Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 125 The desert is like snow, and the moon in Yanshan is like a hook

Chapter 125
"These foods are quite interesting." Shao Shude sat in the tent, looked at the food on the desk, and said with a smile.

Cheese, cow's and goat's milk, kumiss, whey milk, butter, milk skin, these things can be seen a lot in later generations, and occasionally in Xiazhou, but after all, they are very different from the eating habits of the Han people.

Of course, he is from a later generation, and he does not reject these foods. At the same time, he also feels that Tang people are far less rich in food than later generations. He wants to drink milk tea, but he doesn't know if this era can be adjusted.

There are also some cakes on the table, which are wrapped in snake skin.It is a custom among the party members that after the cake is put into a pocket made of snakeskin, it will not be bitten by mice when placed in the warehouse.Well, the cakes are all freshly made and taste good.In the past few days, he has eaten too many vinegar cakes in the army, which is very disgusting. After two or three years as a commander, it seems that he is gradually unable to get used to the hard life when he was the leader of the team, alas.

The vinegar cakes in the army are baked mustard cakes soaked in vinegar, dried and collected. They can be eaten for fifty days without spoiling. One can imagine what it feels like to eat.

I don't know if other traversers can do it. Even if they become senior officials and generals, they live as simple as the sergeants. Anyway, I can't do it.Even if you do it forcefully, your family will not let you do it, and your subordinates will look at you with strange eyes, even alienating you.

Isn't everyone fighting for you for the sake of wealth and future?It’s okay to save a little on official expenses, and your private life is also simple. This is a veiled admonition to the people below, so what’s the point of hanging out with you?There are so many vassals and towns in the world at this time, there is no place for staying here.

"How far is it from Dijinze?" Shao Shude asked after eating some beef and drinking kumiss.

"It's less than a day's journey." Zhe Yao replied.

"Then tomorrow will come." Shao Shude stood up, took two steps with his hands behind his back, and said, "Just follow the rules you said. It is enough for these grassland tribes to stabilize for a few years. After a few years, Even if they want to turn over, they will not be able to turn over the big waves."

Today, Lingqi has come to report that last night the three routes of fine cavalry raided Jinze and gained a lot.

The two largest running dogs of the Tuoba family, the Manu and La'er tribes, have been defeated, capturing more than 5000 Dingkou, more than [-] women and children, and more than [-] miscellaneous animals such as cattle, horses, alpacas, and donkeys.

This news surprised Shao Shude as well.In fact, these few works have already received the news two or three days in advance. A lot of time was spent on useless arguments and hesitation, and maybe there was a little luck, thinking that I would lead the army there, just to reprimand and donate some cattle and sheep.But I didn't expect that I ran to ransack the house and kill people, and suffered a big loss.

Later, when I felt that something was wrong and wanted to move, I spent another whole day packing up and made a mess in the tribe. As a result, I was attacked by the three-way cavalry at night and suffered heavy casualties.

Once the Manu tribe and La'er tribe were wiped out, the remaining tribes were actually afraid.Some wanted to escape immediately, and some wanted to resist desperately. Fortunately, Zhe Zongben came forward in time to appease the ministries, which stabilized people's hearts.

This kind of thing can't be done well by Shao Shude, because people don't believe you.Only the Zhe family, a family with great influence on the grassland, has the prestige to win over all the ministries.Zhe Zongben's idea is probably here.The possible counterattack of the Tuoba family was held up by himself, and their family took over the tribe with peace of mind to expand their strength.Maybe some tribes surrendered directly to Xiazhou, but overall they still made money.

After thinking hard for two days, Shao Shude came up with a plan under the advice of Chen Cheng and Pei Shang.That is when the tribes around Lingdi Jinze worship the heavens every year, and hold the ceremony at the bank of Wushui, [-] miles north of Xiazhou City.At that time, I will also personally participate in the distribution of gold and silverware, brocade, tea, porcelain and other rare things on the prairie to the chieftains. Fox fur and other specialties.He didn't want to turn this into a face-saving project, but wanted a win-win situation. The value of the reward was equal to that of the tribute, and the value could be doubled or even several times when brought back to each family. Isn't that good?
Even, you can go one step further.After the Heaven Sacrifice Conference is over, it is possible to hold a trade fair.Ministries can sell their own bulk commodities such as livestock, fur, medicinal materials, etc. Xiazhou merchants can sell Central Plains utensils, grains, tea, etc., and set up their own markets to collect taxes. This relationship should be able to maintain better Longer.

When there are signs that it can't be maintained, and disobedient tribes appear on the grassland, order the obedient tribes to lead the army to conquer, in short, do everything possible to maintain this relationship.

The grassland should not be a burden to oneself, this is the first priority.If this goal is achieved, then you can try to use it as your own source of income.Herdsmen are not born to fight and kill. If you have any problems, communicate in time, help you recommend products, help you buy things, and Ding Nanjun can make some money as a middleman. Hello, hello, hello, everyone.

"Marshal, General Zhe sent an envoy to inquire, what to do with the captured Dingkou cattle and sheep?" Li Yixian suddenly entered the account and reported.

"Dingkou will be sent to Yinzhou first. As for the cattle and sheep, we will talk about it after I and the Zhe family have settled the accounts." Shao Shude replied.

Li Yixian immediately went out to deliver the order.

Brothers have to settle accounts clearly.This is not a dinner party, but a real benefit.During this Northern Expedition, Zhejia contributed a lot, providing guides, planning feasible routes, letting vassal tribes send troops and supplies, and personally participating in the battle, and helping to stabilize people's hearts after the war.

The captured cattle and sheep, as well as the offerings of various tribes, must be discussed with them before they are disposed of.

On April 26, Shao Shude arrived at Dijinze with the main force of the Tielin Army's infantry, and Wei Cai and other chiefs came out respectfully to welcome them.

Seeing the tribal leaders kneeling on the ground, Shao Shude couldn't restrain a sense of pride.Although they are all small tribes that are not in the climate, both Qiang and Hu, but it really makes him feel very happy.When Emperor Taizong conquered the grassland, he ordered the children of nobles from various ministries to enter the palace to serve as guards. I'm afraid it was also the same mood?

The feeling of a conqueror is indeed extraordinary!
Zhe Zongben watched silently from the side.My son-in-law, who is only in his 20s this year, has reached this point.He is benevolent and righteous to the common people, loyal to the soldiers, cruel to the enemy, and full of desire for power. When these characteristics are connected together, he can't help but think of several people.

Marrying his daughter to him back then was only a plan to deepen the relationship between Sui and Linzhou and help each other.At that time, Shao Shude was just a young man who had passed through the eunuch's career and was suddenly appointed governor.But who would have imagined that after two years of conquering Huangchao, he would become the Jiedushi of the Dingnan Army, controlling the land of four states and [-] troops.

The next step should be to attack the Tuoba family, right?This person's desire to conquer is too strong, whether it is an enemy or a woman, they all want him to submit to him.Tuoba's separatist regime in Yuzhou must have been intolerable to Shao Shude.If he sets his sights on the Zhenwu Army in the future, how will the Linzhou Zhe family deal with themselves?
confrontation?Or be a vassal with peace of mind?
"General Zhe, the general's subordinates have made great contributions to the attack the day before yesterday." Shao Shude walked up to Zhezong himself, and thanked him.

"It's still a deterrent by the strength of the Dingnan Army. Without the backing of the commander, these subordinates may not be willing to join in the fun." Zhe Zongben said with a wry smile: "The first merit should belong to the commander."

Shao Shude smiled and stopped arguing about this topic, but asked: "Have all the ministries arrived? When will the peace-breaking oath ceremony be held?"

"The big and small tribes around Dijinze are all here. The king's army is too powerful, and once the Manu and La'er tribes are broken, the tribes dare not neglect, and they all came within two days." Zhe Zongben said.

Dangxiang people are tribal forms with some primitive customs, such as revenge and peace.If two tribes fight each other, all of them are dead, and there is a grudge, according to the custom, they will have to die endlessly, just as it is said in the "Song History" compiled by the Yuan people: "(Dangxiang) has many worldly feuds and does not communicate with each other. .”

"History of Liao Dynasty" also records: "I like revenge, but if I am mourning, I will not kill people. I will bear the armor leaf on my back. Those who are powerful and unable to avenge, gather strong women, enjoy cattle and sheep, wine and food, and set fire to their enemies and burn their houses. .”

Since the Kingdom of China, revenge activities within and outside the clan of the Dangxiang people within the eight towns in the northwest of Beijing have also been extremely frequent.When they capture prisoners, they generally don't kill them, but cut off their ears and noses and send them back.But if this person has killed a member of his own clan, then "explore his heart and eat it", or "paint his head as a drinking vessel", the folk customs can be described as sturdy.

But then again.Although there are many party members in the eight towns in the northwest of Beijing, they have always been under the control of the court, and the border generals often bullied them, raped and robbed them, probably these things.What should the party members do when they are unable to resist?There is another way to step down for yourself, and that is to make peace.

All ethnic groups in the party generally have reconciliation officials, and mediate between the two parties to make them reconcile.Those who died were compensated with money or cattle and horses.In the Tang Dynasty, if the party members were killed for no reason, if they wanted to reconcile, they would pay about 120 min per life, at most [-] min, and they would not be held accountable if the money was paid.The party members killed the Han people and gave a few horses as compensation, which was probably worth less than two hundred coins.

The Song Dynasty was expensive.In the fifth year of Shaoxi, Song soldiers killed Manba, a Qiang man, who was an ordinary man. He was afraid of troubles in other tribes, so he paid [-] min.After they received the money, they did the reconciliation ceremony and swore to God that the matter would be over.Honestly, the price is outrageous.

There are too many party members killed by the Dingnan army this time, and it is impossible to lose money.Zhe Zongben came up with an idea, that is to give some gowns and belts colored forging, and then give a few letters of confession, and the matter is almost over.Shao Shude took it for granted. He did bring some brocades with him during his expedition. It was intended to be given to the obedient tribes. It was a meaning, and it came in handy today.

In fact, later generations Zhe Congruan defeated the parties and tribes, and they also gave some silk and official positions to sue, and then made them swear an oath of reconciliation and accepted them as subordinates.The grassland has its own rules, so follow this is the right thing to do.

While the two were talking, the ceremony was already prepared and someone was sent to respectfully invite Shao Shude to come over.

In addition to Shao Shude, Zhe Zongben and the vassals, there were also several tribes who had been attacked and then surrendered.If someone died in the tribe, a peace ceremony must be performed.

When Shao Shude went to the ceremony site, he saw many skull wine vessels, filled with wine mixed with dog's blood.Those Fan tribe chiefs who had been beaten badly picked up their wine vessels, drank them all, and then swore to the sky: "If you take revenge, the grain will not be harvested, the men and women will be bald, the six animals will die, and the snake will enter the account."

The breeze blew, and the smell of blood and wine in the wine vessel floated over.

Shao Shude also picked up the head wine vessel and drank it down in one gulp.He thought he would reject this kind of thing, but after drinking it, he found that he didn't feel any discomfort at all.I really don't know where my lower limit is!Maybe it has been assimilated by the times so that there is no lower limit.

After drinking, without his ordering, Li Yixian sent a lot of Sichuan brocades to the chiefs who took the oath.At this point, the matter of revenge is over.

"Everyone!" Shao Shude sat on his favorite chair, surrounded by hundreds of soldiers.Not far away, the infantry of the Brigade of the Iron Forest Army wore armor and held lances, arrayed on the side, and their persuasive power suddenly became stronger.

"You are all the Abbess under the rule of this king. There were some misunderstandings in the past. Now that they have been resolved today, let it be forgotten. The king only said three things today. First, from this year onwards, all ministries must go to Xiazhou to pay tribute; For the first one, the Heaven Sacrifice Conference will be held in Xiazhou; for the third one, military service will be required. Do you agree or not?" Shao Shude looked at the chiefs standing on the grass and asked.

The sun shone on his body, and the bright red military uniform was slightly bloody.People, big and small, didn't dare to look at it, and they all bowed their heads.

"That's good! This winter, we will hold a ceremony to worship heaven by the bank of Wushui. At that time, all the ministries will send tributes. We will also select another warrior from the clan and return to Xiazhou with a certain one. Do you have any objections?" Shao Shude asked again.

"No objection." Chief Hao replied one after another.

"That's good! Li Yixian, I'll tell you all the leaders."

Shao Shude prepared dozens of complaints in advance, all of them were shogunate officials such as Dijinze inspector, deputy inspector, etc., and they were under the jurisdiction of Xingjun Sima.The biggest one was a report from the inspector of the capital, which was handed over to Weicai Sudu, the head of Weicai.

These positions have no salary, let alone much practical significance, that is, to restrain them in form.In order to truly rule these people, the officials of the shogunate will have to be summoned in the future to work together to formulate and improve a new system.Today, it's just the beginning.

As for the tribes that belonged to the Zhe family, he did not intend to intervene, and he would not report anything.The Yue family's face still needs to be given, after all, they also contributed.

Shao Shude stayed in Dijinze until the beginning of May.During this period, more than a dozen leaders of scattered small tribes came over, each offering more than a thousand cattle, sheep, horses and camels, and Shao Shude accepted them one by one, and then gave them to him, comforting them with warm words.

After such an operation, these grassland miscellaneous captives in the northern border of Xiazhou and the west of Linzhou were almost settled.The tribe on Dijinze's side has a relatively large population and strong strength. If they are dealt with, the other small tribes will naturally know what to do.

On the tenth day of the fifth lunar month, Shao Shude ordered the class teacher.

The army was mighty and mighty, stretching for more than ten miles, and returned south with more than 4000 horses, more than 21 camels, more than [-] cattle, and more than [-] sheep as trophies.

Shao Shude was sitting in a carriage, looking at the magnificent scene outside the window, he was full of pride.On the side, Wei Cai Laimei, Wei Cai Su Du's granddaughter, was beating his legs.

The man should be so!
(End of this chapter)

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