Chapter 1186 Exam
The Yellow River is like running, and the blue sky is like washing.

Walking on the embankment by the river, everyone turned their heads to look north.

That is Hebei, the last stubborn place in the north that refuses to obey the king.

Several temporary pontoon bridges have been erected, and countless figures are advancing rapidly on the river.

A camp was also built on the other side of the river.There are many banners and flags in the village, and there are many horses outside the village.

Farther away, there were even small groups of cavalry fighting each other, and the two sides showed their bravery wantonly, endlessly.

Yes, the Daxia Wangshi and his team have already crossed the river from Qizhou and gained a foothold on the other side of the river.

It was the Tianxiong Army who crossed the river.The camp they guarded withstood the enemy's first wave of ferocious attacks, established a solid bridgehead, and created a good opportunity for the follow-up troops to go deep.

The army of the Northern Expedition was divided into three groups. This route was dominated by the Tianxiong Army, with a strength of no less than [-], and its goal was directly at Dezhou.

Wang Qixian, the governor of Dezhou, was afraid of the might of Xia's soldiers. After searching for food and grass outside the city, he retreated to defend and asked Cangzhou for help.

The war has already started silently.

Shao Shude also brought his eldest son Shao Siwu to the bank of the Yellow River, looking at the densely packed camps on the north bank.

There are more masters than soldiers.Huaihai Road and Henan Second Road experienced great mobilization, and masters who worked as hard as worker ants piled up all kinds of materials on the shore.

There are a lot of materials, piled up as high as a mountain.But within a few days, these materials will melt like ice and snow under the scorching sun.

In war, what is fought is logistics.The army went out, regardless of the outcome, the accounts had already started to accumulate crazily.

"Dalang, you should be familiar with these scenes, right?" Shaluqi moved the classic Shaw Brothers tiger leather top chair, and after sitting down, Shao Shude asked, looking at the crowded North Shore.

"Grandfather, Dulipu always looks like this." Shao Siwu said, "I have built a large warehouse there, which is classified and stored in an orderly manner. This year, the city wall of Lushun is built again. There is a large warehouse in the city, which can store tens of thousands of grain. Dendrobium. There are two counties of Pinghai and Dongping to build cities in the back, and a post station will be set up between Lushun and the two counties. The ditches..."

"Okay, okay." Shao Shude looked at his son with relief, and said, "My father once said that we don't ask you to wait for good deeds or bad deeds, but to do the right thing. What you do in Anton Mansion is all The right thing to do, I'm happy for my father."

Shao Siwu was also very excited when he heard that.

He adored his father since childhood.Several times in the army, when I followed my father and saw the sergeants roaring like a tsunami, I always got excited unconsciously.

Every step his father took, he could clearly remember it, and he was very proud of it.

Is it that easy to clear up the messy town in Kansai?Father fought and dragged, did not completely use strong military means, but used whatever tactics he had, integrated the towns in the northwest of Beijing as quickly as possible, regained the lost land in Helong, and possessed the ability to come out of Tongguan in the east and fight for hegemony in the world .

The six or seven years of tug-of-war with Zhu Quanzhong can be regarded as the most critical period in his father's life.All kinds of handwriting are amazing.For example, advancing hundreds of miles into Xiangyang was a turning point for both sides, which directly disrupted Zhu Quanzhong's strategic deployment, making it impossible for him to destroy the four towns of Yun, Yan, Xu, and Qi.

Heyang fought fiercely and forced Pang Shigu to retreat. It was the winner of both sides, which opened Zhu Quanzhong's northern defense line, and he was exhausted from then on.

The following battles between Luoyang, Ruzhou, and Chen Xu were all routine, because the outcome had been decided long before that.

His father is a master of strategy. This is what Shao Siwu admires the most, and it is also what he has been studying hard.

And if these are understandable, because many monarchs in ancient times were also very good in strategy, but if they penetrated into ordinary soldiers, then it would be too shocking to mingle with them.

The ancient kings had the hearts of princes, such as Liu Bang; those of the family, such as Liu Xiu; those who had the hearts of generals, such as Li Shimin.But there are very few people who have such a close relationship with soldiers and rely on soldiers to achieve success, and my father did it.

The most dazzling protagonists of this era are always the soldiers. Generals and prime ministers are eclipsed and even ashamed in front of them. Keeping up with the pulse of the times, it is possible to accomplish things in this way.

Shao Siwu felt that he still had a lot to learn.

"Father, the Andong Mansion is resting and recuperating this year, and next year it can expand to the north and push the line of defense to the big and small Liaoshui." When talking about the situation in southern and eastern Liaodong, Shao Siwu was very excited. He only heard him say: "Liaoyang, Liaoyang, With Xincheng and Fushun in hand, Yingkou is also setting up a stronghold, with Guide and Longwu armies as the main force, Huaihai Daozhou soldiers and Andong government soldiers as successors, we can come and go with the Khitan people, and come and go a few times. The thieves will know they are afraid after suffering a little bit, and then they can go northward in a big way. My father sent troops from the west, and Bohai attacked from the east. If possible, contact the Tatar tribes who are at odds with Khitan, and besiege them from all sides. Defeat is inevitable."

Shao Shude listened with a smile.

Da Lang now has a certain level of strategic literacy, and the formulation of the strategy is based on the overall situation, and it is not limited to a corner of Anton Mansion, which is very good.

Many generals use troops, their field of vision is often not wide enough, and they cannot form a broad enough overall situation in their minds. They always act as dojos in the shell of a snail. There is only a thin line between victory and defeat, and it is difficult to win in the end.

This can indeed be a big book in the history books, because it has enough drama, but looking at its grand strategy, it is itself problematic.

Such things as a strategic overall view sometimes require talent.Da Lang has this talent, which is very good, he is very pleased, and has a feeling of successors.

But after all, he is a young man of weak crown age, and he has not experienced too many things. He still needs to investigate and investigate in terms of life and political wisdom.

Thinking of this, he sighed again.

Shao Siwu noticed the changes in his father sensitively, and his excited expression froze all of a sudden.

"Dalang is twenty this year..." Shao Shude stretched out his hand and patted his son's shoulder with a complicated expression: "I was still a little kid back then, but I grew taller than my father in a flash. Grandpa is very tired supporting this family." Ah. It's very good that you can share father's worries, very good."

"Grandpa..." Shao Siwu looked at his father's face and choked up.

Under the heroic, majestic and majestic appearance of my father, I don't know how much sorrow and exhaustion are hidden.But he never showed these things to the outside, but firmly suppressed all negative emotions in his heart, preventing anyone from seeing his exhaustion, worry and fear.

Shao Siwu seems to have realized something.

In today's world, once you let people see through the inner weakness and fear, and break the image of wisdom beads in your hands and lifting weights lightly, you will be in a situation where wolves share the food.

This is an animal world where there are no rules, and it is the most difficult era for the superiors in more than a thousand years, because they cannot rely on monarchs, ministers, principles, and morality to assist in ruling.Loyal people are rarer than auspicious people, everyone is a potential rebel, it is very good that my father didn't get gray hair all over his head.

"Grandpa, don't worry!" Shao Siwu's heart felt hot, and he said, "My son must work hard to destroy Khitan and relieve father's worries."

"You are sincere." Shao Shude smiled, as if eating iced watermelon on a hot day, but soon fell silent again.

Shao Siwu stood beside him quietly, with a complicated expression on his face as well.

"After your second brother finishes fighting in Shuzhong, Grandpa will make him the crown prince." Shao Shude said suddenly.

Shao Siwu's expression darkened.

ambition?He is not a boy who loves to dream, and he clearly knows that the position is far away from him, so far away that it makes people despair.

But—does he really not have even the slightest thought?

He doesn't want to fool himself.Even though there was no such thing as before, some people always mentioned that it is impossible to have no ambition at all.

It can only be said that people themselves are complex and uncertain.There is no such thing as absolute good or evil, cleverness or stupidity, bravery or cowardice, there are pros and cons to everything.

Under the father's brave and generous appearance, there are many unknown fears and evils hidden in the dark heart.

He often writes letters to his younger brothers and sisters, and his love and concern overflow the paper, but what is the reverse?

Shao Shu took his son's hand and strolled on the embankment.

Shaluqi faithfully followed behind him, witnessing the joys, sorrows and joys between the father and son.

"Come back and get married after this year is over. Zhang's daughter has been waiting for you for a long time." Shao Shude stopped, listening to the rushing drums on the other side, without even looking at it.

"Yes." Shao Siwu replied.

"Don't be so dejected." Shao Shude cursed with a smile, and said, "You are Yuniang's child and my eldest son, how can you be so unstable? I will only tell you some things once. Grandpa once doubted himself. I have also worried about the situation of the war, and even feared that everyone would betray their relatives. Didn’t they all break through? No one in this world is a god, not a single one. Humans have emotions and desires, and they will make mistakes, but at least he should be able to correct his mistakes quickly , adjust your mood, and look forward. You are only 20 years old, don’t you have the ambition to make contributions?”

"Grandpa..." Shao Siwu felt ashamed.

"Do you know why Grandpa sent you to Anton Mansion?" Shao Shude asked.

Without waiting for his answer, Shao Shude said to himself: "Because you are my son, the son I watched grow up, the son I devoted my heart and soul to, the son I hope to become a talent, the son I hope he will live a happy life. I trust My son, that's all."

"After the wedding ceremony, I took the bride to the Andong mansion." Shao Shude said again: "There are so many things going on in Liaodong. How can there be such a good thing? My son can't be a waste, take care of him." Do it, Grandpa has been caring about you."

"Of course." Shao Siwu responded loudly with an excited expression.

Shao Shude turned around, with his hands behind his back, looking at the surging river.

The older I get, the more I care about family affection.If Da Lang has any concealment or hypocrisy in front of him today, he will not be able to escape his sharp eyes.

Fighting with civil officials and military generals is already very tiring.It would be too boring if he deliberately played tricks in front of his son, and this is not his character.

Da Lang is actually not bad, at least he passed his exam today.

After Erlang came back from Shuzhong, he had to have a long talk, which was also a test.There are many exams, but Shao Shude only cares about one of them, and the result of this exam directly determines his attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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