Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 1339 Let Him Come

Chapter 1339 Let Him Come

People from all directions gathered here.

Aru Dunyu Yueyelu Shilu sat in the tent calmly, eating wine and food.

People outside the tent shouted horses and made a lot of noise.

There were groans from wounded soldiers, curses from chieftains, worried discussions, and high-spirited chatter and laughter.

Shilu has received a lot of news.

Thousands of cavalry from the Suju Department rushed straight to the vanguard of the Xia army and were defeated. They were then chased by Yingzhou shepherds, and more than 1000 people were lost.In short, this attempt failed.

Of course, Shilu didn't think it was a complete failure.

Probing, originally meant to find out the real combat power of the enemy, but now that you can see it, this is the side of success.

Others have succeeded.

Shuli from Liubu Xi successfully defeated the Yingzhou Fanqi who followed the Suju Department and killed more than [-] enemies. This is also a successful side.

They were the ones talking and laughing in the camp at this time.Shilu has allowed them to keep the captured horses and weapons. This is a reward to motivate them to continue fighting bravely in the next period of time.

Except for the people of Suju and Liubuxi, most of the chieftains are actually still in a state of indifference.They knew that the Xia people were not weak in battle, but their side might not have no chance of winning.There has never been a sure win on the battlefield. If they follow the traditional tactics of hunting wild beasts in the grassland, they may still succeed.

"Yu Yue!" Yeluqisi opened the big tent and walked in.

Shi Lu looked up and said, "Sit down and have some food together. We have to fight at night, if we don't have the strength, we can't do it."

After all, someone poured a bowl of wine for Ou Si.

Occasionally, you are welcome, and after eating a few pieces of meat, he picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

"Sigh, this big battle actually brought you out." Shi Lu responded with a bowl and smiled wryly.

"There are fewer and fewer of us old guys." Ou Si also sighed, and said: "Feng Gu only ran away, a lot of old people, how many years to live? I don't know what he is thinking. "

They are about the same age, even thinking about a few years younger.It's just that one was born in the Tieshi family, and the other was born in the Yunde Shi family.

In recent decades, the power of the Khitan Deira tribe has been hovering between the Tiela system, the second son of Salad, and the Shi system, the third son, Yunde.

Qisi, Fu Guzhi, Judi and others were all from the Tiela lineage, while Shilu and Abaoji were from the Yunde lineage.

At the very beginning, the Tieshi faction was very powerful, firmly suppressing the Yunde faction.However, there were great internal contradictions in the Tieshi Clan, and its jurisdiction had been suppressed by Fu Guzhi for a long time, and secretly allied with the Yunde Shi Clan, taking away Fu Guzhi's position in Yuyue.

After fighting and fighting, Fu Guzhi had already defected to Xia Kingdom and recruited many people.

Judi and Shilu changed from cooperation to confrontation, after all, they can't pee in the same pot at all.And after Abaoji became Khan, although the position of Yi Lijin, who was at the bottom of the jurisdiction, was still retained-this was achieved through elections, and Abaoji had no right to appoint or dismiss-but it had been emptied in fact, and his power was greatly reduced. shrink.

This time, he was even sent out by A Baoji to lead the way alone.What he can do depends on his fortune.

"Fu Gu is still obsessed with what happened back then." Shi Lu said with a smile, "Let's not talk about him. What's the situation outside?"

"Overall, it's okay." Ou Si said: "It's just that many people have doubts and are reluctant to consume their own followers. If there is a slight loss, it will be very distressing."

"It's this time, and I'm still thinking about my little calculations." Shi Lu said in a slightly mocking tone: "If the Xia people break down the eight parts, they will lose everything. Cities, pastures, farmland, cattle and sheep, money, Humans, which one can be kept? Do you want anything? In the worst case, you will be recruited by the Lord Xia, and all will be driven to the hot south to fight with those feudal towns over there. In the end, how many people will be able to go back? "

"Actually, they're not that selfish." Ou Si was a little embarrassed, because he had asked Yang Tuo Xia Ma Ge to lead his followers back in the direction of Hu Jie Mansion.

Of course, this was also approved by A Baoji.

Hujie Mansion is the land developed by the Bohai Kingdom during the years when it implemented the Northward Strategy. The territory is extremely vast. Although it is cold, there are water, mountains, and grasslands. The Khitan people have no problems living there.In fact, last year, the Eight Departments had already relocated some people there, not to prepare for a rainy day, but to occupy this newly acquired land—if the North Tower hadn’t been repaired early, Mozhou would be the location of the North Tower and become the core of Khitan hinterland.

"I am still willing to fight now. If the loss is too great, the fighting spirit will fade away." Shi Lu sighed, and said: "I only saw this, so I supported Abaoji's reform. The current Khitan is not good, but it is a pity that there is no It's time."

Occasionally silent.

He actually thinks this way too.Otherwise, do you think he, a nobleman from the Tiejia family, would support A Baoji so wholeheartedly?Ousi firmly believes that Abaoji is the dragon among men and can bring more benefits to Khitan.As one of the top executives of the Diela Department, he can also gain more benefits from it, far exceeding the current benefits.

"Don't think too much, let's have a good rest. We still have to fight at night." Shi Lu put down his wine bowl and said.

It is his task to do everything possible to delay Xia Jun.Charge, harass, dig pits, cut off food, etc., any method can be used, as long as it can effectively delay the enemy.

He will personally lead the team tonight and attack Xia people's forwards at night. I hope it goes well.

Shao Shude sits in the Dragon Palace, staring at the huge map on the wall all day long.

The painters have finally improved a bit, and the pictures they draw are finally less abstract, and the proportions are much more coordinated.

His eyes scanned up and down, and sometimes he even flipped through the military newspaper, and then stepped forward to make gestures and make various deduction.

Today is May 21. As the vanguard, a part of the Wansheng Yellow Head Army has defeated the enemy once in the east of the Tuhe River, beheading more than a thousand people.

The Tu River is the Mangniu River of later generations. In ancient times, the Tu River and the section of the river that merged into the Daling River were collectively called "Tu River". Tuyuhun lived nearby at first.

After they crossed the river, they did not rush forward, but felled wood to build a camp.More precisely, it is to build a large warehouse city to store grain and grass.

The main force of the Wansheng Yellow-headed Army also built a camp on the west bank of the river, and it continued to expand.

After the completion of these two warehouse cities, they will be able to store about 20 hu of grain, which can be used by [-] troops for two months.

"It's 140 miles away from Yingzhou, and the camp has been overhauled. Zang Dubao fought the war, and he has won my true teaching." Shao Shude said.

Chen Cheng looked at the saint's face, and he knew it. He only heard him say: "Your Majesty, it is quite suspicious for Yelu Shilu to go south from the Khitan government tent."

"Where is the doubt?" Shao Shude asked.

"Since the rise of the North Tower, West Tower, and South Tower, the Khitan Yazhang has ceased to be the center of Khitan. It is said that when Khan Chen Dejin was alive, he mostly lived in the West Tower and occasionally went to the South Tower. The Khitan Yazhang only had an empty city. All the merchants who have been there say that the city wall is low and flimsy, and it cannot withstand the attack of an army. Shilu is going south from the yamen tent, or he is confusing the king."

Shao Shude lowered his head and pondered for a while.

Generally speaking, people who go to Khitan for business would rather go to the West Building and East Building.

The west building is where the Khan is, so there is no need to say more.

The East Building is located in Longhua Prefecture, which is the military state under Abaojitou, where it is based. It is densely populated and relatively prosperous.In the fourth or fifth year of the founding of the Ji, Abaoji drove the slaves to expand the east city, and now there are two cities, the east and the west, and it is almost the largest city in Khitan, larger than the city of Yuewang, Toxiajunzhou of Yelv Shilu.

"Your Majesty, the Yuewang City is to the west of the Khitan Yazhang, Longhua Prefecture is also to the west, and the West Tower is to the west. What is the intention of the Khitan people to lead our army to the east?" Chen Cheng asked.

"In order to cut off our military supply road?" Shao Shude was thoughtful.

Going north to fight on the grasslands is sparsely populated and the distance is long, so the supply line will of course be very long.If the Khitan people want to make a fuss about this supply line, it's not impossible.

For them, today is a national war of life and death. Naturally, the whole people is mobilized, and most of them who can fight must go to battle. It is not a problem to collect more than 20 riders.

If you use partial divisions to contain other directions and concentrate on the main attack all the way, it is indeed a good strategy to adopt the strategy of luring the enemy to go deep.

One is that it can lengthen your supply line and increase your transportation costs.

The second is to consume the physical strength, energy and morale of your soldiers.

The third is to force you to divide your troops to guard the nodes on the supply line, disperse your forces, and create opportunities for him to fight more and less.

In this process, the Khitan may suffer huge losses. For example, the military city under the heads of the nobles was captured by the Xia army, but the Khitan has no better way.

What's more, since the Huns, the grassland people have seldom confronted you head-to-head.They adopted the hunting tactics of prairie wolves, delaying, harassing, constantly exhausting the enemy, and then going around to intercept the food road, severely weakening the enemy's morale, physical strength, and energy, and then launching the final decisive battle.

Shao Shude sat back in his chair and slowly recalled.

In his inherent impression, A Baoji is not a hero at all, and even a bit cunning.

In history, Shiwei, a black car, was hit. Shiwei sent people to Youzhou for help, and Liu Rengong sent his adopted son Zhao Ba to lead tens of thousands of elite soldiers to rescue.It turned out that the rescue messenger turned out to be a Khitan spy, who led the elite Yan army into the Khitan ambush, and tens of thousands of people were wiped out.

He conquered the Dongxi rebellion.Xi Ren defended against the danger and was unable to defeat him. A Baoji was able to let go of his body and sent people to surrender. He made a lot of good words and promised many conditions, and successfully earned Xi Ren to surrender.The results of it?Settle accounts after autumn.

He became brothers with Li Keyong, and then became a minister to Zhu Wen Fengbiao.Up to the time of Li Cunxu, the forces in Hedong had been threatened by this "uncle" who would kill him, and even fought two decisive battles. His nephew Li Cunxu beat his uncle Abaoji hard, and the north became more stable.

A Baoji doesn't have the courage to fight me head-on.

"Your Majesty, what Shilu did is probably to make our army mistakenly believe that the Khitan Yazhang is very important, and attract the main force of our army, and then he will go south to attack Yingzhou and Dragon Palace." Li Tangbin, who had never said a word, spoke. Yes, and as soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"A Baoji knows I'm here?" Shao Shude asked.

"It's okay to give it a try." Li Tangbin said, "If Zang Du can't do anything, and I heard that Helong Palace is besieged, and hastily rescued him, won't the opportunity come?"

Helong Palace has a city wall, and five thousand silver saddles are stationed there.

There are also mountains of grain and grass outside the city, which are stored in various camps and guarded by thousands of state soldiers from inside the pass.

In the opposite Yingzhou City, there is also the Yingzhou State Army.

Cavalry cannot attack a city, but they can cause panic.As Li Tangbin said, if Zang Dubao couldn't withstand the pressure and sent people back to help, it might create opportunities for the Khitan people.

The Huns, Turks and other grassland peoples like to use this tactic.

"How is Luhe Town?" Shao Shude asked suddenly.

Luhe Town is the former Tang Army Town, located in the southwestern coast of Jinzhou, where military rations are stored.

"There are already [-] state troops and [-] soil regiments guarding the area. Cangcheng has been built, and nearly [-] hu of grain is stored." Chen Cheng replied.

"Let him come." Shao Shude said.

(End of this chapter)

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