Chapter 1336

Liucheng used to be the capital of Wuhuan Tadun and Qianyan Murong Hao, and later Yan and Beiyan continued to be here. It has been a famous town in western Liaoning and an important place for customs defense.After the Later Wei Dynasty destroyed Yan, Yingzhou and Helong Town were set up, and the governor served as the general of the town and led the guard of Dongyi Xiaowei.

Helong Town has long been lost in the dust of history, and now the Helong Palace has risen from the ground, a palace that was "supported" by the chiefs of Yingzhou and then built. It is located in the north of Yingzhou—because the Helong Palace For this reason, Yingzhou is also called "Dragon City".

"Recently there have been a lot of Khitan rangers spying on them, and the general has sent people to expel them many times. But the Khitans are still taking trails and approaching, spying endlessly." In Helong Palace, Shao Shude, who had just settled down, summoned Yingzhou Inspector Chongzhong immediately. Li Siben, the commander of the Xian and Zhou armies, is Li Siben who is answering at this time.

"It's okay. Can you still expect A Baoji to be kept in the dark for the rest of his life?" Shao Shude said: "The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and the ice and snow are thawing. If he doesn't send people over to have a look, that would be too bad. Have you ever sent people to Khitan territory? scouting?"

What Han Zhigu said to A Baoji was the truth, but the effect was astonishing.Being able to paralyze Abaoji is profitable for a month, which gives the soldiers and horses of the Great Xia a chance to attack each other in turn.

"Yes." Li Siben replied: "Zhou Jiying of the military academy went over Songxingling, captured a Xiren Xiaohao, and came back. After interrogation, he learned that Liu Bu Xi and Die La Liu Bu Xi had been conscripted to go there as early as late February. Huangshui, I heard that Khitan's new Khan Yeluyi was planning to attack the Bohai Sea. In April, because he heard that there was a fleet of kings in the direction of the Daliaoshui, the Khitan was terrified, so he stopped attacking the Bohai Sea. After that, he will I no longer know."

"On the way here, I saw that the pastures are growing well. How is the north?" Shao Shude asked.

"It just grew an inch."

"A little more time, it's almost over." Shao Shude nodded.

In the direction of Chengde County in Ruzhou, Shi Jiantang led Shatuo Qingqi thousands of people, scattered and harassed from southwest to northeast.

There are six counties in Yingzhou, with a total of more than 11 households and nearly [-] people.These are the registered household population, and they are also the backbone of the restoration of Sinicization here.

Outside the east city, a cavalry army was also dispatched.

"I will live up to His Majesty's expectations." The old man Zhong replied with great vigor.

"Chong Qing, sit down." Shao Shude said with a smile, "I will not ignore Khitan after I have conquered it. The Liao land is vast, and it is close to Beijing. Letting it go is too dangerous, so we still have to spend energy on defense. Yingzhou and The Anton Mansion is the two pillars for the imperial court to control the Liao land, and one is indispensable. I am very moved by Zhong Qing's enthusiasm, and perhaps one or two of the Zhong family's children can be used as officials."

"Observe the order." Li Siben agreed.

Near the key city gate, the two sides competed fiercely.

Outside Baiwang City on the opposite bank of Tongding County, tens of thousands of soldiers surrounded the city.

The war has just begun, and Shao Shude wants to see how Abao will respond.

Dense arrows flew over, and the large shield was covered with white flowers, which was really beautiful.

In this kind of place where there is no cultivation all year round, pasture can grow very tall.The more virgin the land, the more lush it will grow.

The Jin soldiers who followed behind him also went all out, bravely charged against the spears stabbed by the enemy.

The four-way attack, the flat pine forest road, the time should be almost up, maybe they haven't launched a formal attack yet, but in seven or eight days at most, they will fight the Khitans—if nothing happens.

Then the Khitan went south to try to cut off the Xia army's grain road, but after discovering that most of their grain and grass were transported through the river, they were desperate.

The fourth army of the Bohai State, whether love will come or not.

"Wang Tieqiang!"

"All the ministries donated 20 cattle and sheep, and sent [-] chickens." Li Siben replied: "All of them have been assembled."

Before leaving, Zang Dubao had already made a battle plan. After submitting the report, Shao Shude looked at it and found that there was nothing wrong with it, so he replied: "Zang Qing decides on his own."—Of course, if there is a problem with the plan, He will not say such beautiful words.

Kang Yicheng, the Marquis of Yu of the Qing Sai Army, had just wrapped up his wounds. Seeing that the battle was tense, he pushed away the guards who were blocking him, and rushed to the south gate with more than two hundred people.

The main force led by Shao Shude is about to launch an offensive, marching northeastward, straight into the place where the Khitan people used to be (Kulun Banner).

The battle has entered a white-hot stage.

In his opinion, Baiwang City has basically fallen.

At the end, Immortal Zhong Jin got up straight away and said firmly, "Your Majesty, I beg you to give me a few more years, and I will definitely give back a Xinying Prefecture to the imperial court."

Shao Shude took a look, and he knew the battlefield situation clearly.

There was a roar like a tsunami on the battlefield.

The Khitan soldiers retreated step by step, the Jin soldiers advanced step by step, and the city gate was about to be captured.

These two routes are of a harassing nature, intended to confuse the Khitan people, making them unclear about the main attack direction of the Xia army, and they are at a loss when dealing with it.

He vaguely remembered that when the Spaniards entered the mouth of the Rio de la Plata and set foot on the pampas grassland for the first time in history, they left behind the big thistles brought from the old continent.As a result, this plant grew wildly on the fertile soil that had accumulated volcanic ash for tens of millions of years, and it was taller than a person.

Unexpectedly, Shao Shude's arrival aroused cheers from the government soldiers.

In the direction of Changxia Palace, Shao Zhili will conscript tens of thousands of young and strong men to harass Xiren's pasture.

Holding an iron mace, Kang Yicheng rushed into the crowd, ignoring the weapons summoned by the enemy, and swung the iron mace horizontally and vertically, invincible.

The iron spear is like a poisonous dragon, every time it stabs out at a tricky angle, wherever it passes, the enemy riders fall off their horses one after another.

Then Shao Shude talked with Li Siben about the construction of the state army and the local security situation, and then let him leave first.

Immortal Zhong Jin seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and said immediately after hearing it: "If there is a surplus of military food, you might as well allocate some to the state treasury. In the three counties of Tongding, Wulu, and Lai'an, there are a number of tribal households. The minister wants to organize them as households. Food and grass are available." lacking."

They arrived three days ago.

This old man is well-known in Hebei, but his official career is not going well.It is rare to meet a monarch who fully supports him and allows him to do whatever he wants. The joy in his heart is beyond words.

"The Fan Department of Yingzhou, can the requisition be completed?" Shao Shude asked again.

The northward route of Anton's mansion was the first to start, and it was attacked and harassed along the way, but it fought and advanced, and it was unstoppable. At this time, it was besieging Baiwang City.After conquering this place, they can go east to respond to Liaoyang, and then clean up the rear, and the Khitan people's pastures on the Liaohe Plain will be completely abolished.

Shao Shude also smiled, and personally called out the names of several former German military academies, and the cheers were even louder.

"Hmph!" Shao Shude stopped talking nonsense with the female slave and concentrated on watching the battlefield.

They didn't have many troops, and they didn't plan to fight recklessly, but tried every means to slow down their speed.During this period, several medium-scale battles broke out, and the Khitan was defeated.

Shao Shude was in awe.

The leader held an iron gun and led hundreds of cavalry, smashing the enemy cavalry out of the city head-on.

On May [-]th, Shao Shude, under the escort of five thousand cavalry from Yinanzhi, headed eastward, passing through Liaoxi (Yixian County) and Wulu (North Township), and arrived in Tongding County (northeast of Xinmin).

Shao Shude listened with a smile.

The Andalusian black cattle left by the Spaniards also became bison, and gradually multiplied into tens of millions.So that after the colonists killed the bison, they only took the cowhide and a small piece of meat from the back of the bull's eye, and abandoned the rest for birds and beasts to eat.

On the same day that Shao Shude arrived at Helong Palace, Anton's army surrounded Baiwang City, and it had officially entered the attacking stage.

When Zhong Jinxian talked about what he had done, he was very clear and in high spirits.

"Army rations should not be moved lightly." Shao Shude pondered: "I can order Beiping Prefecture to enlist conscripts and transfer a special batch of them. The six counties in Yingzhou will be paid to Qing."

"Your Majesty..." Yu Lujian looked at him pitifully.

But in the farming areas of the Central Plains, pastures cannot grow so luxuriantly, because the nutrients in the soil are absorbed by the crops, which is too barren.

After walking for a few days, they were discovered by Khitan people who came to graze.

Shao Shude turned his head to look at Yu Lu Jiangu, his face was not very good-looking: "Didn't you say that as soon as the army arrives, Baiwangcheng will surrender directly?"

"Wang Tieqiang!"

Chu Shenping handed over the silk map with both hands.

Old Zhong is a square person, he has experienced it before, and today he accepted the impact again, and he respected him even more.At the same time, I am a little ashamed, I just made your granddaughter's belly bigger...

"I know the merits of the Zhong Clan." Shao Shude said, "What else does Yingzhou lack?"

"Picture here!" Shao Shude stretched out his hand.

In fact, Yu Lu's meeting with the aunt still worked. At least someone did sacrifice the city gate, but it didn't work, and they were slaughtered.Fortunately, the Qingsai army moved quickly, swarming forward, regardless of casualties, fought hard with the enemy, and finally took back the city gate that was almost closed, and then pushed the desperately fighting enemies inside.

Shao Chengjie left Yingkou in the first ten days of April and headed north with more than [-] Han soldiers and horses.

It has been nearly three years since Chong Jinxian came to Yingzhou in the second half of the fourth year of Jianji.He used his old connections to bring many students and friends over.These people's other abilities may be mediocre, but they are very suitable as teachers to teach and teach. I heard that some people even paid for their own schools, academies, etc., and recruited students-sometimes, the enthusiasm of idealists is indeed amazing. .

"Your Majesty, Yingzhou is connected with the inside and outside. It is really important. There are many mountains and rivers, which are good for the breeding of cattle and sheep, and there are also a lot of fertile land for farming." Zhong Jinxian said: "I have been stabbing Yingzhou for three years. , More than [-] hectares of land have been opened up, two government-run pastures have been established, seven schools have been opened, and post roads have been renovated..."

From southern Liaoning to the northernmost tip of Bohai State, due to the temperature, the germination and growth of grass are not synchronized.An inch of grass is not enough for cattle and sheep to eat, and it will have to grow for another ten days.

Outside Tongding County, the army gathered, but it was not the main force brought by Shao Shude, but the troops who went north from Yingkou.

In addition to the four main forces, there are also some small-scale containment operations.

"Chongqing has been in Yingzhou for a while, how do you feel?" Shao Shude looked at the governor Zhong Jinxian again and asked.

"Your Majesty, the official system is the foundation of the Great Xia, how can it be despised? The children of the Zhong family, those who are successful can naturally be admitted to the official examination, and those who are not, even if they become officials, it is also a disaster. Your Majesty, please take back your order." Zhong Jin Xian said.

"Let them rest for three days, and then they will be under the control of Zang Dutou of the Tianxiong Army. The same goes for your troops," Shao Shude said.

"The city is broken!" The cheers from the east bank of the river shook the sky.

Shao Shude looked intently, sure enough, the Qing Sai army had entered from the south gate, and it was unstoppable.

The Khitan people on the top of the city rushed forward and scattered one after another.The morale of the Anton government soldiers and state soldiers was greatly boosted, they killed a few enemy soldiers who were still resisting, and bravely climbed to the top of the city.

Shao Shude laughed heartily. Since the expedition, the first Khitan city fell.

(End of this chapter)

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