Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1315 The choice of each

Chapter 1315 The choice of each
"Hey, when will Jiaoshi Ordinary Court resume food and porridge?" Outside the temple, Xing Lu was surprised.

Ordinary colleges prepare monks and laymen for travel and boarding. In peacetime, there is always porridge and rice, but in times of war, it may not be so.

This kind of institution was also developed in the Tang Dynasty. It is usually built on the road leading to famous temples for monks. It can be called a post road in the Buddhist world, and pedestrians can also stay, eat and drink.

For example, people from Hebei often go to Mount Wutai to worship Buddha.Counting from the Zhulin Temple at the south entrance of Mount Wutai, there is an Ordinary Courtyard 32 miles south, Jiaoshi Ordinary Courtyard [-] miles east, Tea Shop Ordinary Courtyard [-] miles east, Zhanghua Ordinary Courtyard [-] miles east...

"The king of Jin passed away, and the concubine sent someone to Mount Wutai to pay respects to the Buddha, and she bestowed a lot of property on behalf of the king of Jin." A businessman speaking with a Hedong accent said, "Oh, calling and fighting, even Wutai Mountain is so big. Life in the jungle is tough."

Xinglv also sighed when he heard the words, and said: "Zhenzhou is fighting back and forth, and the soldiers are in chaos. I wanted to enter Taiyuan from Jingxing, but there were soldiers passing there, and I was scared to death. It seems that Hedong can't go. That's right. , When did King Jin die?"

"Last month." The merchant took a sip of his wine and said, "The mourning envoy hastened to the prefectures and counties to make announcements. I guess everyone in the east of the river knows about it."

"Then..." Xing Lu swallowed his saliva, and said cautiously: "When King Jin died, could it be that the princes were fighting for the throne and the chaos was raging?"

"Fight for a seat!" The merchant sneered and said, "The envoy of mourning is in the name of the Daxia court. It is posted at the gate of Wutai County. You can read it yourself."

"Is this... a surrender? The Li family surrendered?" Xinglv asked.

"It's good to be lowered." The merchant sighed: "You don't know, I went north from Taiyuan to sell goods, and as soon as I left Shiling Pass, the town general An Yuanxin cut off the traffic. It's so dangerous, the goods were almost caught by those warriors. Robbed."

Travel silently.

He sorted out his thoughts, and roughly figured out one thing: Li Keyong died, and many people surrendered to Xia Guo, but warriors like An Yuanxin refused to accept it, and raised troops to fight against him, and Hedong is about to die!
"An Yuan Nobun will not be able to grow." Xing Lu said suddenly.

"Why?" The merchant wondered: "This man is good at comforting soldiers, and he is well-known. He also occupies an important place in Shiling Pass, so it is not easy to attack. Once the stalemate continues, if there is no guarantee that someone will respond, some will fight."

"You know that I came from Jingxing, but I don't know what I saw." Xinglu sighed: "The mountains and plains are full of summer soldiers. The flags cover the sky and the sun, the post roads are filled with chariots and horses, and the soldiers almost fill the sky. Ling. If there is no certainty of victory, why are so many people flocking to the Chengtian Army? You also know that there are too many people in the Chengtian Army. The general of the town has surrendered. Once Jingxing was broken, the army went straight into Taiyuan, and the road was smooth. I think An Yuanxin is worried about being attacked by the north and the south."

"That's true." The merchant put down his wine bowl and said, "Whatever he does? I'm going to Dingzhou to join my brother. Hedong is so rotten, it's better to go to Hebei."

Travel speechless.

Some people left Hedong in a hurry and went to Hebei to seek refuge.And he left Hebei to take refuge in Hedong.

"There are disasters everywhere in the east of Hebei, but I heard that there is less dust in Guanzhong. If you want to take refuge, you should go to Guanzhong." A man from outside the post road led a horse and came over. Looking at his attire, he turned out to be a warrior.

The merchant and traveler stopped talking.

The martial artist is moody, and if you are beaten and scolded by him, you have to suffer, there is nothing you can do.

"What are you looking at me for?" Wufu sat down next to the two of them, saw steamed cakes, melons and fruits and wine on the table, and ate them immediately.

The merchant's face was pale, and he subconsciously wanted to stop it, but held back again.

Xinglv wanted to get up and say goodbye, but he didn't dare.

"Look at your ugly face!" Wufu took out a handful of money from his pocket, threw it in front of the merchant, and said, "I'm too lazy to move, so I'll bring a bowl of almond porridge from the rice seller, and you keep the rest of the money. I won't eat you for nothing."

The merchant's face turned rosy all of a sudden, he got up immediately, and walked into the wine shop.

Almond porridge is a traditional food in Hebei.

"Boil japonica rice and wheat for cheese, pound almonds, and cook for porridge." "Today, people know it as barley porridge, and grind almonds to make cheese, so that it can be fertile."

Before the arrival of cold food and Qingming Festival, the store will prepare a large number of ingredients and sell them until May-this kind of food is also a festival food for Hebei Hanshi.

"You bastard, don't stare at me anymore. Go back to Zhenzhou immediately after eating." Wufu laughed and scolded: "Wang Rong will not be jumping around for a few days. I am going to Daizhou— —”

In the middle of Wufu's speech, his face suddenly changed, knowing that he was overwhelmed, he simply lowered his head to eat and drink, and stopped talking.

Xing Lu saw that this martial artist didn't seem very vicious, so he asked boldly, "The general is from Zhenzhou? My lord, Xingtang County, Zhenzhou..."

"Noisy!" Wufu slapped the table, and the wine spilled everywhere.

Xinglv didn't dare to speak any more, bowed his head and apologized.

"That's all." Seeing his pity, Wufu sighed, "There was an internal turmoil in Zhenzhou more than ten days ago. There was a judge Zhou Shi who led his slaves to rush to kill at night, trying to open the city gate, but was killed by the guards. Since then, he has repeatedly Some generals and officials paid bribes to buy sergeants, and they went down the city at night. I see, there is no need to fight this broken city, and the Zhao people will play themselves to death sooner or later."

"It's so far?!" Xinglu said in surprise.

"Hmph!" Wufu sneered, and said, "If you don't leave the city, you're waiting to die? I've been squatting in Zhenzhou City for a few months, and I'm already full of anger. There are rumors in the army that when this city is destroyed, don't leave it alone. I You have to kill these thieves."

Traveling only felt a chill, and couldn't bear it, he said: "The sage, Ruo Pinghedong and Zhenzhou, have covered the Northland and the middle of Shu. Since the hardships, no one has such a wide base. Seeing that the peaceful and prosperous age is coming, how can they A big killing?"

"Don't you look at how many people we have died!" Wufu looked Xinglu up and down, finally resting his eyes on his neck, and said with a smile: "The neck is as thin as a stick, I can twist it off with one hand , but he was boastful, and quickly got out of my eyes. The most useless thing in the world is Mao Zhuizi, haha!"

Xing Lu didn't know why Wufu suddenly turned his face, he packed his luggage silently, and led the donkey away.

The merchant came over with a big bowl of almond porridge, looked at Xinglu in surprise, then at Wu Fu, and said nothing.

"I heard you're going to Dingzhou?" Wu Fu took the porridge bowl and asked while eating and drinking.


"Go ahead. That Mao Zhuizi just now is right. When the army enters the east of the river, they may start fighting. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. After everything is settled, it is not too late to go home and have a look." Wufu San After finishing the porridge in two bites, he threw the empty bowl in front of the merchant and said, "Go get another bowl."

The merchant didn't talk nonsense and got up immediately.

Just as the merchant, traveler, and martial artist were talking, Fu Cunshen, the envoy of Jingxing Chengtian Army, rushed to Yuci County.

There was a mess outside the county seat, and the tragic fight had just ended.

Hundreds of surrendered soldiers knelt on the ground tremblingly.

Someone called Qu: "I was plowing the land at home, and I was summoned in a daze. I didn't know what happened. I just followed the Shangguan to kill, and I was defeated in a daze. My injustice!"

Someone begged for mercy: "I'm just here for some reward, I really don't want to block Master Wang."

Someone sighed: "If I didn't owe Commander Zhang a favor, I wouldn't have come here either. Forget it, people are mortal, and when they die, they die."

Fu Cunshen frowned and glanced at the soldiers, and said: "Check it out, the Tutuan villager will be released on the spot. Wufu will be imprisoned, and will be sent to Beiping to repair Miyagi in the future."

"Of order." A small school responded.

Fu Cunshen took another look at Yuci County, which had just been captured, and said, "Kong Qing, what are you still doing in a daze? You were blocked by a small Yuci for two days. If something big happens, I'll behead you."

"Responsive envoy..." Kong Cheng's face turned pale.

"Pick out those who can ride a horse, and follow me to Jinyang." Fu Cunshen flicked his horsewhip and ordered.

"Of order." Kong Qing replied loudly.

They set off from Zhenzhou and traveled all the way.As expected, Li Chengyue, the general of Chengtian Army Town, surrendered. Among the [-] defenders, [-] peasants from the Tutuan returned to their respective families and dispersed in a crowd. Polished.

After passing through the Chengtian Army, two thousand Youguo Army elite soldiers went to Guangyang County, met the county magistrate and led two thousand townships to march eastward bravely, and defeated them in one battle.

At this time, Kong Qing, who was a pioneer, also had to sigh that there was a reason why Hedong was able to survive until now.The Chengtian army had descended, and the county magistrate at the rear heard about it, and even took the initiative to summon Xiangyong to stop it and buy time for the rear.

However, he died meaninglessly.

Rested overnight in Guangyang County, then rushed west to Shouyang non-stop, and Shouyang descended.

Go to Yuci again.

Yuci ordered to surrender in accordance with the order of the shogunate, but was executed by the county and town soldiers.Kong Qing was furious, he made weapons to attack the city, and pulled them out in two days.

Fu Cunshen waited impatiently, and led a thousand cavalry to catch up from behind.

He just got the news that the Jinglue Army went northward from Heyang, and the journey went smoothly. It has entered Zezhou and is about to march to Luzhou.

Liu Yancong, the commander of the Yinqiang Xiaoyi Army, and Shi Jingrong, the commander of the bodyguard's golden gun, have sent envoys to negotiate the surrender.

Zhang Wanjin, deputy commander of the Huangjia Army in front of the hall, has not yet expressed his position.

But no matter what Zhang Wanjin's final choice is, it is a fact that the South Road is making rapid progress.Considering that Zelu is the focus of the Jin army's defense and has a large number of troops, the economic and strategic army can still achieve such achievements, which really compares them.

Therefore, Fu Cunshen was a little anxious. He wanted to be the first to enter Jinyang.

A messenger came rushing not far away.

"Responsive envoy, I heard the news from Jinyang that after Li Kening left Lanzhou, he went to Loufanjian Mucheng, and when he heard the news of Keyong's death, he stopped, as if he had a plan." The messenger reported.

"What's the situation in Jinyang?" Fu Cunshen asked.

Li Kening's actions were within his expectations.

You can't expect everyone to be honest.They are either unwilling, or confused by the left and right rhetoric, or they are very bold. It is not surprising that they make this choice.

"Li Kerou stayed in Jinyang, and I heard that he has been ordered to seal up the treasury until the arrival of Master Wang." The messenger replied.

"Wait no more!" Fu Cunshen turned his horse's head and said, "Li Kening is a scumbag! If I were him, I would have to fly to Jinyang at this time no matter what, to fight for that first-line opportunity. But he hesitated upstairs Before, this is the way of death. Let’s go, go to Jinyang! I’m worried that Li Kerou won’t be able to control the situation.”

After all, he waved his whip and left first.Qianqi followed closely behind, all the way west.

(End of this chapter)

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