Chapter 1304
The twelfth lunar month is coming soon.

The Tutuan villagers who had been trained around Beiping Prefecture were sent back one after another to prepare for the New Year.

Shao Shude came to the newly established Wangjing Huangzhuang to spend the last days with his family.

The establishment of this Huangzhuang was relatively simple and rude, and a piece of land was set aside next to the Wangjing Pavilion, about several hundred hectares.It was originally the territory of a small tribe, and the family rebellion was implicated, the land was confiscated by the imperial court, and a while ago it was assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs as the Huangzhuang.

There are already more than a hundred families in Huangzhuang, some of them are servants scattered by the four major clans in Yandi, and some are from captured tribal boys and girls.

According to the tradition of the Northland, before entering the twelfth lunar month, winter vegetables must be prepared.Because Huangzhuang was built late, there was no time to cultivate it this year, so the Ministry of Internal Affairs dispatched a batch of dried vegetables, and at the same time organized boys and girls to go to the farm of Sinong Temple to pick turnips and frost cabbage—that is, cabbage that has been beaten by frost.

"Shuangshui, turnip, green leafy vegetables that are rare in winter." Shao Shude looked at the farmers who were washing vegetables in the distance, turned his head and said, "At any time, we must care about the livelihood of the people. Let me ask you, the people of Jianghuai still have a little Plant your favorite winter vegetables, He Ye?"

When Li Cunxu saw his father-in-law's gaze drifting over, he opened his mouth and said, "It should be jujube."

Princess Shao Ze of Lantian slapped his sleeve angrily.Li Cunxu was not angry, instead he smiled at his wife with his stinky face.

Shao Shude was not angry but happy when he saw it.

The palace people brought baskets of salted oysters (zū) and prepared to cook—"Oysters, block it. When it is brewed, it is blocked in the cold and warm, and it will not rot."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the third, fifth, and sixth sons again, and said, "You can also listen, I will only say it once."

Li Cunxu admired this father-in-law more and more.Not only told him to love the people, the benevolent is invincible, but also has the side of a warrior who dares to risk his life and is ruthless and ruthless, no wonder it can be done.

In his later years, he failed to go north to the Central Plains, and lost all the land in Huaibei, and felt depressed.

Wei Cai looked at his daughter and son-in-law, and sighed slightly.

Before he died, all the sons were young, and the only elder son was only at the age of weak crown.

Shao Shude glanced at his son approvingly.

Li Cunxu became interested in an instant, and said: "I also ask the officials to enlighten me."

"When I turned to attack other towns, there was a steady stream of food, grass, wine and meat from the rear, and the enemy soldiers were at each other for a long time, and the food was not enough, so why not die? Not to mention the impact of morale rising and falling Yes. I stationed troops in the north, and even the Khitan people knew who would have a good life with them, so they came to vote one after another. Even the three tribes of Shatuo and the nine surnames of Zhaowu all had families who came to surrender. If things go on like this, the outcome does not matter You can know it."

Xiao Feng had two children, the eldest daughter was married, and the second daughter died when she was young.She has always wanted a son, but after the saint "transferred love", she has never been able to conceive.And she is 43 years old this year, and the chances are getting smaller and smaller.

Li Cunxu didn't expect the sage to ask him all the time today, so he had no mental preparation, so he could only bite the bullet and reply: "The people depend on food, so the government's actions naturally have deep meaning."

To put it simply, fresh vegetables are pickled and fermented into sour dishes, which are actually sauerkraut.Since ancient times, people in the north will pickle sauerkraut in large quantities before winter, even in the palace.

Saints' family, the atmosphere is actually pretty good.Shao Sheng himself is also quite talented and knowledgeable. He practiced martial arts diligently and never put down his books. He didn't ask about everything when he was in charge of politics, but he kept the general direction and often asked officials about various details of government affairs, often hitting the key points.

"Okay." Li Cunxu nodded slowly.

The past few days at Wangjing Pavilion were really the happiest time for Xiao Feng in years.The sisters, one on the left and the other on the right, spent the night with the saint.But my sister is too old to be in love, so she will get all the benefits.

At least in his generation.What will happen to the next generation, he doesn't care, and he doesn't bother to care.

While the few people were talking, they quickly walked to a courtyard.

"Being kind to the people and letting them live a good life is your chance to win." Shao Shude finally said: "When he seized his people, he couldn't farm to support his parents. His parents were cold and hungry, his brothers and wives were separated, and he was drowned. Its people, when the king goes to conquer them, who is the enemy of the king? Therefore, it is said: "The benevolent is invincible." In the past 20 years, Zhu Quanzhong is the only one who can be my opponent."

Li Cunxu was speechless.

The main forces of the two armies are facing each other, what strategy is needed?Too much trouble, no need!
Go straight up!Take off the helmet, don't need the armor, and charge forward with the flesh bare!
It doesn't matter whether he has 30 riders or 50 riders. In a face-to-face battle between men, don't frown, don't blink, just swing a knife and stab, pull a gun and stab, die and pull down, dare to play?

Dafeng is the oldest among the women in the harem, she is 56 years old this year, and she is the head of this group of concubines.Hearing Shao Shude's praise of their son, he felt joy in his heart, stepped forward and took Sanlang's hand, and said with a little distress: "What a handsome young man, he has become so dark in the wind and sun."

I don't have the same knowledge as Nanman, I will fight Bohai!
"Okay, I will definitely take you with me when I conquer Khitan in the future!" Shao Shude laughed.

Da Feng didn't want his son to tear down the stage, he was so angry that he didn't want to talk.After a while, her mood calmed down, and she regained her usual calm and wise image, saying: "Sanlang is in the army, so he has to get along well with Paoze. The sea is not as good as the land, there are too many variables, and the danger is extremely dangerous. Mother doesn't expect If you make contributions, you can be safe and sound."

"Have you seen it?" Shao Shude looked at the Feng sisters, Weicai clan, Yeli clan, Wuzang clan, Zhuge clan and other concubines, and said, "It is good to experience outside, otherwise how will you know the suffering of the people?"

"Sweet and crisp, the juice is also sour and delicious. Its stems are golden hairpins, so it is suitable for sobering up." Shao Shude grabbed a section of washed sauerkraut, put it in his mouth, chewed it, and said with a smile: "I have been doing this for years. In winter, there is a lot of waste to satisfy the appetite. The people in the north do not grow turnips at first, but since they raised a large number of livestock, turnips are indispensable. Livestock can eat, and people can also eat, so there are more winters A kind of vegetable. Agronomy introduced carrots from Hu merchants, and now many farmers grow them. They can be harvested before winter, and after drying, there will be an additional vegetable in winter. Yazi, what do you think of these things? how?"

Near the hot springs, you can always find some land where you can grow some off-season vegetables.Although the output is very low and cannot cover the entire winter months, it has been able to meet a large part of his personal needs.

What he is most worried about is that Li Cunxu has a grudge in his heart, which will delay his daughter's happiness.

Queen Zheshi was pregnant, so she didn't follow her this time.

"Grandfather, it should be Mallow. I saw it on Huaihai Road." said Shao Mianren, the third son who had just returned to Beiping from the Ping Navy Station.

Shao Shude was also very helpless, and planned to let his son experience another year or two in the Pinghai Navy, and then go ashore and join the Imperial Army, which is another backup for the prince.

"If you want to attack the eight tribes of Khitan, what's your strategy?" Shao Shude asked.

Perhaps, this is really the most powerful art of war in the world?
The Feng sisters looked at each other and smiled, the saint was showing off again.

Sometimes Li Cunxu felt that it might be a blessing for the people that the world welcomed such an emperor, right?

"The sea is ruthless, what if..." Having said this, Da Feng choked up, and looked at Shao Shude again.

Last night Dafeng said that the sea is too dangerous, since ancient times the Tian family has never treated the prince so harshly, it is rare to lose his temper.

"Most of the Imperial Guards of the Great Xia are stationed around Luoyang. The soldiers are fighting outside, and their wives, children, and parents are farming at home. If they don't have enough food and clothing, the morale of the army will definitely be unstable." Shao Shude said: "But I will find a way to help them and let them Their wives, children, and parents can eat enough and have sweaters to keep out the cold. When the snow is falling, the sergeants will not think wildly and worry about their families being cold and hungry. On the contrary, they will be grateful to me, because it is me who made their families live a good life, so Courage is multiplied, and everyone dies."

Shao Shude laughed and said, "Yazi, I will teach you the most powerful art of war in the world."

He knew that the officials were unwilling to kill the members of the Li family with their own hands, so it was through his hands to deal with it.It's just - alas!Li Cunxu didn't want to kill his uncle either, so let's persuade him if he can.However, his opinion of this uncle was really bad.My father is still there, so many small gestures, it is really embarrassing.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Shao Shude.

Of course, Shao Shude may not need it.

To this fourth daughter, he owed something in his heart.For the other daughters, even the eldest daughter Shao Guoer who was not his own, he insisted that they choose their own husbands.As for his fourth daughter, Shao Ze, who was considered to have an arranged marriage, he was always uneasy, although this was common in ancient times.

"Aniang, it's actually quite good in Pinghai." Shao Mianren smiled and said, "I really learned a lot, and they are all new things that are hard to see in the imperial army. It's very interesting."

Feeling uncomfortable, subconsciously wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, it was similar to the current situation.He couldn't help but fell into deep doubts. It turns out that besides military strategy, martial arts, and tactics, there is such an upright and supreme art of war.

Not to mention the comparison with Jinshang, it is far behind.

"Your Majesty." Chu Shenping, the commander of Yin An Zhi, looked around for a while, then hurried over, and said: "There is news from Guangling, the cries in Prince Wu's mansion are loud, Yang Xingmi must have passed away."

It is also difficult for others to fool him, because the saint has a lot of experience. He came up from the bottom step by step. He has experienced everything and knows a lot. Officials can only be honest and dare not perfunctory in front of him.

Li Cunxu was a little surprised.

"Xia and Jin are a family. Some things, it's not good to make them too ugly. I really don't want to hurt the peace of the two families." Shao Shude said again: "Li Kening, go and persuade them."

Shao Shude laughed out loud.

Li Kening succeeded the deceased Kang Junli, and he knew about the military and civilian affairs of Lanshi Erzhou as Prime he become ambitious when he saw that his father was seriously ill and couldn't see things?Zhou Dewei voted too?
No, there shouldn't be.Li Cunxu knew Zhou Yangwu well. He was a very pure person who only obeyed his father's orders.Father would not hand over power to Uncle Kening, Zhou Dewei had no reason to listen to him.

Looking at it now, it seemed to be okay, which made him a little relieved.

Li Cunxu's face turned livid, but he couldn't refute.

In the harem of Shao's family, there is not such a strong sense of etiquette. In private, the prince and princess are allowed to call their biological mother "A Niang", and concubines are also allowed to take care of their own children.

This kind of head-on collision without fancy tricks, others still hit more with less, you lose not once or twice, A Baoji really doubts life.

"Some people in Hedong are still stubborn." Shao Shude said suddenly: "Yazi, I will send my troops into Jinyang in the future, and I don't want to do more evil, so you can enlighten them for me. Especially yours." Uncle Kenin, he has been acting quite a bit lately."

Li Cunxu also smiled when he saw this, his face softened a little.

A Baoji was played and cried.

"It's worth it." Shao Mianren nodded.

Shao Shude also winked at the two of them, as if they had returned to the good old days 20 years ago.

"Fanglue?" Li Cunxu's eyes gradually brightened, and he said, "Five thousand elite riders are enough. If you encounter Khitan bandits, charge up and kill them. If you don't break through once, you can charge twice. If you don't do it twice, you can do it three times. A thief is weak and can always be defeated."

It must be very enjoyable to fight behind this kind of person.

At this time, Shao Shude could no longer pretend not to hear, and when he was thinking about words, he heard Shao Mianren say: "Mother, it's okay. The new boat is relatively stable, and there is nothing serious. When I first arrived at sea, the wind and waves were dangerous, and I was scared. He was half dead. When a big wave hit, he vomited in the dark. After a year, he has adapted very well, and now he is walking on the deck, very comfortable."

Father once wanted to return to Tang, hey!Is it really okay for Le'an County King to look like a bear?The same officials, on the side of Le'an County King, either perfunctory, did not work hard, or flattered their horses, and took bribes as their ability.But when it comes to Xinchao, the same person has become more restrained and worked harder, can't you tell the difference?
Even if father is lucky enough to turn his career around, can he take care of the whole world?Do others take it?
Once again by luck, my father managed to clean up the world. Will he be able to do better than King Le'an?not necessarily.

Shao Shude was stunned for a moment, Lao Yang left now...

As for the fourth child, he is not going to be sent to the army in the future.His character is just like that, not worth cultivating, not even qualified to be a spare tire, so let's continue to circle around customs, local states and counties.For him, it might be a good thing.

As expected of Li Yazi.In history, Abaoji suffered heavy losses due to his unreasonable style of play, and fled in embarrassment.Even taking Hedong up and down, Fu Cunshen, Yan Bao, Li Sizhao, Li Siyuan and others are also playing in a normal way.

Shao Shude frowned and said, "Warrior put his head up and worked his life, wrapped in horse leather, and died well. Even if I stand there, I won't retreat. Otherwise, what right do I have to enjoy beauty and wealth? If I dare to play with Xiao Shilu's wife and daughter, I dare to kill them." Him. Even if he is resurrected, he will be killed with a single blow. In the future, the heads of the Khitan will be rolled away, and the most beautiful woman in the tribe will kneel in front of me. Whoever dares to disobey will be killed until he is terrified."

At the age of 54, he spent most of his life on the move, and only slowly improved after middle age.

Shao Shude pretended not to hear, he took Xiao Feng's hand and joked.

Shao Shude felt a little sympathetic to him.

Yang Wo, I don't care about killing!

"Continue to observe, don't act rashly." Shao Shude ordered: "Next year, it will be an eventful year."

Li Cunxu didn't know what he thought of, and his face gradually darkened again.

(End of this chapter)

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