Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1182 Qingzhou Port

Chapter 1182 Qingzhou Port

The wind and waves are a little bit big, but for the old sea dogs who are used to living at sea, it is really nothing.

Vice Admiral Zhu Shou of the Ping Navy stood on the deck and directed the sergeants to pull the cargo up from the small boat with a boom.

The boom is actually driven by manpower, and the cargo is loaded and unloaded through a labor-saving tool such as a pulley.On the wharf, animal pulley booms have now been promoted, and the shape is much larger than that on ships.

The pulley was probably one of the great inventions of antiquity.Although the concepts of sliding friction, rolling friction and coefficient of friction have not been systematically refined, people subconsciously draw their own conclusions in production and life and apply them in practice.

But then again, the fact that there is a certain technology does not mean that this technology has been applied in practice or has been popularized on a large scale.Looking at the history books, you can always see that there was a certain technology in ancient times, but if you look for it in practice, it has not been popularized or promoted at all. Most craftsmen do not know this thing, and some technologies only exist in books, or only made With a few experimental products, this is no different from not having this technology.

And this, in fact, is the secret that technology will disappear.It has never been widely promoted, used on a large scale, or promoted, but various problems occurred during the use process, and it has not been tested and fed back by the market, and there has been no iterative improvement.The prototype and the finalized machine are sometimes completely two-level things.

The pulley block is widely used on the boat, after all, it is really useful.In particular, the newly released "Sea Shark Ding" type three-masted sailboat uses this labor-saving tool on a large scale.After all, compared with traditional sailboats, this new sail has more, larger, heavier, and more cumbersome operations.

After the goods in barrels were pulled onto the deck, the sailors immediately carried them away and sorted them on the spot.

The so-called "goods" are actually individual fishes. There are large yellow croakers, small yellow croakers, cod and even cephalopod squids. There are huge quantities and many varieties.

Zhu Shou deliberately followed the past to have a look.

The sailors moved very quickly, first by type, and then by size.After picking, they start slaughtering with sharp knives, including laparotomy, scale scraping, gill removal and so on.I don't know how many fish they have killed, but their actions are quick and fast, which is dazzling.After watching it for a while, Zhu Shou felt the rhythmic beauty.

After the slaughtered fish are cleaned, they are put into barrels to be marinated.Fish that have been marinated to a similar degree of heat are taken out to dry, air-dried, and then put into another bucket.

Sometimes, Zhu Liang felt that these auxiliary soldiers of the Pinghai Navy had all degenerated into fishermen, and they had a great time "farming" because they had extra income and were paid by the piece, so they were very motivated to work.

On the deck, the boat that delivered the fish did not leave immediately.

The sailors sent some supplies through the boom, including fresh water, rice noodles, fruits and vegetables and other things.After receiving the supplies, the sailors on the small boat greeted each other, then paddled away, and approached another flat navy ship not far away.That was the battleship they were working on, but there were no military facilities such as gun carriages and crossbows. Instead, they were replaced by various fishing nets and fishing rods, which made people dumbfounded.

In fact, the Ping Navy has no combat missions now.

Their main job is to travel between Dengzhou and Anton Mansion, transporting personnel and materials.That is to say, transportation is the main business, and fishing is the sideline business. If you do well in these two jobs, you can basically get a high-level evaluation.

"General, the hold is full." A sailor came up to report.

"I'll go and have a look." The ship was shaking, but Zhu Shou quickly got down to the hold as if he was walking on the ground.

The smell in the cabin was terrible, full of strong fishy smell.

The bottom of the boat is a bit slippery, and one will fall if one is not careful.But Zhu Shou didn't care. A boat that doesn't leak is not a good boat. Leaks are healthier.

There are still many sailors busy in the bilge. They use hemp rope to fix one wooden barrel full of salted fish after another.

Although he has seen it many times, every time he sees such densely packed wooden barrels, he can't help feeling a surge of pride.

How much is this worth!
After going out to sea, fishing with nets, forks, baskets, and poles has existed since ancient times.

Killing fish, pickling and making dried fish has also been done since ancient times.

But those like Ping Haijun who repeatedly investigate the time and place of the fishing season, then chase the fish, fish in a group, and equip a processing supply ship, kill and pickle on the spot at sea, provide supplies for the fishing boat, and repair fishing gear, It was the first time, thanks to Shao Sheng's "highest instruction".

The efficiency of this kind of fishing is astonishing, and it is also difficult to achieve by traditional operation methods. It is comparable to Shao Sheng's land agricultural reform that allowed the people in Kansai to consume a large amount of meat and dairy products to improve their physical fitness.

"It's almost done, return to the voyage!" After Zhu Shou finished reading, he went on the deck and ordered.

After the sailors listened to the order, they immediately started to get busy.

Someone climbed into the tall mast basket to get their bearings.

Someone watched the small pennant on the topmast to judge the direction of the wind.

Someone started chanting and turning the yard, adjusting the force angle of a total of eight or nine canvases.

Some people furl and hoist the sails, and constantly adjust the stress-bearing area of ​​the canvas.


Everyone performs their duties, busy but not chaotic.

After a long period of practice, the sailors have gradually become familiar with how to maneuver this complex new sailing boat - the most complicated part is the sail cable system.

Zhu Shou threw a piece of driftwood into the sea with his own hands, and silently estimated the speed of the ship.

With the southeast wind blowing, the ship sailed very fast. Zhu Shou reckoned that it would take at most two days to reach Qingzhou.

He even subconsciously took a pen and paper, trying to calculate the relationship between wind force, ocean current and speed, but he gave up on the level of force component and force combination.

Zhang Yanqiu left the Bohai Pavilion and came near the pier.

Under the guidance of the entourage, the huge figure of the "Sea Shark Ding" sailboat was seen from a distance.

It seemed that the sea was not far away, but in fact, it was not until the evening that the ship carefully drove into the anchorage and anchored.

The laborers rushed forward and started the unloading operation again.

Zhang Yanqiu stepped forward quickly.

The entourage opened the lid of a wooden barrel, and inside were one after another marinated salted fish.

Uh, the taste is a bit touching, Zhang Yanqiu frowned slightly.

There are actually two types of marinating fish.

One is dried salted fish dried in the sun, and the other is marinated in salt water.The latter often means dark cuisine. For example, Nordic people like to marinate herring and cod in salt water to make them semi-rotten. The famous canned herring is "famous".

Ping Haijun has both kinds of salted fish, but Shao Sheng really can't accept the heavy taste of the latter. He prefers dried salted fish, so the production of the former accounts for the vast majority.

"Hurry up, send it to Taishan Palace overnight. After the saint arrives, he will share the fish with the soldiers." Zhang Yanqiu ordered, flicking the flies that came by the wind.

"Of order." The Qingzhou side had already prepared the carriage and driver, and loaded it on the wharf immediately, and then sent it all the way west to Taishan Palace.

Bucket after bucket of fish was hauled away.There are about [-] pieces in a bucket, and thousands of pieces will be taken away this night. The amount is quite amazing, enough for Shao Sheng and Yin Anzhi to have a big party with [-] soldiers.

As for whether the soldiers like to eat sea fish or not, this is not a matter.

Shao Sheng likes it, and I will give it to you to eat. If you don't like it, you have to swallow it.Besides, this is a rare product that is hard to see in the Central Plains landlubbers, so everyone is still very interested.

And Shao Sheng has been working hard to drive the trend.

As the top star in Daxia Wufu's mind, can he carry goods poorly?It's just a pile of shit, and I can make people feel that it smells very good.

Song Yao, the transshipment officer on the Huaihai Road, stroked his beard lightly and watched quietly.

Saints are always unexpected.With his continuous efforts for several years, the development of those things at sea is not slow.

Of course, Song Yao is most concerned about the saint's various ways of doing things.

He never forces people to do anything, but he always achieves his goals.Let people see all kinds of benefits, let them maintain this new thing spontaneously in the wind and drizzle.

Song Yao guessed that the sage was trying to create a trend of eating sea fish, elevating the status of sea fish infinitely, making it a high-end food that was sought after by people in the upper class.

If it lasts for decades, will it form a cultural custom?Many foods in ancient times were originally from the emperor's family, and eventually became part of folk traditions.

Once this trend sweeps across the country, there will be a market, and then more fishermen will be stimulated to go fishing.As the saying goes, if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. If more fish are caught, people will naturally research better boats and better fishing gear.

This is a kingly method, clearly put on the table.

But Song Yao doesn't care much about these things that are too far away. He is most interested in the transportation function of sea ships.

After unloading the salted fish, "Sea Shark Ding" began to load various supplies, grain and grass into the cabin, and it was time to set off for Lushun.

Ping Haijun is indeed very busy. After the southeast wind blows, it will be the day for them to leave Hong Kong.

One family after another was transported to Lushun by them, one weapon after another was transported to the port, and barrels of corn and wheat were sent to the shore, which strongly supported the survival and development of Andong Mansion.

From Denglai to Andong, the conditions are unique, there is no land transfer, and the sea voyage is only one day and night, the cost is surprisingly low.

With the increasing number of household registrations in the Anton Mansion, more and more fields have been reclaimed, and in the future it will always develop into a colossus that the Khitan people will have no way to resist.

There were hurried footsteps nearby, but I saw two envoys each carrying a big burden and preparing to mount their horses and leave.

Song Yao asked someone to ask, and it turned out that Zhu Shou, Vice Admiral of the Ping Navy, captured a few fur seals that were rarely seen during his voyage.

The fur seal has been slaughtered, skinned, and hastily treated to be dedicated to the saint for fur coats.In addition, the sailors also took the sea dog essence according to the instructions, and planned to send it to the imperial doctor to make pills for the sage to take when he was in Taishan Palace.

During Shao Sheng's northern tour, the entire Henan Road and Huaihai Road were in motion.Officials, big and small, showed their talents and fawned on each other one after another, making it very lively.

(End of this chapter)

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