Chapter 1218 Proud
"Is that the sage of Xia Kingdom?" By the Yongji Canal, a group of people watched from afar.

Some of them held a sickle in their hands, some held a hatchet, and some were manipulating a guillotine.

In fact, they are all farmers, but not all of them.

It's winter, and the livestock at home are howling with hunger.There are so many dry weeds in the field, just cut them back and chopped them up to feed the sheep.

Such is the life of ordinary people.Every day is trivial, sowing, weeding, harvesting, plowing, tending to livestock...

The above is a normal country painting style.

What's abnormal is that when they have a little free time, they wield knives and clubs, and even go out with warriors to see if they can go to other towns to grab some goods and come back. They are no longer pure and simple farmers.

"A sage of the Xia Kingdom?" Someone laughed and said, "If Lu Yanwei doesn't come back next year, we will be the people of the Xia Kingdom."

"What's the difference between Tang and Xia?" Someone said disapprovingly: "If the sage sends a Jiedu envoy, wouldn't it be the same as before? Well, maybe it's still an opportunity. Yajun, Zhenjun, and Zhoujun Swept away, don't we still have to recruit people?"

"It's a good idea." Someone sighed: "Didn't your brother-in-law hide at home after breaking up? He is also a yamen soldier after all. Ask him if he still has Jiedushi."


"Don't think too much about it. I went to join the army with Cui Er and Lu Shiyi yesterday, but they said they wouldn't accept them. Just farm the land honestly, plunder a few merchants in your free time, and live a good year."

"Where are there any merchants now? It's so difficult to kill people and steal goods, alas."

"Actually, as long as you are brave enough, you can go grab officials. Well, the Xia Dynasty sage is on the way, dare you go grab it?"

"There are too many guards, I dare not."

"Don't tell me, the sage went on tour, and he was accompanied by so many beautiful women. If he could snatch one back, he would die."

"It's so far away, how do you know it's a woman?"

"You don't understand this, that's called a palace man."

The peasants/amateur bandits/warrior reservists were laughing and chatting non-stop, which relieved a lot of fatigue from work.

"Hey..." The sound of horseshoes sounded not far away, and everyone hurriedly silenced and lowered their heads to work.

The cavalry looked at them from a distance, seemed a little worried, and rode their horses closer, saying: "Be quiet, if something happens, we may not look good, but you will die without a place to die. "

He is too aware of the background of rural farmers.While farming to support a large family, they don't mind looting business travel to improve their lives.In fact, Hebei is relatively rich, and the overall situation is not bad.Henan is even more exaggerated. The people in Cai, Chen, Xu, Luo, Tang, Deng, Ying and other places are no longer satisfied with robbing in their hometowns, but go out regularly, and go as far as Jiangxi to plunder.

As soon as the cavalry pawn finished speaking, the peasants raised their heads and looked at him blankly, as if they couldn't understand his Henan accent.

The cavalry pawn was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, and left after giving a cold snort.

But his intimidation was effective.

The peasants didn't dare to flirt with Shao Sheng's courtiers anymore, and turned to mowing the grass seriously.

"I said, Zhang Balang sneaked back to the village last night, and said he would take me and others to join Lu Yan——Lu Shuai, and fight the Xia people. Once successful, everyone will have an official job. Do you still want to go?"

"Damn it! Lu Yanwei didn't know where he went, he was probably dead. How much money does Zhang Balang have? Tell him not to talk nonsense, and each person will give out two slings of money first, otherwise no one will do anything to him."

"Forget it. It's better to kill him when you go back. That thing is quite valuable."

"Your heart is really dark..."

The convoy stopped for an hour to rest.

"Your Majesty." Chu Shenping quickly walked to the front of the car and bowed in salute.

Mrs. Xie lifted the curtain of the car, revealing Shao Shude and Mrs. Chu.

Chu Shi half nestled in Shao Shude's arms, quietly beckoning to the outside world.

Chu Shenping caught the meaning in his sister's eyes and felt relieved.

"Do you know why I called you back?" Shao Shude sat up straight and asked.

"I don't know." Chu Shenping had guesses in his mind, but he was not sure, and he would not talk nonsense.

Chu Shenping was originally the commander of the state army in Xuzhou. After receiving the order, he rushed northward to face the holy night.

"Li Yixian is going to be the commander of Hebei Province, you should come back and take over his position." Shao Shude said.

Chu Shenping felt ecstasy in his heart.

The Chu family is nothing more than a local tyrant in Mi County. In recent years, life has been like a dream, and the prosperity has flourished.

Officials such as the governor of Zhili Road, the transfer envoy, and Henan Yin, who are high above the ground, are also polite when they see their Chu family.

The Li family in Mi County, who had a feud with the Chu family, almost knelt down and begged for mercy.The belongings that have been treasured at home for many years are sent to the storehouse in carts, just to let them go.

All of this, without a doubt, was brought by my sister.

Although she was only Jieyu, Chu Shenping was sure that her elder sister was definitely the most favored concubine in the saint's harem, no one could compare to her.

The Chu family has to seize this kind of holy family, make new achievements, and strive for a title.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Long En." Chu Shenping calmed down and said.

"Silver Saddle has added a lot of people, you should screen them out and train them well," Shao Shude said again.

"Abiding by the order." Chu Shenping replied.

That's actually a lot of power.

There were originally 3000 people in Yin'anzhi, and 200 people were newly recruited in Qizhou.

In the few days in Dezhou, the local tyrants donated [-] dendrobium of grain, [-] heads of miscellaneous livestock, and [-] cash and silk. There were also more than [-] strong young men and dozens of clan girls.

The money and food were used as military supplies, the young girls were made into palace servants, and the young men who were skilled in bow and horse made up for the silver saddle, so there were more than [-] people in the silver saddle.

Except fifty masters led by Xia Luqi to personally guard the holy driver, the rest are all under the leadership and training of the commander.

The sage asked him to "screen", this power is too great.To put it bluntly, it's okay to eliminate dissidents and install cronies.

But Chu Shenping did not dare to do so.

The trust of a saint comes and goes quickly.Once rumors spread, it might even hurt my sister, it's not worth it - she is now the biggest guarantee for the riches of the family.

"I'm going to Cangzhou soon. At that time, local tyrants, generals, and noble families will come to pay a visit. I will also accept some people to rest my mind. Be smart. If Yinanzhi is made into a mess, I will not spare you " Shao Shude exhorted.

Most of the news about the local Tu people in the Dezhou Conference has spread like wildfire and spread to the two prefectures of Cangjing.

As long as the local tyrants of the Tu ethnic group give money, Shao Shude doesn't mind uniting them. Just like the story of Dezhou, the scale of Yin'an Zhi will inevitably continue to expand.

One more thing to say, Shao Shude never planned to recruit a large number of powerful children in Weibo to enter Yinanzhi, and he will not recruit Chengdewu people in the future, but Cangjing can.The reason is still related to the degree of respect.

Although there are many domineering towns in Hebei, there are also differences in the degree of domineering.If you insist on arranging seats, Cangjing Town is probably the most deferential one to the central government—relatively speaking.

The Yiwu Army (Yi Ding) used to be as submissive as Cangjing, but it has deteriorated sharply in the past 20 years, and it has become quite rigid.Of course, the degree of rigidity is still a little bit behind Wei Bo and Cheng De.

Youzhou Town was also very stubborn at first, but it was occupied by Li Keyong for many years, and he killed a lot of people. The assassins killed one group after another, and now it looks much more pleasing to the eye.

"I would like to obey His Majesty's will and dare not slack off in the slightest." Chu Shenping responded loudly.

Shao Shude nodded and waved him away.

Mrs. Chu sat quietly at the side without interjecting a word.

She is a measured woman who knows when to act coquettishly and when not to.When talking about business, if you rush to speak for your younger brother, you will only annoy the officials.

The official is actually a very "simple" person, and the Chu family knows exactly how to deal with him.

For example, she has never cooked for Zhang Quanyi, but from time to time she cooks herself and makes some snacks for the officials.Such a simple and trivial matter can often gain a lot of goodwill in the hearts of officials, and the Chu family is already familiar with it.

If he hadn't grasped the temperament of the official family, how could it be possible for the Chu family to remain in favor and give birth to two sons and two daughters in a few years?
An hour later, the motorcade after the break continued to set off for Cangzhou.

On the tenth day of November in the third year of Jianji, the bells outside Qingchi County (now Jiuzhou Town, southeast of Cang County) in Lisuo, Cangzhou were all ringing, and the holy car drove into the city under the attention of all the people.

Lu Kuang, the commander of Henghai's yamen, is dead.

On that day, the army of Daxia attacked the city, and there was a commotion in the city.After a lot of trouble, Cangzhou, which had been besieged for a long time, was broken.

In fact, the defenders did not riot, they just collapsed.

The immediate cause of the collapse was that Lu Kuang fled with his family through the north gate, and was discovered by the warriors, which directly disintegrated their last will to resist.

Lu Kuang is also stupid, he ran away and brought his family and belongings with him.I heard that more than 100 vehicles were installed, so ostentatious, so eye-catching, it would be a ghost if he was not discovered-to some extent, it may be that the Xia army who attacked the city allowed him to live for a while.Otherwise, the angry warriors would have already torn it up on the spot just because of this birdy appearance.

I'm still fighting to the death, you fucking ran away, how dare you?

Of course Lu Kuang died in the end.

Not long after leaving the city to escape, Tian Xing, the general Du Youyi, the sudden general, caught up with him. After a random arrow shot, he died unexpectedly.

The whole family also became prisoners, and the goods became the spoils of Xia Jun.

Lu Kuang died, Lu Yanwei was at large, and the tens of thousands of troops in Cangzhou were beaten to pieces.The Tu people and generals from all over the country were also in a state of panic. Shao Shude struck while the iron was hot, and began to meet various powerful people that night.

In addition to them, there is also the reorganization of the motley army.

During the time on the road, the game in Cangzhou City has never stopped.

Zhuge Tai and Zhuge Shangren have already reached an agreement, and Zhao Kuangming has no soldiers, so he can be ignored.The recent change in attitude of Zhao Jian's Dragon Sword Festival is also very obvious, and he is already inclined to surrender his military power and become a rich man.

There is only one Liang Xiangjian who is still undecided.

But not all the thousands of people left in his hands belonged to the Liang family.The Bai clan has always been more submissive, the chiefs of the Luo clan and the Yang clan are far away in Qinghai, and there are only a few small Qu handsomes left in Cangzhou, so it is easy to handle.

So in the end, Liang Xiangjian could only compromise, sighing inwardly, thinking that all the people brought over had died.

In this way, another major goal of conquering Hebei is also considered to be completed.

One fish and two meals, Shao Sheng is quite proud.

(End of this chapter)

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