Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1242 Northern Metropolis Planning

Chapter 1242 Northern Metropolis Planning
"East and West, how many counties are there in each?" Shao Shude asked casually as he was inspecting the construction site of Linshuo Palace.

"Returning to Your Majesty, Jingzhao Mansion has ten counties under its jurisdiction, and Henan Mansion has twenty counties." Xiao Die, the new governor of Jizhou, replied.

"Xiao Qing remembers it very clearly." Shao Shude said with a smile.

Xiao Die was born in Nanliangfang of the Xiao family. In the third year of Dashun (892), he served as the governor of Hezhou, and later he was transferred to other places. He is now transferred to Hebei.

In the first year of Qianning (894), the five counties of Fengtian, Haoyu, Wugong, Yuquan, and Liquan were established as Qianzhou, which was subordinate to Fengtian Jiedushi.After Fengtian strikes the town, Qianzhou has not been abolished, but still exists.

In the fifth year of Qianning (898), Yaozhou was established with Huayuan, Fuping, Sanyuan, Tongguan, Meiyuan and Fengxian counties.

In other words, Jingzhao Mansion was divided into three.The current Jingzhao Mansion has only ten counties under its jurisdiction. It is still a large county, but it is not the same as before.

The jurisdiction of Henan Province, where Dongdu is located, has only slightly changed. Now there are twenty counties, which should be the largest state in the country.

"There are currently nine counties in Beiping Prefecture, which is a little less." Shao Shude said, "Since the army has been dispatched and the court's intentions are clear, there is no need to hide it. Let Shunzhou be abolished, and Huairou County will be merged into Youzhou."

He said this to Chen Cheng, Xiao Yun and Pei Zhi.They are the prime ministers of the political affairs hall, and they have to go through the process of such government affairs.

"In the Nigukou area, a new county was chosen to be called Zhigu County." Shao Shude said again: "Since the Khitan of Weizhou has been pacified, Weihua County has been restored. Parts of the land in Wuqing, Sanhe, and Ashina were merged, and Xianghe County was newly established.”

In fact, there is a large barren land between Youzhou, Jizhou, and Cangzhou.In the southern part of Youzhou, the northern part of Cangzhou, and the southern part of Jizhou, several counties were set up in the Han and Jin Dynasties, and many people cultivated them. However, since the Northern Dynasties, the area has gradually become deserted and reached its peak in the early Tang Dynasty.

Due to the resettlement of a large number of tribes and subversive changes in the mode of agricultural production, water conservancy facilities have become increasingly deserted, and a large number of swamps have flooded the area.It can be seen from the map that the swamp areas in the south of Youzhou and the north of Cangzhou are still huge.

Farming people hate this kind of swamp very much, and feel uncomfortable if it is not transformed into a pond or farmland, but nomads love it very much because it is an authentic land with rich water and grass.

Before the newly established Tuyin and Changcheng counties in the south of Jizhou, there were actually a lot of swamps around them, so it was not so easy to develop them.First of all, we need to restore the water conservancy project, drain the swamp, and then slowly turn the wasteland into a cultivated land that can stably produce food and pasture. This will take time.

The newly established Zhigu and Xianghe counties in Youzhou actually searched for dry places in the swamps, established settlements, registered households for herdsmen, and gradually restored the farming environment hundreds of years ago.

As for Weihua County, it was actually Weizhou in the early Tang Dynasty, in the northwest of Fangshan District in later generations.Originally, it was to resettle the attached Khitan, and then gradually let the Khitan people try to cultivate the land, so it was set up in Weihua County.However, due to the local mountainous environment, the area suitable for farming is limited, so the change is not thorough enough, and it gradually degenerates into hilly pastures and intermountain basin pastures.

The restoration of Weihua County this time also reflects the determination of the imperial court - since the Khitan people could learn to farm in the early Tang Dynasty, the new dynasty can naturally do the same.This matter is not negotiable, it must be done, even if based on the actual environment, the proportion of grazing may be greater, but it cannot be left alone.

After all, the location of this place is very important. It is at the junction of the four prefectures of Gui, Wei, Yi, and You. It is impossible for the imperial court to ignore it.

"Your Majesty, are the three counties of Weihua, Xianghe, and Zhigu all under the Beiping Mansion?" Chen Cheng asked.

"Of course." Shao Shude said without hesitation: "In this way, there will be thirteen counties in Beiping Prefecture. Let's tidy it up like this first."

"Observe the decree." Just after a big victory, the prime ministers of the Zhengshitang did not have the courage to challenge Shao Sheng. He did what he said and agreed quickly.

The game between the monarch and his ministers is sometimes so "plain and simple".

The prestige of a saint is so high that people dare not look directly at it, so it's still a fart, and flattering is almost the same.

What's more, since ancient times, expanding the territory has been a great achievement of the king, and it is the kind with extremely high gold content.Shao Shude frantically "scored points" in Hebei, making the two towns of Cangjing and Youzhou explode gold coins. If the prestige value can be quantified, the score of this meeting should be amazing.The prime ministers are not stupid, why bother to argue with him in everything?

"One more thing." Shao Shude said again: "Masters, do you think it is necessary to separate the various mansions and let the imperial court directly manage them?"

Before Shao Shude ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he used Tang Ting's rubber stamp to strike down all the governments in the world.He didn't care about those outside the control area, but Fengxiang Mansion, Hezhong Mansion, and Xingyuan Mansion within the jurisdiction were killed by him, and they were downgraded to Qizhou, Puzhou, and Liangzhou respectively.

In the early Tang Dynasty, there were not many mansions. At the beginning, there were two mansions of Jingzhao and Henan. During the reign of Empress Wu, there was an extra mansion of Taiyuan.After the Anshi Rebellion, the number of mansions increased, such as Jiangling Mansion, Chengdu Mansion, Xingyuan Mansion, and Fengxiang Mansion.

In Daxia's jurisdiction, there are currently only four prefectures, namely, Jingzhao Mansion, Henan Mansion, Beiping Mansion, and Andong Mansion. The first three are the capitals.

Shao Shude's meaning is also very clear, that is, to separate the four prefectures into separate branches and put them under the direct management of the Zhengshitang and the six ministries of the two provinces.

To put it simply, it has changed from a city directly under the Central Government to a municipality directly under the Central Government.

This kind of change, to put it bluntly, is the conflict of interests between the central and local governments, and it will always exist even in later generations.

As far as the central government is concerned, on the one hand, it does not like the power of a certain way to be too strong;

"Your Majesty, maybe we can hold a meeting to observe the wind..." Xiao Yun said after thinking for a while.

Guanfeng Wendui is actually the Xia Dynasty version of the Yanying Wendui system in the former Tang Dynasty. It was named because it was often held in the Guanfeng Hall of Shangyang Palace. The enlarged meeting has a higher level, and the priority of the decision-making formed should be the first, which needs to be implemented immediately, and no one can obstruct it.

Xiao Yun has actually seen the tendency of saints.This matter is actually not a bad thing for the imperial court, or even a good thing. If it is called to observe the wind and ask the truth, the procedure will be more legitimate and beyond reproach, and the result will be very clear, and no one will object.

"Okay, you guys have to make preparations first, and we will hold a wind-watching meeting in a few days." Shao Shude said straightforwardly.

After finishing speaking, he took a look at the Linshuo Palace, which was already quite large, and thought that this time the meeting had to be held in Youzhou City.

The progress of Linshuo Palace is actually quite fast.

Most of the Jintai Hall has been completed, and part of the Jiaotai Hall has been completed.The improvement of the surrounding environment is a high priority, and most of them can be completed before the frost and snow thaw and form the spring flood.

This palace was actually built on the site of the Linshuo Palace in the Sui Dynasty.Recently, the ministers proposed that next to the Jintai and Jiaotai Second Halls, several new halls should be built for the offices of officials.

Shao Shude promised that Jianwenshan, Baohua, Qinzheng, Rende Four Halls and several pavilions and lofts, some of which may need to be remodeled in the southwest corner of Youzhou City, in short, the amount of work is not small.

The labor force for building the palace was still the [-] captives.

Well, in fact, it is less than 5000, because some people made noise and were accused of suppressing and slaughtering by the crane army; some people fled at night, but not all of them were captured;Now there are about [-] people left, a lot of downsizing.

But it doesn't matter, from today onwards, another batch of captives will be sent in batches, no less than [-] in number, all of them are the Fanhu tribe who have just been defeated.And this is not all. With the deepening of the suppression operation, the number of captives will increase by a large amount.Some of them will be sent away as part of the government soldiers, and some will be used as coolies to do projects, not only the work of palace construction, but also post roads, houses, ponds, irrigation canals, military forts, etc., a lot of work Wait for them to do it.

"Your Majesty..." Seeing Shao Shude watching the construction progress of the palace with great interest, Pei Zhi couldn't help it, and asked softly, "President Song sent someone to ask, when will you return to Beijing?"

"Huh?" Shao Shude was stunned for a moment, and said displeasedly: "It's only been a few days, and you're in a hurry? Tell Song Le, Yi Ding, Cheng De, and Hedong are not destroyed, how can I return to Beijing?"

In fact, Song Le was not the only one who sent someone to ask.Empress Zheshi also sent a wise concubine, Zhugeshi, to serve the sage, but in fact, she was trying to find out what her man was saying, and asked when she would be home.

Shao Shude didn't have the slightest pressure, just ignored it and didn't hear it - he would definitely go back, but not now.

At this time, most of the high-ranking officials and dignitaries of the imperial court were in Beiping Mansion, and they went to the court regularly to listen to the government, and the officials were also working step by step.All the memorials from all over the country are sent here, and the official letters of approval are also sent from Beiping Prefecture to various places.

In a hurry?I am in no hurry.

He even ordered the Yicong and Wuwei armies to go back to rest and reorganize, and transferred the Tielin army to change defenses.

Just the day before yesterday, he ordered the Economic Strategy Army to come to Youzhou in batches, and the Tianxiong Army returned to Heyang in batches to rest.

The forbidden army is changing defenses, and the Tutuan villagers are actually gradually rotating.This time even Xiangyong, who is related to the inner way, came to replace the exhausted Henan and Huaihai Erdao Xiangyong.

Regarding these rotation measures, there was no sign that Shao Sheng wanted to return to Luoyang, so Pei Zhi was a little anxious and asked.

Shao Shude glanced at Chen Cheng and Xiao Yun.The two of them didn't speak, and suddenly they knew it.

"Pei Qing has also been a prime minister for several years, how can he not know the seriousness?" Shao Shude said: "Now is the critical moment to get rid of the evil, how can I move lightly? Not only the matter of Hebei and Hedong, but the Anton Mansion is also very troublesome. Yelu Brother Hua has already stated the strategy of the Eighth Division of the Khitan. In April and May, they will go south in a large scale, harassing counties and towns with light cavalry, and attacking cities with infantry. Now we are not only facing enemies from one direction, It’s about east and west. This matter is about the state system, so please don’t say too much.”

Pei Zhi was stunned and fell silent immediately.But he wasn't discouraged, he couldn't persuade him this time, and he would just try to persuade him next time.Moreover, as time goes by, more and more people will stand on his side. In the end, the saint couldn't bear the pressure and went home.

"That's right!" Shao Shude seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and sighed: "It's really hard for Zhuqing to accompany you for a long time. How about this, the wives and daughters of the bandits captured will be rewarded to all civil and military officials and the generals of the imperial army. Right. It's really not easy without a woman to take care of you. Chen Shilang, you can handle this matter, the sooner the better. Also, Lu Long, Yan Du, Ping Shuo, Su Shen, Liao Xi, Jing Ke Liu Fang, Duo Fan Hu Yihao’s residence is also next to Linshuo Palace, and he will find a way to change it, build some good houses, distribute them, and give them to everyone to live in. If there is not enough, there is still a large vacant land east of Linshuo Palace, just build it directly.”

Pei Zhi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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