Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 117 Investigation

Chapter 117 Investigation ([-])

"Lang Jun, you are the king now, you have to be majestic." In the early morning, Zhe Fangai got up out of breath, and said angrily.

The princess's current dignity is gone.Her hair was disheveled, her snow-white body was half hidden, her face was flushed, and her breathing had just calmed down.The fancy clothes that someone had specially rushed to make were thrown all over the floor, but fortunately, they were not torn.

Obviously I was learning to draw in the morning, and I drew a pair of mandarin ducks. After being seen by my husband, I said directly: "Xī chì on paper, as if I were under the mandarin ducks?"

The result is what it is now.

The king is indeed a real hero. I have misread it before, but he is indeed a womanizer. I am really not mistaken about this!

Shao Shude got up lazily.He is really very satisfied with his regular wife.She is beautiful, has good skin, knows how to run a house, has a scene, and is good to the servants at home.The only thing is that I have high demands on myself, and I like to explain the truth to myself the most.

But this is also a cool point. What I like to do most now is to make the painting style develop in a weird direction when she is serious and persuades me.Especially when she pretended to be calm and scolded herself for being obsessed with women, she always made herself extra excited.

My lady, you don't have an heir yet, don't you worry?Seeing Xiao Feng's belly gradually showing, your Zhe family brothers are in a hurry, are you still in a hurry?
"Miss, I feel that this handsome mansion is still not as comfortable as my own mansion."

"Your Majesty, the imperial court granted the festival here, so I should always live in the commander-in-chief's mansion."

"That's all." Shao Shude got up and asked Zhe Fangai to help him put on the robe.

According to the system, Wang Jue can change the color of his robes.There is also a guard of honor around the trip, such as a guard of honor with a halberd and so on.Uh, the grave after death can also be raised by ten feet.

Of course, Shao Shude didn't care much about these scenes, Xiazhou was poor, so there was no need to make such an exaggeration.Alas, speaking of it, the imperial court has not rewarded himself with a mansion in Beijing, nor rewarded himself with a singer and a dancer. These are all the benefits of the county king. How can it be gone?

After putting on the purple robe, Shao Shude went to have dinner, and then went to the government office to review the documents.

There are about 30 people in my shogunate, and most of them are old people who have experienced several commanders.Shao Shude has no one available, so he can only keep them and replace them slowly in the future.

Xia Sui's current work focus has almost shifted to Yinzhou land reclamation affairs.To be honest, the land of the people in Yinzhou is still relatively small, with an average household of only [-] mu of land. Faced with various taxes, it is very difficult to pay for it.There is also no military farm to provide additional output. As a place with comparable agricultural conditions to Suizhou, there is still considerable development potential.

Song Le has been promoted from Suizhou Biejia to Yinzhou Governor.Before he took office, Yinzhou was managed by Pei Shang, and he didn't bother to farm. This year, he was under pressure and cultivated about [-] hectares, but it was a pity that he didn't make use of it.

Shao Shude has ordered that this total of about 340 hectares of land be classified as military farms as the exclusive farm of the Wuwei Army.

This matter is very important. In addition to the output of the military farms of the Iron Forest Army, which cost more than 340 hu for the disabled and food for the fallen soldiers, there is still [-] hu that can be used as military expenditures, which is not without small supplements.Wuwei Army's [-]-hectare farm can arrange nests to cultivate, and can produce about [-] hu of grain a year, which is very good for subsidizing military supplies.

By the way, the Wuwei Army is an army ordered by Shao Shude just now, with a strength of [-].The source of the sergeants was the original [-] sergeants Zhuge Shuang brought from the Eastern Capital, and then the Tielin Army's trapped camp and [-] cavalry from Fufang were added together, and the teams were broken up and reorganized.

All the officers were from the Tielin Army, Lu Huaizhong served as the military envoy, and Ren Yuji was transferred from the Suizhou military system again to serve as the deputy envoy of the Wuwei Army.The Marquis of Du Yu is Guan Kairun, the envoy of You Yi is Li Tangbin, the lieutenants of the Fourth Battalion are Guo Qi, Wei Boqiu, Fan He, and Qian Shousu, and the military judge is Guo Fu, who is basically the original team of the Tielin Army. under someone's control.

The number of Tielin Army has also decreased, and there are currently 500 soldiers, five battalions of infantry, and one thousand cavalry. Zhu Shuzong was promoted to Duyuhou, and Zhe Siyu took over as You Yishi.Because Wei Boqiu went to the Wuwei Army to lead troops, Li Yixian was promoted to be the deputy general of the personal army.The deputy generals of the Fifth Battalion are Cai Songyang, Shao Desheng, Xu Hao, Liu Zijing, and Qiang Quansheng. Many people have been promoted. At the same time, positions have been rotated to prevent officers from long-term contact with fixed subordinates and form a confidant team.

The Tielin Army originally suffered some battle losses, about a thousand people, and this time they did not recruit new people. They directly recruited 500 people from the left and right hatchbacks of the Xia Sui Ya Army to make up for it.Now Shao has prestige and can persuade Zhou Rong and Linghu Jing, so there is not much pressure to do this.

Don't blame Shao for only using the direct line. It's really hard to trust outsiders these days, and he rebelled if he didn't pay attention.The Ya army will have to be processed slowly in the future. In Xiazhou City, there must be no army that you can't trust.Two thousand state soldiers have been handed over to Wang Yutong, and sooner or later the government army will have to reorganize.

If the Tielin Army, Wuwei Army, Yajun Army, and the 5000 Economic and Strategic Army are counted, the current total strength of the internal and external armies in Xiasui Town is as high as 3000. .

On October [-]th of the third year of Zhonghe, Shao Shude first led the Wuwei Army to Suizhou. Afterwards, this army will guard the most important money and food base in Xiasui, and it will be rotated after two years.

A few days later, he arrived in Yinzhou again, and Pei Shang, who had just been transferred to the governor of Suizhou, came out to greet him personally.

"General Pei, there are so many things I need to ask you for advice." As soon as he entered the state office, Shao Shude found Song Le, and the three of them sat down, sipping tea and talking about things.

"But you came here for the pasture?" Several years passed, Pei Shang looked older and his face was not as rosy as before.

"Exactly. A while ago Zhu Mei bought [-] horses in Binning. Last month, Zhuge Shuang, commander of the Shannan Xidao Festival, was dispatched again. He said that he needed to buy [-] horses. I also intend to buy [-] horses each. This Yinchuan ranch is a cornucopia, and Shao has to pay attention to it."

Of the [-] horses that Zhu Mei bought, [-] of them are war horses, and she has already made an appointment with her to trade in grain, which will be delivered after the spring of next year, and she can earn [-] hu of grain.

On Zhuge Shuang's side, [-] horses are all war horses, which is really a big deal.Because they are all his own, Shao Shude only accepts [-] bolts of silk from him, and the transaction will also be completed after the spring of next year.

Like Zhuge Shuang, the gold merchant Li Xiang's horses were traded in copper coins and silk.Li Xiaochang was greedy for money and didn't want to take money and silk, so he searched for food from the people and planned to send it to Suizhou for trading.

Shao Shude was very interested in selling more than [-] horses in one go, and the potential profit was not small.If he hadn't been able to find more customers, he would have sold [-] horses.

Of course this is not possible.

Zhu Mei wanted to expand her armament because of her ambition.Li Xiang and Li Xiaochang are purely human contacts.Zhuge Shuang didn't know what his purpose was, maybe he wanted to form a cavalry unit to deal with external threats.Anyway, there are [-] prefectures in Shannan West Road, and they are rich. In order not to be robbed of the throne, it is understandable to strengthen their military equipment appropriately.

Except for these few people, other places are difficult, and they are also facing fierce competition from Li Keyong.The Loufan Ranch was plundered by Li Keyong the year before last, and it almost turned yellow. He has not recovered yet, but he can get horses from the grassland and become a second-hand dealer. He will definitely be a business competitor in the future.

It's a pity that the market in Sichuan has not yet been opened.Dongchuan and Xichuan have been in peace for many years, and they are very rich. At the same time, the local Sichuan horses are not suitable for war horses, and there is still a great demand for Xiasui horses.This business, we have to think of a way in the future!

"Your Majesty sent people to set up horse shops in Guanzhong, Jinshang, and Xingyuan. This move has a lot of meaning." Pei Shang laughed and said, "I just don't know if selling tribute horses will offend the imperial court."

In the future, the imperial court will also have to buy horses from me!Shao Shude thought.

"Selling horses in exchange for rewards from sergeants, there is nothing I can do, who let the court cut off the food and pay." Shao Shude said with a wry smile: "In addition, the horse company can also recruit some poor households from various places to settle in Yinzhou to enrich their household registrations. There are no one in the four counties of Yinzhou."

Speaking of which, since last year, there have been sergeants picking up family members one after another, but there are still very few in general. The main reason is that the road is too far, and it is really troublesome to go across the state and county.

The sergeants have reason to do so.Most of them come from the towns of Heyang, Zhaoyi, and Hedong, and they are usually the main source of income for their families.After Xia Sui divided the land and was able to receive rewards normally, of course he had the urge to take over his family.There were not many people doing this before, generally speaking, there were only a hundred households per year.But this year it suddenly increased. The main reason is that after Weibo Town invaded Heyang, the military discipline was really bad, and the people couldn't bear to be exploited, so they fled in large numbers.

In the Tielin Army, the sergeants from Heyang are actually the most.After learning that his family members fled to Hezhong and Shanguo to take refuge, he recommended some prestigious people to go to Hezhong, Shanguo, Zhaoyi, and Heyang separately with letters, trying to take the family back.Of course, Shao Shude supported their behavior, and provided some support by setting up horse shops in Hezhong and Shanguo, so that the families of the soldiers could come to Xiasui more easily.

Once they come here, according to Shao Shude's idea, they will be resettled near Xiazhou. There are also idle fields here, and the population is seriously underpopulated.As for the ordinary households recruited, they will be resettled in Yinzhou to digest the newly acquired local fields.

In order to fool people, he really tried his best.

"What your majesty said is true. Without people, everything is empty." Pei Shang echoed: "I heard that the development of canals and land cultivation in Suizhou in the past few years has been very good, and the cost of the state has gradually increased. Can the old man be in It is an unexpected joy to enjoy the blessings in the past."

"General Pei served as a general in Lingzhou in his early years, then went to Zhenwu Army, and then went to Yinzhou. He is old in the army and has a lot of opinions on animal husbandry. Shao is about to ask for advice." Shao Shude said sincerely.

"Master..." Pei Shang smiled and said, "Since your Majesty asks questions, I will know everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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