Chapter 1280
On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month of the fifth year of Jianji, Zhou Dalang arrived in Bianzhou just as Queen Zhe drove out of Luoyang.

He returned with more than 300 township party members from the same county, and several cartloads of property were deposited.

In addition, I still have a few military tickets on my body, which can be exchanged at the department - I came back late, and I guess all the good silks were exchanged, and there were only some miscellaneous silks left.

But even that is enough to please.

More than 300 people were the lucky ones who survived and got rewards.This time when I return home, I have to drag the mother-in-law back from the field, play with it hard, vent the anger in my heart, and then take the reward and go to the market to exchange for something.

Well, it's time for the wife and children to change into new clothes.

The old cow at home is almost unable to pull the plow, so go to the government to report it, kill it and sell the meat, find someone to tan the cowhide, and see if it can be put on a pair of armor.Then buy a new cow from other places and come back, and you can’t make a living in the crop field without a cow.

Some tools need to be repaired.Before the expedition, the rake was broken, and the mother-in-law was still cutting the ground with a knife, alas.

The eldest daughter is 15 years old and it's time to get married.As a father, you have to prepare some dowry, not too shabby.

If you have some money left, you can buy some things and send them to the homes of your comrades who died in battle.

Without this road, the best way to transport sweaters from Henan Province and Zhengzhou to Bianzhou is to go by water.However, waterways cannot cover all places, especially many densely populated counties are far from the Yellow River, and cannot be transported when the river freezes in winter.

After inserting it, he was still rambling: "Dalang Wang's luck is so good that he actually saw the silkworm god in his dream."

Zhou Dalang sat in the wine shop at the head of the village, looking at the gray field in the distance, feeling strangely peaceful in his heart.

This national highway is majored by Shengli.

If all of this happened, then the owner of the wine shop he was in at this time might have been tied up, tortured day and night, and squeezed out money.

The shopkeeper himself inserted a poplar branch into the door and pointed to the southeast.

"Forget it." The shopkeeper was silent for a while, and said: "Liang Wang has the grace to save our lives, but he is not as good as Xia Wang after all. Let Xia Wang and Liang Wangfei's children inherit the grand line, that's all right."

There are rumors in the countryside that there was a chancellor who objected to practicing this way at the beginning, the reason was that it was too expensive.But the sage insisted and reduced the palace expenses.

The sage also collected taxes and conscripted soldiers, but he first fattened up the people and then collected taxes, so that people would not be unable to live.

He believed in this thing before, but he doesn't believe it now.

To be honest, he kind of regretted it.But if he agreed to General Li, he could no longer go back on his word, not to mention that he had already accepted a reward from him.

Zhou Dalang didn't know whether the rumors were true or not, but he knew that this road was very useful.

"Speaking of it, I have to thank Jinshang." The shopkeeper said again: "When Xia Bing entered Bian before, the little old man was scared to death. It was so frightened that he shivered. He closed the door and did not dare to go out. Peeking out of the cracks to see if the army is over. When the war subsided and the Liang Palace changed its owner, I found out that it was the same. Jinshang is actually a good man. Some Mao Zuizi arranged for him to rape Princess Liang, so I wanted to scold him. People love each other, they have children, and you want to make trouble? Concubine Liang is also a good person, a really good person, it’s great that she can enjoy the blessings with today.”

His dragon robe is from the first year of Jianji, and he has been wearing it for several years.I sewed and mended, and I was always reluctant to lose it.

The townspeople don't really have any special ideas.They always focus on their own small life, and they don't mind doing some good deeds when they have enough food and clothing.For the folks in the village, who knows if it will be your own family that will be in trouble next time?On the battlefield, swords and guns have no eyes, and only God knows who will die and who will live.

Going home this time, I have to clean up the house and garden, and then move my family to live in Yingzhou.

"What is the store doing?" Zhou Dalang asked.

The weather outside was still relatively cold, and the restaurant owner was wearing a sweater, and told the waiters and cooks to boil the bean curd quickly.

This is a very troublesome thing, and he is very afraid of trouble.

Zhou Dalang listened with a smile and didn't comment.

In fact, in his opinion, these are very meaningless.It's just a battle of spirits, can you really drive away all the people in Zhili and Kansai who have lived in the second generation?
What he really cares about is that this world is getting better and better, not to be destroyed by vulgar warriors like Li Cunxiao.

I heard people on the road that sweaters in Henan Province are generally imported from Heyang, Henanfu, Ruzhou, Zhengzhou and other places.

Xu Shi was excited, and the shopkeeper's speech was a little confused, but Zhou Dalang was still a little moved when he heard it.

"Chasing rats for silkworms." The shopkeeper sat on the attic floor and said, "We in Bianzhou are different from those in the west. We have always raised silkworms. Have you seen the sweater on me?"

Farmers grow this product to feed their livestock, but gradually some people find that it can be eaten by humans, and the taste is not bad.So some farmers process "hay" before winter and eat it as winter vegetables, which is also a scene.

The villagers who were sitting around drinking soup and eating meat laughed loudly.

No one knits sweaters, and the old man freezes to death in a thatched hut with air leakage everywhere in winter.

"I see." Zhou Dalang said with a smile, "I have it too. It's cold in the north, and it's really hard not to have a sweater when you're fighting."

"Hurry up and go home after eating." Zhou Dalang put down his chopsticks, got up and said.

He only eats a few vegetables for a meal, and the money he saves is used to build roads.

He picked up his chopsticks, took a piece of mutton from the pot, and started to chew.

Bean curd is bean porridge, and oil ointment is added after cooking, which is used for sacrifices.

Sad people!

Although the progress of the east-west first-class national road is slow, it has been built to Bianzhou from Luoyang to the east.From Luoyang to the west, it leads to Xin'an County, which happens to be the destination of Zhou Dalang and others, and it is also their home.

In this world, if Li Keyong, Li Cunxiao, and Lu Yanwei were allowed to steal power, then apart from warriors, the lives of the common people would be miserable.Because they only know how to ask, but don't know how to cultivate people's power.

When we went out together, some people came back and some didn't, it's not a problem at all, and I was in a panic.

"It's okay, just ask casually." Zhou Dalang waved his hand.

"Shopkeeper, would you like to let you return to Liang Wang Quanzhong's rule?" Zhou Dalang suddenly asked with a smile.

No one builds roads, and prices are high.

Even the store owner himself, who is fifty years old, probably has to carry a long lance and fight in formation-no, by that time, the warriors may not even be able to use a long lance. Not bad.

"It's far away." The shopkeeper smiled and shook his head, and said again: "When I was not in Bianzhou today, Qin Zongquan once attacked Bajiao Town. That time was also very dangerous. Men and women in the countryside fled one after another, not wanting to be caught It became dried meat. King Liang repelled it, and it was settled for some years until King Xia came again. Fortunately, it was over soon. How about the saint, he brought us cheap things like sweaters, and the winter is no longer difficult. You may not have heard that every winter, how many old people can't bear the frost and die. The saint is good, he is really saving us."

He killed someone, and that person cursed him before he died, with fierce eyes.Several months have passed, but no ghosts have come to claim their lives.Come straight, cut it with a single knife, what is there to be afraid of?
The way of ghosts and gods is nothing more than that.

Saints are really doing things for the people.Compared with Li Cunxiao and others I met in Youzhou, the difference is too big.

Everyone looked at him in astonishment.Someone teased and said, "Are you in such a hurry to go back and hug your mother-in-law?"

There were still some vegetable leaves floating in the pot. He asked just now, and it turned out to be Dawan alfalfa.

The innkeeper was startled, looked at Zhou Dalang suspiciously, and said: "What the customer said..."

"Shopkeeper, is there really a silkworm god?" Zhou Dalang asked curiously after hearing this.

Someone reprimanded: "You old man, what are you thinking? Empress Zhe is from a famous family in Kansai, she is Shushen and elegant, when will it be Princess Liang's turn?"

Wu Fu rushed in in a mess, able to remove all the iron pots.

"Think of good things. If that Zhang family succeeds, wouldn't the next step be to drive all Kansai people like me out of Zhili and Henan?"

The store owner was a little angry when he heard the gang of Xiangyongs making noise, so he just stayed in the attic and couldn't come down.

"Hahaha! Good kill!"

The townspeople burst into even bigger laughter.

"The empress is going to the Beiping mansion. The Zhang family is a weak woman, and I'm afraid she will be shot to death with an arrow."

Who said no?The benefits of sweaters are known to those who wear them.In the future, everyone who has spare money will probably have to buy a whole body, otherwise how will they survive the winter?

Zhou Dalang smiled.

And while he was eating, the bean curd over there was also cooked.The shopkeeper held a bowl in his hand, and climbed up the ladder to the second-floor attic. While eating, he muttered: "Climb the high rice, hold the mouse brain, want to come or not? Wait for me to be old."

"Although there is a lot of land in Bianzhou, there are also a lot of people. There is not much land in each family, and it is divided into fragments and cannot be connected together. Here, we can't cultivate and pasture at the same time as in Henan Prefecture and Ruzhou. Yeah. Our sweaters are all bought from the west, and we have to exchange them with silk.” The shopkeeper said, “I didn’t feel bad when I didn’t have a sweater before. But once I put it on, I never want to take it off in winter. It’s impossible to live without.”

"True!" the storekeeper said mysteriously: "Wang Dalang said that the woman stood in the southeast corner of his house, and said that as long as she made plain porridge, put meat on it, and sacrificed it with chopsticks, the silkworms would prosper. Don't be eaten by rats."

Many commodities that are not easy to transport, such as pottery, briquettes, etc., can now be easily transported, and the prices of such commodities in the market have dropped significantly-not only has the transportation cost decreased, because more people are willing to Workshops were produced, which in turn led to a drop in prices.

The most outrageous rumor is that the saint dismissed thousands of beauties from a certain palace to save money and food to build roads.

Zhou Dalang smiled and said, "I am in a hurry to go to Yingzhou to get promoted and get rich."

Everyone was envious again, and they all said that Zhou Dalang had met a nobleman.If you go to Liucheng, you will be the leader of the team. In a few years, you can't get a deputy to be the leader and take charge of a battalion?At that time, if the Khitan is conquered, there will still be a chance to make meritorious service. Oh, why didn't I think of going for it at the beginning?

Zhou Dalang didn't talk to them much.He always felt that the people and things he encountered since this expedition made him feel different.

Perhaps, in addition to money and wealth, you can also pursue something different.

(End of this chapter)

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