New Year's Day passed quickly.

There is no big court meeting.Because the civil and military officials are still on the way, they can't make it in time.

There are no envoys from various prefectures, and they usually arrive half a month or a month in advance, but this year it was suspended because Hebei was still at war at that time.

Some are just the whole army drinking, eating and drinking.

The treatment of the Tutuan peasants is very poor. Not only are there few rewards, the pension is better than nothing or even nothing, and even the food they eat is much worse than that of the sergeants.But they have to eat a few good meals in the first month, otherwise they have already missed the autumn harvest, and they are likely to miss the spring sowing again, and they are afraid that they will die.

Cangzhou sent a lot of livestock, and they walked hundreds of miles, but they were all skinny.But everyone didn't care, they slaughtered and cooked the meat on the spot, and they still ate happily with the coarse wheat cakes and the turbid wine that came out.

"Hebei people are out of luck this time." In the camp, the townspeople were so red-faced and thick-necked that they kept making fun of the Hebei people.

Just as even the poorest patriot in London's East End puffed up his chest at the thought of British wealth and industry, so the townspeople from Honan and Huaihai would be proud to have participated in a glorious victory .

As for what this victory cost them, who cares!Anyway, they survived, and I heard that the autumn harvest at home has also been completed, which is enough.

After more than half a year, one person has received four bolts of silk, two in Cangzhou and two in Youzhou, all of which have been obtained.I heard that my hometown will give out an extra bolt of cotton cloth, a bushel of millet and wheat, and a bushel of miscellaneous grains. Compared with the martial arts masters, it is certainly less, but the Tutuan villagers have never seen money, and they are still satisfied.

What's more, you can't catch the petty theft and half-buying and half-robbing along the way, and the Xiangyong commander who led the team also opened his eyes and closed his eyes.As long as the noise is not too much, it should be ignored.

Then there is the income from cleaning the battlefield and chasing down defeated soldiers.It is impossible for martial arts masters to keep an eye on you all the time. It is difficult to find out how much you have hidden.What's more, people are not so ruthless, so it's rare to be confused, why bother?
This is actually the value of the expedition.It is said to work hard, but some people can earn a lot of money by working hard, and some people don’t even have the qualifications to work hard. They only have to work hard without money. Don’t think too much. If you can get it, you can get it. Come on, don't put your life in it.

"I heard that we can't go back after the first lunar month." Someone said in a muffled voice after taking a sip of wine.

"I've heard people say it too." Someone sighed, "Maybe we're going to fight the Yiwu Army."

"The bastards from the Yiwu Army will definitely not dare to fight in the field, and we will have to fill the ditch with our lives when the time comes."

"Who did you listen to? Is it accurate?"

"A fellow from the Longxiang Army said it. He grew up naked when he was young. Later, he passed the martial arts exam and became an official. He told me personally."

"That shouldn't be wrong."

"I also have fellow villagers who are returning to the German army." A Xiangyong from Mianchi County, Henan Province said, "They went eastward a while ago, and before they left, they told me that they might want to fight Khitan."

"Rumors are flying all over the place from this fellow, from that fellow. No one believes it. Stop talking, drink and eat meat."

Zhou Dalang listened silently.He missed Qin Lizheng a little bit, and at the same time he was a little dazed.

He didn't want to be a soldier at first, but in fact, he has a good foundation in martial arts, which was strictly supervised by his deceased father Zhou Heitun since he was a child.But he is honest, courageous, has land at home, his wife and children are there, and he is unwilling to be a martial artist.

In the past half a year with the army, he has transported food and grass, fed mules and horses, experienced brutal siege battles, and wiped out the defeated soldiers in Cangjing and Youzhou. He has such rich experience and gradually developed his courage.

Life and death are actually like that!

Won't be able to go home for a while?If you can't go back, you can't go back.Zhou Dalang didn't bother to think about it anymore, the transportation team that had just set off back to Luoyang had already brought everyone's goods back, so there should be no shortage of expenses at home.Next, it doesn't matter whether you fight the Yiwu Army, the Chengde Army, or the Khitan as some people say, and he can accept it calmly.

Of course, if he had a choice, he hoped it would be Khitan.Fighting the Yiwu Army or Chengde, although there is a chance to reap wealth, but the cruelty of siege has long been deeply engraved in his heart.

In my mind, it was a hellish scene.He even saw the scene where the bravest warrior in the army went up to the top of the city wearing heavy armor, and was then easily beheaded - he was really shocked when the headless corpse crashed down from the top of the city .

If you fight Khitan, things may be much simpler.Because he heard that the Khitan people built very few cities, and they relied on only a lot of cavalry, so that's not a problem.

The older generation settled in Luoyang, not to mention every household, but there are really many people who raise horses. There was one in Zhou Dalang's home, but he died the year before last and was buried in the back garden.

Villagers who have never seen a horse are indeed very afraid of horses, and subconsciously fear when they see cavalry.But if you get along with horses a lot, you will know that this is a shy and docile animal, not scary at all. When the cavalry rushes over, he is also very afraid, because the chance of his death is much greater than yours. It is also inconvenient to fight right away.

His father once demonstrated how to resist riding with steps, so Zhou Dalang is very aware that there are huge gaps on the left and right sides of the knight, it is difficult for him to attack you standing on the ground, and it is also difficult for him to resist attacks from the two wings.

Stand firm on your heels, overcome the fear in your heart, strike firmly and ruthlessly, and don't be afraid of death, you will be like Xue Yantuo and Zhaoyi's infantry, even if the formation is completely disorganized and the cavalry rushes in, you can still defeat the cavalry group.

Therefore, he would rather fight the Khitans.However, the choice does not seem to be in his hands.

"Let me tell you, have you ever heard about the imperial court recruiting soldiers?" Someone suddenly asked after the food and drink were served, and the atmosphere became more lively.

"You mean Guizhou?" Someone asked.

The information on the Xiangdang Intelligence Network/Friends Information Network sometimes seems ridiculous, but sometimes it is credible.

What this person is talking about is that the imperial court will immigrate to Shibian in the northern part of Hedong and Hebei. solid edge.

Guizhou originally only governed the county of Huairong (now southeast of Huailai), but the imperial court just decreed yesterday that Guichuan County was newly established.

This county was established in the early years of the Tang Dynasty, but was abolished later. It was established again in the Tianbao period, and then abolished.The reset at this time reflects the imperial court's determination to control these lands where agriculture and animal husbandry intermingle - Guizhou, which is the later Beijing Yanqing.

In addition to Huairong and Guichuan, Fanshan County in Xinzhou (now Fanshan Town in the southeast of Zhuolu) was included in Guizhou, so there are three counties.

The reason for this is actually considering that these three counties are all in the same basin, which is more convenient for management geographically and more convenient for military deployment.

Xinzhou also established a new county, namely Wanquan County (now Zhangjiakou Wanquan District).It is located in the hometown of Daning in the later Wei Dynasty. It originally belonged to Wende County. Today, Wanquan County is located in Xinzhou after Yongxing (near Zhuolu today), Huai'an (East Huai'an today), and Wende (Xuanhua today). Fourth County.

Yunzhou has also carried out a big move, which is basically a plan that was negotiated last year. It will be officially launched this year, and the first wave of immigration will soon begin.

Yunzhou was originally only a county in Yunzhou (now Datong).After some operations, it now has four counties under its jurisdiction: Yunzhong, Gaoliu (south of today's Yanggao County), Tiancheng (today's town and county), and Xiachang (today's east of Xinrong District, Datong).

After Jining and Xinghe, Jouzhou also added a county, that is, Shangyi County, and there are three states under its jurisdiction.

According to rough statistics, there were originally five prefectures and eight counties, but now there are four prefectures and fourteen counties. The number of strongholds is increasing day by day. What is lacking now is the population and the army.

According to the management of Fengsheng and Shenrou, these frontier state troops, in addition to a small number of town troops receiving military pay, will also place a large number of government soldiers as an important force for border defense.

Like the soldiers of the former Tang Dynasty, the soldiers of the Xia Dynasty did not need to pay taxes or perform labor services, only military service.And they don't have to go to the capital to play, which saves a lot of expenses.

In the Tang Dynasty, there was no way. They did not have a large-scale standing army.

The Great Xia Forbidden Army is the main combat force, so the government soldiers don't need to go up, they can hone their martial arts in the local area with peace of mind, and receive regular combat training from the large corps.

The management of Fubing is similar to that of the former Tang Dynasty. There are multiple Zhechong Mansions in a county, and each Zhechong Mansion manages at least a hundred people, and at most hundreds of people.Unless there is an imperial decree and a fish charm,
Otherwise, private assembly and mobilization are not allowed.

Even if there is an invasion by foreign enemies, the professional town army and state army will resist the first wave of offensive. After receiving the imperial order, the government soldiers will gather again.

In general, Daxia's soldiers are better than those of the previous dynasty in terms of income and privileges, because they are not the main military force of the country.Even if there were not a large number of miscellaneous soldiers to deal with, the new dynasty would not set up fubing.

"You can actually give it a try." Someone said, "I know you are reluctant to part with the family property of Henan Province. But how many acres of land do you have in Henan? Ten or twenty or thirty acres, it will be enough to eat Use. Every training camp in winter, everyone complains, why? They plan to go to the brick kiln factory to do odd jobs to subsidize their families, so naturally they don’t want to practice training camps. Although the frontier states are not comparable to Henan Province, they grant one hundred and fifty acres of land, There are almost ten times as many fields as the Central Plains, and there are even a lot of wasteland public fields for you to mow and graze, no one cares about it. If you calculate it carefully, it’s really incredible.”

"How can I plant 150 mu of land?" Someone asked, "Twenty or thirty mu of land is very tiring. Fifty mu of land can be exhausted, let alone [-] mu of land? If it can't be rented out, I think Enough.

Zhou Dalang raised his neck and drank half a bowl of wine, his face gradually turned red.He has about 150 acres of land in Xin'an County, and his family works hard to get enough food and clothing.In the past, he was determined not to give up Xin'an's family business and go to other places to make a living.But now I am a little bit excited. If it is near Youzhou and Guizhou, the land of [-] mu is really good.What's more, there are so many public lands for grazing cattle and sheep, which is also an extra income.

Of course, he also knew that most of the family members would not agree, so there was no other way.

However, it is not very attractive to Henan people, but it is very attractive to many surrendered soldiers and generals.Getting all these people to the frontier is better than staying in the Central Plains as a scourge, and it is easier for them to accept.

No wonder they are talking about clearing up the Youzhou tribe, attacking Yiding and even Khitan recently. It turns out that there are huge benefits in it.

Zhou Dalang drank another half a bowl of wine, let's fight, and grab the last fortune before going home!

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