Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1310 Shocking News

Chapter 1310 Shocking News
Shao Shude has completely entrusted government affairs to several prime ministers, and he sits in the camp outside Zhenzhou City to handle military affairs.

He also does not need to be specifically responsible for the front-line command.

Lu Huaizhong has been fighting for 30 to [-] years, and he is considered one of the more outstanding of his old buddies. His ability is no problem, and you don't need to interfere too much.

He just watched, waited, and comforted the soldiers by the way.Some units have not been in contact with for a long time, which is not conducive to strengthening his prestige.

"The Wuwei army is really extravagant. They use Shuofang raw burns to treat their wounds." Shao Shude walked around the wounded soldiers camp, came out and smiled directly at Li Yixian, the deputy envoy, "But it's worth it."

Using strong alcohol to disinfect the wound is actually not very effective.Medical alcohol generally has a content of 75%, but how much is distilled alcohol?
Shuofang raw burn, Shao Shude also drank it, did it exceed 30 degrees?He doesn't think so.

This kind of wine has no bactericidal effect.But of course there is still a difference between using it and not using it, it just depends on your willingness to part with it.

In ancient societies with low productivity, wine was not cheap.The big wine in the army is usually rewarded with wine and meat. Wine is not a daily consumer product, but a high-end consumer product that improves the quality of life.Ordinary people only open up to drink on festivals such as social day. In normal times, they have to be scolded by their mothers-in-law when they come back after eating a little.

But no matter how high the cost is, it still makes sense. Veterans on the battlefield are more valuable.

Further distillation and purification of wines such as Shuofang Shengshao, preferably with a degree of more than 70 degrees, is the direction that needs to be worked hard in the future.

In the Kansai region, due to the different economic forms, the number of orchards owned by each household far exceeds that of mulberry forests.This is especially true in the states of Guanbei Province. Vineyards are everywhere, and winemaking is just needed, because distiller's grains can be used to milk cows, which greatly increases production. Wine has to be sold to grassland tribes. Henan.

People in Henan used to drink low-alcohol rice wine and rice wine, but now they are hit by the Kansai version of "brandy".

The imperial court is also happy to see its success, and promotes it openly and secretly.

In ancient times, various dynasties have issued prohibition orders countless times. The core reason is that wine making is too wasteful of food.But there is always a demand in the beverage market. Apart from tea, there is wine, both of which are important supplements to the government's finances. Therefore, it can't be banned for a long time and then released, and it is very entangled.

There is not much trouble with Kansai wine, and the imperial court has no reason to prohibit alcohol.

"On the battlefield, Lu Shuai's military discipline is strict, and he keeps his word. Anyone who dares to disobey his orders will be executed without mercy. Outside of the battlefield, he treats the soldiers very well, and he does everything possible to reward everyone with wine and meat. Even that reward will be with the Privy Council. The envoys patted the table, and Ge Congzhou learned from him." Li Yixian praised Lu Huaizhong without hesitation, which shows that Lao Lu is still very popular in the Wuwei Army.

"Only by governing the army in this way can the soldiers be able to use their lives." Shao Shude said.

Old Lu was indeed such a person.

Among all the forbidden armies, he spared no expense in casualties in siege battles, pushing both the enemy and us to the limit, and then put into the reserve team to recharge their batteries.

But he does love the nurses and is willing to fight for their interests. He seems to be a very contradictory person, but that's just because you don't understand him.

As the evening approached, Shao Shude sat on the ground with the soldiers in the camp again and had dinner.

Compared with 20 years ago, the food in today's military camps has changed a lot, the most prominent being the increasing proportion of dairy products.You have changed the agricultural production model, and the total grain output has dropped slightly compared to before. If you don’t eat meat and milk, what else can you eat?
Furthermore, things like cheese and milk powder can be stored for a long time, have good energy, and are easier to transport. They are actually very good field food.

Shao Shude doesn't really like eating cheese, but in order to set an example, he almost regards it as a home-cooked food to drive the atmosphere.

To be honest, things like meat are not yet ready to eat, but compared to 20 years ago, the amount is still much larger.

There is no way, the three-crop crop rotation system has captured too much nitrogen from the air. If it cannot be reflected in agricultural output, what is the difference from the ancient fallow rotation?

The meat in the iron pot has been cooked, and it is fragrant.

Shao Shude personally picked up the spoon and filled a bowl for each of the surrounding soldiers.

Li Yixian looked a little dazed.The last time the saint gave meat to the soldiers in the German army, all ten people were killed in that fire.The favor of the superior, alas!

But when Shao Shude filled him with meat, he still handed over the bowl respectfully.Just die, this life is sold to a saint.

"How many iron pots are there in your camp?" Shao Shude asked.


Shao Shude nodded, and said: "More than 20 years ago, not even a battalion had an iron pot. I still remember the scene of cooking with a rice cooker."

"How many armors? How many armors?" he asked again.

"Everyone has armor, and there are more than 200 pairs of armor."

Shao Shude nodded again, and said, "It's improved compared to 20 years ago."

The supply of cheese, milk powder, and dried meat has increased, and there are more armors. There are four large iron pots in a battalion, and other tools have also increased.Lu Huaizhong even asked people to wash the wound with spirits. The conditions in the army have indeed improved a lot compared to before.

"Fighting with His Majesty is a pleasure."

"It's true that there is no such thing as life, the more the better."

"The thieves are getting weaker and weaker."

"Your Majesty, let's fight to complete virtue, take us to fight in Hedong."

"I'm afraid it's not about hitting Khitan!"

Shao Shude listened silently to the words from the heart of the soldiers, smiling.

A while ago, he sent hundreds of bolts of cloth to the camp to wrap the wounded soldiers.

Fine silk (cotton cloth) was also a kind of textile in the Tang Dynasty. Because it was rare, it was once sold more expensive than most silks.Mainly from the south, it is also known as Baizhuo and Guiguanbu.

For wounds in the army, linen and miscellaneous silk are mainly used at present, but the effect is not very good.

The fine fabric is soft, breathable and absorbent, and the bandage made of it is better than other kinds of fabrics.

What needs to be done now is to reduce the cost of cloth, which requires expanding the planting area.Shao Shude felt that he could try it in the south.

There are roughly five varieties of cotton: herbal cotton, woody cotton, upland cotton, Indian woody cotton (Asian cotton, tree cotton), and sea-island cotton.

Some cotton is planted in a small area in the Si Nong Temple Farm in Lingzhou, which is actually herbal cotton.It should have been brought to Dunhuang by Sogdian merchants during the Northern Dynasties, where it took root.

The arid place in Dunhuang is actually not suitable for planting such an extremely water-consuming cash crop.

Cotton needs light and water, and not many places have both.Shao Shude remembered that later generations in Central Asia Uzbekistan planted cotton, causing the water level of the river to drop drastically, and the ecological pressure was extremely great.

If possible, it is better to plant in the Yangtze River Basin.

Social and economic development will feed back the army-this has already happened.

The strength of the army is stronger, fighting abroad, obtaining resources, and then feeding back the economy - this has been happening before, and Shao Shude started his business with this method, and he wants to continue to maintain it in the future.

There are so many things to do!
"Your Majesty!" Shaluqi waved outside the tent.

Shao Shude knew that he was cautious, and he would not be so if nothing happened, so he got up slowly and walked outside calmly.

"There is an urgent report from the Secretary." Shaluqi reached out and handed over the wooden box.

Shao Shude took it, checked the seal, opened it, and read it carefully.

After a long time, he sighed and said, "Let Chen Shilang come to see me."

Chen Cheng also came over and lived in the camp.

It was already completely dark, so the little official lit a candle for him.

"Order two more." Chen Cheng squinted his eyes, trying to see the teeny small script on the melody. After reading for a long time, he finally became angry: "Well, you bastard, the writing is so small! Don't let the old man take advantage of it, or It looks good with you."

The clerk silently lit two more whale oil candles, moved them closer, and the tent suddenly became much brighter.

"Sigh, it's easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. If there is no sperm oil candle in the future, I won't be able to work at night?" Chen Cheng put down his brush and sighed.

"Master, the Shaofu made tens of thousands of candles, which will last for a long time." The official said, "If there are no more candles, His Majesty will reward you again."

"Last year, many people were jealous of rewards and went out to sea to hunt whaling, but they found nothing. There were even two boats that failed to return, and they didn't know if they were alive or dead." Chen Cheng took a sip of tea and said, "Many people have written letters from Yushitai. Dissuade, this whale oil candle, maybe one is missing.”

In fact, there are indeed people who are impeaching people, but most of them are small fish and shrimps, and there are very few people.At least heavyweight figures like Doctor Yushi and Yushi Zhongcheng haven't made a move yet.

The reason for impeachment is justified: it hurts peace.

People who go to sea only have rewards in their eyes, money is not life.They don't cherish their lives, and are willing to trade their lives for wealth.But the censors couldn't stand it anymore, and felt that if this continued, more and more people would go to sea. If dozens of ships sank a year, how many people would die?
Isn't that hurtful and what is it?
They also knew that this was not an order from the saint, so they did not point the finger at the saint, but only asked the court to issue an edict to prohibit these desperadoes from going to sea.

But the sage's temper was not normal. After seeing the memorandum, he directly commented on it: "What a lot of things you have to do!"

Chen Cheng smiled when he saw Zhu Pi.

In the first year of Jianji, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were trembling in front of the saints.But today, six years after Jianji, Xu Shisheng has always shown others with a kind face, and the courtiers are getting more and more courageous, and they almost forgot that the saint is a martial artist who directly practiced epee and slashed people after he came down to court.

"It depends on luck." The little official said with a smile: "According to the people in Ping Haijun, they once saw a big fish in the sea. It's just that the military situation was urgent at that time, and they couldn't catch it in time. When I searched for it later, it was gone. trace."

"That's right." Chen Cheng put down the teacup and was about to continue working when he saw Xia Luqi walking over.

"Chen Shilang, the saint has a call." Xia Luqi bowed and saluted.

"What's the matter?" Chen Cheng asked subconsciously. After speaking, he waved his hand and said, "Old man, Meng Lang."

"It doesn't matter, the sage sent me to tell the servant the details, and go to the river with him as soon as possible." Xia Luqi said: "Five days ago, Li Keyong suddenly got up from the sick bed, and everyone was shocked. Keyong ordered the cook to offer food and finished eating and drinking Later, he wanted to go out of Yanmen Pass. Li Xiji, Li Sizhao and others dissuaded him, but he refused to listen, and finally left Jinyang in a carriage and headed north."

Chen Cheng nodded slowly.

Li Keyong is a strong person.The atmosphere in the north is brave and strong. If high-ranking officials and generals go out, if they travel in sedan chairs or cars, they will be criticized by others.If Li Keyong hadn't been really weak, he would have rode his horse, and it was impossible for him to ride in a chariot.

And he probably knew the destination of going north out of Yanmen Pass.

Golden Town!
Li Guochang used to be an official in Jincheng, which used to be the grazing land of Shatuo Sanbu, and it was also the place where Li Keyong was born and grew up...

(End of this chapter)

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