Chapter 1142 Liaoyang
"Xilulu!" The five hundred cavalry also left the chariot formation, taking advantage of the retreat of the Khitans, they launched a pursuit.

The Khitans left in a hurry and flustered.

Some tribes retreated first, which played a very bad demonstration effect.As a result, more people retreated, even scrambling to be the first, for fear of being thrown down by others as scapegoats.

Undoubtedly, this created great confusion.

Liu Po's men were only [-] cavalry, but because there was no one to stop them, no one was willing to stay behind, so he marched forward bravely, attacked bravely, chased after the Khitan cavalry, slashed and killed, and reaped lives wantonly.

Yelu Shilu was furious and cursed, but there were people all around, and they were in a panic, even if they wanted to give orders, they couldn't.We can only hope that a tribal leader led his troops to block it, otherwise it would be too ugly-more than 2 people were chased away by five hundred riders, how decent is it?

Unfortunately, no one stayed to do so in the end.Everyone was galloping their horses and fleeing. After running for dozens of miles in one breath, they stopped in shock until the horses couldn't move anymore.At this time, Xia Jun's pursuers had long since disappeared.

"What a disgrace!" Yelu Shilu stumbled off his horse, looked back at the vast grassland where he came from, feeling sad and indignant.

The chieftains were also a little ashamed.

Only then was he completely scaring himself.The Xia people are only a few hundred riders, how much threat can they pose?But everyone followed like a demon, scrambling to escape, with no intention of stopping to defend against the enemy.

Of course they are not the main responsible persons.

When retreating, Yelu Shilu had ordered the people from Division B to stay and cut off the rear, but everyone has seen whether they have implemented it or not.These grandsons must have run away the moment the Xia people launched their pursuit.

"Grandpa..." The eldest son Yelu Wansi came over with his horse and said, "The most important thing now is to clean up people's hearts. The infantry are still lagging behind, and we have to send people to meet them."

"Infantry! Yes, send someone to meet them." Yelu Shilu immediately ordered as if waking up from a dream: "Wansi, you choose five thousand riders and go back along the way to meet them."

"Okay!" Yelu Wansi didn't talk nonsense, and immediately ordered three thousand horses from Diela and Chute, and two thousand horses from Liubu Xi, Shiwei, and Tatar, and returned along the road with their bows and arrows.

Yelu Shilu thought for a while, then summoned two more people, and ordered them to lead three thousand horses each to the place where the cattle and sheep were grazing, to guard against surprise attacks by the Xia people and to protect their food sources.

After one order from the left, and another order, Yelu Shilu drank some water and ate a few mouthfuls of dry food. He felt much better and his thinking gradually became clearer.

Today's battle was really a bit miserable.

One-third of the more than 6000 infantry were injured, and the rest did not know how much they could withdraw.

All the cavalry lost hundreds of cavalry.In the process of retreating just now, I don't know how many people were beheaded, probably no less than a thousand horses.

This time, the loss is really a bit big.

In fact, if you think about it carefully now, the battle will not be like this.

Although the Xia people can fight, they are not without flaws.The biggest problem is being trapped in the car formation, moving slowly and rigidly, without the initiative.

Khitan can choose to fight or not to fight.If you can't fight head-on, just don't fight, just follow the harassment.

There are many ways to think about burning, smoking, digging roads, and making muddy ponds.

Liaodong is not a grassland.Unlike the grassland where it is difficult to find a place to park, there are many rivers and swamps here.If you can't fight on the battlefield, think of ways to move outside the market.

"Having suffered a loss once, it's time to have a better memory." Yelu Shilu sighed.

Master Wei Bo was driven out of the convoy again to clean up the battlefield.

This time the harvest is a bit big.Because a large number of cavalry were killed in the battle, so many horses were left on the battlefield.There are not only intact ones, but also many wounded and dead horses, which will be dealt with one by one.

Some of them were assigned the weapons left behind by the Khitans, and the council was repairing wounded soldiers and searching for property.

"I said, what are you doing all the time?" A soldier of the Longwu Army who accompanied him said, "Isn't An An living a good life? What can the Khitan people give you? If you are taken away, I'm afraid you will be slaves, and you will never come out." day."

The masters pursed their lips and continued to work silently.

"Don't keep talking." A sergeant was very unhappy with their attitude, and was about to hit someone, but was stopped by the officer.

Master Wei Bo hid aside in fright, but his eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

Xia Jun had just won a big victory. They really didn't dare to stab, but if they wanted to convince them, it wasn't that much of a problem.

"The sage founded the country and proclaimed the system, and the summer is at its peak, and anyone with eyes can see it." The officer said, "Is the Andong mansion very bad? I don't even want to stay in Qingzhou, so I would like to be a captain in Lushun. Live well by farming the land Yes, welcome. If you have any plans, if you are restless, you will kill one after another until no one dares to make trouble. I don’t believe that when your children and grandchildren are born, you will still be so rebellious.”

The sergeants applauded after hearing this, Master Wei Bo worked silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

The officer didn't think it was disobedient, and said: "After cleaning the battlefield, go to mow the grass and feed the horses. Don't slack off."

After all, I just left, I don't bother to care about these people anymore.

Although people seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, they are also emotional. He doesn't expect Wei people to give up now.

Some things take time to resolve.The first generation dared to resist and was unwilling to compromise, so they just suppressed it with high pressure.As long as they are not given the opportunity, resistance will be weakened from generation to generation.

And history is such a reincarnation.

It took nearly 80 years from the Huangchao Rebellion to the founding of the Northern Song Dynasty.Is the people in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty the same as the people in the Guangming period of Emperor Xizong of Tang Dynasty?
In the 80 years of vicissitudes, Weibo Town was slaughtered three times.

The population of Hebei dropped by more than half, the Khitan gradually rose, the south was greatly developed, and the land of Helong in the northwest was even more fragmented.

The morale of the army has become even worse. From the beginning, a warrior who simply asked for rewards has become a man who is up for grabs. The combat effectiveness has fallen again and again. Even after Guo Rong's rectification, it is difficult to hide the decline-play tricks on the battlefield and preserve strength In the era of Zhu Wen and Li Keyong, it is hard to imagine such things as selling for a price and supporting a new owner. No one dared to do this in front of them, and they all had to fight to the death.

The people, warriors, officials, system, economy, and population have all undergone earth-shaking changes.

The states of Weibo have naturally undergone earth-shaking changes.

Disobedient people will either be killed, or die of old age, and the inheritance will be broken, and the atmosphere will naturally change.

The current people of the Weibo states, if nothing unexpected happens, will be the last generation of the old Weibo.They may be difficult to reform, but their children and grandchildren can.

Liu Yan stood on a baggage cart, quietly listening to the conversation just now.

"If the Anton Mansion wants to develop, we still need the participation of Wei people, but we have to get rid of the rebellious ones." He sighed softly: "Take your time."

After a night's rest, the convoy continued northward.

Starting from July [-]th, for five full days, they did not encounter any major battles.

The Khitan sent small and medium-sized cavalry to repeatedly harass, but with little effect.

They were defeated and their morale suffered a setback, so they didn't dare to charge forward at all.If there is any disturbance, they will immediately run away, so one can imagine how bad the effect of this kind of harassment is.

What troubled Xia Jun the most was actually the potholed road that was destroyed by the Khitans.

It is true that the car can go on mountain roads and over bumpy roads, but after all, it is best to go on flat roads.

Potholes on the road surface will not only reduce the speed, but also increase the wear and tear of the vehicle.Not to mention, the trenches dug by the Khitans needed to be filled with soil.

It's a pity for this post road. After the power of the Tang people retreated, there was almost no decent maintenance.After the Bohai people occupied southern Liaoning, they did a lot of renovations, but their investment was very limited.Now that it has been wrecked by the Khitan people, it is basically abolished.

On July [-], Liu Po ​​had already seen the half-collapsed city wall of Liaoyang from a distance.

It was also on this day that the Khitans gathered again, and the number seemed to be even larger than last time, about 4 to [-].

Banners spread all over the mountains and plains, and the sound of drums resounded from east to west, from north to south.

Looking down from the sky, a lonely convoy is walking on the desolate grassland.

Front, rear, left, and right sides of the convoy, there are endlessly galloping knight shepherds everywhere.There were so many of them that they filled the whole field and raised smoke and dust all over the sky.

The team moved forward firmly without any hesitation.Wherever they went, the dense cavalry dispersed like a tide, retreating to both sides in a panic.

After the convoy passed by, the tide closed again and slowly followed.

Thousands of soldiers of the Longwu Army are like a lonely boat in the vast ocean. The tides come and go, but they still can't overturn the lonely boat. They can only watch them cut the waves and move forward little by little.

On the night of the [-]th, the Khitans launched an aggressive attack.

Everyone knew that if they couldn't stop them, people from Xiaxia would be able to enter Liaoyang City tomorrow.Although this is a dilapidated city with half-abandoned walls and half-decayed walls, it has a somewhat protective effect. Once these soldiers are allowed to enter the city, it will be very difficult, or even impossible, to take it back.

The location of Liaoyang is also one of the core hubs of post road transportation.Pushing forward 30 years, before the people of Tang retreated, Tang Ting’s envoys to Bohai, or Bohai’s envoys to Chang’an, had to pass through Liaoyang—Yelü Shilu knew that during Tang Wenzong’s time, Zhang Jianzhang’s envoy went to Longquan Mansion in Beijing. After a short rest in Liaoyang, there were still thousands of Tang soldiers stationed in Liaoyang City at that time.

How can Khitan easily give up the territory that Khitan took from the people of Bohai after a bloody battle?
So the night raid began, but it ended quickly.

Xia people are very vigilant even at night.They lit torches and braziers, armed with swords and guns, and stood ready.

Moreover, the troops are purged and the law is strict.Some people lay on the ground, covered their bodies with wooden boards and grain bags, and lay down to rest.Even though the drums outside the convoy were rumbling and the sound of killing was loud, the rest was the rest, and it would not be affected in the slightest—after so many years of fighting, those who would not take a break to recover their physical strength in the battlefield environment would have been eliminated long ago.

The Khitan people rushed from left to right and made a fuss all night, except for dropping more than a thousand corpses, it did not play any role.

Early in the morning on the 21st, as the drums sounded, the convoy slowly adjusted its formation and drove into Liaoyang City firmly.

In the southeast wind, Liu Po ​​seemed to hear the sound of something being smashed in the Khitan heart.

And at this moment, the sky started to rain lightly.

Yelu Shilu was both happy and angry.

The good news is that it finally rained.When the rain came, although the cavalry could not drive, it was also inconvenient for the carriage to walk.

What makes me angry is why there is so little rain this year?Why didn't you download it sooner?

He immediately led his troops back to a distant place, and called the heads of the tribes to discuss.

(End of this chapter)

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