Chapter 1154 Branches
The autumn wind is bleak, and the grass is withered and yellow.Wild geese fly south, chasing death and north.

A counterattack has been launched across the board.

The first road proceeded along the old land of the Six Towns of the Northern Wei Dynasty.That is to say, starting from Rouzhou, passing through Xinghe County, Guhuaihuang Town (Zhangbei), to Yuyi Town, but turned temporarily and killed Chicheng Town (east of Chicheng County).

Yang Hongwang, the envoy of the Silver Spear Army, led the soldiers and horses on this route, with a total strength of no less than [-].They were also the fastest way to charge, Yang Hongwang threw off more than [-] foreign soldiers from various tribes, and rushed all the way, rushing and fighting.

The second route of soldiers and horses was led by Liang Hanyong, the commander of the camp in Rouzhou. There were more than [-] Feilong troops and more than [-] Tibetans on foot. They went south through Rouzhou to attack Yunzhou.

This road has already been engaged in battle. The cavalry of both sides fought on the front line of Yanchang, Yunzhou and Shuozhou for more than ten battles a day.The Fan cavalry was thrown into a bit of a mess by the Jin army, but the military law was strict, so they would not be defeated too badly. At the same time, relying on the large number of people and the help of the Flying Dragon Army, they gradually stabilized the battle line, and even sent a small group of soldiers and horses, Crossed the Jin army's defense line and went south to attack and harass.

The third army was led by Shi Shucong, the commander of Guanbei Road. It was mainly state soldiers, supplemented by Tibetan cavalry. There were more than [-] soldiers. It set out from Rouzhou and entered Xinzhou, Yizhou, and Weizhou by detour. , Cut off the return of the soldiers and horses of these three states, and try to capture these states and counties at the same time.

It can be seen from the deployment of troops that the main target of the Jouzhou camp is the Jin army.Because they are powerful, threatening, and close at hand, they must attack quickly.

A Baoji, it's useless to worry.

In fact, Xia Jun only took out some cavalry to pursue him, and didn't take him too seriously.But it was this clinging cavalry that still made Khitan very embarrassed and suffered again and again.

On the afternoon of August [-]th, the soldiers of the Silver Spear Army rushed to Dugu Gate and fought with the Khitan soldiers after the end.

Xiao Dilu personally led the army, beheaded more than a dozen men, big and small, successfully stopped Xia's soldiers for half a day, and retreated after nightfall.Because they were worried that the Khitans would set up an ambush in the mountains, they didn't pursue them at night, and only sent scouts to search—don't tell me, they really found the Khitans' ambush, but they also ran away in the middle of the night.

On the first day of September, he chased to Yuyi Town, killed more than 300 enemy troops, and obtained the first batch of commendable spoils in this battle: 13 cattle, horses and alpacas, more than a thousand cart tents abandoned by the Khitan, and the guards in charge of these warships. There are two thousand slaves in Bohai, Shiwei, and Jurchen from east to west.

"This should be part of the materials that A Baoji brought over from Sanquan." When Yang Hongwang saw these materials and captives, he realized in his heart that livestock, tents, vehicles, and slaves were all "materials."

Yang Hongxin was a little surprised as he followed his clan brother.

The Yang family is a big family in Linzhou, but they don't have 10,000+ livestock. It was quite shocking to see the livestock covering the grassland at this time.

"Team leader Yang!" Yang Hongwang turned around, looked at his younger brother with a half-smile, and even emphasized the word "team leader".

"Brother...Military envoy!" Yang Hongxin didn't know why, and hurriedly saluted.

"Is it possible for you to take five hundred Tibetan soldiers and escort these materials and personnel back?" Yang Hongwang asked.

"Military envoys are not allowed!" Yang Hongxin said anxiously.

"Why not? With the way you fight, winning is a fluke, and losing is inevitable, so you can work as an auxiliary soldier." Yang Hongwang said.

"Military envoy, many good men who went with me went to the battle yesterday. They died generously. They are unstoppable." Yang Hongxin said: "After this battle, if I am allowed to sit in the back again and be looked down upon by others, I— —I don’t want to die.”

Yang Hongwang looked up to the sky and sighed.

If Hongxin made a mistake, he couldn't explain it to his uncle.Just like yesterday's battle appearance, after Yang Hongwang heard about it, he was rewarded and almost cursed at the same time.

You are the son of a privy envoy, why should you work so hard?Even if you do nothing, wealth is indispensable.

Yes, after going through life and death and making military exploits, it may be better than lying flat and rich, but compared with the huge risks, the benefits are really not high enough. Is it worth fighting for?
"Military envoy, let me chase after you again." Yang Hongxin said: "I fought hard yesterday, if it wasn't for the support of my comrades, I would have died in the battle long ago. This pursuit is not for myself. If I can make contributions, I will win Rewards, I can distribute the robes of the dead in battle, for peace of mind. They are much braver than me."

Yang Hongwang was a little moved when he heard this.

At their level, there are too many things to consider, and many times they think too complicated.Clan younger brother Fang made his debut and hadn't been soaked in the big dye vat yet. His thoughts were so pure that he was a little distracted.

"Okay! I'll give you a thousand horses, and you will be the vanguard." Yang Hongwang patted him on the shoulder vigorously, and said, "Your behavior—maybe it's not a bad thing. Keep it up. Brother is getting old and thinks too much." Much, not as good as you."

Yang Hongxin was baffled.

Before setting off, Yang Hongwang searched the entire army for a large number of pancakes, cheese, and dried meat, and brought them to the vanguard.

That night, Yang Hongxin fought bravely against the bitter cold wind.

This walk lasted a day and a night, and by the evening of the second day of September, I had already seen the old city of Yuyi from a distance.

Yuyi Old City is 140 miles north of Yuyi City. In fact, there is no city wall, and it has long been abandoned.This place is very close to Ruyuan and Tanshan. It was originally the place where Khitan garrisoned a large army, and now they are retreating in a hurry.Seeing the Xia people chasing after them like maggots on tarsal bones, they all lamented.

The slaves who were grazing in the wild were the first to escape, leaving nothing behind.

The sheep who were chewing dry grass bleated twice, then turned to rummage through the grass roots again.What does the war between humans have to do with them?

Yang Hongxin changed to a thick and long horse spear, and swept across the Khitan people who were rushing forward. The three of them couldn't dodge in time, and fell off the horse.

The horse roared and galloped, crossed a shallow ditch high and high, and with great momentum, the horse stabbed straight and picked up a Khitan knight.

The war horse "Xi Lulu" howled, and the horse's back was almost bent.Gritting his teeth, Yang Hongxin picked up the corpse vigorously, and threw it on the Khitan people pouring out of the abandoned city, and said loudly, "Grandpa Yang Hongxin is here again, where is Abaoji?"

The Khitan who had just left the city shrank back again.After a while, the crisp sound of horseshoes sounded, and this group of people ran away without fighting.

"Chasing! Even if you chase to the horizon, you must catch up with Abaoji." Yang Hongxin flicked his whip and was about to ride his horse when he saw a member of the Yang family walking over.

"General, I just captured a nobleman. According to what he said, Abaoji ran eastward, heading towards Miyun Shu, Anzhou, and White Wolf City." Buqu said.

At this time, Ranger also came to report that someone saw Abaoji's banner facing east.

Yang Hongxin didn't hesitate after hearing this, and immediately headed east, not even bothering to go to Xianyou Palace.

A Baoji led the Khan's retinue and ran quickly, all the way north, when they arrived at Xianyou Palace, he ordered the soldiers to abandon the extra horses and hand them all over to Xiao Dilu.He also ordered the shepherds to take their cattle and sheep and divide them into multiple directions to confuse the pursuers.Then he took the troops that besieged Xianyou Palace and headed north.

"A Baoji!" Xiao Dilu suddenly stopped him.

"What's the matter?" A Baoji reined in the horse and asked.

"I think..." Xiao Dilu hesitated.

A Baoji stared at him, and said after a long while: "Forget it, I'll change the queen."

"Why did A Baoji say that?" Xiao Dilu was suddenly angry.

After so many years of life and death, do you think that I am a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death?
"That's..." A Baoji was a little puzzled.

"Give me the honor guard and handsome flag, and I will lead people east." Xiao Dilu said.

A Baoji was a little moved, and he couldn't hold back on his face.

What are you kidding?The majestic Khitan Babu Yili Jin needs to rely on his brother-in-law to help lure the enemy away?

"The thief Xia is chasing very fiercely." Xiao Dilu stepped forward and said seriously: "Khitan can do without Xiao Dilu, but can't do without A Baoji. Give me the guard of honor, and I will lure the thief away."

A Baoji still didn't speak.In his cognition, he did not suffer a disastrous defeat, so why did this happen?

"The soldiers and horses are too scattered, and it is difficult to gather them for a while. If the Xia people choose thousands of fine cavalry, all of them are like that 'Yang Baiqi', and something may go wrong." Xiao Dilu explained.

In the battle of Dugumen, we only know that there was a general surnamed Yang who led a hundred cavalry into the battle. He was extremely brave, but he didn't know his name, so he was called "Yang Baiqi".

Speaking of this, he was a little emotional.

When did the Khitan Eight Parts become a tool for others to earn fame?
Yang Baiqi's prestige has been resounding recently!In the battle of Dugumen, he rushed to the battle in person, and rolled up the bead curtain with one move, which severely depressed the morale of the Khitan army, and A Baoji was ashamed.

If all the people chasing after him are people like this, it is indeed quite dangerous.

A Baoji hesitated to speak.He stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiao Dilu's hand forcefully, his eyes were red.

Xiao Dilu stopped talking, and immediately sent someone to fetch A Baoji's guard of honor and handsome flag, but A Baoji didn't stop him, and acquiesced.

"Let's go, Abaoji." Xiao Dilu wiped his eyes, and said: "After returning home, we will rectify the Eight Divisions. During this expedition, the Tuju, Tulu and other divisions died a lot of thorns, which may be beneficial to the great cause. "

After speaking, he turned his head and left.

After walking a few steps, he stopped again, ordered his attendants to bring some camels, and said, "Take these camels."

A Baoji rode a fast horse, and there were many idling horses beside him for replacement, which was logically enough.

But considering the terrain and environment near the flat pine forest, it might be wiser to prepare a few camels in advance. Although the explosive power of camels is not as good as that of horses, they are not slow in terms of long-distance marches. There is no way, and their endurance is too good.

After handing over the camel to A Baoji's personal soldiers, Xiao Dilu really left this time.

He brought thousands of cavalry with him, carrying Abaoji's guard of honor and commander-in-chief flag, and retreated eastward and western Liaoning.

In order to be realistic, there are also a large number of cattle, sheep, and chariots following behind.

A Baoji clenched his fists hard and remained silent for a long time.

Suddenly, he clamped his horse's belly as if venting, and galloped north.

The soldiers and retinues followed suit one after another, marching northward along the Rushui River Valley.

Come excitedly, leave in a hurry, things in the world, alas!

In the future, don't provoke the Xia people, wouldn't it be good to concentrate on fighting Bohai, Shiwei, Tatar, and Mohe?

Fine snowflakes floated in the sky, and the harsh winter of the grassland was coming.

(End of this chapter)

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