise it will be in vain. , and even give people arrows.

Most herdsmen obviously don't have this ability.

Their futile attempts did nothing but give away the head.

"Swoosh!" The arrows became denser.

The Khitans were shot so untenable that they could only go crazy
Beat the horse wildly and go away, out of the range of the infantry bow.Some riders who were demoralized simply ran away.What's the point of fighting this battle if you can only be beaten and can't fight back?
With an arrow stuck in his back, the Khitan headman ran back in disgrace.

He looked at his pale-faced subordinates and let out a long sigh.

The charge just now had cost more than a hundred people, but he couldn't guarantee that even one soldier of the Xia Army had been killed--the fact that none of the enemies were killed probably hurt his self-esteem.

Morale has been drained, people are panicked, there is no way to fight, let's run!Just as he was about to give the order, he heard the sound of rumbling horseshoes from the south.

The Xia people still have cavalry?He was shocked and said angrily, "Get out!"

"Hula la" like a gust of wind, the Khitan people turned their horses' heads one after another and retreated into the distance.

Five hundred Xia army cavalry chased for a while, then retreated.There is no need to chase anymore, in case of ambush, take all these hundreds of cavalry, but there will be no cavalry, it is not worth it.

The masters were driven out of the convoy again.Under the supervision of the soldiers of the Longwu Army, they began to clean up the battlefield.

The Khitan wounded soldier lying on the ground moaning was mercifully given a knife and set off on the road.The weapons, arrows, and armor on the body were stripped—if any.

Dry food, water bags and even fur clothes were all confiscated.The Xia people didn't dislike it at all, they would take away anything useful.

The horses left by the Khitans on the battlefield were gathered up.The usable ones were pulled into the convoy, and the injured ones were slaughtered on the spot for food.

The masters continued to mow grass nearby, gather firewood, and collect arrows that had been shot.

Grassland herdsmen have less morale.After they were beaten away, I was in a panic, and I wouldn't be able to return to the carbine for a while.It will be safe to work boldly.

Of course, if you encounter that kind of persevering and disciplined prairie cavalry, or if there are many soldiers, they are also red-eyed, and they will kill you regardless of casualties, then consider yourself unlucky—— ——Li Ling encountered the Huns cavalry who were on the top back then, and would rather pay a disproportionate number of casualties than destroy you, no trick.

The team rested here for the night.

The masters brought back large bales of fodder, and the firewood was also piled up to fill the empty carts.The soldiers regained their strength and moved on the next day.
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Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

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