Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1189 Morale is like a rainbow

Chapter 1189 Morale is like a rainbow
On the fourth day of July in the third year of Jianji, Shao Shude ascended to the throne in the Taishan Palace.

After the civil and military officials finished their performances, the court dispersed and each performed their duties. He then called important officials to discuss matters in the side hall.

He doesn't get involved in the specific battles on the front line, but he still cares about every move on the front line, and he needs to know as soon as possible.

"Your Majesty, the main force of the East Road led by General Zang is stationed at the bank of Ma Wudi Canal." Zhongshu Minister Chen Cheng pointed to the map hanging on the wall, and introduced: "The former army rushed a little too fast."

Li Yanwei, the general of Tuyu who served as the vanguard Qing Dao envoy, passed through Wudi and Rao'an like a whirlwind, defeated the Cang soldiers blocking the way, and advanced towards Cangzhou.The main force led by Zang Dubao had just arrived in Wudi, and it was a little out of touch.

"Even Wudi was captured easily, and Cangjing's defeat is inevitable." Shao Shude said happily: "Lu Yanwei only focuses on looting, and has no strategy. Fighting against this kind of opponent can't be more comfortable."

Wudi County is actually a strategically important place, but Sergeant Cangjing lost the battle after losing the first battle, which surprised everyone.Is it because General Tu is too fierce, or Sergeant Cangjing is too bad, or they don't pay attention at all?
This is not important anymore, the important thing is that the soldiers of the Xia army continue to go northward, approaching Cangzhou.

The reason why Wudi is important lies in Wudi Canal.

In the area of ​​the Tang Dynasty, the development of Hebei is actually centered on the Yongji Canal, supplemented by various branch water systems, forming settlements along the river, irrigating farmland, developing commerce, and transporting materials.

After the Anshi Rebellion, taking Weibo Town as an example, it can be seen that the large-scale water conservancy projects they built were either along the Yellow River or related to the Yongji Canal.

For Cangzhou, Wudi Canal is a very important water system.

This canal is not a natural river. It is said that it was dug during the flood control period of Dayu and gradually silted up at the end of the Sui Dynasty.During the reign of Zhenguan, Xue Dading, the governor of Cangzhou, opened the river, vigorously dredged the river, widened the river, and made it reach the sea in the east, becoming a traffic artery.

Once the river opened, it not only brought convenient transportation and commerce, but also reduced the risk of flooding caused by the low terrain of Cangzhou, allowing a large amount of flood water to flow into the sea through the Wudi Canal.

At that time, the people of Cangzhou sang: "The new river can be reached by boats, and the fish and salt can reach the sea directly. In the past, we traveled in vain and now we are riding on si, how beautiful Xue Gongde is."

It's a pity that after the Anshi Rebellion, the maintenance and repair of Wudi Canal was not in place, and it seemed to be silted up again.Originally, large ships could sail into Wudi Canal from the sea and go far inland, but now most of them can only berth near the mouth of the sea, unless they change to small and medium sea ships.

What's more, the maritime industry of Cangjing, Ziqing and other coastal towns plummeted after the Anshi Rebellion. It may be too much to say that there is nothing left, but there is indeed nothing left, so the towns lack the motivation to dredge the Wudi Canal.

"Is it appropriate to set up a general grain platform in Wudi?" Shao Shude asked, turning his attention to Pei Di, the transfer envoy of Henan Road.

Pei Di is the military envoy of the Qizhou camp and is responsible for the logistics of military supplies.

"Your Majesty, the Wudi Canal cannot pass large ships, but small and medium sea ships can safely enter. At this time, there is a lot of southeast wind, and the sails are straight up, light and labor-saving." Pei Di said: "There will already be ships passing by this time, and there are also masters. Pull the fiber along the way, and you can't miss anything."

Shao Shude was relieved after hearing this.

As a deep inland city, Wudi can of course also exist as a seaport.

The pioneer of the Spanish Kingdom in the Age of Discovery, Seville, one of its most important ports, is deep inland.From here, the ship sailed through the Guadalquivir Canal to the American continent.

Wudi Canal is equivalent to the Guadalquivir River, which undertakes the important task of communicating with the ocean.

After Wudi County was set up as the general grain platform, the materials transported from the sea were stored here. It can not only support the army going north to Cangzhou, but also assist the troops along the Yongji Canal on the west line. The cost is much lower than that of land transshipment. , and the transportation volume is even larger-the Wudi Canal can sail sea-going ships, and it is an important channel for the export of inland materials in Hebei. Since it can be exported, of course it can also be transported inward.

Zang Dubao, the coach of the East Route Army, also agreed to use this as a logistics transfer base.

He is a landlubber, but he is not dead-brained.After fighting for so many years, I have a deep understanding of the importance of water transportation.

The part of Henan's material and economic water transportation will eventually enter the sea in Qingzhou.How to transfer this batch of materials to the front line at low cost has always been something that military envoys need to study.

Now it is basically determined that it will go out to sea from Qingzhou and enter Cangzhou via Wudi Canal as a backup logistics line for Yongji Canal.

In addition, there is a river leading to the sea in the north of Cangzhou, that is, floating water. Cangzhou itself is also a deep inland seaport city, especially before the Anshi Rebellion.

When the army behind besieged Cangzhou, it was much more convenient to transport grain by sea.

"Okay. Fighting Cangjing is easier than fighting Chengde. Fighting Chengde is easier than fighting Hedong. Just a military supply and transportation will save too much." Shao Shude has a plan in his heart, and Cangzhou has a lot to do in the future. In fact, Before the Anshi Rebellion, this was an important logistics supply base in Liaodong.

"After transporting the grain, the ship will return to Denglaiqing and wait for orders." Shao Shude said, stroking the Hebei coast with his fingers.

Chen Cheng lightly stroked his beard and stared at a large area north of Cangzhou.

Now is not the time, we have to wait.

Before the camp, the army was already ready to fight.

"Boom, boom, boom..." With the sound of dense war drums, two commanding [-] infantry rushed forward in small steps.

In the process of advancing, there was no noise at all, only the sound of heavy panting and clanging nail leaves.

Excitement is contagious.

In a brave group, even cowardly people, affected by the surrounding environment, will rise to the top and forget themselves.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and the footsteps of the sergeants are getting faster.

Arrows were shot from the opposite side.

Many people were shot.But they just groaned and fell to the ground without screaming loudly.

Without fear, the sergeants bypassed the fallen comrades and continued to charge forward.

The enemy camp is close at hand, and the deep trenches have been filled by the master.

Everyone's breathing became quickened unconsciously, goosebumps appeared all over their bodies, and their hands subconsciously clenched their weapons.

"Kill!" The deafening roars sounded in unison.

Hundreds of warriors took the lead and rushed to the trench wall.The long spear stabbed, and the ax swung.

"Get out of the way!" A strong man like a black iron tower turned over the trench wall and threw himself into the crowd of enemy soldiers behind him.

Cang Bing's spear pierced the heavy armor and made a harsh scratching sound. The Black Iron Tower didn't care, and jumped into the crowd and slashed and killed.

Dozens of brave warriors followed him and climbed over the wall. Regardless of the spears stabbed by the enemy, they leaned on their iron armor to resist, rubbing their bodies and crashing into the crowd.

The Cangzhou soldiers were shocked by their bravery, and subconsciously stabbed them with spears and hacked with knives and axes.The iron armor couldn't cover the whole body, and many Xia soldiers fell to the ground dripping with blood.But more people rushed over, gritted their teeth, and fought bravely, as if they were facing the murder of their father and enemy.

The two sides fought together, each holding a weapon to greet each other.

For this sake, the ears are full of the roar of fighting, the sound of weapons clashing, and the screams of dying. They lost their formation, their cooperation, and their reason.

At this time, the only thing to rely on is the muscle memory acquired through hard training, only the battlefield instinct acquired through long-term fighting, and only a ferocious spirit like a beast.Either you die, or I die. Whoever is more ruthless and less afraid of death is more qualified to live.

The melee formation retreated a little bit, slowly but firmly, unstoppable.

It was already very obvious who was stronger, who was more fierce, and who was more beastly.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" Yeli Kecheng shot two Cangzhou soldiers down, then climbed over the trench wall and jumped high.

The arrow grazed his helmet and disappeared behind him with a sharp sound of piercing through the air.

Ye Likecheng didn't have time to feel scared, he had already thrown himself on an enemy general, quickly pressed him down, strangled his neck with a bowstring, and exerted all his strength.

The thief general's elbow kept hitting his ribs.Ye Likecheng couldn't feel the pain, he just strangled the enemy's neck until he couldn't move anymore.

Countless sergeants crossed the trench wall and continued to charge and kill. The Cangzhou soldiers retreated step by step, and the grass was covered with corpses.

"Kill!" Ye Li Kecheng looked excited, picked up a long spear, and stepped forward quickly.

His entourage chased after him, guarding him faintly.As an envoy of soldiers and horses, he shouldn't personally lead the troops to charge, let alone his sensitive identity.

Ye Li Kecheng impatiently pushed away the sergeant blocking the way, and roared forward.

The sergeant who rushed the fastest had already pushed the enemy's ass and rushed to the camp gate.

They calmly cut down the rout of the enemy army who had nowhere to escape, and then hacked with knives and axes, trying their best to destroy the gate of the camp.

Arrows shot from the wall of the stronghold, and Xia Bing kept falling.But the people behind came one after another, and they didn't know what fear and death were.Some people were covered in wounds, dripping with blood, and fell down as they walked. More people didn't even look at them, only seeing the enemy's camp.

A group of fresh troops rushed over, raised their large shields, and covered the arrows coming from the left, right and diagonally above.

Someone used a step bow to fight back. There was no time to aim and adjust. They just raised their hands and shot, all based on feeling.At this time, the test is how good your martial arts are. Your performance directly determines the outcome of the battle. Sometimes the difference between victory and defeat is close.



The horse rushed into the distance panting heavily, and the gate of the camp collapsed.

Shocking cheers sounded, and the warriors of the Dragon Army swarmed in.

Cangzhou soldiers rushed out of the camp, and the two sides collided head-on.

The veterans who had been in the army for more than ten years died together.

The great swordsman with great swordsmanship opened and closed, completely disregarding defense, killing and then being killed.

The veteran who rolled out from the pile of dead people was calm and calm, and quickly stabbed his spear into the enemy's vital part, but was decapitated again.

Ye Li Kecheng also rushed in, and as far as he could see, there were weapons calling from all directions.The entourage desperately blocked most of the attacks.He also went up to the head, stabbing straight with the spear, and the spear skills he had practiced all year round were like clouds and flowing water, and he did it subconsciously without having to think about it.

"Pfft!" An enemy soldier was stabbed in the abdomen and fell down.

"Pfft!" Another enemy soldier was stabbed in the throat.

Then Wu Leng swept across, and the spears of several thieves were swung away in a clatter.

The entourage yelled, rushed straight up, swung their knives and slashed, and the thief screamed again and again.

"Kill!" Ye Li Kecheng was covered in blood, and he didn't know how many people he had killed.Even on the noisy battlefield, the heavy breathing is still clearly audible.

Holding a long lance, he stepped forward step by step, as straight as a ghost.

The enemy couldn't resist and retreated step by step.

Xia Bing's morale is getting higher and higher.Under the stimulation of adrenaline, he forgot the pain all over his body and the fear in his heart, anyway, he just killed until he fell silently.

The Cangzhou soldiers launched a desperate counterattack, but were quickly dispersed.

After the brave veterans were killed and wounded, the remaining people finally collapsed and turned around like headless chickens.

The bandit camp changed hands in less than half a day.

But this is not the end.

In the afternoon of the same day, Long Xiang's army sent [-] soldiers to break through another village.

On the fifth day of the seventh lunar month, three villages were broken in one day, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

Between Dongguang and Anling, the dead corpse of Wufu Cangjing can be seen everywhere, extending to the end of the north.

Lu Yanwei was horrified when he received the news. On the surface, he made a desperate resistance and sent a large army to try to take back the camp, but that night he quietly withdrew the army with his descendants and fled into Dongguang County.

The warriors of the Longxiang Army continued to pursue, bravely, and fought all the way to the city. After showing off their might, they retreated.

Face to face, head to head, this is a game for the brave, don't be afraid of death!
(End of this chapter)

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