Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1150 Pursuit and Response

After the battle, the first thing is to adjust.

The sergeants scoured the battlefield carefully.

From time to time there was a sound of "噗", that is someone drew out the horizontal knife to give the Khitan wounded soldiers a good time and send them on their way.

When encountering one's own wounded soldiers, people rushed over immediately.Hemostasis for hemostasis, wrapping for wounds, the movements are skilled and fast.

Soldiers usually provide simple first aid. After all, it is impossible for auxiliary soldiers to be with them all the time, and they often have to come by themselves.

Panting heavily, the horse walked slowly under the lead of its owner.Take back your sweat and regain your strength.

After the canter, the horse silently nibbled on pasture.The warriors brought soybean meal cakes and mixed them with salt water to feed them.

War horses are delicate, their heat dissipation is not as good as that of humans, their stamina is not as good as humans, and they eat a lot, and they have to eat many times a day, so it is very troublesome to serve them.However, fighting on the grasslands is impossible without horses. They are the most reliable combat partners and must be taken care of so that they maintain sufficient physical strength.

Half an hour later, under the leadership of the deputy envoy Zhe Congyun, the auxiliary soldiers finally rushed over.

"What a great battle!" He exclaimed, looking at the corpses all over the ground.

Under the leadership of their respective officers, the auxiliary soldiers took care of the wounded, took care of the wounded, supplied supplies, cleaned the battlefield, and were extremely busy.

While he was busy, he also peeked at the soldiers who were sitting and resting on the ground.

They can drink, eat dried meat, and chew cheese. After the arrival of the auxiliary soldiers, they don't have to do any chores, just rest and recover their strength.

Very envious!
"Pick out some long pole weapons." After resting, Yang Hongwang looked at the Khitan weapons gathered into a pile and said, "Don't make them too heavy, or they won't fit.

The silver gun soldiers hold a cavalry gun, which weighs only a fraction of that of a horse. Hanging it on a victory hook or swallow wing ring will not affect the balance of the body during high-speed sports, and it can even let them hold the bow and shoot arrows on the horse .

After so many years of training, the Silver Spear Army has changed from a grassland cavalry shooter to a Central Plains cavalry cavalry.But in order not to waste their riding and shooting skills, the whole army abandoned the heavy horses that could not be hung on their bodies, and switched to light cavalry guns.

Riding a gun is lighter, which is an advantage, but it also has disadvantages.

After charging just now, many cavaliers broke off. This is an annoying thing that is difficult to encounter when using a horse.It is impossible to carry a large number of spare cavalry guns when you are away from home, away from the baggage team, so you can only use Khitan weapons based on this.

"Obey!" A deputy general of the auxiliary army immediately took the order, and after a while, he picked out hundreds of long and short weapons.

Yang Hongwang picked up a pickaxe casually, quite speechless.

Is this a farming tool or a weapon? Maybe both.But it can only be used as a secondary weapon. What is most lacking now is a pole weapon.

He picked up a crescent shovel again.

What are the Khitan people doing? The weapons are not uniform.But then I thought that they had prepared their own equipment, so it was understandable.

The Great Xia Forbidden Army was provided with weapons by the imperial court, so it was natural to come wherever it was convenient.The Khitan people don't have this condition, and they pay for it themselves, and some poor herdsmen even need to find someone to borrow it.I really can't borrow it, so I can only make some simple blunt weapons by myself, such as——

Bone with iron thorns, this is the advanced version.The paperback version is just a bone bound with sharp stones and porcelain pieces.

I can't bear to look directly at it! The gap between the rich and the poor in Khitan is very large, and the direct reflection is that there is a large gap in weapons and equipment.Good people wear armor in the style of the Tang Dynasty, while poor people wear furs and carry wooden grids with thick tops and thin bottoms. It is very inconsistent to think about these people going to the battlefield at the same time.

In the end, only more than two hundred long-pole weapons were selected, mainly spears, iron forks, crescent shovels, and long-pole maces, and were supplied to the sergeants who damaged their lances.

"Have you finished eating?" Yang Hongwang lightly danced the crescent shovel. Fortunately, the wooden one is not very heavy.

The sergeant who was closing his eyes opened them.

The soldier who was sharpening his knife quickened his movements.

Still eating and drinking, he hurriedly swallowed the last piece of dry biscuit.

Someone silently tidied up the equipment.Bow tips, bow strings, quiver, arrows, horizontal knives, etc., I tried them one by one.

It's almost like a conditioned reflex action.

Those who eat Wu Fu's rice bowl really know nothing except killing people.And it happens to be going to kill people right now, which is very good.

"Get on the horse, let's go!" Yang Hongwang waved his hand, turned over and jumped onto the horse's back, saying, "Don't let all the thieves run away!"

"Kill the thief!" Everyone got up and followed closely behind.

On the grassland, the sound of horseshoes became hurried again.

This time, there were more than a thousand auxiliary soldiers accompanying the army, with a total of nearly [-] cavalry, heading east all the way to Xinghe County.

The earth trembled endlessly, there was not only the sound of Xia Jun's horseshoes, but also the horseshoes of the Khitan cavalry encircling from all directions.

The two sides met again in a few miles west of Xinghe County. Thousands of Silver Spear Army rode against the enemy's arrows and broke through.

No one can stop their footsteps.

Thousands of people rushed to the base of Xinghe County, and the [-] town soldiers and more than [-] Tibetan soldiers guarding the city were overjoyed and their courage doubled.They even opened the city gate and cooperated with the Silver Spear Army to fight.

The bow had already been strung, and wherever the horse passed, it shot at the enemy first, and many people on both sides screamed and fell down.

Yang Hongwang's chest was filled with anger, and his spear stabbed fiercely into the chest of an enemy.The enemy cavalry fell to the ground without saying a word, the rope behind the saddle straightened suddenly, and after a pause, it relaxed again - the cavalry's corpse had been left far behind.

He retracted his spear and thrust forward again.

When he was charging just now, he noticed that the deputy envoy Zhe Cong Yunzhong had fallen off his horse with an arrow.

The old fold was in the rear before, nothing happened.Just as soon as he joined the army, he was hit by a arrow, too bad luck.

The charge of the Silver Spear Army threw the Khitan cavalry into chaos.

They already vaguely know many things.When the supply troops left first, they didn't feel anything, but when the combat troops also withdrew in batches, they already had a clear understanding in their hearts.When encountering the Xia people rushing to kill them, their will to fight will drop sharply, especially after being scattered several times in a row, fewer and fewer people are willing to desperately resist.

The soldiers from Yinshan Town, armed with torches, rushed straight to the camp of the Khitans.

As he approached, first he fired a powerful volley of infantry bows, and then he shouted an order to charge forward.The long spear stabbed back and forth, and the torch was thrown back and forth.After a while, one piece after another of the tents was ignited, and the Khitan lost all fighting spirit, and they abandoned the camp on horseback.

The Silver Spear Army followed closely behind, firing bows and arrows.Every time the string rang, several people fell to the ground.

The Khitan people were not stupid either, they spread out as much as possible and fled in all directions.

Xia Jun did not divide his troops, and pursued the biggest enemy closely, relentlessly.

Let you run, let you run! I am determined, and I will stab you down even when I run to the ends of the earth.

Abaoji has left Xianyou Palace and arrived at the Land of Three Springs.

He gave up.That place is really difficult to deal with, and we can't beat it no matter what.Because he heard that it was Shao Shude's palace, he was very interested in it and wanted to save him face.It's a pity that many people were killed and injured in the fights, but the defenders became more and more courageous. The city walls were broken and the palace was repaired. Come out and give rewards to the tribal soldiers to boost morale.

Abaoji has been closely observing the entire battle situation, and it can only be said that he was deeply impressed by the tenacious will of the defenders.

In normal times, he may still have time to grind slowly.But now it is late August, and the late autumn in the grassland has arrived, so there is not much time to waste.

Therefore, he decisively decided to retreat.

The retreat was not a whim.In fact, after the news came back from Liaoyang, Gaimu, Xincheng and other places, even though he still hesitated, the chieftains and nobles of various tribes urged him to withdraw his troops.

Abaoji and everyone analyzed in detail the importance of withdrawing troops at this time, and believed that it might cause considerable losses.But among the eight tribes, the four tribes of Tuju, Wuhuai, Tulubu, and Pin insisted on withdrawing their troops.The Chute Department and the Uyghur Shulu Department, which had good relations with the Dieti Department, were ambiguous. On the one hand, they also wanted to withdraw.
On the other hand, he had a close relationship with A Baoji, and he didn't want to show his face, so he didn't express his position.

But how careful Abaoji is, he can naturally see their tendency—as for tribes like Yishi and Nirah who came from Sanyelu, they will naturally advance and retreat with the Dici tribe.

Abaoji conspired with Haili in private, and finally made a plan to retreat seven days ago.

The first stage of the retreat was mainly about two things, that is, not advancing but retreating, and actively launching an attack, which made the Xia people terrified, and the other was to let the slower luggage go first.As for the goods and prisoners, they were sent back during the war. At this time, there was even a round trip, and the tribe brought a large number of broomcorns over. While supplying the military supplies, they were going to bring back the goods and prisoners--the appetite is quite small.

After Abaoji publicly announced his withdrawal on August [-], the four tribes of Tuju, Wuhuai, Tulubu, and Pin left Dong Daxi.A Baoji took advantage of the situation and put forward his own plan, asking the four to go west and take the initiative to attack.Although Sibu Yili Dong was reluctant, but A Baoji had already given in a step, and Babu Yili Jin, who has always made great military exploits, led everyone to gain a lot of benefits, and they were inconvenient to object, so they led the troops forward.

However, this fighting will may become a problem!
No, the news that Tulu Bubu, who led the attack on Xinghe City, was raided by the Xia army and fled in all directions quickly spread back to Sanquan.

A Baoji, who was urging the slaves to mow the grass and dry it in the sun, was startled when he heard the words, met eyes with Xiao Dilu, Haili and the others, and immediately walked aside to talk.

The Xia people came a little fast and chased them very resolutely, which made them feel a little tricky.

These southern barbarians!
They were weak in the previous battle and retreated all the way, but now they are brave, and people have to suspect that they have some kind of conspiracy.Hurry up about the retreat, if you can hide it from the Xia people for seven days, it is already a profit, and you can't expect more.Otherwise, what should have been a comfortable retreat may turn into a rout.

"Yi Lijin, in this battle of Liaoyang, the Pinbu suffered the most." Haili's focus was a bit strange. He coughed and said, "The Tulu Bubu was greatly defeated. It is believed that the envoys In other words, they don't know how many people have been lost. Wuhuai and Tuju are still in Yun and Shuo, and Chute and Pin are still in the northeast of Rouzhou. The Xia people seem to have seen through my plan to withdraw troops, how to deploy troops Send generals, be careful."

Abao chance.

This Haili was from the Chu Te clan, even a member of the Yao Nian clan, but he took refuge in himself early on and was full of bad luck.A Baoji was very clear about what he meant.

In fact, the Dieci Department also sent people west.Under the command of Yelv Yuwen, with a small number of elites from the headquarters as the backbone, supplemented by Liubuxi and a large number of slave tribes, they detoured the northern line.Generally speaking, the people on this journey had a rough experience. After seeing that the Xia people were prepared, they withdrew after a few battles, with slight losses, which greatly preserved the strength of the Diela tribe, its allies, and the slave tribe.

"Give Yu a steady order, let him act according to circumstances." A Baoji said: "Don't be obsessed with fighting. When you encounter a large enemy army, you should support it with your neighbors and guards, and fight while retreating, so as to preserve your strength as much as possible."

"Send an order to Wu Huai and the Suju Department to withdraw. If you feel that it is dangerous to go back the same way, you can retreat into the east of the river first and return by detour."

"The same is true for Chute and Pinbu. If it is easy to retreat, retreat directly to the east. If it is not easy, retreat into Yun and Wei, and then find a way to come back. Or directly break out to the north and let Yu stably meet them. In that direction, the ground will connect with Tatars. Tartar, Xia people may not pay attention.

"Let Shuli rectify the soldiers and horses, and then gather all the pro-army, and follow me to the south.

A Baoji made a decision in an instant.

Haili gave him an approving look.Tulu Bubu still needs to be saved, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

The technique is Xi Ren Khan.That's right, after the rebels went to the Xia people, the Khitan people launched the new King Xi to unify the tribes, and this time they also followed suit.After fleeing in a big defeat at Quzhu, Abaoji handed over many captives to Shuli, and Shuli was very grateful, which would still be very obedient.

The pro-army is Khan's pro-army, there are more than 1 people, and they are the most elite soldiers and horses of the eight Khitan tribes.They don't have to work, and they are worshiped by other herdsmen, they only need to concentrate on thinking about fighting.It has been led by A Baoji for many years. It is well-equipped and has repeatedly made military exploits. It is a very reliable force.

A Baoji took these two groups of people south to meet Tulu.

No, earning fame and prestige is very appropriate.

That's it, there's nothing more to say.

They are all shepherds who have been in battle and have valuable military experience. I hope they can withdraw more.Haili has nothing else to ask for, defeat is defeat, as long as he gathers as many people as possible to take them away, he will have another chance in the future.

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