Chapter 1166 Closing
"Excessive asking price, pay back the money when you land." Li Shouxin suddenly smiled.

Li Cunxiao also smiled, and the tense atmosphere disappeared.

But Li Shouxin didn't dare to be careless.This kind of warrior wants wealth and power.For them, there is nothing that cannot be given up, including their own lives.For them, turning their faces is an instant thing, and they can't be careless.

"The general should know that the new dynasty has no rules. The Zhili, Henan, Huaihai, Guannei, Guanbei, Hexi, and Longyou seven roads are clean and refreshing, and they are directly managed by the imperial court. There is only one vassal town in Qizhou on the Hubei road, and the east road is now established. , it’s hard to open the door.” Li Shouxin said.

"How can Ding Hui be a defensive envoy?" Li Cunxiao asked dissatisfied.

Li Shouxin said helplessly: "This time, that time."

Dinghui is a problem left over from history, and it has not been cleared up on him.But there is no way to say this clearly, for fear of provoking Li Cunxiao and causing unnecessary misunderstandings.

"Ding Hui, a dog-like character. If I meet him, I'll go straight ahead and capture him alive." Li Cunxiao said, still brooding.

He's not actually bragging when he says this.If it is a small to medium scale battle, he is really not afraid of anyone.When Liang Jun attacked Jin, wasn't Deng Jiyun captured alive by him?He is qualified to say this because he has proven himself.

"General, it's better not to be angry." Li Shouxin said impatiently.

Li Cunxiao was about to get angry again, Li Shouxin was ready to glare at him for the second time, but Li Cunxiao unexpectedly avoided his gaze.It turns out that muddy people are also very complicated, and Li Shouxin seems to have grasped something.

"General, in the past few days, messengers from various states have come and gone frequently, and troops have been mobilized around. Just yesterday, there were still thousands of horses riding eastward." Li Shouxin glanced at Li Cunxiao, and said with a smile: "Could it be that the King of Jin has made a big move?" ?”

Li Cunxiao's heart trembled.

This bunch of hair awls are more delicate than monkeys when glued on. Could it be that he saw something?
"Could it be that the news leaked out? King Jin is coming to attack?" Li Shouxin asked again.

"It's so cold, who is going to fight when they're full?" Li Cunxiao said, "It's coming, and the seven thousand elite soldiers in Guizhou are united as one, who can hold me accountable?"

"That's good." Li Shouxin seemed to be relieved, and then guessed again: "Or because of the defeat of Yunzhou, King Jin wants to readjust the deployment?"

Li Cunxiao suddenly became a little afraid of the person in front of him.

Yunzhou was defeated, losing troops and generals.There is such a big hole in the middle of the defense line, of course it needs to be adjusted.

In Daibei, Weizhou, Xinyigui and even neighboring Youzhou counties, the garrisons must be re-deployed and the generals must be re-appointed.

If you put yourself in the position of Li Keyong, you can see that the two states of Xinyi are sparsely populated, and the distance between the cities is far away, so it is easy to be surrounded by the enemy's superior forces, so it is bound to be in Guizhou, Zhuozhou, Shunzhou, Tanzhou and other places. Deploy heavy troops and set up several lines of defense to prevent Xia people from breaking into Youzhou.

Even Yi Dingzhen should have received the news.If they don't want to die, they have to send a large army to help defend, because it will almost hit the door.

In the past half month, Jinyang has indeed been working on this aspect—every winter and spring, when the pastures stop growing and the Xia people’s Fan soldiers cannot be dispatched, it is always a good time for the Jin army to adjust its deployment, because Their supply lines are short, and they don't need to drive cattle and sheep with the army.

Li Cunxiao also received a new appointment, that is, he went to Xinzhou to be the governor.The reason is also easy to understand. Now Guizhou needs a relatively stable general, and Li Cunxiao is no longer suitable.

But understanding is understanding, Li Cunxiao does not accept it.

After going to Xinzhou, the army has to be handed over to others. This is the Qingyi army he has painstakingly trained and reorganized. Years of hard work have been wasted?
In addition, he can't be the master in the appointment and dismissal of officials in Xinzhou. He has to accept Li Siyuan's command and serve as a general under Li Siyuan's tent. How can this be tolerated?
Wealth, of course, is Li Cunxiao's pursuit.But defending the power of wealth and honor is also his pursuit, and even more important.

"What are you talking about?" Seeing that Li Shouxin was still chattering, Li Cunxiao raised his voice and said, "The governor of Yaozhou is the governor of Yaozhou, at least he is much better than Xinzhou."

Although Yaozhou has more household registrations than Xinzhou, and is also richer, if it stops there, it is not enough for Li Cunxiao to betray his adoptive father and seek refuge with his uncle.The most important thing is that he is only taking this post from a distance, and will not take up the post immediately. For the time being, he will stay in Xinyigui and continue to control the army.

In addition, the [-] households of Hou and Shifeng in Jinxiang County, as well as a high-standard mansion of nobles from the former dynasty in Zeshanfang, Luoyang, are also real benefits.

I heard that Shao Sheng will give his nephew a meeting gift and reward a large amount of property, most of which are rare treasures presented by the south, which is quite a lot of money.

It's only possible with such a multi-pronged approach.

"It's really gratifying and congratulatory for the general to abandon the dark and turn to the bright." Li Shouxin said happily.

Li Cunxiao's fist tightened, loosened and tightened again, after a long time he let out a long sigh, and didn't want to say anything more.

He felt a little regretful, feeling that he might have been impulsive.But he was very confused, and if he refused to submit to the court, what should he do?

On the thirteenth day of October, the sound of drums was rumbling on the school grounds outside the city of Guizhou.

After a while, thousands of sergeants lined up in armor and assembled, showing high military quality.

Soon, these assembled sergeants, under the leadership of the officers, entered from various city gates, gathered many officials, and announced on the spot that the three prefectures of Xinyi and Gui would submit to the imperial court anyway—Xinzhou and Yizhou had already Send people to pass on, imitating Guizhou's side, and acting in general.

Those who are willing to submit to the imperial court will stay in office, and those who are unwilling will be sent out of the country without embarrassment.Even the Hedong officials who lived in various posthouses did not arrest them, they just urged them to leave as soon as possible.

Anyway, what Li Cunxiao did caused quite a stir in Xinyi and GUI.

This place has been controlled by the Jin army for many years, and the foundation is not shallow.But Li Cunxiao's political ability is very limited, and his official voice is just like that. He is not particularly cruel, but he is definitely not lenient.

It was difficult for many people to accept that he rebelled against Hedong together.

However, Li Cunxiao has a strong control over the army. Xin Yigui's army is almost his private soldiers. They are very obedient. I don't know how to do it. Maybe bravery and charm can offset part of the influence of money.

Therefore, the opposition of local officials could not change the overall situation at all.Before Jinyang could react, Li Cunxiao had already returned with the land of the three states.

Li Shouxin has been silently observing Li Cunxiao's every move.

This person acted in a proper manner, he didn't completely tear up his face with the old adoptive father, and it seemed that if the situation was not right, he would return to Jinyang.

Li Shouxin thought about it carefully, and felt that it was still possible.With Li Keyong's temperament, those who dared to betray him ten years ago would never die, but now it is not necessarily the case, and there is a great possibility that they will be forgiven.

Wufu, hehe!Li Shou sneered confidently.

Loyalty, filial piety and righteousness do not exist at all for them.The lifeblood is the army, and the wallet is the territory. In order to keep these two things, everything can be sold, including parents, wives and children.

Li Shouxin sent the news to Yunzhou and Luoyang immediately.

Liang Hanyong received the news three days later.

"Only Li Cunxiao surrendered among the envoys to persuade him to surrender. His surrender has a great impact on the situation in Daibei and Yanbei." Liang Hanyong said.

All the Fan soldiers have been disbanded and evacuated in batches.The pasture stopped growing, and the sheep almost dug out the grass roots and ate them. If they didn't leave, they would have to slaughter them for meat.

After the army withdrew, Yunzhou City seemed empty.There were hardly any pedestrians on the street, and occasionally a few walked along the city root with their heads down, as if they were afraid of being captured by the new conquerors.

On both sides of the street, several heads hung at intervals.

When the flying dragon army entered the city, things that disturbed the people happened from time to time, which made Liang Hanyong very angry.

In the past, it was because of your daring to fight and your excellent record that the superiors could tolerate it.In this battle against the Khitan and Jin armies, to be honest, the Flying Dragon Army was mainly involved in defense, and they deserved some credit, but the good battles were all fought by others.It's all like this, you are still so arrogant, if you don't take care of it, you will be a ghost.

State soldiers also began to withdraw in batches.

They haven't publicly clamored to leave yet, but it's written all over their faces.As soon as the order to withdraw the troops was announced, everyone cheered, which shows their hearts.

The performance of Yinshan Zhenbing was better than them.After all, the income is more than twice that of the state soldiers, and this is what they eat, so they won't be unbearable for long-distance expeditions.

"Dutou, beware of Li Keyong mobilizing troops to attack in his anger. Our food road is much more difficult than theirs." Pei Guan said half a step behind Liang Hanyong.

There are two sources of supplies for the army camping in Johor State.

One is the cattle and sheep that go out with the army, which is impossible now, because there is no pasture on the grassland for the livestock to eat.

The second is to collect grain from various places in the northern part of the Guanbei, transport it to Shengzhou through the Yellow River, and then transfer it by horses and horses. Now it is very difficult, because the Yellow River is no longer navigable, and the land transportation distance is too far.

Insufficient supplies are also the main reason for disbanding most of the soldiers and horses in the Johor State camp.

On the other hand, the Jin army can transport grain directly from Xindai or Youzhou, the distance is very short and the cost is low.The winter and spring seasons are their advantageous home court, and it depends on whether they can make up their minds and brave the wind and snow to play.

"It doesn't matter. Most of the horses of Feilong and Silver Spear Army have been sent to Rouzhou. There are not many left in Yunzhou, and the food and grass can still support it." Liang Hanyong said: "If Li Keyong really goes northward in a big way, let's just keep it .When the heavy snow falls, the bandit army will not be able to retreat by themselves."

"On the other hand, the first part of the Yinshan Township has brought some food and grass to Yizhou." Liang Hanyong said again: "With their help, it will not be a problem to guard for a few months. As long as we get through this year and wait until next April, Li Keyong will If you come again, you won’t be afraid of him anymore.”

Fighting on the prairie is nothing out of the ordinary. It is often a competition of hard power, and the most important thing is logistics supplies.As long as this problem is solved, it can be said to be invincible.

"Indeed." Pei Guan said with a smile: "In this expedition, the Khitan and Jin armies were defeated head-to-head, and the four prefectures and six counties of Deyun, Xin, Yi, and Gui prefectures killed tens of thousands of thieves. It was a great achievement. After the victory was reported back to Luoyang , the saint must be rewarded, which makes people envious."

He is really envious.Civil servants have worked hard for decades and worked hard, but they are not as dazzling as others with a big victory.In terms of opportunities to make contributions, generals really have a natural advantage, which is hard to compare.

Liang Hanyong also smiled when he heard this.

In the future, will there still be people who will chirp and ask for help?Even if he is not a son-in-law, he is still an honorable man based on his military exploits.

(End of this chapter)

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