Chapter 1278 Big Man (Add 1)

On December 28th of the fourth year of Jianji, it is only a few days before the Chinese New Year.

On this day, it was windy and snowy, and Shao Shude personally brought the silver saddle to the outside of Dingzhou City.

He came to work in the army.

After more than a year of expedition, the soldiers have worked very hard and must be comforted.After all, even General Tu has gone back. As the last forbidden army team still fighting outside, the Longxiang Army is indeed tenacious - the Henan soldiers are good!
Shao Shude boarded the top of Beiguan City and looked at Dingzhou in the distance.

Dingzhou city was very excited when they saw Shao Shude's umbrella cover.After a while, thousands of people rushed out of the city and challenged loudly.

"Haha!" Shao Shude smiled happily, he pointed out his hand and said, "I don't want to come to the camp, but the thieves are willing to go out of the city to fight."

Ge Congzhou also smiled: "Your Majesty, the thieves are really courageous. I want to send the soldiers and horses in the right wing of the Longxiang Army to send Ye Likecheng to lead his troops to fight and defeat the thieves."

"Forget it, let my Yinan Zhierlang meet them for a while." Shao Shude said, "Chu Shenping!"

"The end is here!"

Tie Lao greeted the face, pulled it hard, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and the scream was earth-shattering.

Yuan Xingqin brandished a Mo Dao and chopped down the last few bandits who dared to resist.

In this battle, nearly [-] levels of decapitation were achieved, and the victory was crisp and soul-stirring.

Commander Chu Shenping led the soldiers to face the city and shouted: "Long live my emperor!"

With Shan Tinggui's long Ke ax sweeping like this, the steps of the people in front of him became a little scattered, and their center of gravity was also very unstable.

Ge Congzhou was also a little impressed, and said, "This is a really strong soldier!"

Before nightfall on New Year's Eve, Shao Shude, under the guard of Yinanzhi warriors, ran back to Linshuo Palace alone with three horses.

It's damaged, maybe it's okay.The sergeants had a difficult life and were full of resentment. Didn't Li Cunxu continue to enjoy himself for two years?Until a small soldier lost all his money playing cards and rebelled in a fit of anger.It just so happened that the atmosphere was also heightened, and there was an immediate response.

They can see where the hearts of the soldiers are.

Even if the epee cut someone, even with the protection of the armor, the feeling would not be pleasant. Some people's legs gave way and fell down.

For example, the fact that Liu Sanhu was "forced" to reward Liu Sanhu's beautiful concubine, as a popular "legend", is still widely circulated today.

Shao Sheng's current image is very positive, and he maintains it very well.Rewards and punishments are measured, and the reputation is outstanding. Even when they are away on an expedition, the soldiers are rotated. Almost all the resources of half the world are given priority to them. There is really nothing dissatisfied.

"Your Majesty." Yu Lujiangu and Xiao Chonggon hurried up to sweep off the snow for him.

"I obey." Everyone, from the general to the junior school, responded in unison.

The drum beat paused.

Shao Shude slapped the brick on the wall with his palm, and said with a smile: "You guys have defeated the enemy."

Dozens of people followed behind them, marching forward with shouts and clamors, unstoppable.

This year, Youzhou has almost digested it, and even the layout outside the customs has been spread out a little bit, leaving Yiding Town with only the more than [-] miscellaneous soldiers in the city.With Chengde's reinforcements repeatedly defeated and the Jin army struggling to break through the line of defense, the destruction of the Yiwu Army is a matter of time.

Seeing Shao Shude coming now, everyone had a glimmer of hope: Is there such a possibility, that is, to defeat Xia Jun through field battles, make Shao bandits fearful and retreat, and then break up the besieging army?

This kind of thing is not impossible!

In today's world, if generals want to rebel, soldiers may not necessarily listen.If soldiers want to rebel, generals may not be able to stop them.

"Into your mother!" Shan Tinggui relied on his cold-forged armor to protect himself well, and he didn't defend at all. He swept down with his long axe, causing the spear stabbing him to stagger.

Shao Shude stayed in Dingzhou for two days, distributed rewards to the troops, then met with some military academies and soldiers, and spoke warmly to comfort them.

"You bring three commanders into battle, don't disappoint me." Shao Shude ordered.

Shao Shude received and talked with soldiers all the year round.But even after more than 20 years, the number of interviews is limited. Is this useful?
Of course it is useful.

Who do you like most in the military?A man of great strength!

If it is the third, the sound will shake the whole field.

At that time, it was the general who stopped the rebellion, but he was killed by the soldiers...

"The last general obeys orders." Chu Shenping got down from the top of the wall and ordered his troops.

Does Li Siyuan really want to rebel?Being coerced by soldiers, half pushing and half pushing is the real situation.

Shao Shude's eyes scanned the north, east and west sides of Dingzhou City, and wherever he went, there were cheering soldiers.

If you think you can sit back and relax just by recruiting generals, you really don’t know how to die. In fact, in most cases, generals are also victims.

Under the leadership of commander Chu Shenping, the silver saddle warriors lined up in the heavy snow.

When the two armies are facing each other, the lines of troops are close to each other, and when the two sides stab each other with long weapons, if there is a person of infinite strength, holding a heavy long-handled blunt weapon and sweeping towards the opposite side, it will definitely perform miracles.

Yinanzhi has a command of 1000 people, and currently has four commanders, about 400 people.

Before he left, he received news that Wuji, Xingyi, Shenze and other counties in the southernmost part of Dingzhou near Chengde had all been surrendered, and Anxi was already a completely isolated city—it was not a waste of effort to come here up.

Who is the emperor of the warriors, it is clear!
"Hurry up to persuade them to surrender!" Shao Shude ordered: "Counties and towns in Dingzhou that have not surrendered should hold bandits' banners and heads to persuade them to surrender. There must be no mistakes."

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" Infected by this, the soldiers of the Longxiang Army shouted in unison.

He has been carefully maintaining this image, unwilling to be damaged.

After beating the thieves, the silver saddle was slowly gathered under Beiguan City.

Meeting soldiers is what he has been doing for many years.

He Delun was forced by the soldiers to have no choice but to cry to Li Cunxu, and then he killed the soldiers.

Shao Shude can probably understand what the Yiwu Army thinks.

With a roar, Li Xiaoxi rushed forward with several people armed with iron swords, iron maces, and heavy swords, and slammed headfirst into the crowd.

He wants to establish some "legends" in the army, let the soldiers pass on word of mouth, and increase prestige.

Li Xiaoxi and other seven or eight people were like a chisel, wedged hard into the enemy's formation, making the hole bigger and bigger, more and more chaotic.

The contact surface is so big, as long as you are brave enough and fierce enough, you can destroy the enemy's formation in one fell swoop without most of the enemy's reaction. When setting up the formation, the left does not hear the right, the right does not hear the left, the front does not know the back, and the back does not know the front.

Did Lu Wenjin really want to kill Li Cunju?He was not forced by the soldiers, and he didn't want to rebel at first.

As long as Lao Tzu is still alive, careerists will give up their hearts!
Ge Congzhou, Zhu Zhen, Wang Qianyu, He Delun, Yan Bao, Yeli Kecheng and other generals stood respectfully and solemnly.

Who dares to rebel?

Chu Shenping was calm and composed, and ordered the troops to march in with drums.

Yin An Zhi is worthy of being an elite teacher, with excellent equipment and unsurpassed bravery, he is as good as the hall back then, and even stronger.

To put it bluntly, this is a means of "buying popular searches" to increase his exposure among soldiers, and most of them are positive images.

While the two were talking, the Yiwu army was already in chaos, and there was a lot of noise.Some are still advancing, some have retreated, and some have stopped, not knowing what happened.

They are all covered with excellent wart armor, and they are armed with rifles, long axes, mo knives, epees, irons and other weapons.The standard is not uniform, but the murderous spirit is high and the morale is high.

Chong Yanyou and Chu Shenfan, who are new to Yin'anzhi, are not newcomers to the battlefield.

At that time, the Yinanzhi warrior roared, slashed and killed, and chased him to the north gate of Dingzhou before he reined in his troops and returned.

For example, arranging for veterans to serve as post generals, Lizhengs, township assistants, and even township chiefs in the local area. The matter of "life is boundless" has always been a hotly discussed matter.

"Hula la!" Yin Anzhi was the first to dispatch, and Xiao general Shan Tinggui rushed to the front with 500 people.

Shao Shude stood on the top of the wall and waited quietly, Xia Luqi stood by his side and did not go out to fight.

To put it bluntly, even if someone pulls up a team to cause chaos by half-coaxing and half-deceiving, and the saint rides up and stands in front of the battle, the sons and daughters are afraid that they will turn against each other.

"Good!" Shao Shude applauded with high five.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" The voice spread to Xiguan City, and more than 2 soldiers of the Crane Control Army also shouted together.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" The peasants of Hubei Daotutuan, the newly transferred silver gun army, and the newly formed Yizhou state soldiers...

The blunt instrument hit the person, making an unusually "pleasing" sound.

When the war horses were approaching the Tai Palace, the mother and daughter Yu Lujiangu and Xiao Chonggon who were the first to go out saw a scene they would never forget: Shao Shude, covered in snow, sat on the horse and looked at them with piercing eyes, as if A piece of sculpture.

Shao Shude looked carefully, but saw that in the almost charming wind and snow, the lines of soldiers from both sides approached quickly, and then slammed into each other fiercely.

"Boom, boom, boom..." There was a continuous sound of drums outside the city.

The whole army of 3000 people pressed on, putting the last straw on the already shaken bandit army.

There was no hope at all, so I just stayed in the city and lived every day.And this kind of law-abiding, there is a cruel fact that everyone knows but no one will say: everyone will die!
This fact is not mentioned at first.But as time goes by, for various reasons, the city will become more and more desperate, and finally the interior will explode, and the city will be destroyed.

Therefore, there is a magical scene where gamblers hope to make a comeback: the enemy army that has been defending for several months has left the city.

This is the secret of winning with fewer hits and more in array field battles.

Almost in an instant, the Yiwu Army tended to collapse.

Shao Shude mobilized soldiers from the Longxiang Army, Konghe Army, and Silver Spear Army to talk with them, and what he learned reassured him.So after sending out the Zhengdan reward, he left with peace of mind.

This kind of tactic used by warriors is familiar to everyone: sweeping away thousands of troops.

"I set off last night, more than [-] miles a day and night, the sky was full of snow, just to come back for the New Year." Shao Shude embraced the mother and daughter with both hands, and said with a smile.

"This..." Seeing my aunt, Yu Lu was also shocked, and sighed: "Your Majesty has such achievements, perseverance, perseverance, courage, and intelligence are indispensable. From today on, I know that the world has its own husband."

Shao Shude is satisfied with the physical and mental submission of this kind of female nobleman in the power field.

A new year, and a new journey.

(End of this volume)
(End of this chapter)

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